***** ******* ** ** ** ** ******* ***** activist times ** incorporated! ** ******** ******** ** ** ** ** ** ** ******** ******** ** ** ... ** ** . . .204. ... Monday, December 27, 1999. Connecticut. Ah LINUX, how sweet it is, Merry Chrizma, if only for a second or two, eh? Greetinsel, and welcome to ATI issue number 204. If anyone hasn't already noticed, next week's will be 200, and the one after that shall have to be 205. Follow that? Good, I might need ya later, 'cause I don't. Happy holidaze everybody. I'm prime anarchist and I'm typing this on the text editor that comes with LINUX. Can't wait until I'm behind the learning curve running it myself!!! Thanx, Sisyphus for this editor shell. I guess I should say this issue in its entire T is dedicated to Sisyphus. & nice screensaver btw: I think I like the one in the middle best. Nite B4 last I played Santa Klauz. That was neato. I felt like the big phat red&white Kachina for two hours. The best part was knowing that for the moment, everyone believes in me. And even the ones who don't? Well for the moment, even they do too. Yeah! Go feel it sometime if you haven't yet. It's pretty awesome. & 2day was Kwaanza. Yeah, thank you Michael Bradford. Good stuff. Unity near the full moonity, in the community. Great to see. Great to be. One gospel song you don't want to sing a capella getting on an airplane right now - "There is a balm in Gilead." Prime! #'s http://www.dsl.org http://www.frucht.org http://www.bla-bla.com http://freespeech.org/mat http://cosmos.lod.com/~ati http://www.commondreams.org http://www.videoactivism.org http://www.laughingsquid.com http://www.criscenzo.com/jaguar http://www.thepentagon.com/primeanarchist http://www.freespeech.org/kokopeli/forth.html http://www.softwear-tnt.com/justplainfunny.html No LETTUCE this week. We couldn't get to the green grocer, sorry. (A)(C)(T)(I)(V)(I)(S)(T) (T)(I)(M)(E)(S) Tourists and Terrorists: Giuliani 2000 By Robert Lederman reprinted by prime anarchist world news [PAWN] According to Mayor Rudolph Giuliani Times Square on New Year�s Eve is the safest place to be in all of New York City with midtown Manhattan locked down like a giant maximum security Federal penitentiary. Aptly named project Archangel, Mayor Darksides� ominous security plans include having his imperial troops, eight thousand uniformed cops, stand guard duty in Times Square backed up by hundreds of FBI agents, private security guards and operatives from other Federal agencies. The remainder of the City�s 40,000 uniformed police officers will take time out from their Christmas assignment of rounding up and arresting homeless families to diligently search the subway tunnels and streets of New York City for potential terrorists and Giuliani critics. Roofs in Times Square will be manned by crack teams of police snipers with night vision scopes mounted on their high-powered rifles. Every parked car in a mile long three block wide strip of midtown will be towed to prevent the deployment of car bombs. The party-going public will be herded cattle-like through an endless maze of police barricades and metal detectors and treated to body searches in below zero temperatures. Many attendees are expected to be arrested on the way to the event simply for possessing alcohol, a substance zero-tolerance Giuliani believes often leads to terroristic anti-social acts such as dancing, solicitation of prostitutes and public urination. Manhole covers will be welded shut. Mailboxes will be sealed. Every garbage can in midtown will be removed. Hundreds of undercover police officers will be circulating through the partying crowd disguised as tourists. As they do in Washington Square Park with marijuana sales officers will run sting operations, in this case offering to sell high school kids everything they need to make their own New Year�s bomb and then busting them as "terrorists". For the past few weeks the NYPD has been bribing hundreds of informants in order to get them to report threatening comments they�ve overheard from drunks bragging in neighborhood bars or the thinly-veiled threats of community activists. Are the enormous expenses of this event and it�s unprecedented and ultimately futile security precautions worth the economic and social cost to the taxpayers of New York City? This is not a Presidential inauguration, the signing of an international peace treaty or anything of genuine public value that justifies either the cost or the risks involved. This once stirring celebration of diversity and democracy has been reduced to nothing more than a slick ad for Disney, the Times Square Business Improvement District and the Giuliani for U.S. Senate campaign. Watching the ball drop on New Year�s Eve was once an authentic celebration by actual New Yorkers who traveled by subway from ethnic neighborhoods in all five boroughs. They came to share a collective experience in the center of a real city. Giuliani�s ersatz "party" is closer to Hitler�s 1937 Olympics celebration than the New Year�s event which became a symbolic