There was a woman who loved the game show Jeopardy and she watched it every night. While it was on one night her husband was in the kitchen making tea and he dropped the pot on his foot and yelled "Jesus Christ". From the other room his wife yelled back "Who is the son of God?" ������������������������Ŀ � No puns today please! � �������������������������� / �8^)-���͵ \ Cows - a bovine experience. Great big gobs of greasy, grimey, gopher's guts, Mutilated monkey meat, Little birdies dirty feet. Great big gobs of greasy grimey gopher's guts, And I forgot my spoon! Vegetarians eat vegetables;I'm a humanitarian "Socrates died from an overdose of wedlock." Hear about the man who was half Japanese and half Negro? Every December 7th he attacks Pearl Bailey! I met this girl last night, she was half French, and half Chinese. When I took her home, she ate my laundry! 2B|^2B Message about Shakespeare (-_-) Secret smile <{:-)} Message in a bottle... <:-)<<| Message from a space rocket... (:-... Heart-breaking message... <<<<(:-) Message from a hat sales-man... (:>-< Message from a thief: hands up! Groan Won't you listen to a groan up - Please no more PUN-ishment. So this sweet little old Jewish lady is walking down the street when she's suddenly accosted by a flasher -- the man jumps in front of her and whips open his coat! The lady stops, peers forward intently, and sniffs "Hah! You call that a LINING?!?" Walk softly and carry a megawatt laser Three old Ladies were walking down the stree when a Flasher came out and Flashed them. The First old Lady had a Stroke and the Second old Lady had a stroke but the Third old lady couldn't reach it! A lad of 12 was a dedicated stamp collector; until the kid next door bought an album also. "He buys every stamp I do," the kid complained to his father, "and had taken all the fun of it away." "Don't be a fool, my boy," said pop. "Remember, imitation is the sincerest form of philately." What do you call a barber who cuts hair in a library? A barbarian!! A man went into a drug store and asked for some liniment. "Walk this way" said the clerk. The man said: "If I could walk that way, I wouldn't need the liniment"! A man went into a drug store and asked the clerk: "Do you have cotton balls?" "No you idiot!", said the clerk, "What do you think I am, a rag doll?"! "But I DO work in a pretzel factory", he thought in his twisted mind! Oops!, sorry, I was miles away... Definition of a "commentator" - an average potato. My friend just fell in love with the head nurse at the hospital where he is - I guess you can say that he's taken a turn for the nurse! And his brother the experimental Psychologist is still pulling habits out of a rat. Which reminds me of the dinner party I was at last night. It was a candlelight affair; so when the hostess fell backwards onto the table I shouted "You'll burn your end at both candles!" And why couldn't the loutish baseball umpire have his little boy sit in his lap? Because the son never sits on the brutish umpire. Long ago, Elmir the Curious sailed a small craft far away. He sought the Elixir of Youth. It was said that a bush grew somewhere along the river bank, the leaves of which, when cooked for many hours, produced a substance which could ward off the effects of age. One afternoon he happened upon the bush!!! He cooked two vials of a strange pungent substance, and called all the elders of the city, explaining that he was prepared to sell his Elixir of Youth. How do we know it will work, they asked. Elmir was incensed by these doubts. As they watched he drank it all himself. He never spoke of it again, though he lived for many years. Many inquired, but his lips were sealed. You see, he had invented Elmir's glue. Hear about the Polacks shoes? They had TGIF on the top. "Toes go in first" . . . . . . . . . . . . . A widow. What are those strange marks? I typed in periods. Jack: Dack says he's related to you, and he can prove it. Mack: Dack's a fool. Jack: Well, yes, but that could be a coincidence. Don't blame me, I voted for Bill 'n' Opus! Sally: I've lost my dog. Allie: Why don't you put an ad in the paper? Sally: That wouldn't help. My dog can't read. Will: How much will it cost to take me to the train station? Taxi driver: Five dollars, sir. Will: How much will you charge to take my suitcase? Taxi driver: There's no charge for the suitcase. WIll: In that case, take the suitcase and I'll walk. There was once a small snail who always dreamed of becoming a race-car driver.One day he heard that an uncle of his had died and left him some money!Now his dream could be realized! He bought himself a car,souped it up, and then painted a large red "S" on it. When he was at his first race,a friend of his asked him why he had painted the big red "S" on the car? Simple,the snail replied; when people see my car go zooming down the,track I want them all to exclaim: Oh look!! See the S car go!!!!!!!!!!!! I saw a sign for a doctor of Proctology in Columbia, MO, that said: "Parking in Rear" Q: Hear what Evil Kenevil's latest death defying stunt is going to be? A: Walking across Newfoundland dressed as an