����������������������������������Ŀ � � � TBURN003 � � Combustion and Fired � � Heater Analysis � � � � Designed & Created by � � Alistair A. Tees, P.E. � � � � � � TEES ENGINEERING � � 1420 - 25TH STREET � � Nederland, Texas 77627 � � (409) 727-8388 � � � ������������������������������������ USERS MANUAL TBURN003 Combustion and Fired Heater Analysis (C) Copyright 1987-1989, Tees Engineering. All rights reserved. TBURN is a Trademark of Tees Engineering Thank you for supporting the free enterprise system. LICENSE AGREEMENT TBURN is a commercial software product of Tees Engineering. Tees Engineering retains the ownership of TBURN. Copies of TBURN may be Licensed for use under the following conditions: A Licensed user may use this software on any compatible computer, provided the software is used on only one computer and by only one user at a time. Licensed users may make a backup copy of TBURN, but any other copying of this software or its documentation is strictly prohibited except when authorized in writing by Tees Engineering. Distributing, renting, sub-licensing, or leasing this software or documentation without the expressed written consent of Tees Engineering is strictly prohibited. No one is permitted to alter, modify or adapt this software or documentation, including but not limited to, translating, decompiling, disassembling, or creating derivative works. The use of this software constitutes acceptance of this License Agreement. LIMITED WARRANTY Tees Engineering warrants that TBURN will substantially conform to the published specifications and to the documentation, provided that it is run with the computer hardware and operating system for which it was designed. Tees Engineering makes no warranty or representation, either expressed or implied, with respect to this program or documentation, including the quality, performance, merchantability, or fitness for a particular purpose. IN NO EVENT WILL TEES ENGINEERING, OR ITS AGENTS, BE LIABLE FOR DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR THE INABILITY TO USE THIS PROGRAM OR DOCUMENTATION. TBURN performs inherently complex and technical calculations. All results generated by TBURN, or any Tees Engineering product, should be interpreted by a qualified professional engineer. There is no substitute for education, experience or judgement. TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0. INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 1.1. Program Design. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 1.2. Computer System Requirements. . . . . . . . . . 5 1.3. Demonstration Version . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 1.4. Making a Backup Copy of Your Diskette . . . . . 6 2.0. USING TBURN. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 2.1. Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 2.2. TBURN Main Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 2.3. Heater Analysis Menu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 2.4. Fuel Gas Composition Input. . . . . . . . . . . 19 2.5. Liquid/Solid Fuel Data Input . . . . . . . . . 21 2.6. Combustion Gas (Air) Data Input . . . . . . . . 22 2.7. Fired Heater Data Input . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 2.8. Project Information Input . . . . . . . . . . . 24 2.9. Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 3.0. COMBUSTION THEORY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 4.0. USER SUPPORT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 4.1. General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 4.2. Problems. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 4.3. Contacting the Author . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 4.4. Corporate Users . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 4.5. Dealers, Value Added Resellers, and Consultants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 4.6. Agents of Tees Engineering. . . . . . . . . . . 31 5.0. About the Author, Alistair A. Tees, P.E. . . . . . . 32 1.0. INTRODUCTION 1.1. Program Design TBURN is designed to provide an engineer with an easy to use tool for analyzing the combustion of gaseous, liquid or solid fuels. TBURN was designed for the occasional user, with simple input screens and numerous prompts and help windows. My goal was to be able to give this program to another engineer, without a manual, and have that person able to solve a combustion problem without much difficulty or assistance. 1.2. Computer System Requirements In order to run TBURN smoothly, your computer system must conform to the following requirements: * IBM PC, XT, AT OR 100% compatible with BIOS and DOS functions which are MS-DOS compatible, as defined in the IBM Technical Reference Manual. * 256 K of free RAM memory * MS-DOS or PC-DOS version 2.1 or later * An Epson FX dot matrix printer or equivalent (Not required for calculations, only for printing reports properly). 