Sheldon, I just took your Ghandi pic off my fone handset here. It's held up all this time! <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> <> <> <> ATI. Activist Times, Inc. <> <> <> <> >< ><><>< ><><>< >< ><><>< ><><>< <> <> < > <> <> < > <> <> <> <> ><>< >< >< ><>< >< >< <> <> < > <> <> < > <> <> <> <> > < >< ><><>< > < >< ><><>< <> <> <> <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> gr3ts n sh0UTz 2 U from actorz totally in-thuzed Something's terribly wrong. I wake up at 6:30am on a Monday needing to watch "Natural Born Killers," and "Three Kings." Then it occurs to me, like a small cinder block on the top of your head - hey colander head, you haven't collated last nite's ATI yet! PA SHOUTS BACK AT AP "The...nationalists offered clemency by President Clinton were members of two groups with ties to Cuban..." SO WHAT. WHAT ELSE HAS CUBA DONE TO U S BESIDES MAKE SUGAR AND HEALTHCARE FREE TO ALL??? "David Kaczynski shared the Justice Award with his wife...who first suspected..." TIPPER?? PHOOEY! EVEN IN MAFIA TIMES THE U.S. NEVER HONORED SNITCHES, STOOLS AND STOOGES. AT LEAST NOT OVERTLY. GET THE LOG OUT OF YOUR EYE, LADY LIBERTY. THESE ARE SCAREY TIMES. "National Council of Churches Is In Dire Straights." GOOD. WE DIDN'T NEED THEM ANYHOW. ON WITH THE INKUISITION. "The Judge is-sued..." I WISH. "Wyoming looks to restore it's image." IMAGE? IMAGE??? IMAGE! IF THAT'S ALL YOU'RE WORRIED ABOUT RIGHT NOW, HOLY COW. LET'S PUT THE WHOLE STATE UNDER WATER. ON WITH THE AQUAZITION. "But if Trump declares as a candidate, he has 30 days to file a financial disclosure report." LET'S SEE, I KNOW. 4 WEEKS IS plenty OF TIME TO FILE AN APPEAL B E F O R E THE COURT CASE EVEN BEGINS, A N D DONATE ALL YOUR CASH TO YOUR OWN PRIVATE TRUST FUND, JUST IN CASE. IF YOU NEED ADVISEMENT THERE, SEE BILL GATES. BRING ON THE OP-IZITION. And in other news: Have you seen this pen? MEN: Don't lose benefits! Use this to Register with Selective Service, or use the So why did this thought suddenly jump into my head when I scanned that red white and blue expensive LOOKING Bic, corp. pen? A woman is like an ad agency. Always trying to get you to click at certain spots. I'm your prime anarchist and this is my prime anarchist productions #'s run for Sunday, 7nov99. It is eighteen hundred hours on the dot. Wait, nope a little after that. (A)(C)(T)(I)(V)(I)(S)(T) (T)(I)(M)(E)(S) (A)(C)(T)(I)(V)(I)(S)(T) (T)(I)(M)(E)(S) ===== =LETTUCE= ===== Dear marc frucht: Thank you for taking the time to contact me regarding the School of the Americas. I appreciate having the benefit of your views on this matter. I am appalled at the very high number of SOA graduates who have been implicated in human rights abuses throughout Latin America, especially those responsible for the killings of the Jesuits in San Salvador, and others cited as human rights violators by the U.N. Truth Commission. I recognize that the Pentagon and others have argued that the SOA plays an important role in professionalization of Latin American military leaders by providing training in human rights and in the appropriate role of the military vis-a-vis civilian governments in democratic societies. However, I believe the long record of abuses perpetrated by many of SOA's graduates undermines the strength of those arguments. To the contrary, closing the SOA would be an important signal of the Administration's commitment to promoting human rights and democratic institutions throughout Latin America. As you may know, I am an original cosponsor of S. 908, a bill which would require the Secretary of the Army to close the SOA. This legislation is currently being considered by the Senate Committee on Armed Services. In addition, the FY 1998 Foreign Operations Appropriations bill signed into law by the President on November 26, 1997, mandates that no funding shall be provided for military training at the SOA until the Secretary of Defense certifies that certain requirements have been met. First, it must be consistent with the training provided to U.S. military personnel. Second, specific guidelines regarding the selection and admission of students to the SOA must be established. Finally, the Secretary of Defense must submit a report to the Committee on Appropriations detailing training activities and providing an assessment of the performance of the SOA's 1996 graduates. As I have stated previously, I believe we spend too much on international military aid, education and training, and I'll continue to oppose wasteful and unnecessary spending in this area which could better be used to meet pressing domestic needs. Again, thank you for contacting me. I hope that you will continue to keep me informed about matters that concern you. Sincerely, Paul David Wellstone