Alter-boy. What do you call a CAT who looks like yesterdays lunch? BARFIELD.. Did you hear about the queer electron that used to go around blowing fuses. Incomplete Computer Glossary ============================ BIT: A word used to describe computers, as in 'Our son's computer cost quite a bit.' . BOOT: What your friends give you because you spend too much time bragging about your computer skills. . BUG: What your eyes do after you stare at the tiny green computer screen for more than 15 minutes. Also: What computer magazine companies do to you after getting your name on the mailing list. . CHIPS: The fattening, non-nutritional food computer users eat to avoid having to leave their computers for meals. . COPY: What you have to do during school tests because you spend too much time at the computer and not enough time studying. . CURSOR: What you turn into when you can't get your computer to perform as in "You $#$%c% computer!" . DISK: What goes out in your back after bending over a computer keyboard for seven hours at a clip. . DUMP: The place all your former hobbies wind up soon after you install you computer. . ERROR: What you made the first time you went into a computer showroom 'just to look.' . EXPANSION UNIT: The new room you have to build on to your home to house your computer and all its peripherals. . FILE: What your secretary can do to her nails six and a half hours a day, now that the computer does her day's work in 30 minutes. . FLOPPY: The condition of a constant computer user's stomach due to la *--* Qmodem Screen Dump 02/14/90 08:49:38 . FILE: What your secretary can do to her nails six and a half hours a day, now that the computer does her day's work in 30 minutes. . FLOPPY: The condition of a constant computer user's stomach due to lack of exercise and a steady diet of junk food. (See Chips). . HARDWARE: Tools, such as lawnmowers, rakes ano other heave equipment you haven't laid a finger on since getting your computer. . IBM: The kind of missile your family would like to drop on you so that you'll pay attention to them again. . MENU: What you'll never see again after buying your computer, since you'll be to poor to eat in a restaurant. . MONITOR: Often thought to be a word associated with computers, this word actually refers to those obnoxious kids who always want to see you hall pass at school. . PROGRAMS: Those things you used to look at on your television screen before you hooked you computer up to it. . RAM: What you do the side of you computer when it's not working properly. . RETURN: What lot of people do to their computers after only a week and a half. . TERMINAL: A place where you can find buses, trains, and really good deals on hot computers. . WINDOW: What you heave the computer out of when you accidentally erase a program that took you three days to set up. If ever I were punished For every little pun I said There wouldn't be a puny shread left of my punnish head. The Golden Buddha Chinese Restaurant not far from my house has a sign that says "Additional Parking in Rear of Golden Buddha..." Have you ever noticed that the dictionary is ALREADY in alphabetical order?!? He's dim, Jed! An intrepid photographer went to a haunted castle determined to get a picture of a ghost which was said to appear only once in a hundred years. Not wanting to frighten off the ghost, the photographer sat in the dark until midnight when the apparition became visible. The ghost turned out to be friendly and consented to pose for one snapshot. The happy photographer popped a bulb into his camera and took the picture. After dashing into his studio, the photographer developed the negative and groaned. It was underexposed and completely blank. The spirit was willing, but the flash was weak. There was once a man who was shipwrecked on an Island.The natives told him he could live there as long as he liked,with the only rule being that if a certain type of bird flies over the Island and shits on you,you cannot wipe it off for 3 days,or terrible misfortunes will befall you! Well,the man laughed to himself at this silly native superstition and went about his business.One day the bird (known by the natives as "the Foo Bird")did happen to fly across the Island,and sure enough!,shit on the man's head!Well,the man was disgusted and wiped it off immediately,paying no heed to the native's warnings. The next day he was swimming and was eaten by a huge great white shark! What is the moral of this story? If the Foo shits,wear it!!!! Whats a 6.9? a 69 interupted by a period! There was a small frog who needed a loan to buy a new car.He went in to see the loan officer, Mr.Patrick Whack. I'd like to have a loan, the frog said timidly. The loan officer said: "well,do you have any collateral?" "Well, said the frog, all I have is this small charm, that has been in the family for years, will it do?" The loan officer wasn't sure so he went in to see the bank manager. "There is this small frog outside who needs to buy a new car, and the only collatteral he has is this"; and he handed the charm to the bank manager. The bank manager looked at the charm and said: "It's a knick-knack, Paddy Whack, give the frog a loan!" AS A MATTER OF FACT IT WAS BENCHLEY. PARKER'S OTHER CLASSIC LINE HAD TO DO WHEN SHE AND A YOUNG ACTRESS ARRIVED AT A HOTEL DOOR AT THE SAME TIME. THE ACTRESS HELD THE DOOR OPEN FOR DOROTHY SAYING AGE BEFORE BEAUTY , PARKER WENT THROUGH THE DOOR SAYING JUST LOUD ENOUGH FOR OTJERS TO HEAR " AND PEARLS BEFORE SWINE......" What's 11? 