1.3. Demonstration Version The 'Demonstration Version' of TBURN allows full access to all of the functions of TBURN so that the un-licensed user can examine and evaluate the program. However, some values involved in the calculations are fixed by the program, including the following: Stack Temperature = 600 [F] Excess Air = 40% These fixed values will override any user inputted values in these fields and the calculated results will reflect these fixed values. A Licensed copy of TBURN, and all the other software products from Tees Engineering, can be obtained from Tees Engineering and its marketing agents. 1.4. Making a Backup Copy of Your Diskette To protect you against the unlikely event that your original TBURN diskette is lost or destroyed, you should make a backup copy. This backup diskette will be your "Working Copy". That is, once this step is completed, your original TBURN diskette should be stored in a safe place. For everyday use, you will use your "Working Copy". This step should be done before using TBURN. 1.4.1. Single Diskette System If you have a single diskette system (only one floppy diskette drive and no fixed disk drive), follow the instructions below to make a backup copy of your original TBURN diskette. You will need your DOS diskette, one blank diskette, and your original TBURN program disk. o Place a write-protect tab on the notch of your DOS diskette, and also one on the notch of your TBURN program diskette. o Insert the DOS diskette in the drive and turn on your computer. o Press [ENTER] until you see the "A" prompt, i.e. A> o Type: FORMAT B:/S , and then press [ENTER]. o When the screen prompts you to insert a new diskette for Drive B, remove the DOS diskette from the drive and place the blank diskette in the drive. Press [ENTER]. Note: This last two step will format and load the "System" files on the blank diskette. o When the computer prompts you "Format Another Diskette (Y/N)?", press "N" for No. o Insert the TBURN diskette into the disk drive and type: COPY A:*.* B: , and then press [ENTER]. o You will then be prompted to insert the "Source" diskette into the drive and press [ENTER]. In this case, the "Source" diskette is your TBURN diskette. The system will read the files on the TBURN diskette into memory. o You will then be prompted to insert the "Target" diskette into the drive and press [ENTER]. The blank diskette is the "Target" diskette. The system will write the TBURN files from memory onto the blank diskette. Note: You may be asked to repeat the last two steps several times depending on the amount of memory in your computer. o When the "A" prompt returns to the screen, the backup process is complete. Remove the original TBURN diskette from the computer and store it in a safe place. The other diskette now has copies of all of the TBURN files and is ready to be used as your "Working Copy". 1.4.2. Two Diskette System If you have a two diskette system, follow the instructions below to make a backup copy of your original TBURN diskette. You will need your DOS diskette, one blank diskette, and your original TBURN program disk. o Place a write-protect tab on the notch of your DOS diskette, and also one on the notch of your TBURN program diskette. o Insert the DOS diskette in Drive A and turn on your computer. o Insert the blank diskette in Drive B. o Press [ENTER] until you see the "A" prompt, i.e. A> o Type: FORMAT B:/S , and then press [ENTER]. o When the computer prompts you "Format Another Diskette (Y/N)?", press "N" for No. o Remove the DOS diskette from Drive A. Insert the original TBURN diskette in Drive A. A blank formatted diskette should be in Drive B. o Type: COPY A:*.* B: , then press [ENTER]. o After the computer finishes copying the files from the TBURN diskette to the backup diskette, remove the TBURN diskette and store in a safe place. The diskette in Drive B will now be your "Working Copy". 1.4.3. Fixed Disk System If you using a computer with a fixed disk, often also refereed to as a "hard disk", you may want to transfer TBURN onto your fixed disk. Follow the instructions below to copy the TBURN files onto the fixed disk. o Place a write-protect tab on the notch of your TBURN program diskette. o Boot your computer from the fixed disk. o Create a sub-directory for TBURN on your fixed disk by typing: MD\TBURN , and press [ENTER]. o Change directories to the TBURN sub-directory by typing: CD\TBURN , and press [ENTER]. o Insert the TBURN original program disk in Drive A. o Copy the files from the diskette to your fixed disk drive by typing: COPY A:*.* , then press [ENTER]. o After the computer finishes copying the files from the TBURN diskette to the fixed disk, remove the TBURN diskette and store in a safe place. 2.0. USING TBURN 2.1. Introduction TBURN is an engineering application written using the MS-DOS operating system. Therefore, you must start or "boot" your computer using MS- or PC-DOS 2.1 or later in order to run TBURN. To start TBURN, insert the program disk in any drive and make that drive the default drive. For example, if you insert the program disk in Drive A, type A: and press [ENTER]. This will make Drive A the default drive and the "A:>" prompt should be displayed on your screen. TBURN can also be copied to a fixed disk or other storage device. Use the DOS change directory, CD, command to move to the directory containing TBURN. From the DOS prompt of the drive or fixed disk directory containing TBURN, simply type "TBURN" and press [ENTER] to start TBURN. The batch file TBURN.BAT will call the compiled executable file for TBURN. 