United States Senator ----====---- You might want to try the official Iris DeMent web site at: Thanks JJ ----====---- to You're full of it! ***************** ***************** Thom ----====---- (...a repeat...) to If you like poetry try: Turley (248) (...4 emphASIS...) ----====---- Date: 02/08/1999 Source: San Francisco Examiner (CA) Author: Dianne Vantomme Subject: School Of The Americas' As Ally, Not Foe, Of Drug Trade The Pentagon continues to maintain the School of the Americas purportedly to fight drug production and trafficking in Latin America There is mounting evidence, ironically, that the military in many Latin American countries is deployed to PROTECT the drug trade. Recruits to the "school" at Ft. Benning, Ga., are allegedly arriving with bags of drug money to be laundered in the States. About the Rev. Roy Bourgeois himself: He is the antithesis of the angry fanatic railing against monstrous foreign policy. He made his statement, for which he served time in federal prison, and he remains a man of hope and joy. Thanks to Salter's article more of us will join Father Roy's campaign to close the School of the Americas. Bill and Henrietta Griffitts Martinez Regarding Stephanie Salter's article on the "School of Assassins / School of the Americas," and on the previous page the editorial, "Margaritas at the monastery" : Thank you for giving us worthwhile, meaningful and helpful articles. I have one question: Why is the School of the Americas so protected by our government? Dianne Vantomme Half Moon Bay ----====---- So how do you deal with violence? Run from it? Ignore it? Enlighten me on how to remove corrupt officials from office without violence. One of the key points of the Manifesto is that refusing to accept violence as a legitimate option ignores the example of our founding fathers. Corrupt officials do not die and go away. They breed and contaminate. DRGWR (619) (A)(C)(T)(I)(V)(I)(S)(T) (T)(I)(M)(E)(S) 100 LESS GREAT MOMENTS IN THE AMERICAN CENTURY. What's this obsession with greatness. And why is appearing great more important than being great to most? I leave out problems I have with calling ours the American Century, (can you say ethnocentrism for one?) there are too many. I will just mention one more and move on with it. In the Guitar Anarchy Tips #'s 5,6,7 8... cha cha cha! dept: I've seen so many albums come out this decade saying so and so sings or plays The Greatest Christmas Songs. Well for next year, I'm publishing "Marco Sings and Plays The Mediocre Christmas Songs." Anyhow, here's a list with little or no explanation (BECAUSE I DON'T HAVE TO) of the top things I think happened from quite a while before I was born until "nowish." THE DUMBEST AMERIKAN CENTURY AS TOLD BY ANARKIST PREIM These 69 are about all you need to know. 68 things happened between 1900 and 1999. There's liable to be 70 more in the next month and a half, but for brevity sake we dare not dally over there. -month- -year- ...event... ...explanation if need be... 12 89 United States each begin recovering from a great depression. The inventor of the slide rule warns of a millenium bug that will ruin things "sometime in the next 100 years or so." 11 00 "Fighting Bob" LaFollette elected governor of WI. 2 06 "The Jungle" the book. 11 06 Teddy Roosevelt visits Panama Canal 6 09 "The Melting Pot" the broadway play. 5 11 Standard Oil Dilutes. Rockefellor can't make a buck unless he wants to borrow money from the Gates's up on Oak Street. 8 12 Bull Moose Party. Makes Ross Perot look like... ...well, not Nader/LaDuke 2 13 16th ammendment. They'll stone you when you make an extra buck... 8 20 A woman gets to vote. Wow, what an idea. 8 27 Nicola and Bartolomeo execution (sacco & venzetti for you readers digest types) many riots 10 29 Stock Market crash. Shoulda told us something. 8 35 Social Security Act "they'll stone ya..." 10 38 WOW. And not Womens Rasslin. Orson Welles 9 40 Ed Morrow. 2 42 Rosie the Riveter. (women still don't conscript at 18 like I did. "We" didn't do it. We just danced and beat the drum!) 6 44 D Day. Everyone's favorite day. I don't see what all the rave is. I mean they weren't the Beatles. Why were that many people on one beach??? Ira Hayes storms Iwo Jima while Forrest Kassanavoid takes Utah beach with Ike trying for Normandy. Russia spanks Hitler and Bill Gates gives the army the credit. Kissinger agrees to loan ITT, Maggie Thatcher and Gates a couple bucks. 8 45 US kills 138,000 nuking to save "millions." Never any of Jesus "Sheep" parables, didja? 4 47 Jackie Robinson risks his life and death. 6 47 Groton Town built on scorched potatoe fields. The 30,000 burb home is launched. See Brady Bunch... 7 47 Oppenheimer says "Uranium Sucks" 7 47 CIA born 7 47 Kissinger born again. 