|CanceR|-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=|CanceR| _ _ __________ / /�FTERSHOCK INC. \ / | | | | | Source for MGRMAIL (C) | / | | _|__|_ | Issue #9 * 05/08/1993 | /| | || \ \ _ . by Nitro-187 ._ / ||__|__||___ | | | \ / DISCLAIMER : Congress Shall make no law \ / respecting an establishment of religion, or | | prohibiting the free excersize therof; or | | abriging the freedom of speech, or of the | | press; or the right of the people peaceably /�FTERSHOCK to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.. |CanceR|-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=|CanceR| Here's a source in C I got from a Bellcore 'puter.... - /* Copyright (c) 1987 Bellcore * All Rights Reserved * Permission is granted to copy or use this program, EXCEPT that it * may not be sold for profit, the copyright notice must be reproduced * on copies, and credit should be given to Bellcore where it is due. * BELLCORE MAKES NO WARRANTY AND ACCEPTS NO LIABILITY FOR THIS PROGRAM. */ /* $Header: mgrmail.c,v 4.2 88/06/22 14:37:50 bianchi Exp $ $Source: /tmp/mgrsrc/demo/misc/RCS/mgrmail.c,v $ */ static char RCSid_[] = "$Source: /tmp/mgrsrc/demo/misc/RCS/mgrmail.c,v $$Revision: 4.2 $"; /* Bug fixed by D. J. Raymond, New Mexico Tech -- wouldn't recognize * existing mail on startup. * Also, a few new functions added to the menu. * 13 Feb 92 -- When clicked on with no new mail pending, an old mailbox * file is asked for. This file is then processed in the usual way by * the mail program. The "-f" option used to do this limits one to * the use of Berkeley mail, or some other system that emulates this * command. A new flag, -mmaildir, has been added so that -f option * looks in that directory relative to the home directory. */ #include #include #include #include #include "term.h" #define MSG_1 "\fLooking for new mail" #define MSG_2 "\f\007You have new mail" #define MSG_3 "\freading mail ...\r" #define MSG_4 "\rChecking for new mail..." #define MSG_5 "\fMail window is active" #define MSG_6 "\rYou don't have mail " #define MSG_7 "Type name of mail file: " #define MSG_8 "Can't find that mail file!" #define MAILF "/usr/spool/mail" /* spool file */ #define MAIL "mail" /* name of mail command */ #define POLL 60 /* polling interval */ #define XPOS 240 /* x start of mail window */ #define YPOS 190 /* y start of mail window */ #define W_WIDE 650 /* width of mail window */ #define W_HIGH 394 /* height of mail window */ #define PROCESSED 2 /* new mail already processed */ #define S(x) statb.x #define Isflag(arg,flag) (!strncmp(arg,flag,strlen(flag))) #define Max(x,y) ((x)>(y)?(x):(y)) #define dprintf if(debug) fprintf #define MENU_COUNT (sizeof(menu)/sizeof(struct menu_entry)) struct menu_entry menu[] = { "print","t\r", "scroll"," \r", "backup","b\r", "reply","r\r", "save","S\r", "hardcopy","pi 'lpr -h'\r", "delete","dt\r", "next","n\r", "quit","q\r", "help","?\r", "headers","h *\r", "abort","x\r", }; struct stat statb; /* spool file status */ char mail[255]; /* spool file path name */ char command2[255]; /* command for reading prev. mail */ char mpath[255]; /* path of stashed mail file */ char mfile[255]; /* name of stashed mail file */ char mdir[255]; /* directory for stashed mail */ long omtime=0l; /* previous file mod. time */ int state = 0; /* mail & window state */ int poll = POLL; /* poll interval */ int debug=0; /* for mgrmail -d >& /dev/tty?? */ main(argc,argv) int argc; char **argv; { register int i; int xpos = XPOS; /* screen position of mail subwindow */ int ypos = YPOS; int font = -1; /* font to use for mail subwindow */ int shape = 1; /* initially reshape window */ char *command = MAIL; /* name of readmail command */ char *getenv(); char *user = getenv("USER"); char line[80]; /* event input buffer */ int clean(), update(); ckmgrterm( *argv ); /* make sure environment is ok */ if (user==NULL || *user=='\0') { fprintf(stderr,"%s: Who are you?\n",argv[0]); exit(2); } /* initialize stashed mail directory to null */ mdir[0] = '\0'; /* process arguments */ for(i=1;i|y|f|p|M]\n" ,name); exit(1); } -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-|-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-| Call These Systems..... |18003360188 - Check it out! | | | CUM <708>961/0927 |Outlands <907>247/4733 | Room 101 <708>265/1984 | | 13th Avenue <206>PRI/VATE | | -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-|-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-| (C)1993 /�FTERSHOCK/CanceR What Rights? -EoF-