2.1.1. General Comments TBURN is designed so that data entry should be very obvious and simple. Whenever input is required, TBURN will prompt you with an input window. TBURN provides help screens with typical values and other helpful information for every input field. Most information requested by TBURN also has a default value. Also, at any time you can press the "Help" key, [F1], and TBURN will display context sensitive help. 2.1.2. "Tees-Standard" User Interface One feature of TBURN is the consistent screen layout. All Tees Engineering software have a similar screen layout, where possible. TBURN includes this "Tees- Standard" user interface, which allows for simple full- screen editing of input data, and context-sensitive help windows which are the trademark of Tees Engineering software. This feature is intended to make the program more "Engineer-Friendly" and to facilitate learning. All input screens are divided into three areas. The top four lines comprise the Title Bar, the left side of the remaining screen is reserved for input fields, and the right side of the remaining screen is reserved for help windows and additional information. A typical input screen layout is as follows: ������������������������������������������������������ͻ � TEES ENGINEERING � � TBURN: Combustion and Fired Heater Analysis � ������������������������������������������������������ͼ ������������������������Ŀ ���������������������������Ŀ � Input Fields � � Help Windows � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �������������������������� ����������������������������� 1 HELP 4 TEES 7 PRINT 0 QUIT 2.1.3. Movement Inside an Input Screen All input screens allow full-screen entry and editing of all of the input fields in that screen. Use the [Up- Arrow], [Down-Arrow] and [Enter] keys to move between the input fields. When you get to the bottom input field, pressing [Down-Arrow] again will reposition you at the top input field. The converse is also true. After you have entered all of the information in an input screen and are satisfied that it is correct, press the escape, [ESC], key to proceed to the next input screen or on to a results screen. 2.1.4. Function Keys TBURN defines four of the function keys; [F1], [F4], [F7], and [F10]. o Pressing [F1] displays a context sensitive help window. o Pressing [F4] displays a window with information about Tees Engineering. o Press [F10] to exit the program and return to DOS. From the Main Menu, [F2] and [F3] are activating allowing the users to add and delete gases from the fuel gas properties database. 2.2. TBURN Main Menu The Main Menu of TBURN has nine (9) choices: o [F]ired Heater Analysis o [G]as Fuel Combustion o [L]iquid/Solid Fuel Combustion o [I]nput Print o [V]iew Results on Screen o [P]rint Results o [S]tore Data File o [R]etrieve Data File o [Q]uit Program Use the [Up Arrow], [Down Arrow] to position the highlight bar over the menu choice that you what to execute and press [ENTER]. You can also press the key of the first letter of the choice description to select that menu item. 2.2.1. Fired Heater Analysis Choosing [Fired Heater Analysis] from the "Main Menu" will initiates a sequence of menus, input screens and results screens to analysis a fired heater. Immediately when you press the [F] key or [ENTER] when the highlight bar is over the [Fired Heater Analysis] menu choice in the "Main Menu", a two-item overlay menu will appear where you choose between [Gaseous Fuel] and [Solid/Liquid Fuel]. This tells TBURN which fuel input screen to display. After you have chosen which state fuel you are going to use, the [Fired Heater Analysis Menu] will be displayed; See Section 2.3. for more information. This menu is where you chose which type of analysis you want to perform. TBURN will then proceed to a fuel input screen, either "Fuel Gas Composition Input" or "Liquid/Solid Fuel Data Input". The sequence continues to the "Combustion Gas (Air) Data Input" screen, and then to the "Fired Heater Data Input" screen. Each of these screens is explained more fully in the following sections. After TBURN has all the information it needs to perform the required calculations, it will display the results of those calculations in the following sequence of results screens: o Fuel Properties o Combustion Gas (Air) Properties o Flue Gas Properties o Fired Heater Results 2.2.2. Gas Fuel Combustion This menu selection is actually a sub-set of the [Fired Heater Analysis] selection. TBURN will prompt you for information about the fuel and combustion gas (air) using a series of input screens, and will then display the stoichiometry results for the combustion of that fuel and air mixture. 