A Civil War Songbook (January 1990)

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Project Gutenberg: Martin Luther King's "I have a Dream" Speech

The First Thanksgiving Proclomation, June 20, 1676

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The Charlotte Town Resolves: Resolves Adopted in Charlotte Town, North Carolina, May 31, 1775

Project Gutenberg: The U. S. Constitution

I Have a Dream, by Martin Luther King Jr. (August 26, 1963)

Transcript of Martin Luther King's "I Have a Dream" Speech

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Project Gutenberg: President Franklin Delano Roosevelt's First Inaugural Speech, March 4th, 1933

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Project Gutenberg: The Federalist Papers (June 6, 1992)

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ETEXT: Magna Carta or The Great Charter of King John Granted June 15th, A.D. 1215

The Koran, Translated by E. H. Palmer (500 AD)

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Project Gutenberg: Lincoln's Second Inaugural Address

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Project Gutenberg: The Communist Manifesto

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The Mayflower Compact, transcribed by Gerald Murphy

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PROJECT GUTENBURG: The Book of Mormon (March 8, 1992)

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Project Gutenberg: The Project Gutenberg Encyclopedia (1911 Encyclopedia)

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Project Gutenberg: 1994 CIA World Factbook

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