69 for worms! Help save our trees. Eat a Beaver. There was a plumber named Lee Who was plumbing some broad by the sea. Said the broad "Stop you plumbing, There's somebody coming" Said the Plumber, still plumbing, "It's me!" There was this high school graduate who brought his girlfriend home for dinner one night. He thought he had enough time to make love to her before his mother called him to dinner. When the mother called her to dinner sooner that expected, the son yelled "I'm coming!" I know this couple who owns a flower shop. One day, shortly after the shop closed, the husband brought a shapely young hooker to the shop. The wife walked in unexpectedly, as she had forgotten something. The husband was caught with his plants down. There was this enterprising hooker who had bought a bicycle. She peddled it all over town. You know them competing mega-businesses? The spy employees keep slipping birth control pills into each other's XEROX machines so they wouldn't reproduce. She: Would you like one of my apples? He: No, but I'm most interested in your pair. When in trouble or in doubt - YELL! The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has determined that the maximum safe load capacity on my butt is 2 persons at a time - unless I install handrails or safety straps. As you have arrived 6th in line to ride my ass today, please take a number and wait your turn. a young man who was prematurely bald went to a barber for a trim. during the course of the short haircut the young man asked if there was a dependable hair restorer. the barber gave him the advice that stimulation of the scalp was best accomplished by rubbing the scalp against his wife's snatch three or four times a day for fifteen minutes each 24 hour period. the man left and about one year later a hairy monster comes into the barber shop and says, "hey there. remember me?" the barber says,"pull the hair away so i can see your face." the guy spreads the hair so his face can be seen and says," i am the guy you told to rub my head on my wife's pussy to stimulate hair growth. it really works good." the barber twirled the tip of his 16 inch mustache between his thumb and forefinger and answered, "you're telling me?" My wife, who used to teach on faculty at Texas Tech University tells a true story that occurred at a new-student orientation one September. The student body President was addressing the auditorium filled with bright-eyed students and their expectant parents. The Prez paused in his talk with the announcement that he had recently heard a good Aggie joke he wanted to share with the group. At once, an offended parent stood up shouting, "Hey, I'm an Aggie!" The Prez paused for a moment and replied: "Okay for you, I'll tell it r e a l s l o o o w." Three fags driving in a car, they stop at a red light and are rammed by an 18 wheeler. the fag who's driving looks at the other two and ask " Are you fellas alright?" The other fags hold his neck and says " My neck is sore." So the fag who's driving gets out of the car and walks bac to the truck, pounds on the door and yells " My boyfriend is hurt, I hope you have good insurance!" The truck driver rolls down the window and says "Suck my fucking dick you faggot!" The fag races back to his car and says "We're in luck fellas, he wants to settle out of court" A farm boy was out behind the barn playing with his manhood, when his father came around the corner and saw him. "What you doin boy?" says the old man. "I donno" says the boy "but it feels real good." The father says "Boy! don't you know bout intercourse?". "Intercourse?" says the boy "what's that?". So the father takes the boy in the house and says to his wife, "Woman, take your clothes off and get on the floor, It's time we showed Clem bout intercourse". He turns to the boy and says "Boy, you see that hole on maw? Watch Paw". So paw proceeds to mount Maw and go to town". About that time sis walked in and exclaims "What they doin? They fighten?" Clem says "don't you know nuttin? Thats intercourse". "Intercourse?" says sis "What's that?" "Well I have ta learn ya" says clem as he takes off his clothes. "Ya see that hole on Paw? Watch Clem" Why did the WASP cross the road? -- To get to the middle. How can you tell a male WASP is sexually excited? -- By the stiff upper lip. What do you get when you cross a WASP and an orangutan? -- I don't know... but whatever it is, it won't let you in ITS cage! Why do Polish people have such beautiful noses? -- They're handpicked. What's the definition of bad acne? -- Waking up in the park with a blind man reading your face. do you know how to tell which is the rich Polack in an all polack neighborhood? His is the house with the diving board on the septic tank. I NEVER