POLICE RECORDS SYSTEM (1.1) USER MANUAL BY MicroServices P.O. Box 40 Brooksville, ME 04617 (207) 326-4847 Copyright 1984 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED PREFACE ------- First of all, thank you for considering our products. We are committed to providing our customers with prompt answers to their questions and advice about the use of our products. We encourage you to call us. It has been our experience that people learn how to use new software products in many different ways. Factors such as prior computer experience, time constraints, availability of help, ease of product, etc. will probably effect how you will learn to use the Police Records System. Keeping in mind these differences, we have developed this manual, as well as the entire system, so that you may choose several different learning approaches. For example, if you have the time, you might choose to read the entire manual and then try the hands-on demonstration. Or you might feel that the hands-on demonstration is not worthwhile and immediately begin to use the system. Another approach would be to scan Sections A through D, read the first subsection of Section E and then either read through or try the hands-on demonstration. Since the functions described in Section E work virtually the same, you need only be familiar with one to understand the remainder. This approach is the fastest. Whatever approach you follow, we would recommend the following: - Don't skip Section D (HOW TO GET STARTED) - While reading Section E (HOW THE POLICE RECORDS SYSTEM WORKS) use Appendices D (SAMPLE REPORTS) & E (SAMPLE SCREENS) to help you visualize what is going on. - Call us for answers to your questions. i � TABLE OF CONTENTS ----------------- PAGE SECTION A. WHAT IS THE POLICE RECORDS SYSTEM ? 1 SECTION B. DEFINITION OF TERMS 2 SECTION C. GENERAL OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS 4 SECTION D. HOW TO GET STARTED 6 SECTION E. HOW THE POLICE RECORDS SYSTEM WORKS 1. Dispatch Records 7 2. Cross Reference 13 3. Warrant Records 19 4. Arrest Records 25 5. Criminal Records 31 6. Reports 37 APPENDIX A. HANDS-ON DEMONSTRATION 40 B. MAKING A PERIODIC BACKUP OF YOUR MASTER FILES 49 C. DEFINITION OF SCREEN FIELDS 51 D. SAMPLE REPORTS 60 E. SAMPLE SCREENS 65 F. PRS USER GROUP 104 ii � SECTION A. WHAT IS THE POLICE RECORDS SYSTEM ? First off, let's refer to the Police Records System as 'PRS'. PRS is a computer software system developed to assist the "typical" police department to store and retrieve information about dispatch calls, warrants, arrests, criminal history, firearms and local residents. PRS also provides a selection of reports that you will find helpful. BUT WE'RE NOT A TYPICAL POLICE DEPARTMENT ! That's right, no one seems to be and that's the problem with most computer software systems. For example, if your department does not handle the registration of firearms, you won't have a need to record such details. PRS has been developed so that you can choose NOT to use all of its functions...only those that make sense to you. Other problems often encountered with software systems developed for the "typical" police department are that they may not store information in a manner that you like or provide reports that you need. In order to overcome such problems, MicroServices not only provides the details needed by computer programmers to modify PRS but also offers a low-cost service to customize PRS to your needs (refer to Appendix F for further details). ARE WE TOO BIG (OR SMALL) TO USE PRS ? Neither. The amount of information you plan to enter into PRS will effect how much storage capacity you'll need. If you have a question about your specific needs, please contact us. WHAT TYPE OF COMPUTER EQUIPMENT DO I NEED TO RUN PRS ? We recommend an IBM PC, AT or compatible with a hard disk and at least 256K of RAM, plus an 80 column printer. If you have another brand of computer, or a floppy disk system, please call and we'll discuss how you'll still be able to use PRS. 1 � SECTION B. DEFINITION OF TERMS Some terms will be introduced in this manual that may be unfa- miliar. A brief explanation of each is provided below: BACKSPACE KEY - The BACKSPACE key is used to make your screen cursor skip backward on the screen. It is located on the top righthand side of your keyboard. It looks like a straight arrow pointing to the left (not to be confused with the slightly larger RETURN key just below). COMMAND - A command is an instruction the computer understands. For example, the message "IS THE ABOVE CORRECT ? (Y/N)" may ap- pear on your monitor. If you enter "Y" or "N", you have entered a command that the computer will understand. If you were to enter "X", for example, the computer would not understand you command. CURSOR - The cursor generally appears as a blinking underline character on your monitor where you are to begin entering a command or data. Sometimes, the cursor appears as a rectangle the size of an uppercase letter. DATA INPUT - Data is information. Data input refers to entering information into a computerized file by using your keyboard. FIELD - A field is a single piece of information about a specific topic. For example, address is a single piece of information about an individual. In this case, address is but one field that helps to describe an individual. FILE - A file is a collection of records about a specific topic. For example, all your warrant records can be collected and stored in a file cabinet as well as a computer file. FUNCTION - A function can be thought of as a task you need to perform. PRS currently supports 6 functions to help you with your day-to-day tasks. Please refer to Section E for complete details. HARDWARE - A general term that refers to all of the parts of your computer system...the keyboard, monitor, disk drives, printer, etc. 2 �MENU - A screen that lists functions that are available to you. MONITOR - One of several terms used to refer to the TV-like screen of your computer. Also referred to as a terminal or CRT (Carthode Ray Tube). RECORD - A record is a collection of fields that refer to a specific topic. For example, name, address, height, weight, etc. combine to form a record about an individual. RETURN KEY - The RETURN key is pressed when you want the computer to acknowledge your command or data input. The RETURN key is also known as the ENTER key. It's located on the righthand side of your keyboard. It looks like a straight arrow pointing to the left, bent upwards at the right end (not to be confused with the slightly smaller BACKSPACE key just above). SCREEN - A screen refers to the video display you see on your monitor. SOFTWARE - A general term that refers to the "programs" that control your computer system. A program is nothing more than a set of commands that the computer can follow. 3 � SECTION C. GENERAL OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS Whenever we attempt to use something new, it's a good practice to know how that something works. When you purchased your computer, hopefully you received instructions as to how it works. With each new piece of equipment and software product you've purchased, you also received operating instructions. Likewise, PRS has a specific set of operating instructions that you should become familiar with. No, there's not alot to remem- ber. In fact, as you use PRS you'll find most of the following operating instructions are obvious and comfortable for you. OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS TO REMEMBER ---------------------------------- PRS is a menu-based system. That means when you start PRS, a MASTER MENU SCREEN will be displayed on your monitor that lists all the functions available to you. By entering the number cor responding to the function, PRS will display another screen to carry out that function. In turn, many of these subsequent screens will ask you to choose WHAT you want to do. These choices will always appear at the bottom of your screen. They are activated by your typing the letter in parentheses that corresponds to what you want to do. Note that you can type the letter in upper or lower case, it doesn't matter. When entering the number or letter that corresponds to what you want to do, PRS will immediately respond to your request...you are not required to then press the RETURN key. The above convention contrasts with how you move from one field to another on a PRS screen. When you are adding or changing field information, you must press the RETURN key to 'skip' from one field to the next. The only exception is when you totally fill the field with information, in which case, PRS will automatically move you to the next field. If any screen field is not large enough to hold the information you wish to store, please accept our apologies. PRS was designed to provide ample room for information, but also with an eye to efficiency. You'll need to abbreviate as best as possible, or contact us about customizing your system. 4 �Certain fields will only accept numbers as data input. For example, all PRS dates are expressed as MM/DD/YY. Therefore, a valid date would be 01/31/84 for January 31, 1984. If you at tempt to enter any other character, PRS will refuse to accept your entry. Help screens are available at critical points within PRS. They appear as choices on the MASTER MENU SCREEN and several other screens. All screens will display messages at the bottom that prompt you to take the appropriate action. When PRS detects a problem, a brief explanation will appear at the bottom of your screen. Occasionally, the explanation will call for an answer. Most of the time, you'll be told to press any key to continue the process. If you're ever confused by the explanations, please refer to Section E for additional details. The only true exit from PRS can be found as the last choice on the MASTER MENU SCREEN. The exit choices you'll see in other parts of PRS, if chosen, will return you to the MASTER MENU SCREEN. In effect, the MASTER MENU SCREEN is a home base from which you venture to perform functions and always return when finished. 5 � SECTION D. HOW TO GET STARTED Before we get started, please make at least one backup copy of your PRS diskette. If you're not sure how to do this, refer to your DOS manual under the command COPY or DISKCOPY. PRS has been designed to work on hard disk systems. If you have a floppy disk system, please call us to discuss the availability of PRS for your system. HOW TO INSTALL PRS ON YOUR HARD DISK SYSTEM ------------------------------------------- STEP 1. Create a subdirectory called PRS on your hard disk. STEP 2. Place the PRS diskette in your 'A' drive and close the diskette drive door. This diskette contains all the programs and master files that make PRS work. STEP 3. Copy the contents of the diskette to your subdirectory with the following command: COPY A:*.