celebration of freedom renowned throughout the world. Giuliani isn�t celebrating a New Year so much as his cleansing of New Yorkers and authentic New York culture from Times Square. The hotdog stands, shoeshine parlors, peep shows, all-night movie theaters, hookers, hustlers and gritty texture of a flesh and blood city have been replaced by a sterilized Mickey Mouse mall every square inch of which has been tagged with mind-boggling fluorescent graffiti. This corporate freakshow on steroids is prowled by an army of black uniformed cops whose sole mission is to protect tourists from low income New Yorkers and to uphold the real estate values of Giuliani�s top contributors. Aside from terrorists, virtually all of the two million participants expected to be in Times Square this New Years Eve will be tourists. No sane New Yorker would venture anywhere near midtown as Giuliani pulls the lever on his Police State 2000. The idea that Adolf Giuliani�s army of poorly trained and underpaid cops, who are known to despise Furhrer Giuliani, can somehow prevent a genuine attack by determined terrorists is ludicrous. Not even the real Hitler with his real Gestapo was able to prevent acts by determined terrorists. If actual terrorists wanted to make a big splash in Times Square they could have securely planted their bombs or gas canisters months ago. Then what�s the point of Project Archangel, Lucifer-Giuliani�s aptly named contingency plan to thwart a terrorist attack? Like the event itself the security arrangements are nothing more than an advertisement for Emperor Giuliani and the police state he hopes to usher in for the new millennium. Ironically, the biggest threat to the tourist throngs in Times Square will probably be the NYPD itself, which Giuli-anus is fond of calling, "the most restrained police force in the U.S." Here�s the likeliest disaster scenario. While peering through a defective nightscope obtained from a supplier/contributor linked to the Giuliani administration a police sniper on the 30th floor of a Times Square office building thinks he�s seeing a drunken tourist make a threatening move, perhaps only flipping Giuliani the bird. With no time to do anything but act, he takes the poor sucker out. In a domino effect hundreds of panicy cops on the street misinterpret the police sniper fire Diallo style and begin blasting back. After thousands of rounds of newly distributed exploding bullets are expended and the Square is littered with dead and wounded tourists, Commissioner Safir and Hollowpoint Giuliani will cite "contagious fire", the same explanation they gave for how four cops fired 41 times at unarmed West African immigrant Amadou Diallo last February. The most cost-effective thing a government can do to reduce the threat of terrorism is to stop pissing off so many people. To be anything more than an insane act of meaningless violence politically-motivated terrorism depends on grievances that are popularly understood and commonly agreed with. Even though Mayor Giuliani has no influence whatsoever on foreign policy, the Giuliani administration inordinately fears terrorists because it specializes in oppressing people. Vast numbers of those who live in New York City now feel victimized by the Mayor and his circle of thugs. Like a mob boss that expects to be cut down at any moment Giuliani is paranoid because he knows better than anyone the multitude of people who have a legitimate grievance against him. He went so far as to invent bogus warnings from the FBI that City Hall was in imminent danger from terrorists in order to restrict access to New Yorkers. These imaginary warnings were later publicly denied by the FBI itself. We do face a real terrorist threat in New York City but it�s not from fundamentalists in turbans or bible belt militias. The main suspect resides in Gracie Mansion, has a taxpayer funded office in City Hall and lately hides out in his high-tech bunker in the World Trade Center. He depicts himself as an advocate of law and order while actually being the biggest lawbreaker in the entire City. While mouthing platitudes about the glories of liberty and free speech and the dignity of work, he uses 680 lawyers to subvert the Constitution, is an outright enemy of anyone�s free speech but his own and has a view of work closer to a WWII forced labor camp than an actual job. As the ball drops in Times Square on New Year�s Eve let�s hope we will be seeing the final curtain call in the career of Mayor Rudy Crueliani. If not, we may be seeing the opening act in what is sure to be the police state future the Malathion Madman foreshadowed in his most infamous quote: "Freedom is not a concept in which people can do anything they want, be anything they can be. Freedom is about authority. Freedom is about the willingness of every single human being to cede to lawful authority a great deal of discretion about what you do and how you do it." Mayor Giuliani, New York Times, March 17, 1994. Have a Happy and safe New Year and do yourself a favor by staying far away from Fooliani�s nightmarish party in Times Square. Robert Lederman is an artist, a regular columnist for both the Grenwich Village Gazette [See: http://www.gvny.com/ ] and Street News. (A)(C)(T)(I)(V)(I)(S)(T) (T)(I)(M)(E)(S) ..