make misteaks A man was out for a walk one day and on his travels he wandered through a farm. Strangely, he saw a pig with a wooden leg! This intrigued him so much he found the farmer and quizzed him about it. "This be no ordinary pig" said the farmer. "For example, only two days ago there was a fire in the chicken shed when I was away from the farm. The pig noticed this and immediately went and let all the chickens out into the yard. He then phoned for the fire brigade and came straight back to hold the fire until they arrived!" "And a few weeks ago, I was driving my tractor down a steep hill, when I lost control and the vehicle overturned - knocking me unconscious! The pig saw this, phoned for the ambulance and then rushed to the tractor and pulled me clear of the cab just before it set on fire." The framer was just about to launch into another tale when the man said "Yes yes, but what about the wooden leg?" "Well" said the farmer "when you've got an pig as good as that, you don't eat it all at once!" "the Prime Minister's devious hand is afoot." There was a math teacher named Paul Who had a hexagonal ball. The square of its weight. And his pec*er plus eight. Is his phone number. Give him a call. WE were in Geology Class (About 300 people) and on Final Exam the teacher called for the Exam Papers. Well 5 minutes later, sure enuff, a Student Came Down with his Exam Paper and tried to turn it it. Well of course the Teacher Said he couldn't Accept it! Well the student asked the teacher "do you know me?" The teacher replied "No" And so the student then lifted up the Stack of Exam Papers and insterted his Exam and walked away. The Abbot of the Monastery was very strict in his routine. Each morning, he'd come out of his cell, go into the main room where all the monks were sitting, and chant "Good Morning." They would chant back "Good Morning." At the evening meal, he'd enter the room and sing "Good Evening," and they would reply in kind. One morning, though, in response to his greeting, he distinctly heard one monk sing "Good Evening." Wondering if his ears were going, he sang "Good Morning," only to hear the anomalous greeting again. Looking about the room, he sang "Someone Chanted 'Evening.'" After the third murder in as many months of residents of the fourth floor of the dormitory, Sherlock Holmes was called in the case. In each death the body of a student had been discovered the next morning crushed and covered with tire marks. "How did a car get onto the fourth floor?", asked the baffled campus security police. "Have you noticed", Holmes said, "that the deaths all occurred when there was a full moon?". I believe that we are dealing with that unhappy curse of modern technological society- the descendent of the werewolf, the weremobile!!!" On the next night that the moon was full, the Great Detective took action. Every student that lived on the fourth floor was locked in a separate room, along with an electronically monitored five-gallon can of gasoline. Toward the middle of the night the instruments showed the disappearance of the gas in room 440, which was occupied by a Japanese-American student named Nagawa. "He's pouring out the gas!", whispered the security chief. "No!, he's drinking it," said Holmes. Peering through the keyhole of room 440 they saw that the student was no longer there, and in his place was a Japanese compact car!!! The next morning Holmes confronted Nagawa. "When the moon is full, you become an automobile, and you run over your fellow students on the fourth floor." "But how did you know?", gasped Nagawa. "Alimentary, my were-Datsun." A man was shipwrecked on yet another island.He built himself a grass and straw shelter and all was OK until a flock of Terns flew onto the island. The terns started pecking at his shelter,weakening it.This would not do,so the usually gentle man started throwing stones at the terns;till all flew away save one. Well,the man figured that one tern could do no harm,so he didn't bother to chase it away.The last tern kept pecking at the shelter,till it fell in upon the sleeping man ,smothering him.What is the moral of this story??? Never leave a tern unstoned!!! A man had a weird illness.Whenever he broke wind,it made the sound"honda". He asked his doctor about it but the doctor after months of tests and literature-reading,could not figure it out.Finally,just before he was about to give up,he has an idea!"I'll call Honda Company in Japan and ask the company doctor!!" Well,he called the Japanese doctor and was told by him to see if the patient had an abscess in his teeth somewhere. Sure enough,there is,and when it was treated the other affliction ended! When th e doctor asked his Japanese counterpart how he could make such a great diagnosis over the phone from such a long distance away the man replied,simple: Abscess makes a fart go honda!!! A man was cleaning out his attic, throwing out all the old junk, when his friend Bill came over to see him. "Find anything decent up here?" he asked. "Well, not much. Best thing I found was this old Bible, written by some guy named Gutenberg. Ever seen one of these?" Bill said, "That book is one of the most valuable books ever to exist! There's only 13 of them known left! It's worth MILLIONS!" "Well, mine can't be worth that much. Some ass named Martin Luther scribbled all over it." Comet - it tastes like listerine.. Comet - it makes your teeth turn green... Comet - it makes you vomit... So try Comet, and Vomit, today!! Did you ever think as a hearse goes by, That you might beeee the next to die. They wrap you up in a nice clean sheet, And throw you in about 6 feet deep. Then all goes well for about a week, Until the coffin begins to leak. The worms crawl in.. The worms crawl out.. In your stomach and out your mouth.. They eat your fingers, They eat your toes.. They eat the boogers right out of your nose... 