ToneLoc v1.10 User Manual by Minor Threat & Mucho Maas ToneLoc is short for Tone Locator, and is a bit of a wild thing. What it does is simple: it dials numbers, looking for some kind of tone. It can also look for carriers like an ordinary wardialer. It is useful for: 1. Finding PBX's. 2. Finding loops or milliwatt test numbers. 3. Finding dial-up long distance carriers. 4. Finding any number that gives a constant tone, or something that your modem will recognize as one. 5. Finding carriers (other modems) 6. Hacking PBX's. Before you even start using ToneLoc, PLEASE PLEASE take the time to print out and read the docs. Well, you don't have to print them out I guess, but at LEAST read them. ToneLoc is extremely flexible and can be configured to work on almost any modem under almost any environment. Unfortunately, flexibility has its price. There are many options in the config file that should be set up for your modem. And there are many command line switches that are very useful. Trust us, reading the docs now will enlighten you to the tons of useful features, and save you headaches later. To sum it up, ToneLoc rocks and if you don't read the docs, you're a LAMER! Here are the command line options for ToneLoc: ToneLoc [DataFile] /M:[Mask] /R:[Range] /D:[ExRange] /X:[ExMask] /#:[Number] /C:[Config] /S:[StartTime] /E:[EndTime] /H:[Hours] /T[-] /K[-] You can use ":" or "-" as a delimiter. If you don't use ":" or "-", ToneLoc will assume there is no delimiter. Example: ToneLoc [DataFile] /M[Mask] ... When you run ToneLoc you need to give it at least one command line parameter. The only required parameter is a data filename; the rest are optional. The optional parameters can come in any order. If you only provide a filename, the filename is also used as the mask. A mask tells ToneLoc what numbers to dial. A mask will look something like this: 555-1XXX. The X's are replaced by ToneLoc with random numbers. It will never dial the same random number twice in the same mask. If you exit before the mask has been exhausted, ToneLoc will save the array of numbers dialed and their results in the data file. You should never have more than 4 X's in a mask. ToneLoc will run, but since ToneLoc uses integer variables, the numbers will be all screwed up, since 5 X's would have 100,000 possible numbers which is more than 32,768 (integer) and 65,536 (word). If you have no idea what I'm talking about, just trust me and don't put 5 X's in the mask. The next command line parameter is the Mask (/M). If you use this, your data filename can be anything you want, and the mask will be taken from the string following /M. The next parameter is the range to dial (/R). This makes it easier to specify a range of numbers without having to exclude numbers. Say you want to dial from 835-1000 to 835-2000, you would run: TONELOC 835-XXXX /R:1000-2000. The next parameter is the range to NOT dial (/D). Say you want to dial 345-xxxx, but you know that 345-9000 - 345-9999 are all payphones. Run: TONELOC 345-XXXX /D:9000-9999. ToneLoc would dial everything except the 9000-9999 range. Another way to accomplish the same thing would be to use an Exclude mask. (/X) This is a mask of numbers NOT to dial. To dial the entire 345 prefix, EXCEPT the 5000-5999 range, you could run: TONELOC 345-XXXX /X:5XXX Notice that is "/X:5XXX" and not "/X:345-XXXX". The Exclude mask must be a subset of the original mask. You can specify up to 10 exclude masks. Excluded numbers (from masks or ranges) are only excluded for the current run of ToneLoc - the flagging is not permanent. Between your dial masks and ranges you should be able to obtain a good degree of specificity in your scan. The next command line parameter (/C) is which configuration file to use (.CFG). This file contains all of the configuration data for ToneLoc, such as which COM port to use, the baud rate, window colors, dial string, etc. See the configuration file for details. The next parameter is the starting time (/S). ToneLoc will wait until this time to begin the dial scan. You can use either standard time notation (5:30p) or military time (17:30) for any time parameter. You can hit any key to start early. The next parameter is the ending time (/E). When this time is reached ToneLoc will end the current scan. The next parameter is a useful shortcut (/H). It specifies an end time at a certain number of hours and minutes past the start time. If you specify a start time and a number of hours (/S:10:00p /H:5:30), the end time will be the start time plus the number of hours desired (3:30 AM). If you specify both an end time and a number of hours, the number of hours will take precedence. The next few parameters are overrides for the scan type (/T, /K, /T-, /K-). This is usually set in the config file, but this parameter overrides it. To scan for tones you'd use /T. To scan for everything except tones use /T-. To scan for carriers you'd use /K, to