ftp: etext.archive.umich.edu ____ _____ ___ pub/Zines/PfA | _ \| ___/ _ \ | |_) | |_ | |_| | | __/| _|| _ | |_| |_| |_| |_| - ASCii by ButterBoy (ButterBoy@sun4.mfp.com) www: http://venus.mcs.com/~advertiz/html/curio.html Editors: Dr. Menace - Editor in Chief Angel of Death - CoEditor in Chief AgEnT - Proof Reader Lord Valgamon - Token Poetry D00D Alloy - Token High Priest CyntaxEra - Token Biatch Shadow President - Political Coordinator Wolfie - Stupid Punk Kid U4EA - Token IcanBlueBoxFromHomeoffOf5ESS becuzihaveTonezThatDisableAMAcanuck Laymour xtactic - IRC-script haqr Nitro-187 - Official C0d3Z Pr0v1d3r (He alwayZ Ha5 th3 0day.) Pyr0t3ch - SprintNet NUA Scanner and Part-Tyme VMB hAqR and 800 # scAnNeR. Hellfire - Grunge Music Coordinator and Lyricist Eek - Red B0x1ng Auth0rity. /**************************************************************************/ /**************************************************************************/ /** **/ /** FAILURE DATA MATCHING SOFTWARE **/ /** Program: commsplit.c **/ /** **/ /** **/ /** This property is a proprietary trade secret of **/ /** Pacific Bell. Its use must conform strictly to the **/ /** license agreement between user and Bellcore. **/ /** Receipt or possession of it does not convey any **/ /** rights to divulge, reproduce or allow others to use **/ /** it without the specific written authorization of **/ /** Pacific Bell. **/ /** Copyright (c) 1991 Pacific Bell (pending). **/ /** All Rights Reserved. **/ /** **/ /**************************************************************************/ /**************************************************************************/ /* CONNECTED TO CITIBANK TOKYO - CBT9,PORT 5 CITIBANK N.A. JAPAN BRANCHES ((((])))) (((((((((( )))))))))) (((((((((((((( )))))))))))))) (((((((((((((((( )))))))))))))))) (((((((((((((((( )))))))))))))))) (((((((((( C I T I B A N K I N G )))))))))) (((((((((((((((( )))))))))))))))) (((((((((((((((( )))))))))))))))) (((((((((((((( )))))))))))))) (((((((((( )))))))))) ((((])))) SMS - SIGN-ON NOT ACCEPTED ************************************************************ R 3.2 *** A02CICS6 26 JUL 94 TIME 13:10:48 NAME Apple.com does not have a generic "guest" account. Apple.com is run by Engineering Data Systems as a general resource for all Apple employees and contractors. If you want an account on this machine, and are an Apple employee or contractor, please go to the Free Trade Zone: K-7 Server: Free Parking Volume: Unix Accounts folder: Unix Accounts database and fill out the required form. Please fill it out completely, as incomplete forms are automatically deleted. If you are not near a Campus or Engineering Net connection, please send an AppleLink to NEW.ACCTS requesting the form for a Unix Account on apple.com. Make sure you specify that you are unable to get to the database. If you're a curious poker trying your luck at system cracking, you've come to the wrong place. First of all, since this system is connected to the outside world in as many ways as we can think of, we don't keep any company confidential information on it. Second, we take computer security very seriously. All bad login/password combinations attempted on this system are logged, and there have been various other unique modifications made to this system to improve its security. We cooperate with the authorities to prosecute system crackers. This link will be dropped in 60 seconds. n0w th4t w3 h4v3 shm4q3d 3w3 w1th th3 0-d4y..... 0nt0 th3 m4g4z1n3. The Sons of Liberty of - - - - The People's freedom Association - - - PRN: 8 PfA: The legally questionable digest for open mindz... Disclaimer: The information in this publication perataining to things such as, but not limited to, computer hacking, phone phreaking, drug making, weaponsmithing, and other illegal acts is provided on a so you know policy. We take no responsibility if you actually do the shit! P.S.: Don't get caught, d00dz! Have p/h/u/n! ----- ------- ======================================================================== Letter from the head guys: Hey! This is Dr. Menace and Angel of Death. We're the guys in charge of all this bullshit. We imagine you are no doubt thinking, "Oh god. Another fly-by-night underground computer hacker magazine!" Well, we actually have a purpose for this one. Here's the story: One day Angel of Death and myself were sitting around. We realized that "Hey, there are magazines on drugs, magazines on weapons, magazines on phreaking, and magazines on hacking, but no really wonderful compilations all of the above." (Of course, I am para- phrasing.) So here is the fruits of our effort. I hope ya like it. ======================================================================== This week's letter from Dr. Menace: Hello friends and associates. I realize that I have been very irresponsible about releasing issues. Do I care? No. I DON'T GET PAID FOR THIS SHIT. Anyways this took a little longer. Our first digest sized (50+ kilobytes.) issue. Hopefully a little practicality in this issue. p.s. - in this issue we have included Solctice's article in TWaT 3 about "All the Idiots I met at Hope" in h0p3z that ewe d00dz can see that solctice iz k-rad and u are all a bunch of kiddiEz! You guys are so lame! U know nothing! AlriGht One last thing. Right before ouR appendixes in this issue there iz our Sub-Zine. It's called Criminal Behavior and is k-rad anarchY. It R00lZ. ======================================================================== LaME things LaME people have said | KeWL things KeWL people have about PfA: | said about PfA: | "You have to admit, Menace, your | "I like the PfA magazine and want mag does blow dicks" | more info" -Synapse | - zalstein@libra.math.tau.ac.il | | | ======================================================================== T H E C O M P U T E R L A B O R A T O R Y U N D E R G R O U N D [[ [[[[[ [[ [[ [[ [[[[[ [[[[[[[ [[[[[[[ [[[[[ [[ [ [[ [[ [[ [[ [[ [[ [[ [[ [[ [[ [[ [[ [[ [[ [[ [[ [[ [[ [[[[[[[[ [[ [[ [[ [[ [[ [[ [[ [[[[[[[[ [[[[[[ [[ [[ [[ [[[[[[ [[ [[ [[ [[[[[[ [[ [[ [[ [[ [[ [[ [[ [[ [[ [[ [[ [[ [[ [[ [[ [[ [[ [[ [[ [[ [[ [[ [[ [[ [[ [[ [[[[[[[ [[[[ [[[[[ [[ [[ [[ [[[[[ [[[[ 5 1 5 - 2 3 2 - 7 6 3 1 You must call this board... OR GO TO HELL! NO WAREZ --- NO CODEZ --- NO RATIOS --- NO HASSLES Online 24 Hours at 14.4 Kbps with all that v.32 crap Using Waffle 1.65 the INDUSTRIAL STRENGTH BBS software IIRG Phantasy Distro Site, uXu Official U.S. Distro site Iowa's ONLY all-text BBS! Internet E-MAIL and Usenet NEWS! EFF Member BBS, cDc Global Domination Factory Outlet (r-s-n) YOU WON'T BELIEVE IT'S AN XT! For entertainment purposes only! -- M. "Hannibal" Toal - 719 Meadow Place - Ames IA 50010 - 515-233-4648 hannibal@iastate.edu - mtoal@nyx.cs.du.edu - system@puternet.netmail.com CLU 'puternet BBS - 515-232-7631 - 8N1 - 14.4 - Waffle 1.65 - all text "In the future, everyone will be famous for fifteen minutes." - Andy Warhol ========================================================================= Shout outs: y0y0 what's up to Nitro-187 (TWaT is rad dude! More on that l8r.), Mark Tabas - keep 0n r0ck1nG d0d3., DrFreeze, paradox (Hey dude, sure 16 may be a late start for puberty, but don't feel bad. The world record is 34! Compared to that, you're almost kind of normal!) Oh yeah and NC-17 and The Warden, ewe d00dz are k-rad w4r3z!@#!##!!@@!!#$!!#&*#!*!##!!!