* \PRS STEP 4. Go to the subdirectory, type 'PRS' and press the RETURN key. You will be presented with the PRS logo screen. Press any key and the MASTER MENU SCREEN will be dis- played. That's it ! You're now ready to put PRS to the test. If this is the first time you've seen the MASTER MENU SCREEN, you may want to exit the screen by simply typing '8' so that you can review Section E as well as the Appendix. In fact, a complete hands-on, step-by-step demonstration of PRS is presented in Appendix A. 6 � SECTION E. HOW THE POLICE RECORDS SYSTEM WORKS As previously mentioned, PRS was developed to assist in the storage and retrieval of information about dispatch calls, warrants, arrests, criminal history,firearms and local residents. PRS also provides a selection of reports that you will find helpful. This section outlines the purpose of each PRS function and how it works. Each function will be discussed in the order as presented on the MASTER MENU SCREEN. It may help to refer to the Sample Screens in Appendix E as you read the following. 1. DISPATCH RECORDS PURPOSE ------- The Dispatch Records function is used to store information about your dispatched calls. Once the information has been entered through your keyboard into PRS, it is stored in a computerized file called DISPATCH. Once stored, it can be recalled to the screen, changed or deleted. The information acts as the basis for printed reports described under Subsection 6 Reports. WHEN TO USE IT -------------- You will want to use the Dispatch Records function when you want to do the following: - Store new details of a dispatched call - Update details of a dispatched call - View details of a dispatched call HOW IT WORKS ------------ To choose the Dispatch Records function from the MASTER MENU SCREEN, enter '1'. PRS will display the DISPATCH SCREEN. At the bottom of the screen you will be asked to choose what you want to do. Your choices will be to ADD a call, SEARCH for a particular call, seek HELP or to EXIT to the MASTER MENU SCREEN. HELP and EXIT work as their names imply. ADD and SEARCH work as follows: 7 �A. ADD A CALL To ADD a call, enter 'A'. Your screen cursor will position itself just beyond the LAST NAME field near the top, lefthand corner of your screen. The note at the bottom of the screen prompts you to enter the individual's name. As it states, you can press the RETURN key if you decide NOT to add a call. By pressing the RETURN key, PRS will return you to the MASTER MENU SCREEN. If you decide to add a call, you will be required to enter an individual's last name. The reason is that when you later search for a particular call, you'll be searching by the name. Whether you choose to put details in any of the other fields is up to you. After you've entered the last name, press the RETURN key and your screen cursor will 'skip' to the next field. To skip backward, remember to use the BACKSPACE key. Continue to enter the details of the call until you've filled the entire screen. If you are not sure what a particular field means, all the fields are described in Appendix C. If the details of any particular field happen to take up all the available space, you'll note that your screen cursor will automatically skip to the next. Once you've entered details into the last field, press the RETURN key. A question will appear at the bottom of the screen in order to confirm that what you've just entered is correct. If you've made a mistake, enter 'N' and PRS will return the screen cursor to LAST NAME. If, for example, you made a mistake in the location of the call, press the RETURN key until the screen cursor skips to the LOCATION field. Now enter the correct address. If there are other mistakes, press the RETURN key until you reach the bad field and enter the correct details. When all corrections have been made, either continue to press the RETURN key until the question about correctness again appears at the bottom of the screen or press Ctrl-W. To use Ctrl-W, hold down the Ctrl key on the left side of your keyboard and then press the 'W' key once. 8 � Now enter 'Y' to confirm that the details are correct. PRS will now take the details you've just entered and make an entry in the DISPATCH master file except under the following condition: If you've blanked out the individual's last name, PRS will display a message at the bottom of the screen to remind you that a name is required. If you do not receive the above message, rest assured that a new call has been added to the DISPATCH master file. After adding the new call, PRS will return you to the MASTER MENU SCREEN. 9 �B. SEARCHING FOR A CALL To SEARCH for a call, enter 'S'. Your screen cursor will position itself just beyond the LAST NAME field near the top, lefthand corner of your screen. Again, a message will appear at the bottom of your screen prompting you to take an action. Proceed by either entering a last name or pressing the RETURN key to exit. If you choose to continue the search, enter all or a portion of the last name. The entry can be in upper or lower case. Once entered, press the RETURN key. PRS will now attempt to find the name in the DISPATCH master file. If it cannot be found, a message will appear at the bottom of the screen to let you know. It's up to you to research the correct spelling or whether the call was ever entered. If the search is successful, PRS will display all the details it contains about the first call it finds that matches the name you entered. You should confirm that the call is actually the one you want. For example, if you are searching for a call under the name of 'SMITH' and PRS has 2 listings under that name, the listing of the first 'SMITH' will be displayed. It may turn out that you actually want to see the second one. Or, you might have entered only 'SM' (as a shortcut) and there are 2 listings under 'SMITH' and 1 under 'SMALLEY'. In this case PRS will display the details of 'SMALLEY' while you might actually want to see the second 'SMITH'. PRS provides the ability to skip forward and backward (to be covered shortly) to view other calls should this occur to you. At the bottom of the screen you'll note your options as to what you can do next. Enter the letter that corresponds to what you would like to do. 10 � If you choose to CHANGE the call, PRS will return the screen cursor to LAST NAME. Press the RETURN key until the screen cursor skips to the field(s) you want to change and enter the changes. When all corrections have been made, either continue to press the RETURN key until the question about correctness appears at the bottom of the screen or press Ctrl-W. Now enter 'Y' to confirm that the details are correct. PRS will now take the details you've just entered and change the entry in the DISPATCH master file except under the following condition: If you've blanked out the individual's last name, PRS will display a message at the bottom of the screen to remind you that a name is required. If you do not receive such a message, rest assured that PRS has changed the call in the DISPATCH master file. PRS will return you to the MASTER MENU SCREEN. To view the NEXT call, enter 'N'. PRS will display the details of the next call (alphabetically) within the DISPATCH master file. Once displayed, you will have the same options to choose from at the bottom of the screen. If you inadvertently ask for the next call while at the end of the DISPATCH master file, a message will be displayed at the bottom of the screen telling you so. To view the PRIOR call, enter 'P'. PRS will display the de- tails of the prior call (alphabetically) within the DISPATCH master file. Once displayed, you will have the same options to choose from at the bottom of the screen. If you inadvertently ask for the prior call while at the beginning of the DISPATCH master file, a message will be displayed at the bottom of the screen telling you so. To DELETE the call displayed on the screen, enter 'D'. A message will be displayed at the bottom of the screen asking you to confirm your intention. If you decide not to delete the call, enter 'N', otherwise, enter 'Y'. Depending upon your response, PRS will either delete the call from the DISPATCH master file or leave the call unchanged. Either way, you will be returned to the MASTER MENU SCREEN. 11 � To choose the HARDCOPY option, enter 'H'. PRS will print the contents of the screen. A message will be displayed at the bottom of the screen asking you to turn your printer on and to align the paper. In addition, you must confirm that you want the contents of the screen printed by entering 'Y'. Otherwise, enter 'N' and PRS will return you to the MASTER MENU SCREEN. If you just want to view the call and then return to the MASTER MENU SCREEN, then you'll want to choose EXIT by enter- ing 'E'. 12 �2. CROSS REFERENCE PURPOSE ------- The Cross Reference function makes it possible to store details about local residents. Generally, the details are gathered as a result of resident complaints and investigations. Details about firearms registration and medical problems can also be stored. Once stored, the details can be recalled to the screen, changed or deleted. The information acts as the basis for printed re ports described under Subsection 6 Reports. WHEN TO USE IT -------------- You will want to use the Cross Reference function when you want to do the following: - Store new details about a local resident - Update details about a local resident - View details about a local resident HOW IT WORKS ------------ To choose the Cross Reference function from the MASTER MENU SCREEN, enter '2'. PRS will display the CROSS REFERENCE SCREEN. At the bottom of the screen you will be asked to choose what you want to do. Your choices will be to ADD a resident record, SEARCH for a particular resident, seek HELP or to EXIT to the MASTER MENU SCREEN. HELP and EXIT work as their names imply. ADD and SEARCH work as follows: 13 �A. ADD A RESIDENT RECORD To ADD a resident record, enter 'A'. Your screen cursor will position itself just beyond the LAST NAME field near the top lefthand corner of your screen. The note at the bottom of the screen prompts you to enter the individual's name. As it states, you can press the RETURN key if you decide NOT to add a record. By pressing the RETURN key PRS will return you to the MASTER MENU SCREEN. If you decide to add a resident record, you will be required to enter an individual's last name. The reason is that when you later search for