scan for everything except carriers use /K-. The inverted scan modes are useful for hacking a PBX; see below on hacking PBX's. If you have data files from previous versions of ToneLoc, there is a utility included with ToneLoc called "TCONVERT" that will bring your data files up-to-date. There can be as many data files in the directory as you want. Don't forget to SAVE your data files, they don't take too much space, and they are great with Tonemap. Here are a few example command lines: ToneLoc 346-XXXX - Dial 346-0000 to 346-9999 using the default configuration file, saving responses to the data file 346-XXXX.DAT. ToneLoc 950-5XXX /C:NINE5 - Dial 1000 numbers, from 950-5000 to 950-5999 (randomly), and use the configuration file NINE5.CFG. This configuration file might skip rings and have a short wait. This could be used for dialups. ToneLoc 474-9XXX /X:1XX - Dial 1000 numbers, from 474-9000 to 474-9999 (randomly), using the default configuration file TL.CFG, but exclude 474-9100 to 474-9199. Also see next example. ToneLoc 474-XXXX /R:9000-9999 /X:91XX - Same as above, but easier to understand. This method is better for another reason: If you scan 9000-9999 now, and later decide to scan the rest of the prefix, this method would keep the whole scan in one data file, rather than having 474-9XXX.DAT and 474-XXXX.DAT. ToneLoc 474-XXXX /R:9000-9999 /D:9100-9199 - Another version of the above. ToneLoc 836-99XX /C:LOOP /S:21:30 - Dial from 836-9900 to 836-9999 (100 numbers) using the config file LOOP.CFG, but waiting until 9:30 PM to begin dialing. ToneLoc TEST /M555-1XXX /H:5:00 /x:3XX /x:1XX - Dial the numbers from 555-1000 to 555-1999 for five hours maximum, saving the dialed numbers to TEST.DAT, and excluding the ranges 1300-1399 and 1100-1199. ToneLoc 677-8xxx /E:8:30a - Dial the numbers 677-8000 to 677-8999 until 8:30 AM, saving the dialed numbers to 677-8XXX.DAT. ToneLoc 389-xxxx /#:5000 /H:30:00 - Dial the numbers 389-0000 to 389-9999 for thirty hours maximum or 5000 dials, which ever comes first. The optional parameters can come in any order, but the name of the datafile MUST be the first parameter. If there is no mask specified, the data file name is used as the mask. We hope you are impressed by the way the screen looks while dialing. The screen is split up into 3 major windows. The first window, called the Activity Log, takes up the entire left half of the screen. It tells you what is going on. If LOGGING is ON, everything that appears here also goes to the log file. The following messages may appear in the message log: 22:54:09 � This is written at the beginning of each run. It makes it easier for you to separate ToneLoc runs in the log file. 22:53:53 ToneLoc started on 10-Mar-94 This is self explanatory. 22:53:53 Data file: 403-XXXX.DAT This shows which file ToneLoc is using to store the dialed numbers. 22:53:53 Config file: TL.CFG This shows which file ToneLoc has loaded the configuration information from. TL.CFG is the default configuration file. 22:53:53 Log file: TONE.LOG This shows which file ToneLoc is logging the scan to. This file name is set in the configuration file and can be changed there. 22:53:53 Mask used: 403-XXXX This tells what mask you used for the current run. 22:53:53 Exclude mask 1: 8XXX Shows which numbers you AREN'T dialing in the current run. 22:53:53 Initializing modem ... ToneLoc is trying to initialize the modem. It will either give a "Done" message or a "Failed" Message. ToneLoc will try 3 times to initialize the modem. 22:53:53 Waiting until 09:30:00 ToneLoc is waiting until 9:30 AM to start the current scan. You can hit any key to start early. 23:30:44 474-5294 - Timeout (1) This means the number was dialed, it rang ONCE (notice the '(1)' ), and then it timed out without finding anything. 23:30:56 474-5335 - Timeout (3) This means the number was dialed, and nothing was found during the WaitDelay. The (3) indicates there were three rings. 23:31:00 474-5978 - No Dialtone #1 This means when ToneLoc tried to dial, there was no dial tone found (your dialtone). When this happens, ToneLoc tries the same number again, until it has tried the number of times by specified by NoToneAbort in the config file. 23:39:02 474-5685 - Busy This means the number dialed was busy. 00:24:26 474-5989 - ** TONE ** Holy Shit! You found a tone. It is probably either a loop, PBX, or dial-up LD carrier. Now its your job to hack it out and use it! 09:14:34 353-0911 - * CARRIER * Even better! You found a carrier. If you have found logging activated, the result will be logged there. If you're lucky, it's you DATAKIT dialup. Otherwise, it could be a BellCore unix! Of course it could be a do-nothing carrier. Those suck. 00:24:26 474-5489 - Voice (1) This means your modem detected a voice answer. Good modems like the USR HST/DS can detect voice. X5 or X6 in your init string will enable this on a HST/DS. CAUTION: the "VOICE" response can be triggered by some dialtones, so you may want to disable this if you are scanning for tones. See below. 