@## ======================================================================== ________) ( / / / / ___ /___ / __ / / ) / ) / /__) of Kontentz... / (___/( (_/____/ (__/ (___ This Issue'z Philez: (1) - Monoplegic Cat Skinning written by: Angel of Death (2) - The ButtHarp written by: Dr. Menace (3) - Making your Own Liquor written by: Wolfie (4) - Guide to Dumpster Diving written by: Angel of Death (5) - xkill irc script written by: xtactic (6) - The WaReZ D00D written by: various sources. (7) - All the Idiots at Hope written by: Solctice (Criticized by DrM.) (8) - CB Sub Zine Check it out! (9) - Paranoia Grab Bag written by: Shadow President (10) - Misc. Bellcore Shit ======================================================================== ======================================================================== [Sektion I - Weapon and Bomb Smithing] ------- - ------ --- ---- -------- ======================================================================== AfPAfPAfPAfPAfPAfPAfPAfPAfPAfPAfPAfPAfPAfPAfPA P|\========================================/|f f| Phile #- 1 |P A| Author- Angel of Death |A P| Title- Monopelegic Cat Skinning |f f| Date- 6/5/94 |P A|--------- |A P| |f f|/========================================\|P APfAPfAPfAPfAPfAPfAPfAPfAPfAPfAPfAPfAPfAPfAPfA remember in our last issue, we promised to show you how to skin a cat one armed? I haven't actually tried this, anyone who skins a cat like this can mail me a .GIF of it and i'll post it in our next issue. (k-k00l d00d) step 1: sit in your wheelchair and wait for a cat to come by step 2: when you see a cat, pick it up by the tail, and bash it into the pavement until it stops struggling (alternate method: if you're strong enough, just strangle it one-handed) step 3: splay the cat out in your lap, in the position shown in the last issue. step 4: grip one of the legs firmly in your teeth, near the elbow, and grab the paw with your hand. twist the paw firmly, until you hear things starting to rip inside. step 5: spit out that killer hairball in your mouth. step 6: repeat steps 4 and 5 on each leg. step 7: while gripping a paw firmly in your mouth, use the claws on the opposing paw to shred the loose skin on that leg. step 8: repeat on each leg. step 9: grip a loose flap of skin firmly in your teeth, and grasp the cat's neck in you hand. pull. the skin will be ripped open into the cat's abdomen, and will peel easily. step 10: repeat on each leg. step 11: pull off any remaining skin with your teeth. step 12: drive your wheelchair through a sprinkler to clean off the blood. i haven't thought of a good way to peel the head, you're kind of on your own as far as that goes. now you have your very own monopeligically skinned cat makes a great gift AfPAfPAfPAfPAfPAfPAfPAfPAfPAfPAfPAfPAfPAfPAfPA P|\========================================/|f f| Phile #- 2 |P A| Author- Dr. Menace |A P| Title- The Butt-Harp |f f| Date- 8/10/94 |P A|--------- |A P| |f f|/========================================\|P APfAPfAPfAPfAPfAPfAPfAPfAPfAPfAPfAPfAPfAPfAPfA First, take two new cello strings. Cut them down to about two feet a piece. Tie these into a "V." At the intersection tie a metal ring, an inch in diameter. At the ends of the V tie metal balls about the size of eggs. Read the text below for instructions on usage: W3rd. get two people butt-naked. have them like this: anus anus | | o o | o o o o | o o o o | o o o o | o o o o***o o o o***o o o o***o o o o***o o o o o o o o o o Now, take the two metal eggs, and stick one in each persons ass all the way. it should look like this from overhead: butts ____________ + + ()() ()() \ / \/ ___ cello stringz. o Now, take the ring in one hand and play the stringz with a bow like a cello. don't use lube it will dampen the effectZ. have p/h/u/n. fucking pervertz. ======================================================================== [Sektion II - Drug Making] ------- -- ---- ------ ======================================================================== AfPAfPAfPAfPAfPAfPAfPAfPAfPAfPAfPAfPAfPAfPAfPA P|\========================================/|f f| Phile #- 3 |P A| Author- Wolfie |A P| Title- Making your own Liquor |f f| Date- 7/38/94 |P A|--------- |A P| |f f|/========================================\|P APfAPfAPfAPfAPfAPfAPfAPfAPfAPfAPfAPfAPfAPfAPfA Ever wanted to know a cheap, dirty way to make booze? Ever had the problem of not being 21? This takes some time, but's kind of fun and IS cheap. 1. Get a gallon of apple juice or apple cider. (Like $2.50) Make sure it doesn't have any preservatives in it. (With the current kraze on healthly foods, this shouldn't be hard.) 2. Get some dry yeast. Follow the instuctions on the back of the packet to disolve it and add it to the apple juice. Instead of putting the cap of the jug back on, put a ballon on it. (If you put the cap on, it will explode and be very messy in a few days) 3. Put in the closet and let it sit for a few days. Check on it occationally and let of the built up CO2. 4. When it stops bubbling, take out a cup or two, and drink it. (It should now be about as alcoholic as beer.) Add as much sugar to the jug as you took out in apple juice. Be very careful to add it SLOWLY, for it will react with the yeast and may bubble over. 5. Repeat steps 3 & 4 until you're satisfied or until the alcohol content gets so high that it kills the yeast. Repeat them at least once, for good measure. You may get the alcohol content up to 20 or 30 percent (40 or 60 proof) or higher. Have fun. ======================================================================== [Sektion III - Phreaking/Hacking/Electronics] ------- --- --------- ------- ----------- ======================================================================== AfPAfPAfPAfPAfPAfPAfPAfPAfPAfPAfPAfPAfPAfPAfPA P|\========================================/|f f| Phile #- 4 |P A| Author- Angel of Death |A P| Title- Guide to Dumpster Diving |f f| Date- 6/5/94 |P A|--------- |A P| |f f|/========================================\|P APfAPfAPfAPfAPfAPfAPfAPfAPfAPfAPfAPfAPfAPfAPfA okay boyzes and girlzes it's time for you to learn how to root through the trash. no, not just any old trash, USEFUL trash, like hardware and infoz and stuff like that. a successful dumpster dive entails the following things: 1. don't go trashing somewhere stupid, pick a Bell office or somethign cool like that 2. don't go trashing alone. it's best to go with two people (at least) one to do the actual fishing, and others to keep watch for cops or bell employees. 3. the best things to take are books, especially if they say things like "5ESS MANUAL" or "ANCIENT DRUIDIC HEXES" or something like that. 4. another good thing to grab is things like printouts, pamphlets, and reports from their computers. usually this stuff is extraneous, but occcasionally you'll find a diamond in the crap 5. if you're trashing somewhere where they take credit cards (store, bank, etc.) grab any carbon copies you see, sometimes these have credit card numbers and other fun info on them. the places are generally amazingly stupid about handling these. (i.e. - not shredded, etc.) you will find them in a longish black-brown plastic bag. w3rd. u can als0 find these receiptz on the ground near some automatic teller machines or gascard machinez. but that'z only for the lethargic. shitz. that's a big w0rd. 6. when trashing at a bell office, you can grab hardware, i've found (among others) - wire (don't get the mulitcolored stuff in bundlesm go for the heavy stuff) - network interface boxes (can be useful) - circuit breakers (they throw away unused ones, but i couldn't find anything much to use that size for) - padlocks - once i found something that looked like an entire switchboard with about 100 ports to put in wires and stuff. was really heavy, so i couldn't get away with it. i wonder what it could've been? don't be lame. - bell cans (yes, an entire can) - weird installation and maintenance stuff 7. wear gloves 8.a) if some dork comEz up 2 u whilst u r in the dumpster and says "Yo, r U a haqR l00k1ng for C0deZ!@@!!@!!?!!?" u can just tell him "W0rd, eyem am in the EPA, and we heard ewe layMOurZ dew not recycle your trash, and eyeM inspEctIng youR AsS fuQr!!@!@@!" Then he will be fear-stricken and w1ll say "D0d3 ju5t d0n't naRc us out or h4ng y0urs3lf from a br1dg3@!@!!!! 0ur sh1pz must pass thru! PleAz3 t4k3 my SS7 t3xTZ!!@@!@!@" Then ewe say "Ok d0de h3r3 gimm3 the teXtZ. and Eye w1ll givE my SuperVis0r a g00D r3port on eWe." Then he will f33l relieved. 