a particular resident, you'll be search- ing by the name. Whether you choose to put details in any of the other fields is up to you. After you've entered the last name, press the RETURN key and your screen cursor will 'skip' to the next field. To skip backward, remember to use the BACKSPACE key. Continue to enter the details of the resident until you've filled the entire screen. If you are not sure what a particular field means, all the fields are described in Appendix C. If the details of any particular field happen to take up all the available space, you'll note that your screen cursor will automatically skip to the next. Once you've entered details into the last field, press the RETURN key. A question will appear at the bottom of the screen in order to confirm that what you've just entered is correct. If you've made a mistake, enter 'N' and PRS will return the screen cursor to LAST NAME. If, for example, you made a mistake in the spelling of the address, press the RETURN key until the screen cursor skips to the address field. Now enter the correct address. If there are other mistakes, press the RETURN key until you reach the bad field and enter the correct details. When all corrections have been made, either continue to press the RETURN key until the question about correctness again appears at the bottom of the screen or press Ctrl-W. 14 � Now enter 'Y' to confirm that the details are correct. PRS will now take the details you've just entered and make an entry in the RESIDENT master file except under the following conditions: If you've blanked out the individual's last name, PRS will display a message at the bottom of the screen to remind you that a name is required. If the last name already exists in the RESIDENT master file, PRS will display a message telling you so. You must then choose whether to allow PRS to make an additional entry under the same name. A cautionary note, PRS tells you of the duplicate so that you can avoid entering the same record twice. If you do not receive either of the above messages, rest assured that a new resident record has been added to the RESIDENT master file. After adding the new call, PRS will return you to the MASTER MENU SCREEN. 15 �B. SEARCHING FOR A RESIDENT RECORD To SEARCH for a resident, enter 'S'. Your screen cursor will position itself just beyond the LAST NAME field near the top lefthand corner of your screen. Again, a message will appear at the bottom of your screen prompting you to take an action. Proceed by either entering a last name or pressing the RETURN key to exit. If you choose to continue the search, enter all or a portion of the last name. The entry can be in upper or lower case. Once entered, press the RETURN key. PRS will now attempt to find the name in the RESIDENT master file. If it cannot be found, a message will appear at the bottom of the screen to let you know. It's up to you to research the correct spelling or whether the resident record was ever entered. If the search is successful, PRS will display all the details it contains about the first resident it finds that matches the name you entered. You should confirm that the record is actually the one you want. For example, if you are searching for a resident by the name of 'SMITH' and PRS has 2 records under that name, the first 'SMITH' will be displayed. It may turn out that you actually want to see the second one. Or, you might have entered only 'SM' (as a shortcut) and there are 2 records under 'SMITH' and 1 under 'SMALLEY'. In this case PRS will display the details of 'SMALLEY' while you might actually want to see the second 'SMITH'. PRS provides the ability to skip forward and backward (to be covered shortly) to view records should this occur to you. At the bottom of the screen you'll note your options as to what you can do next. Enter the letter that corresponds to what you would like to do. 16 � To CHANGE the resident record, enter 'C'. PRS will return the screen cursor to LAST NAME. Press the RETURN key until the screen cursor skips to the field(s) you want to change and enter the changes. When all corrections have been made, either continue to press the RETURN key until the question about correctness appears at the bottom of the screen or press Ctrl-W. Now enter 'Y' to confirm that the details are correct. PRS will now take the details you've just entered and change the entry in the RESIDENT master file except under the following condition: If you've blanked out the individual's last name, PRS will display a message at the bottom of the screen to remind you that a name is required. If you do not receive such a message, rest assured that PRS has changed the resident record in the RESIDENT master file. PRS will return you to the MASTER MENU SCREEN. To view the NEXT resident record, enter 'N'. PRS will dis- play the details of the next resident (alphabetically) within the RESIDENT master file. Once displayed, you will have the same options to choose from at the bottom of the screen. If you inadvertently ask for the next resident record while at the end of the RESIDENT master file, a message will be dis- played at the bottom of the screen telling you so. To view the PRIOR resident record, enter 'P'. PRS will dis- play the details of the prior resident (alphabetically) within the RESIDENT master file. Once displayed, you will have the same options to choose from at the bottom of the screen. If you inadvertently ask for the prior resident record while at the beginning of the RESIDENT master file, a message will be displayed at the bottom of the screen telling you so. To DELETE the resident record displayed on the screen, enter 'D'. A message will be displayed at the bottom of the screen asking you to confirm your intention. If you decide not to delete the record, enter 'N', otherwise, enter 'Y'. Depending upon your response, PRS will either delete the resident record from the RESIDENT master file or leave the record unchanged. Either way, you will be returned to the MASTER MENU SCREEN. 17 � To choose the HARDCOPY option, enter 'H'. PRS will print the contents of the screen. A message will be displayed at the bottom of the screen asking you to turn your printer on and to align the paper. In addition, you must confirm that you want the contents of the screen printed by entering 'Y'. Otherwise, enter 'N' and PRS will return you to the MASTER MENU SCREEN. If you just want to view the resident call and then return to the MASTER MENU SCREEN, then you'll want to choose EXIT by entering 'E'. 18 �3. WARRANT RECORDS PURPOSE ------- The Warrant Records function makes it possible to store details about outstanding warrants. Generally, the details of the warrant are entered into PRS when issued from a local court. Once stored, the details can be recalled to the screen, changed or deleted. The information acts as the basis for printed reports described under Subsection 6 Reports. WHEN TO USE IT -------------- You will want to use the Warrant Records function when you want to do the following: - Store new details of an outstanding warrant - Update details about a warrant - View details about a warrant HOW IT WORKS ------------ To choose the Warrant Records function from the MASTER MENU SCREEN, enter '3'. PRS will display the WARRANT SCREEN. At the bottom of the screen you will be asked to choose what you want to do. Your choices will be to ADD a warrant record, SEARCH for a particular warrant, seek HELP or to EXIT to the MASTER MENU SCREEN. HELP and EXIT work as their names imply. ADD and SEARCH work as follows: 19 �A. ADD A WARRANT RECORD To ADD a warrant record, enter 'A'. Your screen cursor will position itself just beyond the LAST NAME field near the top lefthand corner of your screen. The note at the bottom of the screen prompts you to enter the individual's name. As it states, you can press the RETURN key if you decide NOT to add a record. By pressing the RETURN key, PRS will return you to the MASTER MENU SCREEN. If you decide to add a warrant record, you will be required to enter an individual's last name. The reason is that when you later search for a particular warrant, you'll be searching by the name. Whether you choose to put details in any of the other fields is up to you. After you've entered the last name, press the RETURN key and your screen cursor will 'skip' to the next field. To skip backward, remember to use the BACKSPACE key. Continue to enter the details of the warrant until you've filled the entire screen. If you are not sure what a particular field means, all the fields are described in Appendix C. If the details of any particular field happen to take up all the available space, you'll note that your screen cursor will automatically skip to the next. Once you've entered details into the last field, press the RETURN key. A question will appear at the bottom of the screen in order to confirm that what you've just entered is correct. If you've made a mistake, enter 'N' and PRS will return the screen cursor to LAST NAME. If, for example, you made a mistake in the spelling of the city, press the RETURN key until the screen cursor skips to the CITY field. Now correct the mistake. If there are other mistakes, press the RETURN key until you reach the bad field and enter the correct details. When all corrections have been made, either continue to press the RETURN key until the quest- ion about correctness again appears at the bottom of the screen or press Ctrl-W. 20 � Now enter 'Y' to confirm that the details are correct. PRS will now take the details you've just entered and make an entry in the WARRANT master file except under the following condition: If you've blanked out the individual's last name, PRS will display a message at the bottom of the screen to remind you that a name is required. If you do not receive the above message, rest assured that a new warrant record has been added to the WARRANT master file. After adding the new record, PRS will return you to the MASTER MENU SCREEN. 