06:45:43 Ringout (3) This means MaxRings (in this case 3) was reached and the dial was aborted. See below for a discussion of rings. 15:11:23 474-5555 - * Blacklisted #5 * This means the number was found in the BlackList file (the 5th entry), so it was not dialed. This is highly recommended for areas with Caller ID and ex-girlfriends. 00:45:01 Autosaving This means ToneLoc is backing up the .DAT file after the interval set in the config file. 04:53:12 Stopping at 10:00:21 ToneLoc has reached the stop time specified after /E and is exiting the current scan. 03:00:32 All 10000 codes exhausted Damn, you dialed every possible number! 3 X's means 1000 numbers are possible. 4 X's means 10,000 numbers are possible, etc. Like this: 10^X, where X is the number of X's in the mask. Math sucks. Other messages are in response to input: 00:25:31 474-5629 - Speaker ON By hitting S you can toggle the speaker on and off DURING a scan. ToneLoc will beep high (ON) or low (OFF) depending on the status of the speaker. ToneLoc waits until it is finished with the current dial to toggle the speaker. 00:28:45 474-9091 - Volume set to 3 By hitting a number 0-9 you can set the volume level with the commands defined in the Config file. You can also use them for customized commands. 00:25:59 474-5985 - * Noted * You can hit N to make a note in the log next to this number. Aborts current number. Use it when you find something interesting like a drunk cowboy yelling at you through the phone. Other note keys are: C - Carrier F - Fax G - Girl K - Custom note (you can type a note yourself) V - VMB Y - Yelling asshole 00:27:23 474-5239 - Jumped to DOS Hit J to shell to DOS. Just type EXIT to return. This will abort the current number being dialed, but ToneLoc will redial it after you return from DOS. Be careful to "exit" and not to just re-run ToneLoc. 00:27:45 474-5722 - Redialing Hit R to redial the current number. Useful if a number doesn't "take" or you want to fuck with that drunk cowboy who answered last time. 00:30:45 474-5123 - Escaped 03:30:45 Dials/hour : 225 00:30:46 ToneLoc Exiting ... Hitting escape will abort the current number and exit the program. ToneLoc writes the average number of dials per hour to the log file. 00:28:12 474-5756 - Aborted Hitting the Spacebar will abort the current number. 00:45:23 454-5365 - Paused Pressing P will stop the current dial and wait for another keypress before continuing. Good in case you want to use the phone for a sec. A few keys don't have screen responses: X : Adds 5 seconds to the WaitDelay time for this dial only. Can be used repeatedly on the same dial. Ok, on to the next window. The top-right corner of your screen is the modem window. Everything that is returned from your modem is shown here. This isn't very useful, except maybe for debugging, but it looks neat. The last window is in the bottom-right part of the screen. Its called the Statistics window. It shows a bunch of cool stuff like.... � The time you began scanning. � The current time. � The maximum number of possible numbers, based on your mask and negative mask. � The number of numbers already dialed. � Number of responses for CD (carriers), Tone, Voice, Busy, & Ringout. � The average number of dials per hour. � ETA - Estimated Time to Arrival (or completion). This is the number of hours and minutes left in the scan, based on your current dials per hour and numbers left. � The number of rings so far in the current dial. � Last 5 tones or carriers found. You'll also notice (you better!) the meter at the bottom right. Pretty cool huh? It just shows the progress of the current call. This is a graphic representation of the elapsed wait time as set in the config file. If you can't stand to look at a still screen, set a fancy meter wipe option in the config file. The Black List File: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This is a file of up to 1000 numbers that ToneLoc should never dial. Put your own numbers here, your friends numbers, the police department, fire department, etc. Each number should be on its own line exactly as ToneLoc will dial them. For example the entry "555-1212" will only blacklist the number "555-1212", not "1-555-1212" or "5551212". ToneLoc matches partial strings. If you blacklist "911", you'll also blacklist anything that contains the numbers "911": "555-9111", "5911432", etc. If you really can't trust yourself, blacklist "911-". If ToneLoc comes up with one of these numbers as a candidate for a dial attempt, it will skip it and move on to the next number. Anything after a semicolon (;) is ignored, so you can comment this file. Rings And The X Parameter: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This discussion refers in particular to newer USRobotics modems. If you are using another brand of modem you'll probably have to