Master Foo and the Programming Prodigy
There was a time when rumors began to reach Master Foo and his students of a
prodigiously gifted programmer, a young man who wandered the length and breadth
of the land performing mighty feats of coding and humiliating all who dared set
their skill against his.
Eventually this prodigy came to visit Master Foo, who received him politely and
offered him tea. The Prodigy accepted with equal politeness and explained the
motive for his visit.
“I have come to you,” he said “seeking a code and design review of my latest
project. For it is of surpassing complexity, and I do not have peers capable of
understanding it. Only an acknowledged master such as yourself (and here the
Prodigy bowed deeply) can have the discernment required.”
Master Foo bowed politely in return and began examining the Prodigy's code.
After some time he raised his eyes from the screen. “This code is at first
sight very impressive,” he said. “It is elegant in design, utilizing original
algorithms of great ingenuity, and appears to be implemented in a craftsmanlike
way which minimizes the possibility of errors.”
The Prodigy looked very pleased at this praise, but Master Foo continued: “
However, I detect one significant flaw.”
“Flaw?” the Prodigy said. “What flaw?”
“This code is difficult to read,” said Master Foo. “It is only thinly
commented, its invariants are not specified, and I see no narrative description
of its architecture or internal data structures anywhere. These problems will
seriously impede your cooperation with other programmers.”
The Prodigy drew himself up haughtily. “I do not seek the cooperation of other
programmers,” he said. “Every time I thought I had found one who might match me
in skill I have been disappointed. Thus, I work alone.”
“But even the hacker who works alone,” said Master Foo, “collaborates with
others, and must constantly communicate clearly to them, lest his work become
confused and lost.”
“Of what others do you speak?” the Prodigy demanded.
Master Foo said: “All your future selves.”
Upon hearing this, the Prodigy was enlightened.
Master Foo and the End User Master Foo and the Hardware