21 �B. SEARCHING FOR A WARRANT To SEARCH for a warrant, enter 'S'. Your screen cursor will position itself just beyond the LAST NAME field near the top lefthand corner of your screen. Again, a message will appear at the bottom of your screen prompting you to take an action. Proceed by either entering a last name or pressing the RETURN key to exit. If you choose to continue the search, enter all or a portion of the last name. The entry can be in upper or lower case. Once entered, press the RETURN key. PRS will now attempt to find the name in the WARRANT master file. If it cannot be found, a message will appear at the bottom of the screen to let you know. It's up to you to research the correct spelling or whether the warrant record was ever entered. If the search is successful, PRS will display all the details it contains about the first warrant it finds that matches the name you entered. You should confirm that the record is act- ually the one you want. For example, if you are searching for a warrant for 'SMITH' and PRS has 2 records under that name, the first 'SMITH' will be displayed. It may turn out that you actually want to see the second one. Or, you might have entered only 'SM' (as a shortcut) and there are 2 records under 'SMITH' and 1 under 'SMALLEY'. In this case PRS will display the details of 'SMALLEY' while you might actually want to see the second 'SMITH'. PRS pro- vides the ability to skip forward and backward (to be covered shortly) to view records should this occur to you. At the bottom of the screen you'll note your options as to what you can do next. Enter the letter that corresponds to what you would like to do. 22 � To CHANGE the warrant record, enter 'C'. PRS will return the screen cursor to LAST NAME. Press the RETURN key until the screen cursor skips to the field(s) you want to change and enter the changes. When all corrections have been made, either continue to press the RETURN key until the question about correctness appears at the bottom of the screen or press Ctrl-W. Now enter 'Y' to confirm that the details are correct. PRS will now take the details you've just entered and change the entry in the WARRANT master file except under the following condition: If you've blanked out the individual's last name, PRS will display a message at the bottom of the screen to remind you that a name is required. If you do not receive such a message, rest assured that PRS has changed the warrant record in the WARRANT master file. PRS will return you to the MASTER MENU SCREEN. To view the NEXT warrant record, enter 'N'. PRS will display the details of the next warrant (alphabetically) within the WARRANT master file. Once displayed, you will have the same options to choose from at the bottom of the screen. If you inadvertently ask for the next warrant record while at the end of the WARRANT master file, a message will be displayed at the bottom of the screen telling you so. To view the PRIOR warrant record, enter 'P'. PRS will display the details of the prior warrant (alphabetically) within the WARRANT master file. Once displayed, you will have the same options to choose from at the bottom of the screen. If you inadvertently ask for the prior warrant record while at the beginning of the WARRANT master file, a message will be dis- played at the bottom of the screen telling you so. To DELETE the warrant record displayed on the screen, enter 'D'. A message will be displayed at the bottom of the screen asking you to confirm your intention. If you decide not to delete the record, enter 'N', otherwise, enter 'Y'. Depending upon your response, PRS will either delete the warrant record from the WARRANT master file or leave the record unchanged. Either way, you will be returned to the MASTER MENU SCREEN. 23 � To choose the HARDCOPY option, enter 'H'. PRS will print the contents of the screen. A message will be displayed at the bottom of the screen asking you to turn your printer on and to align the paper. In addition, you must confirm that you want the contents of the screen printed by entering 'Y'. Otherwise, enter 'N' and PRS will return you to the MASTER MENU SCREEN. If you just want to view the record and then return to the MASTER MENU SCREEN, then you'll want to choose EXIT by entering 'E'. 24 �4. ARREST RECORDS PURPOSE ------- The Arrest Records function makes it possible to store details about local arrests. Once stored, the details can be recalled to the screen, changed or deleted. The information acts as the basis for printed reports described under Subsection 6 Reports. WHEN TO USE IT -------------- You will want to use the Arrest Records function when you want to do the following: - Store new details of an arrest - Update details about an arrest - View details of an arrest HOW IT WORKS ------------ To choose the Arrest Records function from the MASTER MENU SCREEN, enter '4'. PRS will display the ARREST SCREEN. At the bottom of the screen you will be asked to choose what you want to do. Your choices will be to ADD an arrest record, SEARCH for a particular arrest, seek HELP or to EXIT to the MASTER MENU SCREEN. HELP and EXIT work as their names imply. ADD and SEARCH work as follows: 25 �A. ADD AN ARREST RECORD To ADD an arrest record, enter 'A'. Your screen cursor will position itself just beyond the LAST NAME field near the top lefthand corner of your screen. The note at the bottom of the screen prompts you to enter the individual's name. As it states, you can press the RETURN key if you decide NOT to add a record. By pressing the RETURN key, PRS will return you to the MASTER MENU SCREEN. If you decide to add an arrest record, you will be required to enter an individual's last name. The reason is that when you later search for a particular arrest, you'll be searching by the name. Whether you choose to put details in any of the other fields is up to you. After you've entered the last name, press the RETURN key and your screen cursor will 'skip' to the next field. To skip backward, remember to use the BACKSPACE key. Continue to enter the details of the arrest until you've filled the entire screen. If you are not sure what a particular field means, all the fields are described in Appendix C. If the details of any particular field happen to take up all the available space, you'll note that your screen cursor will automatically skip to the next. Once you've entered details into the last field, press the RETURN key. A question will appear at the bottom of the screen in order to confirm that what you've just entered is correct. If you've made a mistake, enter 'N' and PRS will return the screen cursor to LAST NAME. If, for example, you made a mistake in the continuance date, press the RETURN key until the screen cursor skips to the CONT DATE field. Now correct the mistake. If there are other mis- takes, press the RETURN key until you reach the bad field and enter the correct details. When all corrections have been made, either continue to press the RETURN key until the question about correctness again appears at the bottom of the screen or press Ctrl-W. 26 � Now enter 'Y' to confirm that the details are correct. PRS will now take the details you've just entered and make an entry in the ARREST master file except under the following condition: If you've blanked out the individual's last name, PRS will display a message at the bottom of the screen to remind you that a name is required. If you do not receive the above message, rest assured that a new arrest record has been added to the ARREST master file. After adding the new record, PRS will return you to the MASTER MENU SCREEN. 27 �B. SEARCHING FOR AN ARREST RECORD To SEARCH for an arrest record, enter 'S'. Your screen cursor will position itself just beyond the LAST NAME field near the top lefthand corner of your screen. Again, a message will appear at the bottom of your screen prompting you to take an action. Proceed by either entering a last name or pressing the RETURN key to exit. If you choose to continue the search, enter all or a portion Once entered, press the RETURN key. PRS will now attempt to find the name in the ARREST master file. If it cannot be found, a message will appear at the bottom of the screen to let you know. It's up to you to research the correct spelling or whether the arrest record was ever entered. If the search is successful, PRS will display all the details it contains about the first arrest it finds that matches the name you entered. You should confirm that the record is act- ually the one you want. For example, if you are searching for an arrest record for 'SMITH' and PRS has 2 records under that name, the first 'SMITH' will be displayed. It may turn out that you actually want to see the second one. Or, you might have entered only 'SM' (as a shortcut) and there are 2 records under 'SMITH' and 1 under 'SMALLEY'. In this case PRS will display the details of 'SMALLEY' while you might actually want to see the second 'SMITH'. PRS provides the ability to skip forward and backward (to be covered shortly) to view records should this occur to you. At the bottom of the screen you'll note your options as to what you can do next. Enter the letter that corresponds to what you would like to do. 28 � To CHANGE the arrest record, enter 'C'. PRS will return the screen cursor to LAST NAME. Press the RETURN key until the screen cursor skips to the field(s) you want to change and enter the changes. When all corrections have been made, either continue to press the RETURN key until the question about correctness appears at the bottom of the screen or press Ctrl-W. Now enter 'Y' to confirm that the details are correct. PRS will now take the details you've just entered and change the entry in the ARREST master file except under the following condition: If you've blanked out the individual's last name, PRS will display a message at the bottom of the screen to remind you that a name is required. If you do not receive such a message, rest assured that PRS has changed the arrest record in the ARREST master file. PRS will return you to the MASTER MENU SCREEN. To view the NEXT arrest record, enter 'N'. PRS will display the details of the next arrest (alphabetically) within the ARREST master file. Once displayed, you will have the same op- tions to choose from at the bottom of the screen. If you in- advertently ask for the next arrest record while at the end of the ARREST master file, a message will be displayed at the bottom of the screen telling you so. To view the PRIOR arrest record, enter 'P'. PRS will dis- play the details of the prior arrest (alphabetically) within the ARREST master file. Once displayed, you will have the same options to choose from at the bottom of the screen. If you inadvertently ask for the prior arrest record while at the be- gining of the ARREST master file, a message will be displayed at the bottom of the screen telling you so. To DELETE the arrest record displayed on the screen, enter 'D'. A message will be displayed at the bottom of the screen asking you to confirm your intention. If you decide not to delete the record, enter 'N', otherwise, enter 'Y'. Depending upon your response, PRS will either delete the arrest record from the ARREST master file or leave the record unchanged. Either way, you will be returned to the MASTER MENU SCREEN. 