sort through the details yourself. This can get confusing so a little detail is in order. There are several ways to deal with the RINGING message that your modem can generate. The simplest is to simply disable it with the X4 command in your modem init string. With X4, RINGING and VOICE will be supressed as responses. This is simple enough, but you won't get much diagnostic detail in your logs or .DAT files, and your scan will take longer because more of the calls will go all the way until timeout instead of aborting earlier because of a Ringout or Voice response. You can enable these messages with the X6 flag, which will respond with VOICE and RINGING when it is detected. Unfortunately, VOICE can give a false response when you are looking for dialtones. Of particular importance, the high pitched 2600hz tone (wink start) which precedes many PBX's initial dialtone will cause a VOICE response. X7 supresses the VOICE response, but leaves the RINGING response. In our experience RINGING is seldom a false response, and any potential VOICE responses will show up as BUSY's. If you decide to use X7, you'll need to adjust the MaxRings parameter in your config file. Experiment a little bit to decide how to set it. If you set it to 0, the number of rings will be recorded, but ToneLoc will never abort because of rings. If you are using a USRobotics modem to scan for carriers, however, you should use the X6 command since the modem will never give a false response when looking for carriers. Your scan will go faster, and your .DAT file will be more detailed. After the Scan: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Well now that I have some dial tones, what the fuck do I do with them? First, figure out what kind of a number it is. PBX's usually have a 3-8 digit code, but they can be longer, or they can have NO code. If you enter the correct code, you will hear a second dial tone. Otherwise you will probably get a reorder (fast busy), busy, a hangup, or ringing. Sometimes it will ring the PBX attendant (the operator - ugh). But ringing the attendant is a good way to find out who owns the PBX. Once you get the second dialtone, dial 9+ACN (sometimes X+ACN, where X is often 7 or 8, and less frequently other digits) to make a long distance call. (NOTE: ACN = Area Code & Number) Some PBX's have no code, you just need to dial 9. Sometimes the code will follow the number in the format 9+ACN+Code. Sometimes you'll need to dial 1 first. Many will also call international. Experiment. See below on hacking them. It might also be a long-distance extender dial-up. You'll find many of them in the prefix 950-xxxx. Sometimes it is easy to hack a code, but please be careful! They are easy to get busted on. MCI people are dicks. They get off on busting people, and announcing it to the world. Sprint doesn't fuck around either, they'll bust you, but they like to keep it quiet. And the little guys are getting smarter too. Consult with local phreaks before experimenting with an unfamiliar extender. Here's a tip. If you scan 950's you'll find most will give either a result of Voice, Ring, or Busy. A few will be Tones, but also a few will be Timeouts. Investigate these - you may find something interesting, like a voice-prompted dialup or a modem carrier. You may also find "Phantoms". In Mucho's area there are several MCI dialup ports that are no longer in use since the full implementation of Equal Access. Hack all day, you won't find a code. Try and figure out what you are hacking before you waste time on a dead end. Now, for an explanation of loops. We'll tell you what we know about them, which ain't a whole lot. Loops are a pair of phone numbers, usually consecutive, like 836-9998 and 836-9999. They are used by the phone company for testing. What good do loops do us? Well, they are cool in a few ways. Here is a simple use of loops. Each loop has two ends, a 'high' end, and a 'low' end. One end gives a (usually) constant, loud tone when it is called. The other end is silent. Loops don't usually ring either. When BOTH ends are called, the people that called each end can talk through the loop. Some loops are voice filtered and won't pass anything but a constant tone; these aren't much use to you. Here's what you can use working loops for: billing phone calls! First, call the end that gives the loud tone. Then if the operator or someone calls the other end, the tone will go quiet. Act like the phone just rang and you answered it ... say "Hello", "Allo", "Chow", "Yo", or what the fuck ever. The operator thinks that she just called you, and that's it! Now the phone bill will go to the loop, and your local RBOC will get the bill! Use this technique in moderation, or the loop may go down. Loops are probably most useful when you want to talk to someone to whom you don't want to give your phone number. As for carriers.. well, we would hope you know what to do with a carrier by now. But