2.2.3. Liquid/Solid Fuel Combustion Like Gas Fuel Combustion, Liquid/Solid Fuel Combustion will prompt you for information about the fuel and combustion gas and will then display the corresponding results. The only difference is that the fuel input screen for liquid and solid fuels is based on the ultimate weight analysis of the fuel. 2.2.4. Input Print Choosing "Input Print" will send the input information and data which you have entered or to which TBURN has defaulted to a printer attached to your computer. TBURN uses Epson FX standard control codes. Other printers will also print the information, but the printout formatting may not be as desired. Pressing this key without a printer attached to your computer may cause an Error Window to appear. Pressing any key to clear the error window should clear the error. 2.2.5. View Results on Screen Selecting [View Results on Screen] from the "Main Menu" will cause the "Results Menu" to appear. This menu allows you to pick which results you want to have displayed on the screen. See Section 2.9.2, "Results Menu" for more information. 2.2.6. Print Results Selecting [Print Results] from the "Main Menu" will cause the "Print Results Menu" to appear. Use this menu will allow you to direct any or all of the results of the combustion and/or fired heater analysis to a printer. See Section 2.9.3., "Print Results Menu for more information. 2.2.7. Store Data File This selection will prompt you for the name of a file in which to save the input information and data. This information can be then retrieve later. This facility is very useful if common fuel compositions or heaters are analyzed repeatedly. 2.2.8. Retrieve Data File This selection will prompt you for the name of an existing data file. TBURN will retrieve the from the file and input this information in the input fields. The current version of TBURN only searches the default drive for the inputted file name. If TBURN cannot find the file, an Error Window will appear. Pressing any key should remove the error message. Future versions of TBURN will allow path definitions and will display a list of the available files. 2.2.9. Quit Program This selection will terminate the program and return you to the operating system. 2.3. Heater Analysis Menu The "Heater Analysis Menu" allow you to choice what type of heater analysis you want to perform. The following choices are included in this menu. o Heater Efficiency Based on Stack Temperature o Excess Air Based on Fuel and Air Flow o Fuel Flow with Given Air Flow and Excess Air Percent o Air Flow Required o [Future Feature] o Return to Main Menu Each of these menu choices is discussed in more detail in the following sections. 2.3.1. Heater Efficiency Based on Stack Temperature TBURN calculates the heater efficiency, based on the combustion stoichiometry calculations and the fuel, combustion gas (air) and flue gas composition and temperatures. The flue gas composition is determined by combustion stoichiometry analysis based on the fuel and combustion gas (air) composition. The flue gas composition is in units of [lb/lb/fuel] or [SCFM/SCFM fuel]. TBURN calculates the specific heat of the flue gas components using empirically based algorithms and the stack temperature. These values are then used to determine the heat loss from the heater with the flue gases. 2.3.2. Excess Air Based on Fuel and Air Flow TBURN calculates the required air flow for the given fuel and air composition. The program then compares the required air flow with the given air flow and determines the excess air flow provided. 2.3.3. Fuel Flow with Given Air Flow and Excess Air Percent TBURN determines the fuel flow required to burn with the given air flow and still maintain a given amount of excess air. 2.3.4. Air Flow Required TBURN calculates the required air flow for the given fuel and air composition. Based on the amount of fuel provided and the given excess air requirement, TBURN determines the necessary air flow. 2.3.5. [Future Feature] This menu choice has been left empty to accommodate a future feature that is already in development. Licensed users of TBURN will be advised when this feature is available and will be allowed to upgrade. Users may also request the development of additional features for future releases of TBURN. Please contact Tees Engineering if you have a suggestion. 2.3.6. Return to Main Menu Choosing this option will return you to the Main Menu. Pressing [ESC] will achieve the same result. 