29 � To choose the HARDCOPY option, enter 'H'. PRS will print the contents of the screen. A message will be displayed at the bottom of the screen asking you to turn your printer on and to align the paper. In addition, you must confirm that you want the contents of the screen printed by entering 'Y'. Otherwise, enter 'N' and PRS will return you to the MASTER MENU SCREEN. If you just want to view the record and then return to the MASTER MENU SCREEN, then you'll want to choose EXIT by enter- ing 'E'. 30 �5. CRIMINAL RECORDS PURPOSE ------- The Criminal Records function makes it possible to store details about the criminal history of local residents. Once stored, the details can be recalled to the screen, changed or deleted. The information acts as the basis for printed reports described under Subsection 6 Reports. WHEN TO USE IT -------------- You will want to use the Criminal Records function when you want to do the following: - Store new details of a criminal record - Update details about a criminal record - View details of a criminal record HOW IT WORKS ------------ To choose the Criminal Records function from the MASTER MENU SCREEN, enter '5'. PRS will display the CRIMINAL SCREEN. At the bottom of the screen you will be asked to choose what you want to do. Your choices will be to ADD a criminal record, SEARCH for a particular record, seek HELP or to EXIT to the MASTER MENU SCREEN. HELP and EXIT work as their names imply. ADD and SEARCH work as follows: 31 �A. ADD A CRIMINAL RECORD To ADD a criminal record, enter 'A'. Your screen cursor will position itself just beyond the LAST NAME field near the top lefthand corner of your screen. The note at the bottom of the screen prompts you to enter the individual's name. As it states, you can press the RETURN key if you decide NOT to add a record. By pressing the RETURN key, PRS will return you to the MASTER MENU SCREEN. If you decide to add a criminal record, you will be required to enter an individual's last name. The reason is that when you later search for a particular record, you'll be searching by the name. Whether you choose to put details in any of the other fields is up to you. After you've entered the last name, press the RETURN key and your screen cursor will 'skip' to the next field. To skip backward, remember to use the BACKSPACE key. Continue to enter the details of the criminal record until you've filled the entire screen. If you are not sure what a particular field means, all the fields are described in Appendix C. If the details of any particular field happen to take up all the available space, you'll note that your screen cursor will automatically skip to the next. Once you've entered details into the last field, press the RETURN key. A question will appear at the bottom of the screen in order to confirm that what you've just entered is correct. If you've made a mistake, enter 'N' and PRS will return the screen cursor to LAST NAME. If, for example, you made a mistake in the date of the crim- inal act, press the RETURN key until the screen cursor skips to the DATE field. Now correct the mistake. If there are other mistakes, press the RETURN key until you reach the bad field and enter the correct details. When all corrections have been made, either continue to press the RETURN key until the quest- ion about correctness again appears at the bottom of the screen or press Ctrl-W. 32 � Now enter 'Y' to confirm that the details are correct. PRS will now take the details you've just entered and make an entry in the CRIMINAL master file except under the following condition: If you've blanked out the individual's last name, PRS will display a message at the bottom of the screen to remind you that a name is required. If you do not receive the above message, rest assured that a new criminal record has been added to the CRIMINAL master file. After adding the new record, PRS will return you to the MASTER MENU SCREEN. 33 �B. SEARCHING FOR A CRIMINAL RECORD To SEARCH for a criminal record, enter 'S'. Your screen cur- sor will position itself just beyond the LAST NAME field near the top lefthand corner of your screen. Again, a message will appear at the bottom of your screen prompting you to take an action. Proceed by either entering a last name or pressing the RETURN key to exit. If you choose to continue the search, enter all or a portion of the last name. The entry can be in upper or lower case. Once entered, press the RETURN key. PRS will now attempt to find the name in the CRIMINAL master file. If it cannot be found, a message will appear at the bottom of the screen to let you know. It's up to you to research the correct spelling or whether the criminal record was ever entered. If the search is successful, PRS will display all the details it contains about the first criminal record it finds that matches the name you entered. You should confirm that the record is actually the one you want. For example, if you are searching for a criminal record for 'SMITH' and PRS has 2 records under that name, the first 'SMITH' will be displayed. It may turn out that you actually want to see the second one. Or, you might have entered only 'SM' (as a shortcut) and there are 2 records under 'SMITH' and 1 under 'SMALLEY'. In this case PRS will display the details of 'SMALLEY' while you might actually want to see the second 'SMITH'. PRS provides the ability to skip forward and backward (to be covered shortly) to view records should this occur to you. At the bottom of the screen you'll note your options as to what you can do next. Enter the letter that corresponds to what you would like to do. 34 � To CHANGE the criminal record, enter 'C'. PRS will return the screen cursor to LAST NAME. Press the RETURN key until the screen cursor skips to the field(s) you want to change and enter the changes. When all corrections have been made, either continue to press the RETURN key until the question about correctness appears at the bottom of the screen or press Ctrl-W. Now enter 'Y' to confirm that the details are correct. PRS will now take the details you've just entered and change the entry in the CRIMINAL master file except under the following condition: If you've blanked out the individual's last name, PRS will display a message at the bottom of the screen to remind you that a name is required. If you do not receive such a message, rest assured that PRS has changed the criminal record in the CRIMINAL master file. PRS will return you to the MASTER MENU SCREEN. To view the NEXT criminal record, enter 'N'. PRS will dis- play the details of the next record (alphabetically) within the CRIMINAL master file. Once displayed, you will have the same options to choose from at the bottom of the screen. If you inadvertently ask for the next criminal record while at the end of the CRIMINAL master file, a message will be dis played at the bottom of the screen telling you so. To view the PRIOR criminal record, enter 'P'. PRS will dis- play the details of the prior record (alphabetically) within the CRIMINAL master file. Once displayed, you will have the same options to choose from at the bottom of the screen. If you inadvertently ask for the prior criminal record while at the beginning of the CRIMINAL master file, a message will be displayed at the bottom of the screen telling you so. To DELETE the criminal record displayed on the screen, enter 'D'. A message will be displayed at the bottom of the screen asking you to confirm your intention. If you decide not to delete the record, enter 'N', otherwise, enter 'Y'. Depending upon your response, PRS will either delete the criminal record from the CRIMINAL master file or leave the record unchanged. Either way, you will be returned to the MASTER MENU SCREEN. 35 � To choose the HARDCOPY option, enter 'H'. PRS will print the contents of the screen. A message will be displayed at the bottom of the screen asking you to turn your printer on and to align the paper. In addition, you must confirm that you want the contents of the screen printed by entering 'Y'. Otherwise, enter 'N' and PRS will return you to the MASTER MENU SCREEN. If you just want to view the record and then return to the MASTER MENU SCREEN, then you'll want to choose EXIT by enter- ing 'E'. 36 �6. REPORTS PURPOSE ------- The Report function is used to create a variety of reports about crimes committed, dispatch calls, firearms and warrants. HOW IT WORKS ------------ To choose the Report function from the MASTER MENU SCREEN, enter '6'. PRS will display the REPORT MENU SCREEN. You will be asked to choose which report you want to create. Your choices are presented below in detail. When requesting any of the following reports, PRS will display another screen reminding you to turn your printer on and to align your paper. Depending upon the report, you may also be asked to provide additional details. You will also be given the opportunity to exit and not print the report. Examples of the following reports are included in Appendix D. It may be helpful to look at them as you're reading the following descriptions. UNIFORM CRIME REPORT The Uniform Crime Report will show a summary of crimes committed in any one particular month. The details are printed in order by complaint class, sex of the individual and age group. The UCR presents a convenient way in which to analyze the type of crimes committed, by whom and at what age. When you request the UCR, you will be asked to enter the month and year that the report should cover. The details about criminal activities will then be sorted in order by complaint class, sex and age. When the sorting process is complete, you'll be asked to turn your printer on and align the paper. If you decide NOT to print the report, PRS will allow you to exit. Otherwise, the UCR will begin printing. 