'Twas the Pig Fair last September. The day I well remember I was walking up and down in drunken pride.. When My knees began to flutter, So I sat down in the gutter.. When a Pig came up and lay down by my side. As I was sitting in the gutter, Thinking thoughts I could not utter.. I thought I heard a passing lady say: "You can tell a man who boozes By the company he chooses." And with that the pig got up and walked away. A computer?! Where?! Oh... you mean this?... I used to work in a bank,but then I lost interest. I used to be a lumberjack,but then I got the axe. I used to be a carpenter,but then I got bored. I used to be a tennis instructor,but it wasn't my racket. I used to work for H + R Block,but it was too taxing. I used to work for the Miller Beer company,but then I got canned. I used to be a taxi driver,but I couldn't hack it. I used to be a pimp,but then I got laid off. In Japan many years ago and old farmer was tending the wheet fields on the steep hillside above a small fishing settlement. As he stood up to rest his back, he gazed out to sea. To his horror saw a tsunami approaching; the people in the villiage were, of course, unaware of the impending distruction and death. The villiage was too far away for waving or hollering to provide an effective alert. How was he to save the people? He set fire to the villiage's wheet fields. The people down below saw the flames and most rushed up to the high ground to prevent the destruction of their crop and, thus avoided the tidal wave that crushed the villiage. AArree yyoouu sseeiinngg ddoouubbllee?? there was the guy driving along the highway at 40. A chicken was keeping up with him and the chicken had three legs. He increased speed to 60 and the chicken was still running alongside. He then increased his speed to 80, and the chicken sped up and cut across in front of him and went up a sideroad. The guy was intrigued by all this, so turned around and drove into the sideroad which ended in a farmer's yard. The farmer came over to the car and asked if he could help. The motorist asked if he had seen a three-legged chicken come through his yard. The farmer said he had and, as a matter of fact, he and his sons had bred the chickens to provide three drumsticks. "How are they?" asked the motorist. "Hell," replied the farmer, "WE don't know, we've never been able to catch one of them!" My favorite college joke is about the lad from the hills of Kentucky who won a scholarship to MIT. In familiarizing himself with the campus, he was walking across the quad and stopped an upperclassman to ask, ""Scuse me, can you tell me whar the liberry is at?" The upperclassman drew himself up to his full height and haughtily told the lad he was attanding the most prestigious engineering school in the world and that they prided themselevs on being able to communicate properly as well. He said they NEVER ended a sentence with a preposition and asked if the lad would like to rephrase his question. The kid looked him up and down and said, "Shore, can you tell me whar the liberry is at, a**hole." What's the last thing that enters a fly's mind when he's hit by a truck? -His AssHole! How many Californians does it take to screw a litebulb? -None- they screw on beaches. --HAVE YOU DRIVEN OVER A FORD LATELY?-- --YAMAHA's THE BEST - F*CK THE REST!-- Why was 6 afraid of 7? -Cuz 7-8-9! Mary had a litle lamb, she also had a duck She put them on the window sill to see if they would FALL! New NBA Rules effective next season: When a team's score exceeds the opponent's by ten (10) points, add one (1) white player. When a team's score exceeds the opponent's by twenty (20) points, add two (2) white players. When a team's score trails the opponent by ten (10) points, the team may then "Renege". Oh well, you spell it....... A CHINESE PERSON IS HAVING DINNER WITH HIS JEWISH FRIEND. AS BOTH ARE ABSORBED WITH THEIR MEAL, THE JEWISH FRIEND HAULS OFF AND BELTS HIS CHINESE FRIEND, KNOCKING HIM TO THE FLOOR. "WHY DID YOU DO THAT??" "FOR PEARL HARBOR", THE JEWISH FRIEND REPLIES....."BUT I'M CHINESE...THAT WAS THE JAPANESE!!!." ..."CHINESE, JAPANESE...THEY'RE ALL ALIKE" tHE DINNER GOES ON WHEN, SUDDENLY, THE CHINESE FRIEND KNOCKS HIS JEWISH FRIEND TO THE FLOOR...."WHAT WAS THAT FOR????" ..."THE TITANIC"...."BUT THE TITANTIC WAS SUNK BY AN ICEBERG"....."ICEBERG, GOLDBERG...THEY'RE ALL ALIKE".....