11 48 Dewey thinks he won 9 52 Checkers. Almost more important than Woodstock. But then you can't have one without the other, heh? 6 53 Rosenbergs murdered. Like many of Hitler's victims across the giant river, they were lower middle class artists who loved each other very much and raised children with compassion 'til death. 5 54 Brown man (topeka?) v. Bored of White man. 6 54 Army/Navy, I mean Army/McCarthy, halftime. Century's most profound? Don't scare me... 12 55 Rosa Parks goes to jail. Sign me up... ...You're not telling ME where to sit either. I just can't stand it... 6 56 Eisenhower signs to build roads for the military, then civs! 9 56 The big E followed by the little L. (elvis?) 9 57 Little Rock. National Guard, Regular Army AND state and local po-lice? Surprised you didn't send the Peace Corps Volunteers. The police state grows up. We've been plagued ever since, no thanks 2 William Jefferson Clinton. Fascist... 7 59 Nikita wallops Dick over the head with a Converse Allstar 5 60 FDA approves the pill, herpes, unbleached needles, and puts out a call for some good coke. George George, nowhere to be found. Where's that little sniffer when you need him? 5 60 U2 incident. Bono throws tantrum, rejects pablum. Mom at a loss. Calls Dr. Spock. Ritalin invented in Westchester, Conn. by someone, I forgot. Not Eli Whitney... 7 60 To Kill a Mockingbird, the movie 9 60 Kennedy/Nixon pretend there's forum, debate, democracy and issues. 1 61 Kennedy says in 1300 words or less what his quest for struggle against common enemies will consist of. Overcoming tyranny, poverty, disease and war? Watch your back: Dallas 1300 hours! Who knew... 2 62 John Glenn snubbed. Whines all the way into gerentology. 10 62 Kruchev, Nixon and Castro fight over Monica Lewinski's dad's cigar. Fancy that, they didn't know it was just bubble gum. Neither did Monica. 6 63 Governor Wallace uses the 'N' word publicly. "Nigger," in case you didn't know. No one kicks him. Shame. 8 63 MLK's famous "I have a dream" speech. "No Dick; You can't deport him. He was born here." 8 63 Medgar Evers, Bob Dylan, Quarter Million, DC. Kissinger to Nixon: "No, you can't deport him, he's Jewish. They'll nuke us. 11 63 Kennedy killed. Kissinger laughs at a Lenny Bruce joke. Or was that Lenny Bruce killed, Kennedy laughs at Kissinger, I don't remember. 2 64 Lyndon Junior born out of wedlock. 2 64 Prime Anarchist born in the same Norwalk hospital. 7 64 Civil Rights Act. 4 67 "No Viet Kong ever called me Nigga." M. Ali 1 68 tet offensive. (isn't all of war?) 2 68 Cesar Chavez Hunger Strike. He means biz... 4 68 MLK jr killed 6 68 a Kennedy killed, civil gov't gives up the ghost 8 68 Mayor Daley, Abbie Hoffman. Need I say more? ...what, Abbie's not allowed to be a Bears fan? 8 69 Woodstock. I love the number 69. Safe and warm. 7 71 Pentagon Papers. You mean nothing's changed? 6 72 Bob, Carl, Watergate. No Lewinski yet. 1 73 Roe vs Wade. Contrary to popular belief this has nothing to do with Danforth Quayle. "Roe," Is a clean. "Wade," Is a dirty... 8 74 Nixon Resigns ...Claims he was set up. "I thought you meant "sign again..." 3 79 3 Mile Island 11 79 No one knows about Iran Contra yet. 52 human beings used as pawns. Not the first time in US hist... 3 81 With just 4 words, Hollywood henchman R Reagan pulls off the largest newsroom coup in US history. "You're too liberal lately," sends almost every legitimate news organ including radio and especially TV so far to the right their butts hurt. Dittoheads from sea to shining sea still try to abuse that phrase to this day. 7 87 Oliver North subpeona'd. Edwin Meese spends three days straight trying to erase every single e-mail in the White House. His ISP turns over duplicates of all the ones between him, Reagan and Noriega. Meese turns state and gets a cushy job in a midwest suburb with a new wife and a new dog. Or was that a new dog and a new... (wag checkers?) 89ish, 90ish. Rome vs. Dade. It's all a blurr to me. Noriega hides out in the Vatican, Carter nukes Hitler, Gadafi calls Bush a sodomizer, Rogaine loses his mind, we lose our freedom, (have you seen spot?) M. Ali says "let my people go." Monica wags Nixon's hot-dog. What DID happen those years? 4 92 Rodney King 4 92 Clinton has sax with MTV. Youth ask him, if elected... ...will you come right back on for "town meeting? A resounding yes. 5 years later he shows. I'd call that a screwing. 3 95 Oklahoma City bombing. Gov't tries desperately to paint it as not right wing terrorism 11 99 School of the Americas closes its doors. Clinton gives famous speech releasing Leonard Peltier and Mumia Abu Jamal saying our people will never again support death squads, paramilitaries, assassinations, election fraud and verbal abuse. 