8.b) w3rd, if u r lyke caught doing this, and u f33l wimpy and don't want to bullshit a lot, when the d00d approaches u say "W3rd, me and my friend lost our ball h3r3 and w3 4r3 looking for it." (in all honesty, we have stooped to this level. it workz. but if u do it u r layme. yes we are too.) i realize that most people with the intelligent of a houseplant could figure this out, but hey, you bothered to read this. AfPAfPAfPAfPAfPAfPAfPAfPAfPAfPAfPAfPAfPAfPAfPA P|\========================================/|f f| Phile #- 5 |P A| Author- xtactic |A P| Title- THe XKiLL SCRiPT |f f| Date- 6/1/94 |P A|--------- |A P| |f f|/========================================\|P APfAPfAPfAPfAPfAPfAPfAPfAPfAPfAPfAPfAPfAPfAPfA [[funny thing about thiz file, until i read it i wuz not aware that xtactic was part of the PfA staff. anywayz...]] ------------------- Cut here -filename: xkill ------------------------ # XtActIC Of PfA PrEsenTS: # XkILL XkILL # XkILL XKiLL # XkILXKILL -=- KiLL # XkILL XkILL # XkILL XkILL # filenames ^eval assign logfile $HOME/zer0.log ^eval assign adop $HOME/zer0.lst ^eval set logfile $HOME/zer0.win ^eval assign awayfle $HOME/zer0.mes # default values ^assign version odar's XKiLL ^assign mdautos On ^assign autorejoin On ^assign isaway No ^assign -mdautop ^assign zer XkILL ^assign pingmsg Yay!!! This is the PeAcH, not a ping pong ball! # client settings ^set exec_protection off ^set status_user XKiLL ^set novice off ^set client_information Running XtActIC'S XKiLL ^set history 50 ^set flood_warning on ^set flood_after 10 ^set flood_rate 10 ^set auto_unmark_away off ^set continued_line ^set auto_whowas on ^set verbose ctcp on ^set status_window ~ ^set status_hold off ^set indent on ^set show_away_once on ^set send_ignore_msg off ^set hide_private_channels off ^set highlight_char bold ^set beep off ^set clock_24hour on ^set verbose_ctcp off ^set warn_of_ignores on ^set status_format %T %*%@%N%#%S%H%B%Q%A%C%+%I%O%F %W%>%U%M%X%Y%Z # key bindings /bind ~ Switch_channel ^bind ^W quote_character ^bind ^X next_window # ^bind ^B self_insert ^bind ^_ self_insert ^bind ^V self_insert ^bind ^Z stop_irc ^bind ^[ meta1 ^bind meta1-[ meta2 ^bind meta1-O meta2 ^bind meta2-A backward_history ^bind meta2-B forward_history ^bind meta2-C forward_character ^bind meta2-D backward_character # time-saving aliases alias n notify alias w whois alias wi whois $0 $0 alias fing ctcp $0 finger alias ver ctcp $0 version alias tim ctcp $0 time alias ll who * alias hop { if ([$0]) { leave $0- } { leave $C } } alias de describe alias re redirect alias j join alias mo mode $C +$0- alias cm mode * -lsmpi alias k kick $C alias sb mode $C +b # alias a alias alias a m $. alias ex exec alias ls exec ls -al alias cat exec cat # hooks and routines ^on ^401 * # ^on ^406 * ^echo [$zer] $1 not found on IRC. ^on -public - ^on -action - ^on ^notify_signoff "*" echo *** Signoff at $Z for $0 ^on ^ctcp_reply "% finger *" { @f.tmp = match(Idle $*) if (f.tmp) { echo *** CTCP FINGER reply from $0: $(2-${f.tmp -1}) $tdiff($(${f.tmp})) $(${f.tmp + 2}-) } { echo *** CTCP FINGER reply from $0: $2- } ^assign -f.tmp } ^on ^notice "% autoping *" if ([$0]==[$N]) { if (time()-[$2] > 1) { set status_user1 \(lag ${time()-[$2]}\) } { set -status_user1 } } alias autoping { ^set status_user1 \(lag ?\) ^eval notice $N autoping $time() } alias p { if ([$0]==[$N]) { ^echo *** selfpings are reflected in the (lag) indicator. ^autoping } { //ping $0 } } # ^on #^timer 100 * autoping # NO AUTOMATIC AUTOPINGS! alias join if ((![$0]) || ([#]==[$[1]0]) || ([-]==[$[1]0])) { //join $0 } { //join #$0 } alias leave if (![$0]) { leave $C } { if (([#]==[$[1]0]) || ([$0]==[*])) { //leave $0 } { //leave #$0 } } alias ps exec ps x $0- alias t { if ([$0]==[#*]) { topic $0- } { topic $C $0- } } alias addop { if ([$0]) { ^echo [$zer] Adding $0 to your auto-op list. userhost $0 -CMD if ([$3]!=[]) { if (rmatch($0!$3@$4 $mdautop)) { ^echo [$zer] $0 is already on your list. } { ^notice $0 You have been added to $N 's auto op list. ^notice $0 Don't you feel better now? ^assign mdautop $0!$3@$4 ${mdautop} } } { ^echo [$zer] I cannot find $0 on IRC. } } { ^echo [$zer] You must specify the nick. } } alias settingz { ^assign mdautos $0 ^assign autorejoin $1 ^assign mdautop $2- } alias autoop { if ([$0]==[on]) { ^assign mdautos On ^echo [$zer] Auto-op is now on. } { if ([$0]==[off]) { ^assign mdautos Off ^echo [$zer] Auto-op is now off. } { ^echo [$zer] Auto-op is $mdautos } } } alias rejoin { if ([$0]==[on]) { ^assign autorejoin On ^echo [$zer] Auto-rejoin is now on. } { if ([$0]==[off]) { ^assign autorejoin Off ^echo [$zer] Auto-rejoin is now off. } { ^echo [$zer] Auto-rejoin is $autorejoin } } } ^on ^ctcp * { if (([$2]!=[DCC])&&([$2]!=[ACTION])) { if ([$1]==[$N]) { ^echo [$zer] $0 did a CTCP $2- to you. } { ^echo [$zer] $0 did a CTCP $2- to the channel. } } } ^on ^ctcp "% % PING " { ^echo [$zer] $0 has pinged you. ^notice $0 $pingmsg log $0 Pinged you. } ^on ^ctcp "% % iNFiNiTY" { /notice $0 XKiLL RuNnInG XtAcTiC's XkILL, based on XkILL 1.01 } ^on -join * { ^assign jnconf $1 Userhost $0 -CMD if ([$3]) { @ jncnt = 0 while ([$(#mdautop)]>jncnt) { if ([$word($jncnt $mdautop)]==[$0!$3@$4]) { if ([$mdautos]==[On]) { /mode $jnconf +o $0 log $0 joined and was oped. } { } } @ jncnt = jncnt + 1 } } } alias listops { ^echo [$zer] You have the following people in your auto-op list. @ listopv = 0 while ([$(#mdautop)]>listopv) { ^echo [$zer] $word($listopv $mdautop) @ listopv = listopv + 1 } ^echo [$zer] End of the list. A total of $listopv people. } alias bkick { if ([$0]) { if ([$1]) { ^assign bkres $1- } { ^assign bkres ${N}'s Ban + Kick } userhost $0 -CMD if ([$4]!=[]) { ^assign tempvar $3 @ uname = [tempvar] - 1 @ tamp = [$4] /mode * -o+b $0 *!*$mid(1 $uname $3)@*$right(${@tamp-index(. $4)} $4) ^kick * $0 $bkres } { /echo [$zer] Cannot find $0 on IRC. } } { ^echo [$zer] Must specify a nick to bankick. } } alias fkick { if ([$0]) { if ([$1]) { ^assign fkres $1- } { ^assign fkres <${N}'s Filter Kick $0> } ^echo [$zer] FKick on $0 started. ^assign fkfilt $0 ^assign -ftbkick ^on -who * { if (match($fkfilt $1!$3@$4)) { /assign ftbkick $1 ${ftbkick} } } ^set display off /who $C wait ^set display on @ fkcnt = 0 while ([$(#ftbkick)]>fkcnt) { /kick * $word($fkcnt $ftbkick) $fkres @ fkcnt = fkcnt + 1 } ^echo [$zer] $ftbkick were kicked from $C with the filter $0 . ^on who - } { ^echo [$zer] You must specify a filter to kick. (/fkick ) } } ^on -raw_irc "% MODE % *+k % *" { ^assign chankey $4 ^set status_mode [key] } ^on -raw_irc "% MODE % *-k *" { ^timer 1 ^set status_mode (+%+) } alias nokey { /mode * -k $chankey } alias ban { if ([$0]) { userhost $0 -CMD if ([$3]) { if ([$4]!=[) { /echo [$zer] Banning $0 ^assign tempvar $3 @ uname = [tempvar] - 1 @ tamp = [$4] /mode * +b *!*$mid(1 $uname $3)@*$right(${@tamp-index(. $4)} $4) } { /echo [$zer] Cannot find $0 on IRC } } } { /echo [$zer] You must specify a nick. } } alias cdban { ^echo [$zer] Clearing bans. ^set display off ^assign -cbunband ^on -367 * { ^assign cbunband $2 ${cbunband} } ^mode $C +b wait ^unbanlop $cbunband ^set display on ^on 367 - } alias dban { userhost $0 -CMD if ([$3]) { ^set display off ^assign dbanz $0!$3@$4 ^assign -bunband ^on -367 * { if (match($2 $dbanz)) { ^assign bunband $2 ${bunband} } } ^mode $C +b wait ^unbanlop $bunband ^assign -dbanz ^on 367 - ^set display on } } alias unbanlop { if ([$3]) { /mode * -bbb $0 $1 $2 /unbanlop $3- } { /mode * -bbb $0- } } alias bans { if ([$3]) { /mode * +bbb $0 $1 $2 /bans $3- } { /mode * +bbb $0- } } alias o { if ([$3]) { /o $3- /mode * +ooo $0 $1 $2 } { /mode * +ooo $0- } } alias d { if ([$3]) { /d $3- /mode * -ooo $0 $1 $2 } { /mode * -ooo $0- } } ^on ^msg * { ^echo [$0] $1- if ([$isaway]==[Yup]) { ^eval exec echo "/echo :$0: $strip(;:()[]{}"'` $1-) " >> $awayfle ^msg $0 Your message has been logged - $version } } alias m { if ([$0]) { ^assign -message ^assign message $1- userhost $0 -CMD if ([$3]) { if ([$4]!=[]) { /echo =>$0<= $message ^msg $0 $message } { /echo [$zer] Cannot find $0 on IRC /whowas $0 } } } { /echo [$zer] You must specify a nick! } } ^on ^notice * { ^echo -$0- $1- } alias unignore { Userhost $0 -CMD if ([$4]!=[]) { /ignore *@$4 none } } alias setaway { ^away $0- /me is away - $0- - messages will be logged. ^assign isaway Yup ^eval exec echo "/echo >> Set away - $0- <<" >> $awayfle } alias setback { ^assign isaway No /me is here again. ^away /load $awayfle } alias clearmes { ^exec rm $awayfle } alias sve { ^eval exec echo "settingz $mdautos $autorejoin $mdautop" > $adop ^echo [$zer] Save completed. } alias remautop { if ([$0]) { ^assign -opdlist @ rmopcnt = 0 while ([$(#mdautop)]>rmopcnt) { if (match($0!