37 � DISPATCH CALL ANALYSIS The Dispatch Call Analysis Report shows the details of all dispatch call for a particular month. The details can be displayed in order by complaint code or by sector/area. The report presents a convenient way in which to analyze the type of dispatch calls received and from where the calls are received. In this manner, patterns of activities within particular areas, if present, may be noticed. When you request the Dispatch Call Analysis Report, you will be asked to enter the month and year that the report should cover. Next, you will be asked whether the report should be in order by complaint code or sector/area. The details of dispatch calls will then be sorted. When the sorting process is complete, you'll be asked to turn your printer on and align the paper. If you decide NOT to print the report, PRS will allow you to exit. Otherwise, the Dispatch Call Analysis Report will begin printing. The report shows the complaint code, sector/area, log number, date, day, time, individual name and disposition for each dispatch call within the specified month. FIREARMS LICENSE REPORT The Firearms License Report shows details of all firearms records in order by a License To Carry number or by a Firearms Identification number. The report is a convenient way in which to order all firearms records by other than the owners name. When you request the Firearms License Report, you will be asked to enter whether the report should be in order by LTC or FID. The firearms details will then be sorted. When the sorting process is complete, you'll be asked to turn your printer on and align the paper. If you decide NOT to print the report, PRS will allow you to exit. Otherwise, the Firearms License Report will begin printing. The report shows the owner name, date of birth, date issued, date of expiration, height, weight, hair and eye color. 38 � FIREARMS ALPHA REPORT The Firearms Alpha Report shows details of all firearms re- cords in order by the owner's name. The report is a conven- ient way in which to order all firearms records for quick ref- erence by owner's name. When you request the Firearms Alpha Report, you'll be asked to turn your printer on and align the paper. If you decide NOT to print the report, PRS will allow you to exit. Otherwise, the Firearms Alpha Report will begin printing. The report shows the owner name, date of birth, license number, date issued, date of expiration, height, weight, hair and eye color. OUTSTANDING WARRANTS The Outstanding Warrants Report shows details of all warrants that have a current status of outstanding...in other words, a warrant that has not been served. The report is a convenient way in which to quickly see all warrants that are waiting to be served. When you request the Outstanding Warrants Report, you'll be asked to turn your printer on and align the paper. If you decide NOT to print the report, PRS will allow you to exit. Otherwise, the Outstanding Warrants Report will begin printing. The report shows the individual's name, date of warrant, warrant number, any action taken, date of the action and status. REPORT DESCRIPTIONS If you choose Report Descriptions, PRS will display a screen that contains a brief description of the report options. EXIT If you decide that you don't want to create a report, use the EXIT option to return to the MASTER MENU SCREEN. 39 �APPENDIX A. HANDS-ON DEMONSTRATION The purpose of this section is to give you a brief, hands-on demonstration of how to use PRS. We'll experience each of its functions and how they work. You'll also get a chance to see all PRS menus and most screens in action. HOW TO BEGIN ------------ Go to the PRS subdirectory, enter the command 'PRS' followed by pressing the RETURN key. You should now be looking at the PRS logo screen. Press any key to display the MASTER MENU SCREEN. THE DEMONSTRATION Let's pretend that you've used PRS for months now. On this par- ticular day you need to do the following: 1. Add details about a dispatch call 2. Change the details about a dispatch call 3. Add details about a new resident to the Cross Reference 4. Add a new warrant 5. Add details about an arrest 6. Add details about a criminal record 7. Print a report about outstanding warrants The following steps will show you how to accomplish the above. We encourage you to follow these steps as presented to avoid confusion. After you are comfortable with how PRS works, don't hesitate to experiment. 40 �ADD DETAILS ABOUT A DISPATCH CALL While observing the MASTER MENU SCREEN, you'll note the choices available to you. Since you need to add details about a dispatch call your choice is Dispatch Records. Please enter your choice by typing '1'. You are now looking at the DISPATCH SCREEN. Notice the choices available to you at the bottom of the screen. You can ADD, SEARCH, seek HELP or EXIT back to the MASTER MENU SCREEN. Since you want to add a dispatch record, enter your choice by typing 'A'. PRS will respond by changing the screen name to DISPATCH ADD SCREEN, displaying a message at the bottom of the screen and placing the screen cursor at LAST NAME. You may now enter the details of a new dispatch call. Remember that PRS stores your dispatch call by the individual's last name. For this reason, you'll be required to enter a name in order to properly create a dispatch call. Go ahead and enter a dispatch call using make-believe informa- tion. Please use 'TEST' as the individual's last name. Skip the fields (by pressing the RETURN key) that you're unfamiliar with. To return to a previous field, use the BACKSPACE key. For a complete discussion of all screen fields, please refer to Appen dix C. Once you've entered information in the last field, PRS will ask "IS THE ABOVE CORRECT ? (Y/N)". If you enter 'Y' PRS will now add your new dispatch call to the DISPATCH master file. If you enter 'N' PRS will reposition the screen cursor at LAST NAME so that you may correct your entry. Please enter 'Y'. That's all there is to adding new dispatch calls. For a complete discussion about the other options available when using Dispatch Records, please refer to Section E Dispatch Records. 41 �CHANGE THE DETAILS ABOUT A DISPATCH CALL After adding a new dispatch call, PRS will return you to the MASTER MENU SCREEN. You're now ready to change the details of the dispatch call you've just entered. In this case, you'll want to again choose the first option on the screen, Dispatch Records. Please enter your choice by typing '1'. You are now looking at the DISPATCH SCREEN. You should be familiar with this screen. Before you can change the details about a dispatch record, you must first find the record. In order to do so you must SEARCH for the record. Please enter your choice by typing 'S'. PRS will respond by changing the screen name to DISPATCH SEARCH SCREEN, displaying a message at the bottom of the screen and placing the screen cursor at LAST NAME. You may now enter the name of the individual you are searching for. In this case, enter the name 'TEST' and press the RETURN key. PRS will now search for the dispatch call and display the details. If the call cannot be found, PRS will present a message at the bottom of the screen telling you so. In that case, check your spelling and retry. Note the options available at the bottom of the screen. You can CHANGE, view the NEXT or PRIOR record, DELETE the record, print a HARDCOPY of the screen or EXIT to the MASTER MENU SCREEN. Since you want to change details about the dispatch call, enter 'C'. PRS highlights all the fields that pertain to the dispatch call, beginning with the last name of the individual. Go ahead and change any of the dispatch call details. Skip the fields (by pressing the RETURN key) that you don't want to change. For a complete discussion of all screen fields, please refer to Appen dix C. Since you're entering information about a dispatch call, some of the fields may remain empty. Why ? Because some of the details may not be known until the call is closed. PRS was designed so that you can add details, as they're known, at your convenience. 42 �Once you've entered information in the last field PRS, will ask "IS THE ABOVE CORRECT ? (Y/N)". If you enter 'Y' PRS will now change the details of the dispatch call in the DISPATCH master file. If you enter 'N' PRS will reposition the screen cursor at LAST NAME so that you may correct your entry. Please enter 'Y'. That's all there is to changing details of a dispatch call. Once the call is closed, you would repeat the above steps to add any final details. 43 �ADD DETAILS ABOUT A NEW RESIDENT TO THE CROSS REFERENCE After changing the details of a dispatch call, PRS will return you to the MASTER MENU SCREEN. You're now ready to add details about a new resident to the Cross Reference, therefore, your choice is Cross Reference. Please enter your choice by typing '2'. You are now looking at the CROSS REFERENCE SCREEN. Notice the choices available to you at the bottom of the screen. You can ADD, SEARCH, seek HELP or EXIT back to the MASTER MENU SCREEN. Since you want to add a cross reference record, enter your choice by typing 'A'. Notice the consistency with which records are added and changed throughout PRS. PRS will respond by changing the screen name to CROSS REFERENCE ADD SCREEN, displaying a message at the bottom of the screen and placing the screen cursor at LAST NAME. You may now enter the details of a new cross reference record. Remember that, PRS stores the cross reference record by the individual's last name. For this reason, you'll be required to enter a name in order to properly create a record. Go ahead and enter a make-believe cross reference record. Please use 'TEST' as the individual's last name. Skip the fields (by pressing the RETURN key) that you're unfamiliar with. To return to a previous field, use the BACKSPACE key. For a complete discussion of all screen fields, please refer to Appendix C. Once you've entered information in the last field, PRS will ask "IS THE ABOVE CORRECT ? (Y/N)". If you enter 'Y' PRS will now add the cross reference record to the CROSS REFERENCE master file. If you enter 'N' PRS will reposition the screen cursor at LAST NAME so that you may correct your entry. Please enter 'Y'. PRS will now check for a duplicate name. If found, a message will be displayed telling you so. This is done to avoid adding duplicate records in the master file. IF the name is not really a duplicate, you will be able to tell PRS to go ahead and add the record to the master file. That's all there is to adding new cross reference records. For a complete discussion about the other options available when using Cross Reference, please refer to Section E Cross Reference. 