if you don't, a good place to start is The Mentor's Guide to Hacking. Carrier Logging ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Carrier logging isn't terribly hard to understand or use. If you have Carrier Logging enabled, ToneLoc will log the results of whatever it finds to the found log file. There are two values you'll need to set for this, the nudge string and the nudge delay. The nudge string is the string ToneLoc will send to the carrier, the nudge delay is how long it will log afterwards. The default nudge string is a series of pauses and returns, but you can put whatever you like, including control characters (^X sends control-X). For example: 14-Dec-93 17:42:57 565-2351 C: CONNECT 2400/ARQ/MNP Trying CYMK ( Open Cray UNICOS (cymk) (ttyp007) NOTICE: THIS PRIVATE SYSTEM IS RESTRICTED TO AUTHORIZED USERS. UNAUTHORIZED ACCESS OR USE WILL RESULT IN PROSECUTION. login: login: login: login: login: 15-Dec-93 02:47:07 565-2318 C: CONNECT 1200/NONE DYNIX/ptx(R) V2.1.0 System name: sleeze login: DYNIX/ptx(R) V2.1.0 System name: sleeze There are a two kinds of stripping that can affect the output you get from carrier logging, linefeed and parity. You'll probably want to strip the linefeed characters, otherwise you'll end up with this: 16-Dec-93 05:31:23 565-3202 C: CONNECT 1200/NONE  KEYBOARD LOCKED, WAIT FOR LOGIN -[1;24r-[1;1H-[0J Login: Login: Login: Login: Which isn't as clear to read. Parity stripping is usually straightforward. It should be pretty clear that this is not correct: 17-Dec-93 06:09:11 565-5122 C: CONNECT 1200/NONE ���D:�� � �NVA��D�US��NAM�-PASS���D�PA��.� � US��NAM�:�� � PASS���D:� With parity stripping set, it comes in clear: 17-Dec-93 06:24:45 565-5122 C: CONNECT 1200/NONE LROLM CBX MODEL 10, 9030 PROCESSOR SITE ID: SEARS42343 RELEASE: 9005.2.78 BIND DATE: 17/September/92 Megabytes Copyright (c) ROLM, A Siemens Company 1992 All rights reserved - Property of ROLM 06:25:38 ON Friday 12/17/1993 26 DEGREES C USERNAME: PASSWORD: INVALID USERNAME-PASSWORD PAIR. But parity stripping can can be more subtle. This looks like nonsense at 8N1: 19-Dec-93 14:45:03 565-7832 C: CONNECT 1200/NONE �?P� ��?P� ��?P� ��?P� ��?P� ��?P� ��?P� � ?A It reveals itself when stripped (E71): 19-Dec-93 15:12:52 565-7832 C: CONNECT 1200/NONE   ?A   ?A   ?A   ?A   ?A   ?A   ?A  ToneMap: ~~~~~~~~ The best way to learn about the allocation of numbers in a given prefix is to call each number individually, listen to the result, and keep careful notes. Since this is impossible for most of us, ToneLoc has been designed to keep track of it for you. ToneLoc keeps a very detailed data file. It records the response of each number, whether it was a tone, carrier, voice, timeout, etc, and how many times it rang. This information is stored in a 10k .DAT file, which ToneMap can read and display for you as graphic map of the numbers you have scanned. When shown this way, patterns become evident which might otherwise remain obscure. PBX DID (Direct Inward Dial) groups, bands of busy numbers, ranges of beeper numbers, and more should all show up clearly defined in your maps if they are present. ToneMap requires a color VGA display, it uses MCGA (320x200x256). It can also use the mouse if you have one installed. Run ToneMap like this: "TONEMAP " and press Enter. To view a series of DAT files at once, run ToneMap with a wildcard: "TONEMAP *.DAT", for example. If you wish to view a specific set of .DAT files, create a file with the full name of each .DAT file on a line by itself. Then run "TONEMAP @". To move around use the arrow keys on the cursor pad; diagonals work too. Ctrl-Home takes you to 0000, Ctrl-End takes you to 9999. If you are viewing a series, Ctrl-Pgup and Ctrl-Pgdn will take you to the previous or next file. To use the mouse, position the cursor where you wish to be then click. A few features are only available with a mouse. To dim all but a selected class of responses, click on the desired color box in the key. Try clicking on the timeout box; you can highlight individual ringout numbers to illustrate subtle patterns. To edit a response, select it with your cursor, then click its color box in the lower right hand corner. You will be prompted to choose the color to change to; click the color box in the key of the response you wish to change it to. Doing this to a ringout(X) response increases the value of X by 1 each time. We've included 12 sample DAT files. Have a look at one of them. You should see a square of colors that takes about 2/3 of the screen, and a key to the colors on the right. Each square represents a response type of a single phone number in the prefix. It starts at the top left (0000) and works down and to the right (9999). Each vertical column is 100 numbers. Here's an explanation of the colors: BLACK = Undialed (Not yet dialed by ToneLoc) GREY = Timeout (Lighter = more rings before timeout) ORANGE/RED = Busy number. DARK BLUE = Blacklisted number. DARK GREEN = RingOut. (Rang too many times) LIGHT GREEN = Tone LIGHT YELLOW = Carrier CYAN = NOTED Number ('N' was pressed) DARK RED = Aborted (spacebar pressed) There are other colors too, as you can see in the key, but the ones above are the important ones. Use the cursor keys or mouse to move the white cursor around the map. The number on the bottom right corner will change and you'll see the result type and color for that number. You can get a little or a lot from a .DAT map. If the exchange is a rural or residential one you'll probably see an even distribution of result codes, with a certain level of each major result code. Besides a different number of timeouts, ringouts, or busys, most residential exchanges look very similar - an even distribution with no pattern. In a business exchange you are much more likely to find patterns. You may find a string or cluster of modems, a large range of similar timeouts or voice responses, etc. Ranges that are busy could be permanently busy, or some message which the modem detects as a busy. A series of ringouts could indicate part of a PBX's DID (Direct Inward Dial) group. It varies widely, and your best bet is to always check it out manually - you never know what you'll find. It behooves you to scan your prefixes and study your results. It is best to scan a prefix in one big scan (555-xxxx rather than 555-0xxx, 555-1xxx, etc) so you can see the whole prefix at once. We would love to have a look at your results and have a look at your .DAT files - try to get in touch with us! Who knows ... maybe your ToneMap will end up on a T-shirt someday! Hacking PBX's: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If the PBX code is 4 digits or less you can use ToneLoc to hack it. The simplest way is to use ToneLoc to look for an internal dialtone. Lets say you found a 3 digit PBX at 555-9999 which hangs up on you after you enter a bad code. You'd use ToneLoc like this: ToneLoc Example1 /m:555-9999Wxxx (EXAMPLE1.DAT will be the .dat file, /m: specifies the mask.) This will produce dialing strings like this: ATDT 555-9999Wxxx W; ToneLoc will dial the number, wait for a dialtone, try a code, then wait for a second dialtone. If you get the right code, you'll get the second dialtone, otherwise you'll just get a timeout. Some PBX's have alert tones for invalid codes which the W command will hear as a dialtone. You can't look for a second dialtone directly with the W command on these PBX's, but ToneLoc has a scan mode designed specifically for this problem. Set the scan mode to look for everything except tones, either in the config file or on the command line, and use ToneLoc like this: ToneLoc example2 /m:555-8999WxxxW1 This will produce dialing strings like this: ATDT 555-8999WxxxW1 W;. ToneLoc will dial the number, wait for the first dialtone, dial the code, wait for a dialtone, dial 1, then wait for a dialtone. If the code is invalid, the second W command will hear the alert tones as a dialtone and dial 1. The tones should keep playing, and the third W will respond to the alert tones too, giving a final response of Tone. If the code is valid, the second W command will hear the internal dialtone and the 1 will immediately quiet it since 1xx or 1xxx is a valid extension on most PBX's. This would give a final response of Timeout since the third W command won't find a tone - and voila, you have your code. Are you confused yet? This method might not work if 1xx or 1xxx isn't a valid extension on the PBX you are trying to hack, since some PBX's will immediately give an alert tone if you dial the first digit of an invalid extension. If you fail the first time around, and think you might have this problem, have a look at the phone number for the PBX indial. For example, if the PBX indial is 555-6444, it's a good bet that some valid DID extensions are in or near 4xx. Therefore, 4 is probably going to be the first digit of a valid extension, making it a good candidate for your terminal digit. Apparently some PBX's will respond with a carrier blast to an invalid code, although we've never found one. You can use the everything-but-a-carrier scan mode for these, or just look for an internal dialtone since carriers don't appear as tones to the W command. Cautions & Usage Notes: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We do not have personal experience scanning 1-800 exchanges with ToneLoc but we recommend that you exercise caution. For a classic example, see the Fall 1992 issue of 2600 magazine. There is a letter in there that Minor Threat received once after dialing about 100 1-800 numbers by HAND sequentially! First of all, if you are are looking for tones you may not get much. Many of the PBX's or extenders you would be looking for will answer with a short tone, about the length of a ring. That's how ToneLoc will perceive those tones - as a ring. Many of the PBX's may also answer with