12 99 Prime Anarchist wakes up to the same Aparteid Amerikan Style he's known and lived under since before he was born. (A)(C)(T)(I)(V)(I)(S)(T) (T)(I)(M)(E)(S) "You are about to be told one more time that you are America�s most valuable natural resource. Have you seen what they do to valuable natural resources? Have you seen a strip mine? Have you seen a clearcut in the forest? Have you seen a polluted river? Don't ever let them call you a valuable natural resource. They're going to strip mine your soul. They're going to clearcut your best thoughts for the sake of profit, unless you learn to resist. Because the profit system follows the path of least resistance and following the path of least resistance is what makes a river crooked ... make a break for it kids, flee to the wilderness the one within if you can find it." --folk singer Utah Phillips addressing the Washington State Young Writers Conference, from "The Past Didn't Go Anywhere" CD collaboration between Utah Phillips and Ani DiFranco ---___---___---___---___---___---___--- CLOSINGTHESOACLOSINGTHESOACLOSINGTHESOA ---___---___---___---___---___---___--- 3...2...1...Rrring! cAPE cANAVERAL - pRIME aNARCHIST wORLD nEWZ 2nITE. With the push of 10 tele- phone buttons, Gov. Jeb Bush launched a new area code Monday for the Cape Canaveral, Fla., area: 321. That's 3-2-1 as in liftoof! Bush used the new area code to call NASA offi- cials and dignitaries in a conferencing room at the Kennedy Space Center. The new area code was the "one of those light-bulb ideas," Bush said, that should draw even more attention to Brevard County and the space industry. (A)(C)(T)(I)(V)(I)(S)(T) (T)(I)(M)(E)(S) > NEW PROOF MOBILE FONES MAKE YOU LOSE YOUR MEMORY > EGYPT, RI - (PAWN) New evidence has emerged > that mobile phones damage long-term memory. > > It follows Sunday Mirror revelations > that British Telecom is being sued by > an ex-employee who claims using > the phones has made him senile as a rat > at a mere 38. > > One of America's leading experts on > mobile phones - Ricky The Rat Renaldo told > a telemarketer (and I quote) to "f*ck > off," and upon litigation for slander > is telling the judge last friday through > his attorney Moses Habeus, that he doesn't > even remember having spoken on the phone > at all that day, much less to a telemarketer. > > This is a landmark precedent case, says > Dr Henry Lai of the University of Washington > law school. > "If this rat wins," says Lai it will > remain in the court's long-term memory. > And while the "normal" rats don't > use cellular phones, the "exposed" rats, > the ones with opposable thumbs, had forgotten > their place in society. > > Dr Lai told Good Morning America last night: > "The long-term memory of virtually all > the 'exposed' rats appeared to have > been affected." > > Previous studies have already linked > mobile phones with short-term > memory loss and confusion. > > But Dr Lai's findings - which will > shortly be published in Activist Times > Journal - are the first to cast doubts > on long-term memory. > > He said: "I don't remember a thing. > > "If Short-term memory loss is just > telling a telemarketer to 'f*ck off' > sign me up. > > "Long-term memory is something > which has been learned or recalled > and stored in the brain. > > "The data from this latest study is > certainly a cause for celebration." > > The Sunday Mirror revealed in April > that former Buford T. Corp. engineer > Steve Corney was taking the company > to court claiming he now suffers > rat-like behavior. > > He said: "Five years ago seems like > last week to me because I can't > remember where I put my thumbs. > It's like I had them before, but now > I can't even dial a phone." > Buford T. Corp. denies the claim. > > Meanwhile, the House of Commons > Science and Technology Committee > has demanded the Government put > extra cash into parking meters > so that rats who drive won't have > the added expense of purchasing > pants with pockets. > > The Department of Trade and Industry > is expected to try and remember their > response in the next few weeks. -30- As is the traduccion, (sic.) we end with a homemade poem. ...this one's called Usury: American Style! If you pay full price Even when you can't "Afford" to - you Aren't paying as much As one who deals. If you give away Without looking back At a loss - you'll get back More than one who Steals. ----====---- PAWN, Prime Anarchist World Newz is a Holy Rolled Sub City Airy of PAP, Prime Anarchist Productions; NOPE, NoOne in Particular Enterprises; and ATI, Activist Times Inc. All rights remain equal and opposite any lefts you will make, and don't forget your lunch money is on the table next to the butter. Like What You See? Don't Like? S U B M I T S O M E T H I N G B E T T E R ! ! !