*@* $word($rmopcnt $mdautop))) { ^echo [$zer] $0 has been removed. } { ^assign opdlist $word($rmopcnt $mdautop) ${opdlist} } @ rmopcnt = rmopcnt + 1 } ^assign -mdautop ^assign mdautop $opdlist ^assign -opdlist } { ^echo [$zer] You must specify a nick to be removed. } } alias log { ^eval exec echo " $0- " >> $logfile } /on -raw_irc "% KICK *" { if (([$3]==[$N])&&([$autorejoin]==[On])) { /quote join $C } } alias clearaop { ^assign -mdautop /echo [$zer] Auto-Op list now cleared. } alias inv { if ([$1]) { /inv $1- /invite $0 $C } { /invite $0 $C } } # some help alias commands { ^echo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ^echo XtActIC'S XKiLL HeLP ^echo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ^echo /M (Nick) (Mess) - Messages with . ^echo /N [-](Nick) ... - Adds [removes] nick from notify. ^echo /J (Channel) - Joins channel (# not needed) ^echo /HOP [(Channel)] - Leaves channel [current] ^echo /MO (Mode) - Sets on current channel (+ not needed) ^echo /CM - Clears unordinary modes on current channel ^echo /T [(topic)] - Changes [shows] the topic on channel ^echo /LL (Channel) - Gives WHO information on ^echo /W (nick) - Gives WHOIS information on the ^echo /WI (nick) - Gives WHOIS + idle information on the ^echo /K (Nick) (Reason) - Kick off channel for ^echo /SB - Display all bans on current channel ^echo /A (Message) - Follows up with your last Message ^echo /EX (Cmd) - Execute a command outside of IRC ^echo /LS (Filt) - Lists all files that fit ^echo /CAT (Filename) - Displays to the screen ^echo /DE (Nick/Ch) - Describes an action to ^echo /RE (Nick/Ch) (Cmd) - Redirect output of to ^echo /P (Nick/Ch) - PINGs ^echo /Fing (Nick/Ch) - Displays all finger info(s) on ^echo /Ver (Nick/Ch) - Displays all the version(s) of ^echo /Autoping - Updates the (lag) indicator ^echo /O (Nicks) - Ops all . ^echo /D (Nicks) - Deops all . ^echo /Addop (Nick) - Adds to your auto-op list. ^echo /Listops - Shows all ppl on your list. ^echo /Autoop (On/Off) - Turns Auto-op on or off ^echo /Autoop - Shows Auto-op status ^echo /Rejoin (On/Off) - Turns Auto-rejoin on kick on or off ^echo /Rejoin - Shows Auto-rejoin on kick status ^echo /BKick (Nick) (Reason) - Kicks and bans from current channel. ^echo /FKick (Filt) (Reason) - Kicks all from current channel with (Filt) ^echo /Ban (Nick) - Bans the nick specified. ^echo /Bans (Patterns) - Bans the specified patterns. ^echo /DBan (Nick) - DBans a specified nick. ^echo /CDBan - Clears bans. ^echo /NoKey - Removes last set channel key. ^echo /SetAway (Reason) - Sets you away, starts logging of msg's. ^echo /SetBack - Sets you back, and replays msg's. ^echo /ClearMes - Clears all recorded msg's. ^echo /Sve - Saves all the settings to file. ^echo /RemAutop (Nick) - Removes a nick from your Auto-Op List. ^echo /ClearAop - Clears Auto-Op list. ^echo /Inv (Nicks) - Invites to current channel ^echo /PS (Args) - Executes PS X with ^echo *CTRL-X - Goto the next window ^echo *~ - Goto the next channel. ^echo *CTRL-Z - Drop to a Unix shell ('fg' exits the shell) ^echo *CTRL-W CTRL-B - Toggle BOLD text on/off. ^echo *CTRL-V - Toggle INVERSE text on/off. ^echo *CTRL-_ - Toggle UNDERLINE text on/off. ^echo *Arrow UP - Brings up last command. ^echo *Arrow DOWN - Brings up next command. ^echo *Arrow LEFT - Moves the cursor left one character. ^echo *Arrow RIGHT - Moves the cursor right one character. ^echo --------------------------------------------------------------------------- } eval /load $adop ^echo ,----------------------------------------------------------------------\ ^echo | XtActIcS's *XkILL* loaded,/commmands for a command list | ^echo `----------------------------------------------------------------------/ --------------------Cut here ----------------------------------------- AfPAfPAfPAfPAfPAfPAfPAfPAfPAfPAfPAfPAfPAfPAfPA P|\========================================/|f f| Phile #- 6 |P A| Author- DrM,Valgamon,Alloy,Eagle_1 |A P| Title- The WaReZ D00D |f f| Date- 9/4/94 |P A|--------- |A P| |f f|/========================================\|P APfAPfAPfAPfAPfAPfAPfAPfAPfAPfAPfAPfAPfAPfAPfA Showdown between Dr. Menace and Eagle_1 on 09-04-1994 at 6:50 PM PDT It's Eagle_1, 1 small step for warez, 1 one giant leap for warez-kind. - Courtesy of Lord Valgamon [FRiSC] (Formerly RiSC) DrMenace: Hey Eagle_1... Eagle_1: I don't even know why you're bothering with this bullshit. DrMenace: I hear you are a very powerful person on the net, that one takeover of #warez could get someone TRW'd and fucked for life. What do you have to say about this, mr 1? Eagle_1: Yeah that's not something to play around with man. DrMenace: Uhh ok I see. :) What advice would you give to a young courier who would like to learn about couriering the 0-day? For a ten bucks a month no less? Eagle_1: You don't pronounce it right man. It's pronounced CURR-EE-ERR. DrMenace: Ok I understand. But please answer my question motherfucker. Don't fucking dodge my inquisitions bitch. Eagle_1: If you're trying to start shit here, I don't see why you gotta be like, ya know, what advice would I give? I'd be like...umm..you gotta be consistent. You gotta be prompt. And you gotta have some kinda personal stake in it. Alloy: Like money? Eagle_1: Yeah possibly. DrMenace: I'm getting bored of hearing you now so I'm gonna ask another funny and witty question to make this a more satisfying magazine. What would you think if PfA started a subnewsletter dedicated to curr-ee-err-ing the 0-day? Eagle_1: Dude do you have some kind of obsession with that phrase? DrMenace: Yes. And you cop an attitude with me once more, and you are fucked bigtime buddy. I'm going to take over RiSC! And then where the fuck will you be, sweetcakes? Alloy: Eagle_1, if you died, would you put RiSC in your will? Yo Eagle_1 you've got the ball in your court dude. DrMenace: Yeah dude, we like put the ball in your court, and like dude, you are just like dropping the ball dude! Eagle_1: You're the one without the balls, Menace. DrMenace: That was very witty! Alloy (In a hushed voice.): Credit for witness. DrMenace: Have you a yak? Eagle_1: Have I a what? DrMenace: Nevermind. You obviously have a very mundane sense of humor. Lighten up. Valgamon: What do you expect from a guy who is the single most powerful warez d00d in the world. In our solar system even! DrMenace: I have heard rumors of a merging between the Humble Slaves, for those of you who don't know, they curr-ee-err the 0-day for THG, and RiSC. Is this true? Eagle_1: I don't know where you're getting this from. DrMenace: Eagle_1, do you have any idea whatsoever, when you are being fucked with? And what the hell are all you lamers doing on my fucking bridge?!?!? Eagle_1: I think you're a fucking idiot first of all, because, no one's gonna read this bullshit. Fucking idiot (Whispered.) DrMenace: I don't think Eagle_1 is paying his respects to us. I think he is now doomed. He is #1 on our Doomed List, with his name underlined, highlighted in pink, with quotes, brackets, and parentheses around it, bordered with asterisks, with carrot signs underneath it, and a big frowny face next to it. I think he is fucked. Valgamon: Umm. That's pretty cool. Huhuhuhuhuh. Eagle_1: Fuck this, I'm hanging up. DrMenace: Before you go will you say "I don't have time for you lamers?" Eagle_1: Yeah whatever you say. Then Phaser-X called him again. Eagle_1: Oh no, not this asshole again! DrMenace: Word, what's up Eagle_1, I didn't finish my exclusive interview. Eagle_1: Shut up. Fucking reporter. Ugh. He wasn't much fun that time. Commentary from Valgamon: AfPAfPAfPAfPAfPAfPAfPAfPAfPAfPAfPAfPAfPAfPAfPA P|\========================================/|f f| Phile #- 7 |P A| Author- Solctice |A P| Title- All the idiots I met at hope |f f| Date- 9/4/94 |P A|--------- |A P| |f f|/========================================\|P APfAPfAPfAPfAPfAPfAPfAPfAPfAPfAPfAPfAPfAPfAPfA [[editorz note: All note's in here from doctor menace are enclosed in double bracketz lyke thiz. this wuz leached with permission from twat editor Nitro-187.]] Ph1l3 #oo3 [TWaT] - HoPE Report Part 1 /( )\ /( )\ / \/ \ / \ / \ \/\ /\/_ _ ______ \ \ /\ / /__ ______ ______ ______ ______ / \ | \ / \ / \ / > \ \ / ___ \ < > | > \ / \/ | | > | | \ / | /\ | __ \ \ /\/\ / / \ /\ | /\ |___ \ / \/ |/ \|/ \/ \/ \/ \ / / \|/ \| \/ | |\ \ A N S i T E A M =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= kraDkRaDkRADkRaDKRadKraDkRadKraDkRADkRADkRADkRaDKRaDKRaDKradKRAdKraDkRAdKraD! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= All the idiots I met at HoPE [[or: everybody was lame By Solctice except for me.]] I met about 200 people at HoPE many being from IRC..many not...there were many gimps, and there were many cool people. I took many pictures, and I am digitizing all of the peoples pictures that I met. I am explaining all the people I met concering #phreak/#hack. I am doing this for neither prestige nor popularity. [[that would be futile.]] Just for the fun of it, and top shut you lame ass fuckers up who keep asking me about people I met. Note From The Author: all the .gifs will be here in a few weeks...I sent them out on Monday, August 15th, by FedEx. They'll be here in a maxzimum of two weeks. ============================================================================ Music Phreak: He was the first person I met at HoPE, for we were the first few people there. I expected him to be a short italian, but he was a tall, massive guy with the temper of a dandelion. [[sounds like solctice has some affections for this guy.]] Real nice guy. Definately on my list of cool people. PMF: He was one of the few people who fit my expectations of the person they were. I had met him on confs months before, and he knew his shit. To put it all in words, he was troll-like, for he was short with flashy clothes. But nonetheless, he was not ugly, or stupid, or gimp-like [[does anybody else notice how much he uses the word gimp? eye think british tv should be censored.]] at all. One of my more favorite people at the conf. [[con, dammit, it's a CONVENTION.]] Despite his constant swearing in public and never ending wise cracks and pranks, I could safely say he was one of the coolest people I met at HoPE. Pluvius: Pluvius was not at all what I expected. I expected him to be a loud, stupid looking person. He was not. He was a tall, quiet type with Army boots and a short haircut. [[and when he held me i felt very s4f3.]] If he said 10 words to me at HoPE, it was a lot. Not that he didn't like me and the group I was with, it was he is just a quiet person. [[he just found me irritating and didn't want to be around me.]] DEFINATELY not the gimp like person I thought I'd meet. Most Unix gurus *AREN'T* normal. Ploov gets mah Warez Of Approval. [[i'm sure that means a lot to him.]] Parad0x: On confs, I had always thought of parad0x as a chink. He was a pure down-home American white-boy. If I get 50 questions about Parad0x a day, it's a slow day. To put it in words, he looked *almost* normal. Aside from being about 6'2", about 160 pounds, [[normal? that's GUMBY!]] having absolutely no muscle what-so-ever, [[but i have come to love him for his mind.]] and having a goofy, non haqr-looking face, he seemed normal. I came to HoPE knowing I was going to kick the shit out of this immature kiddie if he such as even LOOKED at me sideways, I did nothing of the sort when I met him, for he seemed like a nice guy. He wasn't staying at the conf, because his mommy wouldn't let him stay with all the evil haqr people. That night, he was 150 miles away, and started talking shit about me on IRC about me being a fat gimp. Neither of which I am. I regretted not making this little kiddie swallow his teeth. There's always next year. This kiddie getz the Parad0x Seal of Gimpiness. [[alright, let's keep a tab, how many times can someone use the word "gimp" in one fucking article.]] Lestat(Razor): I had heard much about this kid from confs, and have been on a few of them with him. If you ever get the misfortune of being on a conf with this kid, hang up. He's a toner, a breather, and lame in general. I had heard about him being short and fat, and looking like a girl, but the latter two of which he was neither. He wasn't what I expected, and the few times that I saw him at HoPE, he was normal....drunk off his ass, but normal. he *IS* short, and he *IS* very rich. [[but solctice, aren't u rich from your daddy'z meat packing plant?]] Finally, I took many pictures of this kid, because it was fun, and I had a massive demand to do so. This annoyed him. When he passed out from over consumption of beer and Zima (eew..Zima), I started to kick him, wanting to see his reaction. He promply sat up and hit his head on the underside of the table, knocking him back out...haha. I could neither define him as a gimp [[there's that FUCKING word again.]] or a normal person, for he fit neither catergory fully. [[and becuz i don't know any normal people to compare him to.]] =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= (C)1994 [TWaT] - The Winner ANSI Team! All Issues of [TWaT] Can be found at etext.archive.umich.edu in the /pub/Zines/Twat directory. The new issues are put into /incoming. [[w0rd. that kicked ass. the first two issues of twat were graced with phlintlock jesus's presence, but not this one. leave those d00dz alone for a couple weeks and everything goes to shit.]] ______ --/ ___________%%%%%%% / --------------------- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%/ \ %%%// =========/%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%/ \ // / =======/%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%/ // /-=========================- %%/ // /|The Official PfA SubMagazine|/ // /\ %-=================== //\ =-/ // / \ ***************%%%%%// \ / *************** \\ \ R i M i N a L *%%%%// // / e H a V i o R * \\ \ **************%%%// __/ *************** \\ \ \ %%%%%%%%%%%%// \/ ---------------- \\ \ \ %%%%%%%%%// // \ -[editors:] - \\ \ \ %%%%%%// // / - pyr0t3ch - \ \ \ %%%//__ / - Dr. Menace - \ \ %%%%%/ - nyarlathotep - \ %%/ ---------------- \/ ---------------------------------------- = Sit on this and = ���� = r0t4t3, ph3dZ!!! = ������������ �� ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ���������� �� ^It'Z tyme for^ � ��������� ��� ^uS to St1ck ^ .................... ����� ����������� ��� ����� �� ^it 2 EWE! ^ .Br1ng1ng you the . ������������� ��� ��� ��� ���� ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .0-day....uncut and. ������������������������� ������� .uncensored. .������� ���������� � ��������� . .� ��� � ������ ������� ����� .Nothing extracted . ���� ��� �������� ���� ���� |Philez: The Sink .by the establish- . ���� �������� ��������� ���� |Bong 206 Scanz, BbS .ment. . ���������� �������������� ����� |Haqin, and K-keWl 800 .................... ����� ��������������� ����� |ScAnZ. ����� ������ ����� ����� �������� ����� ����� ��������������������� ����� ���������� ---------------------------------------- Note from Doctor Menace and PyRo....... W3rd. THiz is Our First Issue Of Criminal BehavIor. W3rd. It's total anarChy D00dZ. So Don't fuck arouND. ---------------------------------------- * *** * *** * ** ***** ** =CB now presenTZ... *** ***** *** =th3 sink bonG. W3rd. **** ***** **** ** ****** ***** ****** ** =For those of u who are too ****** ****** *** ****** ****** =layme to get a reaL boNg. ****** **** *** **** ****** ****** ** * ** ****** =Jury-Rig 'dis shit boweeY. ******************* ********* **** * **** ** * ** =werd. thiz iz not legal. ***SINK*B0NG*** Y0u st4rt 0ff l1k3 y0u'r3 bu1ld1ng 4 st4nd4rd w4t3r b0ng. But y0u l34v3 0ff th3 b4s3... S0 wh4t y0u h4v3 1s 4 l0ng (3 f33t 1s g00d) 4cryl1c tub3 w1th 4 st3m 4nd b0wl st1ck1ng 0ut... y0u c4n just dr1ll 4 h0l3 1n th3 s1d3 4nd us3 3p0xy t0 s34l 1n 4 c0pp3r p1p3... I'm sur3 y0u c4n f1nd h1nts 4nd stuff f0r th1s p4rt 1n v4r10us pl4c3s 4r0und th3 n3t. | | | | | | <-- 4cryl1c Tub3 | | | | | | | | | | | | / / 4--> | |/ / <-- C0pp3r Tub3 4nd B0wl | / / | / / | | B--> | | | | Th3 m0st 1mp0rt4nt th1ng n0w 1s th4t th3 b0tt0m p4rt 0f th3 c0pp3r tub3 1s 4 f3w 1nch3s 4b0v3 th3 b0tt0m 0f th3 m41n 4cryl1c tub3... 1n n0rm4l b0ng 4ss3mbly y0u'd w4nt th3s3 cl0s3 but th3y h4v3 t0 b3 4p4rt f0r r34s0ns th4t w1ll b3c0m3 cl34r. N3xt st3p - f1ll 4 s1nk w1th c0ld w4t3r. 0k4y, n0w put th3 b0ng 1n th3 w4t3r (w1th th3 b0tt0m 0f th3 c0pp3r tub3 BEL0W th3 w4t3r l1n3 - s33 p0s1t10n '4' 1n d14gr4m). Suck w4t3r up unt1l th3 b0ng 1s full... th1s t4k3s s0m3 s1z34bl3 lung p0w3r f0r l0ng b0ngs. N0w th3 tr1ck13st p4rt... pull up th3 b0ng unt1l th3 b0tt0m 0f th3 c0pp3r tub3 1s 4b0v3 th3 w4t3r l1n3 y3t th3 b0tt0m 0f th3 4cryl1c tub3 1s st1ll b3l0w th3 w4t3r l1n3 - s33 p0s1t10n 'B' 1n d14gr4m. Th3 ch4ng3 1n w4t3r pr3ssur3s w1ll c4us3 41r t0 b3 dr4wn thr0ugh th3 b0wl 4nd c0pp3r tub3 4nd 1nt0 th3 b0ng... (LIGHT THE B0WL N0W!) - th3 sm0k3 w1ll bubbl3 thr0ugh 4ll th3 w4t3r... k33p th1s up unt1l th3 w4t3r 1s 4ll g0n3. Wh3n y0u'r3 d0n3, y0u h4v3 4 b0ng full 0f 3xtr3m3ly th1ck (1f y0u'r3 d01ng 1t r1ght) y3t v3ry c0ld 4nd 34sy t0 dr4w sm0k3. It h4s tr4v3l3d thr0ugh 4n 4v3r4g3 0f 4 f00t 4nd 4 h4lf 0f w4t3r (w1th 4 3 f00t b0ng). Plus th3r3's n0 r3s1st4nc3 - y0u d0n't h4v3 t0 pull 4ny 41r thr0ugh w4t3r t0 g3t th3 h1t. It t4k3s 4 l0t 0f pr4ct1c3 t0 d0 1t r1ght, but 0nc3 y0u g3t 1t d0wn 1t's 1ncr3d1bl3 th3 s1z3 0f th3 h1ts y0u c4n dr4w - 4nd th3y'r3 34sy t0 sm0k3. 