& now, here's Cygnus with the news. Snakeskin, Utah -Dec 27,1999 -As the eve of the arguable new Millenium approaches, millions around the globe prepare for what could be the biggest celebration in recorded history. But for Church of Eternal Truth and Life, a different celebration is looming, with completely different preparations to be considered. They are preparing to meet their maker, and if needed give him a little hand in the process. But worries are apparent in Church Leaders. Nationwide stockpiles of some of the most common items instrumental in committing suicide are at a historical all time low. Year 2000 has profound psychological significance to many around this world. Most are concerned about the dreaded "Y2K" scenarios where computers will become fouled up, leading to the overnight demolishment of society and moral fiber which could lead to an unrecoverable collapse of civilization globally. However to some it marks the return to earth of Jesus, a popular religious figure and former Pro Wrestling star. Some fear that because Jesus recently celebrated his birthday that he may be too tired and hungover to make an appearance on Jan 1, 2000 so they have planned to meet him halfway. The National Institute for Mental Health confirmed Monday that some early cases of celebration have had to resort to braided dental floss in order to accomplish their goals. Throughout the year the longtime devoted have purchased the means to make this holy journey. With preferred suicide techniques such as head trauma caused by handguns, hanging by rope, asphyxiation, and drug overdose unavailable to the recently converted, some have suggested new and exciting ways to welcome Jesus back to his old stomping grounds. Immolation is one that comes up frequently. As Rev Jonas Pearson of The Church of the Eternal Truth and Life points out "Materials that are needed are available just about everywhere. And what better way of showing your devotion to Jesus than to be one of his Shining Stars in the night showing him the way to start his new reign on Earth??" All of this preparation is not all cloaked in gloom, as Squibb (Maker of the popular sedative Phenobarbital) and Kraft General Foods (maker of Jello brand pudding) announced on Monday higher than anticipated earnings for this year. According to Spokesman Jim McNeilly at Squibb "phenobarb is selling faster than Champagne and Viagra put together." Bill Cosby, longtime outspoken advocate of Jello Pudding refused to comment on the situation and then suddenly said "kids love Jello, Pudding, yum. And it goes great with anything." - Cygnus "this is all good news" [PAWN] President guts Boys and Girls Clubs - Gives It New Name By Turtle Neck. Special to Prime Anarchist World Newz. In a recent act of legislation Bill Clinton has made Boys And Girls Clubs "offlimits" to boys. He also enacted a name change to just Girls Clubs of America. "There's plenty of stuff to keep boys occupied these days," Said Clinton in today's full court press conference at Madison Rhombuss Garden. We need a club where girls can hang out. You know, work their way up to page or maybe intern." He said each girl will get her own seperate room, with all kinds of things in it at Government expense. Sort of a place to hang out, or hide, or invite the President. Whatever suits their whim. Boys will now have to move over to the Boy Scouts, Elks, the local congressional chapter of NAMBLA or maybe their regional FFA club. When asked how she felt about it, second lady Hillary took a moment from her busy New York stuff to say, "it all just makes me feel young again." ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Poetics Ends Us. SNAKE OIL SNEAKERS by marco Mommy, what's a Niketown? It's big honey. Very big. You mean like an oak tree? Bigger, baby. Really big. Maybe like a redwood. Or a huge sequoia. Mommy, what's a redwood? Well, it's big. Huge, like an oak but even bigger. You mean like a warehouse? Well yeah, but you buy things in it too. Or you could Work in one. You mean like a factory. Well, yeah. But you're not really making anything except Money and garbage. Oh, you mean like a McDonalds. Yeah. Sort of But bigger. ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Whew! That was a short issue. Hope you liked it. Watch for ATI 200 s00n! Be k00l! ATI, changing the way people read for over 4 years. ATI, a freedom paper. ATI, a way of life. ATI, more than just a newspaper, it's the rag read round the world. (A)(C)(T)(I)(V)(I)(S)(T) (T)(I)(M)(E)(S) Send letters to: ati@etext.org Go to our never-official website at: http://www.thepentagon.com/primeanarchist Get back issues at: http://www.angelfire.com/wi/kokopeli/cygnus.html And sign up for the once a week publication at our listserver. We'll let YOU FIND THAT ONE on your own.