44 �ADD A NEW WARRANT After adding a resident to the Cross Reference, PRS will return you to the MASTER MENU SCREEN. You're now ready to add the details of a new warrant. In this case, you'll want to choose the third option on the screen, Warrant Records. Please enter your choice by typing '3'. You are now looking at the WARRANT SCREEN. Notice the choices available to you at the bottom of the screen. You can ADD, SEARCH, seek HELP or EXIT back to the MASTER MENU SCREEN. Since you want to add a warrant record, enter your choice by typing 'A'. Again, notice the consistency with which records are added and changed throughout PRS. PRS will respond by changing the screen name to WARRANT ADD SCREEN, displaying a message at the bottom of the screen and placing the screen cursor at LAST NAME. You may now enter the details of a new warrant record. Go ahead and enter a make-believe warrant record. Please use 'TEST' as the individual's last name. In addition, please enter 'O' in the STATUS field. We want to have at least 1 outstanding warrant in the file when we print a report later. Skip the fields (by pressing the RETURN key) that you're unfa- miliar with. To return to a previous field, use the BACKSPACE key. For a complete discussion of all screen fields, please refer to Appendix C. Once you've entered information in the last field, PRS will ask "IS THE ABOVE CORRECT ? (Y/N)". If you enter 'Y' PRS will now add the warrant record to the WARRANT master file. If you enter 'N' PRS will reposition the screen cursor at LAST NAME so that you may correct your entry. Please enter 'Y'. That's all there is to adding a new warrant record. For a complete discussion about the other options available when using Warrant Records, please refer to Section E Warrant Records. 45 �ADD DETAILS ABOUT AN ARREST After adding a new warrant, PRS will return you to the MASTER MENU SCREEN. You're now ready to add the details about an arrest. In this case, you'll want to choose the Arrest Records option. Please enter your choice by typing '4'. You are now looking at the ARREST SCREEN. Notice the choices available to you at the bottom of the screen. You can ADD, SEARCH, seek HELP or EXIT back to the MASTER MENU SCREEN. Since you want to add an arrest record, enter your choice by typing 'A'. PRS will respond by changing the screen name to ARREST ADD SCREEN, displaying a message at the bottom of the screen and placing the screen cursor at LAST NAME. You may now enter the details of a new arrest record. Go ahead and enter a make-believe arrest record. Please use 'TEST' as the individual's last name. Skip the fields (by pressing the RETURN key) that you're unfamiliar with. To return to a previous field, use the BACKSPACE key. For a complete dis- cussion of all screen fields, please refer to Appendix C. Once you've entered information in the last field, PRS will ask "IS THE ABOVE CORRECT ? (Y/N)". If you enter 'Y' PRS will now add the arrest record to the ARREST master file. If you enter 'N' PRS will reposition the screen cursor at LAST NAME so that you may correct your entry. Please enter 'Y'. For a complete discussion about the other options available when using Arrest Records, please refer to Section E Arrest Records. 46 �ADD DETAILS ABOUT A CRIMINAL RECORD After adding an arrest record, PRS will return you to the MASTER MENU SCREEN. You're now ready to add the details about a criminal record. In this case, you'll want to choose the Criminal Records option. Please enter your choice by typing '5'. You are now looking at the CRIMINAL SCREEN. Notice the choices available to you at the bottom of the screen. You can ADD, SEARCH, seek HELP or EXIT back to the MASTER MENU SCREEN. Since you want to add a criminal record, enter your choice by typing 'A'. By now you should be somewhat familiar with how records are added and changed. PRS will respond by changing the screen name to CRIMINAL ADD SCREEN, displaying a message at the bottom of the screen and placing the screen cursor at LAST NAME. You may now enter the de- tails of a new criminal record. Go ahead and enter a make-believe criminal record. Please use 'TEST' as the individual's last name. Skip the fields (by pressing the RETURN key) that you're unfamiliar with. To return to a previous field, use the BACKSPACE key. For a complete discussion of all screen fields, please refer to Appendix C. Once you've entered information in the last field, PRS will ask "IS THE ABOVE CORRECT ? (Y/N)". If you enter 'Y' PRS will now add the criminal record to the CRIMINAL master file. If you enter 'N' PRS will reposition the screen cursor at LAST NAME so that you may correct your entry. Please enter 'Y'. For a complete discussion about the other options available when using Criminal Records, please refer to Section E Criminal Records. 47 �PRINT A REPORT ABOUT OUTSTANDING WARRANTS After successfully adding a criminal record, PRS will return you to the MASTER MENU SCREEN. Let's complete the demonstration by creating a report about outstanding warrants. To do so, you'll need to have a printer attached to your computer, turned on and loaded with paper. We want to create a report so please choose the Reports option by typing '6'. PRS will display the REPORT MENU SCREEN, listing the reports you may request. We want to create an Outstanding War rants report, so please enter '5'. PRS now displays the OUTSTANDING WARRANTS REPORT SCREEN, advising you to turn your printer on and to align your paper. You are also advised that you can avoid creating the report by entering the word 'ABORT'. Please press the RETURN key. The Outstanding Warrants report should now be printing. If it doesn't, check to see that your printer is working. When finished, PRS will return you to the MASTER MENU SCREEN where you can choose to experiment further or to EXIT from PRS. After you've become comfortable with using the delete option within each of the PRS functions, you may want to delete our demonstration records of TEST so they do not appear in your future reports. 48 �APPENDIX B. MAKING A PERIODIC BACKUP OF YOUR MASTER FILES Nothing lasts forever. To guard against the accidental loss of your valuable data, you should develop a habit of making a per- iodic backup of your master files. BUT I ALREADY MADE A BACKUP OF THE ORIGINAL PRS DISKETTES ! True...and you needn't make another backup of the ORIGINALS. You will, however, be constantly adding new information to your master files (whether on a diskette or hard disk) which you can- not afford to lose. Therefore, you need to make a periodic back- up of your master files. Please refer to your DOS manual for backup instructions. If you need help, please call us. HOW OFTEN TO BACKUP ------------------- It's really up to you. Keep in mind that if your PRS MASTER FILES that you use on a daily basis are damaged, you will lose only the data since the last backup. With this in mind, many of you will choose to perform backup after entering a large amount of data, so as not to take the chance of losing what's just been entered. Another approach is to peform a periodic backup on a given schedule, such as once a day at the end of the day, once a week, etc. WHAT SHOULD BE BACKED-UP? ------------------------- You should backup all files appended with .DBF and .NTX. 49 �SPECIAL NOTE ABOUT LARGE MASTER FILES ------------------------------------- For those of you with master files that are larger than can fit on one floppy diskette, you'll have to use IBM's BACKUP command to accomplish the above. If you have doubts as to how it works, please call us. One way to tell if your master files have grown too large for one floppy diskette is to do the following: 1. List the directory of master files with the command... DIR *.DBF 2. Sum the size of each file. 3. List the directory of indices with the command... DIR *.NTX 4. Sum the size of each file and add to the earlier sum for master files. 5. If the sum of master files and indices is approaching 360,000 you are at or near the limit for 1 floppy diskette. 50 �APPENDIX C. DEFINITION OF SCREEN FIELDS In this section we'll review all the fields you will encounter in the Dispatch Records, Cross Reference, Warrant Records, Arrest Records and Criminal Records functions. Again a 'field' can be thought of as a single piece of informa- tion. The definitions of most of these fields are self-evident. Several have particular definitions that are important to the proper use of PRS. The fields will be presented by function, giving its name, size (how long it can be), type (numeric only or any combination of alphabetic and numeric characters) and definition. Whenever you see the word 'optional' it means that you can choose whether to use the field. DISPATCH RECORDS SCREEN FIELDS FIELD NAME SIZE TYPE DEFINITION ---------- ---- ---- ---------- LAST NAME 15 AN The last name of the individual making the dispatch call. You must enter a last name to create a dispatch call. The name can be entered in upper or lower case. PRS will convert all names to upper case. When searching for a particular dispatch call, you can enter all or a portion of the caller's name. FIRST NAME 10 AN The first name of the individual making the dispatch call. The name can be entered in upper or lower case. PRS will convert all names to upper case. Optional. LOG NO 7 AN If you use log numbers to record all dispatch calls, you can enter your own customized codes. Optional. 51 �DATE 8 N The date the dispatch call was received. MM/DD/YY. Optional, but used for reporting purposes. DAY 1 N Number designation of the day of the week the dispatch call was received. For example, Sunday = 1, Monday = 2, etc. Optional. REPORT BY 20 AN If a second individual is also making the dispatch call, you can place their name in this field. Optional. SECT 5 AN If you break down your community into sections, you can enter your custom- ized section codes. Optional. AREA 5 AN If you break down your community into areas, you can enter your customized area codes. Optional. NATURE 25 AN A brief description of the dispatch call. Optional. LOCATION 25 AN Street address where the incident took place. Optional. COMPLAINT CODE 5 AN If your department uses codes to describe the type of complaint received, you can enter these codes in this field. Optional, but used for reporting purposes. DISPOSITION 2 AN A code to describe the final dis- position of the dispatch call. Optional. UNIT 1 3 AN The unit number of the first vehicle dispatched to resolve the call. Optional. UNIT 2 3 AN The unit number of the second vehicle dispatched to resolve the call. Optional. UNIT 3 3 AN The unit number of the third vehicle dispatched to resolve the call. Optional. UNIT 4 3 AN The unit number of the fourth vehicle dispatched to resolve the call. Optional. 52 �OFCR 1 3 AN The badge number or initials of the first officer dispatched to resolve the call. Optional. OFCR 2 3 AN The badge number or initials of the second officer dispatched to resolve the call. Optional. OFCR 3 3 AN The badge number or initials of the third officer dispatched to resolve the call. Optional. OFCR 4 3 AN The badge number or initials of the fourth officer dispatched to resolve the call. Optional. RECEIVED 5 N The time the dispatch call was received. HR:MIN. Optional. DISPATCHED 5 N The time officers were dispatched. HR:MIN. Optional. ARRIVED 5 N Time of arrival at scene of dispatch call. HR:MIN. Optional. CLEARED 5 N Time the dispatch call was resolved or cleared. HR:MIN. Optional. FIRE DPT 5 N Time that fire department was called. HR:MIN. Optional. HOSPITAL 5 N Time that a hospital was called. HR:MIN. Optional. TOW 5 N Time that a tow truck company was called. HR:MIN. Optional. COMPANY 10 AN Name of the tow truck company. Optional. OTHER 5 N Time that an individual was called at the request of someone at the scene of the dispatch call. HR:MIN. Optional. CONTACT 10 AN Name of that individual contacted. Optional. 