4n0th3r t1p I p1ck3d up - 1t's 34s13st t0 k33p th3 b0ng st34dy 1f y0u h0ld 1t 4g41nst th3 s1d3 0f th3 s1nk. ---------------------------------------- Bunch of fucking ScAnS Fuck around.. Area c0d3 2o6 699-0091 699-0106 699-0404 699-0533 699-0579 699-0757 699-0758 699-1064 699-1073 699-1180 699-1210 699-1259 699-1278 699-1288 699-1294 699-1313 699-1342 699-1375 699-1383 699-1389 699-1391 699-1417 699-1423 699-1451 699-1463 699-1483 699-1879 699-1925 699-2011 699-2036 699-2042 699-2058 699-2097 699-2149 699-2203 699-2210 699-2279 699-2339 699-2380 699-2452 699-3027 699-3106 699-3141 699-3147 699-3149 699-3153 699-3155 699-3174 699-3190 699-3209 699-3307 699-3433 699-3508 699-3516 699-3522 699-3531 699-3548 699-3550 699-3568 699-3573 699-3576 699-3585 699-3588 699-3603 699-3613 699-3626 699-3628 699-3629 699-3684 699-4023 699-4024 699-4231 699-4327 699-4339 699-4485 699-4553 699-4577 699-4661 699-4730 699-4760 699-4761 699-4762 699-4855 699-4868 699-4935 699-5102 699-5176 699-5216 699-5243 699-5251 699-5278 699-5328 699-5354 699-5367 699-5370 699-5453 699-5495 699-5892 699-6031 699-6048 699-6069 699-6074 699-6114 699-6190 699-6301 699-6331 699-6340 699-6346 699-6357 699-6367 699-6392 699-6398 699-6402 699-6433 699-6458 699-6653 699-6658 699-6748 699-6798 699-7299 699-8132 nyarlathotep '94 Bunch of fucking carriers fuck around... 2o6 area c0d3 418-0450 418-0500 418-2345 418-2362 418-2368 418-2608 418-2722 418-2811 418-2859 418-2905 418-2906 418-2908 418-2909 418-2910 418-2919 418-2920 418-2992 418-4100 418-4101 418-4148 418-4214 418-4301 418-4464 418-4478 418-4485 418-5000 418-6010 418-6020 418-6183 418-6189 418-6190 418-6202 418-6226 418-6236 418-6246 418-6247 418-6251 418-6252 418-6283 418-6309 418-6341 418-6343 418-6373 418-6379 418-8183 418-8187 418-8301 418-8302 418-8308 418-8317 418-8325 418-8330 418-8334 418-8347 418-8356 418-8357 418-8358 418-8369 418-8383 418-8384 418-8700 418-8762 418-8773 418-8774 418-8894 418-8998 nyarlathotep '94 ---------------------------------------- 800 scanZ. 1-800-ABCDEFG Hooked on PhoniCZ. carefuL they HaVE ANi. 1-800-I-FEEL-OK Funny as fuck number.. 1-800-U-FAGGET Rings, no answer... Keep trying.. 1-800-FAGGETS cannot be reached from my calling area.. 1-800-CRIME-90 AmeriKKKas most wanted line thing.. funny.. 1-800-666-9999 Some sex party line thing.. 1-800-272-6167 Jerky Boys Tough Guy Apparel, ORDER SHIRTS AND SHIT. 1-800-666-REAL Some weird fucking answering machine, SATAN? heh. 1-800-BLACK-BOX Some fucked up company, fuck around and shit! 1-800-666-IS-ME Minority group shit.. Fuck 'em up! 1-800-RED-BOXX Rings, got no answer yet... 1-800-MEGA-BOX Some k00l guy, answers.. Heh heh! 1-800-2-KOOL-4-U Some lady says: Please enter your number.. 1-800-568-3197 ANI, tells you the number your calling from. 1-800-769-3766 Same as above.. 1-800-OUT-DIAL fuQ'd up pager service... 1-800-876-5353 Unsolved Mysteries Hot-Line 1-800-I-H8-TITS C-R00fing, K-R4D Music.. Scanned out by DR. MENACE 1-800-GERMANS Tele-Communications Bitch.. Scanned by DR. MENACE 1-800-AMERICA Rings no answer.. 1-800-JAMAICA Order some fr33 sh1t! 1-800-RADNESS Rings, no answer.. 1-800-4-HAWAII Directly for travel agents.. heheh 1-800-JASON-13 Private 800 need codes... 1-800-NIKE-AIR Rings no answer yet.... 1-800-STAR-WAR Lucas Arts, entertainment... 1-800-I-H8-FAGS High T3ch Systems... 1-800-DV8TION R-NET HML Services... 1-800-I8-DICKS r30rd3r. 1-800-SUCK-OFF The Hottest Telephone Lyne in the Country. w3rd. 1-800-666-FUCK Maybe the 2nd hottest telephone line in the country. 1-800-WET-CLIT P0rn0 l1n3. 1-800-WET-2ON1 Gu355 laymOur. 1-800-944-LEGS hmmmmm. 1-800-ASK-4TIT ugh. 1-800-BE-CLOSE AT&T Truevoice. Notice the difference. Bah. 1-800-JERK-YOU n0 answ3r. must be masturbatinG. 1-800-BLUE-BOX Jewish Hotline. (Jewish National Front.) 1-800-658-2355 Still on SxS. Blow off w/ 2600. Use DP. Terminates in 507-442 (Edgington, Minnesota.) 1-800-IBM-4FAX prank people with thiZ. 1-800-FAX-HELL pleeZ enter numeric MessAge. **************** * pyr0t3ch * * Dr. Menace * **************** **************** ---------------------------------------- BBS HaCkinG - Some ClaSSic TipZ. ************************* WRITTEN BY Pyr0t3ch ************************* ************************* 1.0 FINDING A BBS TO ABUSE. TO FIND A BBS TO ABUSE LOOK AT THE BOARD AND THE SYSOP OR USERS, LOOK FOR THESE TYPE OF THINGS, A, LOOK FOR A SYSOP WHICH TRYS MAKING OUT THAT HIS BBS IS THE BEST AND ALWAYS MAKES MILLIONS OF MESSAGES ON OTHER BOARDS SHOWING WHAT HE'S GOT LIKE "PHONE THE BEST BBS" THEY ARE THE TYPE FO ASSHOLES, GO FOR THEM.. B, LOOK AT THE BBS, IF IT'S A TYPE OF BBS WHICH HAS NOTHING, LIKE THE BBS IS RUNNING ON A 9600 BAUD AND 80 MEG HD BUT HAS LESS FILES THEN WHAT YOU ERASE EACH DAY, THEY SHOULD BE HIT GOOD. C: GO FOR A BBS WHICH YOU KNOW THAT THE SYSOP THERE DOESN'T KNOW YOU OR YOU NEVER REALLY PHONE THERE, IT'S BETTER FOR NOT BEING CAUGHT, THIS METHOD IS ONLY USED IF YOU ARE GOING TO ABUSE FOR NO REASON OF ALL. D, FIND A BBS WHICH THE SYSOP HAS A FEW ENERMIES BUT NOT YOU. HE'LL THINK IT'S YOU. E, FIND A BBS WITH GOOD ACCESS ON FIRST LOG ON, THE TYPE THAT LETS YOU HAVE MESSAGE ACCESS. THEY ARE LOSERS TO ALLOW YOU TO HAVE SUCH ACCESS, UNLESS IT'S A GOOD BBS LIKE THRASHER.. F, FIND A BBS WHICH IS THE MOST HARDEST TO USE, NO ONE LIKES THOSE BOARDS. G, FIND A BBS WITH A YOUNG SYSOP FROM AGE 13-15, THEY DON'T BOTHER COMPLAINLING TO THE PARENTS ABOUT IT BECAUSE THEY TEND TO SAY, THEN HAVE YOUR LINE OUT, ADULT SYSOPS ARE MOSTLY MORE ASSHOLES. THEY'LL PROBABLY PHONE YOU VOICE TO COMPLAIN.. H, FIND A BBS WHICH PIRATES, THAT WAY YOU CAN SCARE THE HELL OUT OF THEM BY SAYING THINGS LIKE, I'M GOING TO CALL THE COPS. THEY TEND TO FEAR SUCH HASSELMENTS BECAUSE PIRATING IS A MAJOR CRIME. J, FIND A BBS THAT ALLOWS ALAISES, IT'S HARD TO FIND OUT WHO'S WHO AND IMPOSSIBLE TO VALIDATE PEOPLE. THEY TEND TO GO NON-ALAIS AFTER A WHILE OF PROBLEMS BUT THEY CAN'T FIGURE OUT WHO'S PRANKING. K, FIND A BBS WHICH HAS ECHO OR NET MAIL, GET ACCESS TO FULL AREAS, YOU CAN SCREW ABOUT IN ECHO MAIL AND IT'S HARD TO ERASE IT, IN TIME IT'LL TRAVEL AROUND THE COUNTRY IF IT'S A WORLD ECHO BASE. L, FIND A BBS WITH A AREA THAT GIVES YOU ACCESS TO UPLOAD ON FIRST LOG ON. M, FIND A SYSOP WHICH DOESN'T VALIDATE USERS. N, FIND A BBS WHICH IS VERY POPULAR, THE SYSOP TENDS TO HAVE TO MUCH ON HIS MIND TO VOICE CALL. O, FIND A BBS WHICH THE SYSOP ISN'T AORUND ALOT, THOSE ARE SOMETHINGS TO TAKE IN MIND. NOW LETS MOVE INTO THE GOOD STUFF. 1.1 IF YOU LOG ON, USE A ALAIS, MAKE IT GOOD BUT NOT TO STUPID, NAMES LIKE "FUCK FUCK" "SHITHEAD" AIN'T GOD ABUSERS, USER SOME OF THE FOLLOWING. DR. ABUSER IT'S_YOUR TURN THE PUNISHER THE ABUSER TOUGH LUCK FALCON THE COPS BOARD ABUSERS YOUR DEAD TRASHER MASTER THE VIRUS KILLING YOU RICHARD LITTLE THE DEIVIL ABUSE YOU THOSE AIN'T TOO GOOD BUT YOU GET SOME IDEAS. 1.2 LOG ON, IF YOU GET ON USING THAT TYPE OF NAME THAT I TOLD YOU ABOUT. IF THE SYSOP IS WATCHING, EITHER THEY'LL HANG UP AND LOCK YOU OUT OR BREAK IN FOR CHAT, IF THEY BREAK IN FOR A CHAT, HEARS SOME IDEAS WHICH YOU CAN SAY. 1, I'M BUSY, FUCK OFF 2, I'M GOING TO TRASH YOU BAD! 3, LET ME OUT I HAVE ABUSING TO DO! 4, I HAVE TO CRASH YOUR BOARD NOW, SORRY, UNOIN RULES! 5, CAN I HELP YOU! 6, CAN YOU GIVE ME SYSOP ACCESS 7, WANT TO TRY A NEW VIRUS A MADE. SURE, MOST OF THOSE ARE SMART REMARKS, BUT YOU CAN'T PLAY DUMB, LET THEM KNOW WHAT YOU ARE UP TOO, IT MAKES THEM EVEN MORE PISSED. 1.3 IF THEY HANG UP, JUST PHONE BACK WITH ANOTHER NAME, IF YOU WANT TO CHAT WITH THEM WHEN YOU PHONE BACK, WHEN IT ASKS FOR YOUR NAME, TYPE THESE: 1, CHAT. I KNOW YOU ARE WATCHING. 2, HELP! THERE'S A KILLER IN MY HOUSE 3, HELLO, THIS ISN'T THAT GUY THAT WAS JUST ON 4, ARE YOU THERE, FUCK OFF 5, DON'T BOTHER ME AND LET ME ON. 6, YOU BBS HANGED UP ON ME! IT'S BROKEN 7, I'M UPLOADING A VIRUS WHICH YOU ARE WATCHING. THOSE ARE STILL STUPID REMARKS, BUT HEY! THE SYSOP ISN'T PLEASED. 