VrACK Release 1.0� By: Sir Joust for: PH/ARM of SC714. Description: VrACK is a Voice Mail Box Hacker. The Beta release is a Beta Release and not everything is included or cosmetically KOSHER. The Problem I have is that Im trying to write or update several phucking programs/projects at the same time. This is my second project which is not and never will be finished (no program is ever finished). The First is {BeG} WWIV, and third is now a phucking virus Im trying to write. Now, VrACK operates on a basic concept that no 2 mail box systems are the same. VrACK employs four user definable variables known as "CODE", "MAIL"box, "__A", and "___B". There is NO difference between the four, and they might have all been called "1", "2", "3", and "4". Now you can set the settings for these variables to whatever you like. You regulate the actual length in characters of the variable, at which number it starts, the incriment value, and in the next version the type, which will allow you, to have the computer randomly generate numbers, or have the variable come from a file. so u could have like a file that has this in it: DOG CAT SHIT FUCK and the likes and the program would convert these strings into numbers as on a dial pad of your phone, and then have that number placed in the appropriate variable. Now, the actual order of these variables and how they are dialed through the phone is determined by a rather primitive script language which will be described further in this doc file. You will do shit without reading that section. Configuration: VMBCFG.EXE is the configuration program, that sets all the variable starting points, increment values, telephone numbers, com port addresses and the sort, I will not go deeper into this cuz VMBCFG is a very primitive program, that is just there cuz i didn't have time to write a descent CONFIG program. Script commands: In the Configuration you will be asked to enter the VMB script, this is a description of the available commands. [NOTE: Everything must be in CAPS] | This will send a carrige return to the modem. {n} This will pause for n number of seconds. [InI This will pause for n number of secconds but at the same time you will have the option of initializing the next set of variables (code was bad), code good-should be used if the attempt was successfull, quit, will save the current variables for trying at a later time and then quits, again, this should be used if something went wrong and you want to try again with the same variable values. If the time runs out, the effect will be that of pressing . [S Save current instruction pointer position. [R Restore (goto) the instruction pointer position previously saved with [S. [Xn Restore (goto) the instruction pointer position previously saved with [S n number of times and then continue with the rest of the program. [Note: n can only be 1 digit long] [B Goes to the beginning of the program. [H Hangs up the modem. [P Dials the Phone Number of the VMB. [C Dials the "CODE" Variable. [N Dials the "MAIL" Variable. [A Dials the "___A" Variable. [B Dials the "___B" Variable. [D Sends ATDT to the modem. [END of ref] Antything else you put in will be sent to the modem. NOTE!: When you issue a command that dials anything like a variable or phone number it will take a few seconds for the modem to actually dial it, when for instance you put in "[C" the program will send this to the modem "ATDTcodevar;" then it will delay for half a second. The half a second delay will ensure that the OK prompt apears before another command is issued, however!, 1/2 a second is not enough to dial lets say six digits, and if you issue another command that dials something directly after it it will stop the dialing before its completed. I hope ure getting this. if for instance u are dialing the '#' key the "MAIL" and then the code variable, do something like this, "[D#;|[N{2}[C{2}". Now the the [D will send atdt, then the paund sign, the semicolen pops up the OK prompt before the modem hangs up(its like necessary). [N dials the "MAIL" varaiable, waits 2 seconds ({2}) for dialing to finish, [C dials the "CODE" variable, so on.. so on.. tralal.