silence, and need # or 9 to activate their tone. Local PBX's can answer like this as well, however the 800 exchanges are more likely to have better security since they are under constant pressure from call-sell operations as well as every code abuser in the nation. Second, MCI and Sprint can get irritated when someone makes thousands of calls into their 800 exchange, and, unlike a local number, they WILL have easy access to at least your area code and exchange, and probably your entire phone number. Since each 800 call costs somebody money, and you aren't conducting legitimate business during these calls, it might also be considered theft of service. Hacking an 800 system of any kind, be it a computer, long distance extender, PBX, or even a VMB system, can be extremely risky. We urge you to use good judgment. Find a local PBX and divert your call through it. If you live in an area with the Call Return, Call Trace, or Caller ID active, you will definitely experience some call returns with ToneLoc. Politely explain to anyone who calls back that you dialed a wrong number - don't provoke them into a Call Trace. Who knows, you may even meet a fellow hacker (Its happened to us - TWICE!). If Caller ID is active, use more caution - they could have your phone number and scanning could be construed as harrassment, especially if it happens at 3:00 am. In any case, please use some intelligence if you are scanning a range that belongs to a large company. Often the same operator will have to answer dozens of incoming phone numbers, and your strange hangups may get tiresome enough in the course of the day that he or she might decide to do something about it. Listen in on ToneLoc to figure out what kind of an exchange you are scanning. If it is principally a business exchange, consider only scanning at night when the affected businesses are closed. If it is mostly residential you might want to scan during the day. Make intelligent use of the exclude mask to eliminate ranges that will most likely be unproductive - unused ranges, pager numbers, answering services, cellular phones, etc. If you want an overview of your local exchanges, first try the yellow pages. You will quickly discover where promising exchanges are. If you want greater depth, go to your local public library and ask at the reference desk for the criss-cross directory. A section of this directory is a listing of the telephone numbers in an exchange. It does not list unlisted or nonpublished numbers (PBX's will not show up, although the PBX billing number might), but it will show you if the exchange is a residential one or not. Ten minutes of thought can save you 50 hours of scanning. When hacking a PBX, have some sense and do it late at night when nobody is using the PBX. Have a little patience; you'll be glad you did. Make sure you hack RANDOMLY - sequential hacking is always a good way to get noticed (although it probably won't make a difference in this case), and besides ToneLoc has a better chance of finding the code sooner. Scanning through an outdial ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Someone once suggested that I make ToneLoc configurable enough to where it could scan through an internet outdial. This was a great idea, and it works. ToneLoc can scan through an internet outdial. It's kinda tricky, but definitely possible (I've done it). It works like this: You must first call your outdial modem using a comm program, then you run ToneLoc, and it will initialize the (outdial) modem, and begin scanning! ToneLoc doesn't "know" it is scanning on a remote modem.. it doesn't care. This is a pretty advanced topic, and requires some unusual config- uration changes. You must first change your modem's "escape" character. Most modems default to "+", as in "+++" when hanging up. Since you will be going through an outdial, your (local) modem will remain connected the entire scan session. So, for ToneLoc to drop carrier on the remote modem, it cannot just drop DTR, because that would hangup YOUR modem, not the remote modem. ToneLoc must use the "old" hangup method of sending "+++", waiting, and then sending "ATH0", and waiting for carrier to drop. This is slower than a DTR drop, but it is required for outdial scanning. Anyway, the important thing is HOW to do this. On most modems, it is set with the S2 register. Typing "ATS2?" will usually return a number. This is the ASCII code of your modem's escape character. A "+" has an ASCII code of 43. You need to change this to something else. Try to pick something unsual. For this example, I will use "@". "@" has an ASCII code of 64, so you would type "ATS2=64 " To verify the change, type "ATS2?" again and see if it returns "64". Good.. on to the next part. Now you need to run TLCFG (ToneLoc Configuration Program). Under the "ModemStrings | Modem Commands" menu, make the following changes: Normal Hangup - ~~~+++~~~ATH0|~ Carrier Hangup - ~~~+++~~~ATH0|~ Tone Hangup - ~~~+++~~~ATH0|~ The rest of the ModemStrings options can remain the same. Since you will be going through an outdial, you may have to increase some of the delay times under the ModemOptions menu. Just experiment here. Once this is setup, you are ready to scan. Use your favorite communications program to dial into your outdial modem. Once you're connected with the outdial modem, type "AT " to make sure you're talking to the modem correctly. If it responds "OK", then you're in business. Next, go run ToneLoc, and watch it carefully. It should start scanning. The advantages to outdial scanning are: 1. You aren't scanning with your OWN phone line, and 2. You can scan long distance for free. I have never heard of ANYONE actually using ToneLoc to do this, but I have done it (but not for very long). If you want to scan through an outdial, and are havng problems, contact us (our internet address is somewhere in this doc file). We'll try to help. Is Scanning Illegal? (Who cares) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We don't know. We've heard it is legal to scan during business hours when the call would not be harrasment. We've heard it's not illegal if you only call once. We've heard that scanning with intent to hack is illegal, as if such a thing could be proven. (Some people suggest not using the same phone line for hacking and scanning). Remember, the most important thing is not whether it is illegal, but whether you piss someone off or attract attention. Here's what the staff at 2600 magazine have to say about wardialing: "In some places, scanning has been made illegal. It would be hard, though, for someone to file a complaint against you for scanning since the whole purpose is to call every number once and only once. It's not likely to be thought of as harassment by anyone who gets a single phone call from a scanning computer. Some central offices have been known to react strangely when people start scanning. Sometimes you're unable to get a dialtone for hours after you start scanning. But there is no uniform policy. The best thing to do is to first find out if you've got some crazy law saying you can't do it. If, as is likely, there is no such law, the only way to find out what happens is to give it a try." [2600, Spring 1990, Page 27.] (They're right about scanning being illegal some places. Thanks to the dedication of our beta testers in Boulder, Colorado, scanning now appears to be illegal there.) Problems? (Or; Why doesn't ToneLoc work with my modem?) ~~~~~~~~~ ToneLoc's tone scanning mode may not work for everyone's modem. ToneLoc looks for tones by dialing strings like this: "ATDT 555-1234 W;". This tells the modem to dial the number 555-1234, wait for dialtone, and then return to the command line. ToneLoc then waits for a result code. If it gets Ringing, Voice, Busy, etc. it moves on to the next number. If it gets nothing, the modem never heard a dialtone, so ToneLoc hangs up and moves on - this is a timeout. If it gets "OK" as a result code the modem has heard a tone (W waits for a dialtone) and returned to the command line (semicolon (;) returns to the command line). ToneLoc won't work if your modem isn't discriminative. Some cheap modems "detect" dial tones just fine, but they also "detect" everything else - rings, busys, even silence. Other modems won't wait long enough, and will move from W to ; very quickly. If you have a problem that doesn't stem from either of these, let us know and we'll see what we can do to help. We hope you find this program useful. Give it to anyone and everyone who deserves to have it. If you think it is very cool and useful, try to contact us somehow. If you think it is a piece of shit and the directions totally misguided, try to contact us anyway. Our handles are Minor Threat and Mucho Maas. Our internet address is Should that address bounce, try Or look for "mthreat" on IRC in #hack. ToneLoc is written in C and assembly. Assembled by Turbo Assembler, and compiled by Borland C++. Window routines are from CXL v5.2. The built-in SERIAL routines are based on code from an excellent book called "Serial Communications in C and C++". Minor Threat Sez: Thanks to Alexis Machine and Marko Ramius for getting me started phreaking. Thanks to our beta testers, and thanks Alexander Bell for inventing the telephone. I know he had us in mind. Mucho Maas Sez: Thanks to Minor Threat for helping me work on ToneLoc. It should be noted that the lion's share of the original programming was done by him. Credit for the PBX hacking technique described here goes to an old text file by Steve Dahl. Thanks again to the beta testers for putting up with our bullshit. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ One last quote: from a newspaper editorial in the 1870's '... carrying human voice over copper wires is impossible, and even if it was possible, the thing would have no practical use.' HA!