1.4 IF YOU MADE IT ON THE BBS THE FIRST TIME AND THE SYSOP HASN'T NOTICED YOU BECAUSE HE ISN'T AROUND, LOOK AT YOUR ACCESS OPIONS. IF THEY HAVE A BBS LISTER, AND YOU CAN GET IN IT, DO SO. CHANGE THE NAMES OF THE BBS, SIMPLE DISPLAY. REALLY NAMES - NOW CHANGED NAMES ---------------------------------------------------------- Rock Blaster BBS - Bumb blaster BBS Kings corner BBS - Kings cocker Jerrys out house - Jerry's house is out All nite shift - All nite shitting Bad examples but I'm not thinking at the moment. Anyways change the sysop names, Number, City and so forth. 1.4 If you want to sit for a few hours, If you have access to a message area, Then toally mess it up, Leave mail to people saying things like this: 1, HOW CAN YOU BE A PART OF THE SHIT BBS 2, AIN'T YOU IN THAT FAG CONTEST 3, FUCK OF, THAT MESSAGE DOESN'T MAKE SENSE 4, GO TO HELL, If you are able to leave mail using alaises, Look at user or the SysOp's name, Try leaving mail to some one by copying their name with a slight change. LIKE THIS. FRANK WILLAND -- FRANK WILAND DON BLUTHE -- DON BLUTH OR USE THE NAME "THE SYSOP" LEAVE A MESSAGE LIKE, FUCK OFF, YOU AIN'T WANTED AT THIS BBS. 1.5 THERE ARE TIMES THAT I'VE LOGGED ON A FEW BOARDS WHICH GIVE ONLINE GAMES ACCESS, TRY HANGING UP IN THEM. THAT MAY HANG THE BBS. 1.6 FINALLY, LEAVE MORE THEN 30 PEICES OF MAIL TO THE SYSOP GIVING MESSAGES LIKE. I'LL BE BACK TO FINISH MY JOB. YOU AIN'T SEEN THE LAST OF ME. YOU TERMINATED NEXT TIME. I'VE TRAHSED ENOUGH OF YOU BBS FOR TODAY. YOU ARE A FUCKING LOSER! 1.7 PHONE BACK EVERY DAY FOR ABOUT 2 WEEKS, MAKE SURE HE DOESN'T KNOW YOU THAT WELL AND HE'S GOING TO BE PARANOID EVERYTIME SOEONE LOGS ON.. 2.0 MOVING TO OTHER WAYS OF ABUSING IS MAKING A GOOD VIRUS, THOUGH I WILL NOT SHOW YOU HOW TO MAKE A VIRUS I'LL GIVE YOU THE BEST WAY TO MAKE SOME ONE RUN IT. 1, FIND A GAME PEOPLE ARE CRAZING FOR, PIRATED MOSTLY. 2, MAKE THE VIRUS AND CHANGE THE NAME TO THE NAME OF THE GAME, MAKE SURE YOU MAKE IT CODED ABIT, LKE DAK.EXE, NOT STREETFIGHTER.EXE, MOST PIRATED GAMES DON'T HAVE THAT. 3, THEN MAKE ABOUT 20 OTHER FILES RELATED TO SUCH A GAME. 4, THEN ZIP THEM UP AND THE VIRUS WILL LOOK LIKE IT'S A ZIPPED GAME AND ONLY YOU WILL KNOW OF IT AS A VIRUS. 5, THEN UPLOAD AND IF THE GAME IS THAT POPLUAR, IT'LL BE DOWNLOADED ALOT WITHIN THE WEEK, EVEN THE SYSOP WILL RUN IT, HE'LL FIRST PORBALBY TAKE IT OFF THE FILE LIST KNOWING IT'S PIRATED THEN TRY IT OUT. 2.1 ANOTHER THING IS TO HAVE MORE THEN 3 OR MORE ACCOUNTS ON A BBS. USE NORMAL NAMES LIKE JASON SMITH, AND GET VALIDATED ON ALL ACCOUNTS, YOU MAY UPLOAD TONS OF VIRUSES TILL THEY FIGURE OUT WHAT'S WRONG, ABOUT 5 ACCOUNTS MAY PUT ABOUT 100 VIRUSES IN A WEEK, AND CRASH LOTS OF COMPUTERS, IT'LL TAKE A WHILE FOR THE SYSOP TO FIGURE OUT THAT ALL UPLOADS CONTAINING THE NAMES OF THE UPLOADERS AND WHEN HE TRYS LOOKING FOR YOU TO ASK IF YOU DID IT INTENDLY, YOU WON'T HAVE YOU REALLY PHONE NUMBER, YOU SHOULD MAKE SURE IT ISN'T YOURS. 2.2 IF YOU GET FULL ACCESS, FIND OUT WHEN THE ECHO MAIL GETS SENT OUT ALL OVER MOST OF THE CITY OF STATE. THEN WRITE MILLIONS OF UNNESSARY MESSAGES ABOUT ALMOST ANY TOPIC, BEST IS TO WRITE ABOUT KNOWN PIRATE BOARDS, THIS WAY IT'LL BE SENT AROUND THE STATE AND POLICE DO READ THESE MESSAGES AND SO OR LATER THERE'LL BE MAJOR PROBLEM. 2.3 ALSO, IT'S HARD BUT THERE MAYBE A TIME TO GET AHOLD OF SOMEONES PWORD. TRY FINDING SOMEONE WHO YOU KNOW AND ASK FOR THE USER LIST AND PWORDS. AND THEN USE THEM ON OTHER BOARDS, MOST PEOPEL STICK WITH THE SAME PASSWORD. YOU CAN DO ALMOST ANYTHING FROM POSTIN ECHO MESSAGES, UPLOADING VIRUSES AND ABUSING THE BBS. 2.4 WRITE MESSAGES ON THIGNS THAT CAN REFLICT MANY PEOPLE, SAY THAT THERE'S A VIRUS WITH A TYPE OF TIME BOMB ON IT, IT'LL GO OF WITHIN 2 MONTHS AND THE VIRUS STARTED ON A BBS FILE AREA AND MOST FILES FORM THAT BBS ARE INFECTED. IT'LL TURN HEADS REALLY FAST, ALSO POST MESSAGES LIKE THERE'S A RUMOUR THAT A SYSOP ON ANOTHER BBS IS RUNNING AN ABUSING SECTION AND HAS OVER 200 ZIP UP VIRUSES THAT RUN BY THE .EXE, IT'LL AGAIN CAUSE PROBLEM... 2.5 TRY LOADING A GAME AND TYPING A CODE LIKE "[2][/4][SHELL][TO][DOS] IF THE SYSOP IS WATCHING YOU MAY THINK YOU KNOW SOMETIHNG BAD! ======================================== So...That was the first issu3 of Our K-rAd SUb-Z1n3. Thanx and GreeTz to Pyr0t3ch for bringing U5 this 3til3ness. ========================================= ---------------------------------------- Official PfA contest!!%#$%@$#@!!1!! ok guyzes, we've got our first official PfA contest starting in this issue. the winner of this contest gets to have his or her name printed in our next issue, and be known henceforth and forever as a PfA k-k00l d00d. All you have to do to enter is: send in as many unshadowed /etc/passwd entries as you can find! if you don't know what an unshadowed /etc/passwd file is, then ask your sysadmin, or better yet, post on comp.security.unix and ask them. send in as many files as you can find to craig@gibeah.connected.com. may the best studly cybermuffin win. ---------------------------------------- +++++++++ +PhylE 8+ ++++++++++ This Issues PaRaNoIa GraB-BaG!!@#%!#%!#%@@!!!@ -============================================- They're fucking WATCHING u poseur. -================================- y0y0y. Dr. Menace here. I guess my friend thought he was opening up to me when he wrote this. I just think it's kind of k-rad p00p. Read on: Hey Shadow President #25 @2600 Thu Jul 28 02:11:16 1994 RE: Tried Chatting You need to like get more active person... Like how do you feel about guns? You know that they are about to pass a bill that will ban 18 (but in actuallity 150) "Assult Rifles"? They put it in the crime bill and then on tuesday they went ahead and pulled it out.. Well last night they threw it bacj in just before the vote today. I think you should really start getting worried.. Part of the health plan requires that everyone be in a Federal Database that will require to know all about you and your doctor and what problems you have where you live and what you eat and the area you live in and this computer system will be open to a vague amount of people. You stop and think about it and you realize that it makes it real easy to impose martial law on people or make them "dissapear" when you know everything about them. Also the nazi's thought the white race was superior. so they killed off lots off people who didn't fit the bill.. Hmm think about how easy it would be to make up a list of criterias that people had to meet and then run them on that database.. Gee an instant list of all your "enemies". This goverment is really getting scary. I don't know.. you can ignore it if you want but I don't think it will be too long before they start coming to get people.. Yeah so they shot down the Clipper Chip but I'm sure that they would still like to keep an eye on us.. You know you could be taken away for haveing the subversive stuff you have on here.. I know it sounds stupid but it really looks like it is going to escalate to that point in the future... I know that if they get this data base going that sucker is gonna go down if I have anyting to do with it... I think you should look at some of this shit.. The clintons are soooo much the Socialists.. Just think about it man, then go ahead and dismiss me as a kook but if the guns going don't bother you then realize that your computer could become a threat to the goverment and Kapoof.. It's gone.. Oh well I sound like a nut but it's true so latere bud.... [3d1t0r5's n0t3: What an odd man. Hmph.] -====Phile 10=====- BellCoreMemoZandShit -==================- MEMO To: Randall Moore From: Scot Kelly Date: August 14, 1991 Re: Recent Telephone Conversations with Debbie Patel A. Debbie said that her group and the Applied Research group at Bellcore had reservations about treating non-alphanumerics as valid word characters. They are listed below with the response I gave to her. 1. D:User's will not know which characters are valid if books are prepared with differing character sets. S:By allowing non-alphanumerics to be treated as valid word characters, we have a much more flexible system. It becomes the System Administer's responsibility to create a consistent set of documents. If they fail to do so, it is not a Bellcore bug. 