-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Real DD Users Guide -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Written by: Sir Bernlad ------------------------- Thanks to: Mr. Awesome, for letting me be a co on his board (I know it's got nothing to do with this file, but I had to write something) ========================= Real DD users: know what DD means (in case you aren't a real DD user, it stands for Diversi-Dial) are bright enough not to fall for the old /quiz trick in the middle of a private conversation, never send a private message to themselves by mistake can understand why when they type something in and press return � it appears again on the screen a few seconds later with their name in front of it don't turn the beeps off, no matter what time it is � never voluntarily read the advertisments on the system do not swear when on public channels wait at least 30 seconds before hanging up when alone on a system do not try to send e-mail without a secondary password do not try to hack out other users passwords or try to crash the system don't try to upload files while on the system � aren't too cheap to buy a p/w never try to get onto a private channel when 2 users are already there do not bitch at people while on the system and lots of other things that don't immediately come to mind =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= If after reading this, you thought, "golly, that reminds me of someone I know!", and then realize that the someone is you, maybe you should take a long vacation from DD systems to keep your reputation as a cool BBS-hopper intact. If you've never called, a DD system, here are the ones in the 312 area code right now and remember the guidelines I set above. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: General Modem........338-6100 The Bunker...........759-9191 ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: If you can't follow my guidelines, I suggest you go and try to convince Chip Welch to set up a Chipmunk DD line, where you would be more than welcome.