2.4. Fuel Gas Composition Input Choosing [Fired Heater Analysis] or [Gas Fuel Combustion] from the "Main Menu" will bring up an input screen for entering the composition of the fuel gas. TBURN has a database of twenty-one component gases, including: methane, ethane, propane, n-butane, i-butane, n-pentane, i-pentane, hexane, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, water vapor, air, hydrogen sulfide, sulfur dioxide, ethylene, propylene, benzene and ammonia. Use the cursor movement keys [Up-Arrow] and [Down-Arrow], or [Enter] to move to each component gas, and enter the percent volume (mole percent can be used) of each component. When all required components have been entered, press [ESC] to leave this screen. If the total percentage of the gas components does not equal 100%, TBURN will prompt you to reenter the input data or TBURN will normalize the data to obtain 100%. Also, if you do not enter any components, TBURN will default to the following typical natural gas composition. Component Vol % Methane 83.19 Ethane 8.48 Propane 4.37 n-Butane 0.76 i-Butane 1.68 i-Pentane 0.57 n-Pentane 0.32 Hexane 0.63 2.5. Liquid/Solid Fuel Data Input The "Liquid/Solid Fuel Data Input" screen is designed to input the weight percent composition and other information about a liquid or solid fuel. The input screen prompts the user for the following information as shown below: Again, move between the input screens using the [Up- Arrow], [Down-Arrow] and [Enter] keys. When your input data is complete, press [ESC] to leave this input screen. All of the data fields have default values. If you don't know a piece of information, allow TBURN to default to a typical value. The default solid fuel is a typical Pittsburgh coal. 2.6. Combustion Gas (Air) Data Input The "Combustion Gas (Air) Data Input" screen prompts the user for information about the combustion gas or air that is used for combustion. TBURN defaults to "standard combustion air" as defined by the American Boiler Manufacturer's Association (ABMA); i.e. air with a composition of 79.01 volume percent Nitrogen (inerts are included in the nitrogen percentage) and 20.99 volume % Oxygen, with a dry bulb temperature of 80 [F] and relative humidity of 60% (0.013 lbs. water per lb. air). 2.7. Fired Heater Data Input The "Fired Heater Data Input" screen is used to input the required and optional information about the fired heater. This screen varies depending on the type of analysis requested from the "Fired Heater Analysis Menu". The following is a summary of the required information for each of the heater analysis choices: o Heater Efficiency Based on Stack Temperature o Stack Temperature [F], default = 600 [F] o Excess Air [%], default = 20% o Excess Air Based on Fuel and Air Flow o Fuel Flow, in [SCFM] for gaseous fuels in [lb/hr] for liquid/solid fuels o Air Flow [SCFM] o Fuel Flow with Given Air Flow and Excess Air Percent o Air Flow, in [SCFM, [ACFM] or [lb/hr] o Excess Air [%], default = 20% o Air Flow Required o Fuel Flow, in [SCFM], [ACFM] or [lb/hr] Some of the optional information that you can also enter if that information is known are listed below: Heat Liberated [MMBTU/hr], default = 1 [MMBTU/hr] Heat Absorbed [MMBTU/hr] Heater Efficiency, HHV [%], default = 85% Air (Combustion Gas) Flow, default = 2000 [SCFM] Air Flow Units [SCFM],[ACFM] or [lbs/hr] Fuel Flow, default = 100 [SCFM] Fuel Flow Units [SCFM],[ACFM] or [lbs/hr] Excess Air [%], default = 20% Enter only the values that are know and allow TBURN to solve for the remaining values. 2.8. Project Information Input Choosing [Input Print], [Print Results] or [Store Data File] from the "Main Menu", or [List Results to Printer] from the "Results Menu" will bring up an input screen for defining the titles and identifiers for your analysis. The following input fields are available: o Company o Engineer o Date o Project Title o Heater Title o Fuel Title None of this information is required. Some of these fields have defaults. For example, the date will default to the computer system date if no entry is made. 2.9. Results 2.9.1. Results, General TBURN will display the results of your analysis after you have entered all of the required information. It will also allow you to redisplay all of the results to the screen for further inspection, or to print your results to a EPSON FX standard dot matrix printer or other printer that can emulate such a printer. 2.9.2. Results Menu Selecting [View Results on Screen] from the "Main Menu" will cause the "Results Menu" to appear. Again, position the highlight bar over the desired menu item and press [ENTER] or press the first letter in the menu item to select that menu item. Fuel Properties This menu choice displays the composition and properties of the user defined fuel. Also the minimum oxygen and air required for complete combustion are displayed. Combustion Gas (Air) This menu choice displays the composition, volumetric basis and weight basis, and properties of the combustion air (air). Properties of Flue Gas This menu choice displays the composition of the flue gas resulting from the combustion of the User defined fuel, with the defined combustion air of the defined excess air. Heater Analysis The heater results screen is consistent regardless of the type of heater analysis you performed. This design was used in order to simplify the output and thus reduce your learning time. This results screen, shown below, displays all of the results, including some based on default or optional input data. Be careful when using the results based on the default values. Make sure that the results reflect the actual conditions of your analysis, or only use the relevant results for your problem. List Results to Printer This menu choice will display the "Print Results Menu", where you choose what information to send to your printer. See Section 2.3.4. of this document for more information. Return to Main Menu This selection will return you to the "Main Menu". 