2. D:Users searching for '100' will not find '100%' or '$100'. S:Correct, as these words are distinctly different. If a person wants all instances, they can use an OR query. If they aren't aware of the other instances, they can use '100*' as a query and the Wildcard Matches window that follows to verify. This inconvenience is by far out weighed by the ability to search for '100%' without having to search through all instances of '100'. B. Debbie said it won't be difficult to modify mkbook & BE so that they accept characters with decimal values greater than 127 (i.e.: line draw characters). The current mkbook has a filter for these characters, because a few of them cause problems for the mkbook algoirithm (0) or for most monitors (CR, LF). We discussed adding a command line option to turn off the filtering for all but these few characters. She was concerned that books with these characters would not be viewable from any other than PC monitors, thus preventing us from reaching our goal of a platform independent architecture. I said that our environment was entirely PCs, and if non-PC'c are used in future, we can always go back to the current process. In all, the improvement to the readability of the document meritted a deviation from our philosophy. C. Debbie said that even with these reservations, Bellcore was willing to go ahead and make the changes if we really wanted them. MEMO To: Randall Moore From: Scot Kelly Date: October 9, 1991 Re: Specification for 4.1 transaction Transaction specification needs to be ammended as follows: Transaction Body Definitions: ������������������������������������������������Ŀ � T_PBmatches_wl � 1022 � context � lookup_block � �������������������������������������������������� Transaction Descriptions: Given a lookup query, this transaction returns a formatted list of words that were found that match the query. More explicitly: This transaction has two parts: creating a string, then storing that string in several lines of fixed length. The string is equivalent to the lookup query if no stems or aliases are involved. Word order is preserved. Comma and space operators are preserved. The characters 'Found: ' are prepended to the string. Gaps with multiple spaces are reduced to a single space. If the lookup query contains a stem, then the stem is replaced by a comma seperated list of all the words matching the stem. If the lookup query contains a word with aliases, these aliases appear immediately after the word, (prior to comma operator if present), as a comma seperated list of words enclosed within square brackets. Note: This transaction will be affected if aliasing is ever enabled for queries that contain stems. Note: This transaction will be affected if nesting of operators is ever supported. As for storing the string in lines of fixed length, this transaction behaves much as 1020, breaking the string if necessary at gaps between words. For unspecified details, see transaction 1020. <*** End of File ***> .$H 0 SONG 4100 extract .$H 1 Who 1 is Responsible for Processing Orders? The following chart shows the various organizations within Pacific Bell that may be involved in processing a request for Access service or handling the billing for an Access account. The responsibility is determined by... .$N o the type of service that is requested o who orders the service o who will be billed for the service .$F .$N .$SS +--------------------------------------------------+ |If the |And its| And |Then |And |In the | |type of |ordered| billed|orders |billing |billing| |service |by | to |are |is |system | |is | | |handled |handled | | | | | |by |by | | |--------+-------+-------+--------+--------+-------| | |Carrier|Carrier|ICSC DSC|ICSC AIC| CABS | | |-------+-------+--------+--------+-------| |SPECIAL | | End | | | | |ACCESS |Carrier| User |ICSC DSC| OLB* | CRIS | | |-------+-------+--------+--------+-------| | | End | End | | | | | | User | User | OLB* | OLB* | CRIS | | | | | | | | |--------+-------+-------+--------+--------+-------| | |Carrier|Carrier|ICSC DSC|ICSC AIC| CABS | | |-------+-------+--------+--------+-------| |SWITCHED| | End | | | | |ACCESS |Carrier| User |ICSC DSC| OLB* | CABS | | |-------+-------+--------+--------+-------| | | End | End | | | | | | User | User | OLB* | OLB* | CABS | +--------------------------------------------------+ .$SE .$F .$H 1 Who 2 is Responsible for Processing Orders? The following chart shows the various organizations within Pacific Bell that may be involved in processing a request for Access service or handling the billing for an Access account. The responsibility is determined by... .$N o the type of service that is requested o who orders the service o who will be billed for the service .$F .$N .$SS ��������������������������������������������������Ŀ �If the �And its� And �Then �And �In the � �type of �ordered� billed�orders �billing �billing� �service �by � to �are �is �system � �is � � �handled �handled � � � � � �by �by � � ��������������������������������������������������Ĵ � �Carrier�Carrier�ICSC DSC�ICSC AIC� CABS � � �����������������������������������������Ĵ �SPECIAL � � End � � � � �ACCESS �Carrier� User �ICSC DSC� OLB* � CRIS � � �����������������������������������������Ĵ � � End � End � � � � � � User � User � OLB* � OLB* � CRIS � � � � � � � � ��������������������������������������������������Ĵ � �Carrier�Carrier�ICSC DSC�ICSC AIC� CABS � � �����������������������������������������Ĵ �SWITCHED� � End � � � � �ACCESS �Carrier� User �ICSC DSC� OLB* � CABS � � �����������������������������������������Ĵ � � End � End � � � � � � User � User � OLB* � OLB* � CABS � ���������������������������������������������������� .$SE .$F ---------------------------------------- Appendix A - PfA BBS List Information. If run a hacker related Bulletin Board System, and are willing to carry the PfA issues, perhaps you would like to publicize your board to the appropriate crowd. If so, call The Escapade Macabre and leave feedback to Dr. Menace or Angel of Death telling us the name, number and NuP (if any) of your BBS. Thanx! Current BBS List: -==============- {Name} {Phone #} {NuP} The Escapade Macabre 206-565-0786 None The House of Pain 206-NOT-YET! ???? Breakdown - node 1 +61-613-555-9818 None node 2 +61-613-555-4448 node 3 +61-613-555-6993 node 4 +61-613-555-5556 CLU 'Puternet 515-232-7631 None ---------------------------------------- Appendix A - Submitting articles to PfA If you have read PfA, and like what you see, perhaps you'd be interested in being published in our fine magazine? If so call The Escapade Macabre and leave feedback to Dr. Menace (NOT Angel of Death.) that contains the body of the article, the author, the date, and the title. Most articles will be accepted as long as they are of the appropriate genre. Thanx! ---------------------------------------- Appendix B - Receiving copies of PfA The best way to receive PfA is of course by modem. However this is not possible for all people, and we were at PfA realize that. Very soon, you will be able to send a couple bucks to our post office box and get very nice bound copies of the current PfA issue. (It looks real good, printed on a BubbleJet Printer with high quality paper, then carefully photocopied, and stapled.) At some point, we do plan on making a special hardcopy edition of PfA, featuring bold, italics, and underlines, with different sized fonts, hand drawn pictures, and a magazine format (Like 2600 sorta.) and everything, but this is a long way off....financially and otherwise. ---------------------------------------- Appendix C - Contacting the Editors There are a few ways you can contact Angel of Death and me. Here they are: 1) BBS: The Escapade Macabre, (206)565-0786. A WWiV BBS run by Dr. Menace and Angel of Death. We can both be contacted there. 2) Internet: We can be reached by InterNet. Dr. Menace is neuman@hebron.connected.com, and Angel of Death is craig@hebron.connected.com. 3) IRC: We are occasionally found on our IRC channel...probably on Weekends. We have this totally worked out, the channel name is "#SoLo/PfA"... Any form of E-Mail is acceptable for submitting articles, just make sure you make you include the author, and subject of the article. ---------------------------------------- Have fun guyz! [End of File]