2.9.3. Print Results Menu Selecting "Print Results" will cause the "Print Results Menu" to be displayed. This menu will allow you to select which information you what to send to your printer. This menu has the following selections: o [A]ll Results o [F]uel Properties o [C]ombustion Gas (Air) o [P]roperties of Flue Gas o [H]eater Analysis o [I]nput Data o [R]eturn to Main Menu 3.0. COMBUSTION THEORY This section will be included in later editions of this manual. Useful References: o Babcock and Wilcox. Steam. New York: Publisher, 19## o Ganapathy, V. Applied Heat Transfer. City: Publisher, 19##. o Reed, Robert. Furnace Operations. City: Publisher, 19##. o ASHRAE. Fundamentals. City: Publisher, 19##. 4.0. USER SUPPORT 4.1. General The use of TBURN, is fully supported by Tees Engineering. The author of the product will address problems directly. See Section 4.3, "Contacting the Author" for more information. Although comments and recommendations from anyone are appreciated, Tees Engineering can only provide technical support for Licensed Users of this product. 4.2. Problems If you have problems with TBURN, please read this manual first to make sure you have a thorough understanding of how the program works and should be used. Tees Engineering has sought to provide an error-free product, but because of the complexity and length of this program, some rarely-occurring bugs may exist. If you think you have found a problem, please take the time to write or call me and explain the problem. All Licensed Users will be informed of any problems and their solutions. Bug-fixes will be provided to Licensed Users free of charge. Upgrades to TBURN may require a small upgrade fee. 4.3. Contacting the Author The best way to contact the author, Alistair A. Tees, P.E. is by writing a letter or postcard to: TEES ENGINEERING 1420 - 25TH STREET Nederland, Texas 77627 (409) 727-8388 The above telephone number also operates as an RBBS, Remote Bulletin Board System, from 6 pm till 7 am CST. This BBS supports up to 2400 baud communication. Use of this BBS is free to anyone interested, except for the cost of your telephone service. Another way to contact the author and obtain technical support is to leave a message on the RBBS bulletin board, Arrakis at (409) 724-0646, 24 hours/day, up to 2400 baud. Messages may also be left on CIME-ISE, Computers In Mechanical Engineering - Information and Software Exchange, BBS at (608) 233-3378, 24 hours/day, up to 9600 baud. CIME-ISE is sponsored by ASME. 4.4. Corporate Users TBURN is a unique software package which easily and accurately solves combustion and fired heater problems, and is worth well in excess of the License Fee of $250.00. Corporate users are expected to License each of the copy of TBURN in use. Site licenses are available. Please contact Tees Engineering for more information. 4.5. Dealers, Value Added Resellers, and Consultants If you would like to use TBURN and include it with your product or service, please write to Tees Engineering. The basic requirement for this distribution is that you or your customer License each copy of TBURN. You cannot give this software to your customer without first making sure that the copy is Licensed. This requirement is for your protection since this software is protected by a federal copyright, and Tees Engineering and its agents is therefore the only parties that can receive any consideration or payment for this software. 4.6. Agents of Tees Engineering TECHDATA, Inc. is a Marketing Agent of Tees Engineering for TBURN. A licensed copy of TBURN can be obtained for $ 250.00 from: TECHDATA 6615 la Mora Houston, Texas 77083 (713) 498-0797 (800) 445-3771 5.0. About the Author, Alistair A. Tees, P.E. Mr. Tees is a registered Professional Engineer in the state of Texas, and has over 10 years experience working in the petroleum refining, chemical, and pipeline industries. Mr. Tees has held positions as Mechanical Design Engineer, Field Support Mechanical Engineer, Project Engineer and Project Manager. He is now the President and Engineering Manager of Tees Engineering. Alistair Tees graduated from Texas Tech University with a Bachelor's of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering. Mr. Tees is a member of Tau Beta Pi, Engineering Honors Society. He is also a member and is or has been an officer in the Texas and National Society of Professional Engineers, and in the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. In 1986, Mr. Tees was honored as the "Young Engineer of the Year" by the Sabine Chapter of the Texas Society of Professional Engineers. Mr. Tees began developing engineering software in 1979. Tees Engineering was founded in 1986 to further develop and market a line of "Engineer-Friendly" software for working engineers.