53 �CROSS REFERENCE SCREEN FIELDS FIELD NAME SIZE TYPE DEFINITION ---------- ---- ---- ---------- LAST NAME 15 AN The last name of the individual being placed in the Cross Reference. You must enter a last name to create a cross reference record. The name can be entered in upper or lower case. PRS will convert all names to upper case. When searching for a particular individual, you can enter all or a portion of the last name. FIRST NAME 10 AN The first name of the individual. The name can be entered in upper or lower case. PRS will convert all names to upper case. Optional. AKA 40 AN If the individual has an alias, or is known by another name, enter the alias in this field. Optional. DATE 8 N Date the cross reference record was entered. MM/DD/YY. Optional. ADDRESS 25 AN Individual's street address. Optional. CITY 15 AN Individual's city. Optional. STATE 2 AN Individual's state. Optional. ZIP 5 N Individual's zip code. Optional. PHONE 15 AN Individual's phone number. Optional. HEIGHT 3 N Individual's height. Optional. WEIGHT 3 N Individual's weight. Optional. HAIR 4 AN Color of individual's hair. Optional. EYES 4 AN Color of individual's eyes. Optional. COMPLEXION 5 AN Individual's complexion type. Optional. SEX 1 AN Individual's sex type. Optional. RACE 1 AN Individual's racial type. Optional. DOB 8 N Date of birth. Optional. MM/DD/YY. 54 �POB 15 AN Individual's place of birth. Optional. SCARS 10 AN Brief description of any major scars. Optional. FATHER 25 AN Father's name. Optional. MOTHER 25 AN Mother's name. Optional. MARITAL 1 AN Marital status. Optional. SPOUSE 25 AN Spouses' name. Optional. CHILDREN 2 N Number of children. Optional. OCCUPATION 25 AN Individual's occupation. Optional. EMPLOYER 25 AN Name of individual's employer. Optional. SSAN 11 N Individual's Social Security Number. Optional. LIC NO 28 N Individual's drivers license number. Optional. STATUS 1 AN Status of individual's drivers license. Optional. MEDICAL HISTORY 50 AN Brief description of the individual's medical history. Optional. MEDICINE 26 AN In case of emergency, the type of medication the individual uses. Optional. CONTACT 30 AN Person to contact in a medical emergency. Optional. LTC 7 AN If the individual has a firearm, the License To Carry number. Optional. DATE 8 N The date LTC was issued. MM/DD/YY. Optional. EXP 8 N LTC expiration date. MM/DD/YY. Optional. FID 7 N Firearms Identification. Optional. DATE 8 N The date FID was issued. MM/DD/YY. Optional. 55 �WARRANT SCREEN FIELDS FIELD NAME SIZE TYPE DEFINITION ---------- ---- ---- ---------- LAST NAME 15 AN The last name of the individual being placed in the Warrant File. You must enter a last name to create a warrant record. The name can be entered in upper or lower case. PRS will convert all names to upper case. When searching for a particular individual, you can enter all or a portion of the last name. FIRST NAME 10 AN The first name of the individual. The name can be entered in upper or lower case. PRS will convert all names to upper case. Optional. ADDRESS 25 AN Individual's street address. Optional. CITY 15 AN Individual's city. Optional. STATE 2 AN Individual's state. Optional. ZIP 5 N Individual's zip code. Optional. STATUS 1 AN The current status of the warrant. If you choose to use this field, you can determine your own codes. Optional. LOG NO 7 AN If you use log numbers to record all warrants, you can enter your own customized codes. Optional. DATE 8 N Date warrant received. MM/DD/YY. Optional. WARRANT 10 AN The warrant number. Optional. ISSUED BY 15 AN Name of the court issuing warrant. Optional. OFFENSE 30 AN Offense description. Optional. ACTION 2 AN Your own customized code that indicates what action has been taken on the warrant. Optional. ACTION DATE 8 N Date action was taken. MM/DD/YY. Optional. 56 �ARREST SCREEN FIELDS FIELD NAME SIZE TYPE DEFINITION ---------- ---- ---- ---------- LAST NAME 15 AN The last name of the individual being placed in the Arrest File. You must enter a last name to create an arrest record. The name can be entered in upper or lower case. PRS will convert all names to upper case. When searching for a particular individual, you can enter all or a portion of the last name. FIRST NAME 10 AN The first name of the individual. The name can be entered in upper or lower case. PRS will convert all names to upper case. Optional. LOG NO 7 AN If you use log numbers to record all arrests, you can enter your own customized codes. Optional. DOB 8 N Individual's date of birth. MM/DD/YY. Optional. DATE 8 N Date of arrest. MM/DD/YY. Optional. TIME 5 N Time of arrest. HR:MIN. Optional. OFFENSE 30 AN Offense description. Optional. CHAPTER 4 AN Criminal Code chapter. Optional. SECTION 5 AN Criminal Code section. Optional. OFFICER 3 AN The badge number or initials of the arresting officer. Optional. COURT DATE 8 N Original court date. MM/DD/YY. Optional. CONT DATE 8 N Most recent continuance date. MM/DD/YY. Optional. DOCKET 10 AN Docket number. Optional. MAIL DATE 8 N Date the warrant was mailed. MM/DD/YY. Optional. WARRANT 10 AN Warrant number. Optional. 57 �COMP CLASS 5 AN Customized code indicating the class of complaint. Optional, but import- ant to the creation of the Uniform Crime Report. SEX 1 AN Sex of the individual. Optional, but important to the creation of the Uniform Crime Report. AGE 3 N Age of the individual. Optional, but important to the creation of the Uniform Crime Report. 58 �CRIMINAL SCREEN FIELDS FIELD NAME SIZE TYPE DEFINITION ---------- ---- ---- ---------- LAST NAME 15 AN The last name of the individual being placed in the Criminal File. You must enter a last name to create a criminal record. The name can be entered in upper or lower case. PRS will convert all names to upper case. When searching for a particular individual, you can enter all or a portion of the last name. FIRST NAME 10 AN The first name of the individual. The name can be entered in upper or lower case. PRS will convert all names to upper case. Optional. DOB 8 N Individual's date of birth. MM/DD/YY. Optional. DATE 8 N Date placed in the criminal file. MM/DD/YY. Optional. OFFICER 3 AN The badge number or initials of the arresting officer. Optional. OFFENSE 30 AN Offense description. Optional. PLEA 2 AN Customized code indicating the plea entered by the individual. Optional. DISP 20 AN Disposition of the case. Optional. 59 �APPENDIX D. SAMPLE REPORTS UNIFORM CRIME REPORT SAMPLE UNIFORM CRIME REPORT REPORT PERIOD 01/85 COMPLAINT CLASS SEX 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70+ AA F 0 0 2 3 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 AA M 0 1 3 2 3 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 BA M 0 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 60 �DISPATCH CALL ANALYSIS REPORT (BY SECTOR/AREA) SAMPLE DISPATCH CALLS ANALYSIS REPORT BY SECTOR/AREA REPORT PERIOD 2/84 SECTOR/AREA LOG DATE DAY TIME COMPL NAME DISP 1/1 1112345 2/7/84 1 12:12 3 JOHNSON, HOWARD 1 1/2 1112435 2/9/84 3 13:21 1 SMITH, ALBERT 3 DISPATCH CALL ANALYSIS REPORT (BY COMPLAINT CODE) SAMPLE DISPATCH CALLS ANALYSIS REPORT BY COMPLAINT CODE REPORT PERIOD 2/84 COMPL LOG DATE DAY TIME SECTOR/AREA NAME DISP 1 1112435 2/9/84 3 13:21 1/2 SMITH, ALBERT 3 3 1112345 2/7/84 1 12:12 1/1 JOHNSON, HOWARD 1 61 �FIREARMS LICENSE REPORT (BY LICENSE TO CARRY #) SAMPLE FIREARMS LICENSE REPORT LTC NAME DOB ISSUED EXPIRES HT WT HAIR EYES 3254832 JOHNSON, HOWARD 12/7/32 7/6/84 7/6/85 66 160 BLK BLUE 3254821 BLAKE, WILLIAM 7/21/42 8/2/84 8/2/85 70 200 BRWN BRWN 3254891 PHILBRICK, GIB 8/27/34 8/9/84 8/9/85 74 210 BLND BLUE FIREARMS LICENSE REPORT (BY FIREARMS IDENTIFICATION #) SAMPLE FIREARMS LICENSE REPORT FID NAME DOB ISSUED EXPIRES HT WT HAIR EYES 2314564 JOHNSON, HOWARD 12/7/32 7/6/84 7/6/85 66 160 BLCK BLUE 2316787 PHILBRICK, GIB 8/27/34 8/9/84 8/9/85 74 210 BLND BLUE 3012103 BLAKE, WILLIAM 7/21/42 8/2/84 8/2/85 70 200 BRWN BRWN 62 �FIREARMS ALPHA REPORT SAMPLE FIREARMS ALPHA REPORT NAME DOB LICENSE ISSUED EXPIRES HT WT HAIR EYES BLAKE, WILLIAM 7/21/42 3254821 8/2/84 8/2/85 70 200 BRWN BRWN JOHNSON, HOWARD 12/7/32 3254832 7/6/84 7/6/85 66 160 BLCK BLUE PHILBRICK, GIB 8/27/34 3254891 8/9/84 8/9/85 74 210 BLND BLUE 63 �OUTSTANDING WARRANTS REPORT SAMPLE OUTSTANDING WARRANTS REPORT NAME DATE WARRANT ACTION ACTION DATE STATUS HOWARD, JOHN 1/24/84 2317485362 22 3/15/84 2 BLACK, EDDIE 3/27/84 2317485392 13 6/10/84 1 LEACH, KIP 4/1/84 2317485421 11 6/21/84 2 64 �E. SAMPLE SCREENS The following screen will be displayed when you initially enter PRS and is referred to as the MASTER MENU SCREEN: MASTER MENU SCREEN 1. Dispatch Records 2. Cross Reference 3. Warrant Records 4. Arrest Records 5. Criminal Records 6. Reports 7. HELP 8. EXIT PLEASE ENTER CHOICE 65 �The following screen will be displayed when you choose the Dispatch Records function on the MASTER MENU SCREEN: DISPATCH SCREEN LAST NAME FIRST LOG NO DATE DAY REPORT BY SECT AREA NATURE LOCATION COMPLAINT CODE DISPOSITION UNIT 1 UNIT 2 UNIT 3 UNIT 4 OFCR 1 OFCR 2 OFCR 3 OFCR 4 DISPATCH ACTIVITY RECEIVED DISPATCHED ARRIVED CLEARED FIRE DPT HOSPITAL TOW COMPANY OTHER CONTACT PLEASE ENTER YOUR CHOICE (A)dd (S)earch (H)elp (E)xit 66 �The following screen will be displayed when you choose the ADD option on the DISPATCH SCREEN: DISPATCH ADD SCREEN LAST NAME FIRST LOG NO DATE DAY REPORT BY SECT AREA NATURE LOCATION COMPLAINT CODE DISPOSITION UNIT 1 UNIT 2 UNIT 3 UNIT 4 OFCR 1 OFCR 2 OFCR 3 OFCR 4 DISPATCH ACTIVITY RECEIVED DISPATCHED ARRIVED CLEARED FIRE DPT HOSPITAL TOW COMPANY OTHER CONTACT ENTER THE INDIVIDUAL'S NAME OR PRESS THE RETURN KEY TO EXIT. 67 �The following screen will be displayed when you choose the SEARCH option on the DISPATCH SCREEN: DISPATCH SEARCH SCREEN LAST NAME FIRST LOG NO DATE DAY REPORT BY SECT AREA NATURE LOCATION COMPLAINT CODE DISPOSITION UNIT 1 UNIT 2 UNIT 3 UNIT 4 OFCR 1 OFCR 2 OFCR 3 OFCR 4 DISPATCH ACTIVITY RECEIVED DISPATCHED ARRIVED CLEARED FIRE DPT HOSPITAL TOW COMPANY OTHER CONTACT ENTER ALL OR A PORTION OF INDIVIDUAL'S NAME OR PRESS THE RETURN KEY TO EXIT. 68 �The following screen will be displayed when your search for a dispatch call (from the DISPATCH SEARCH SCREEN) is successful. The screen will also contain details about the individual. DISPATCH SEARCH SCREEN LAST NAME FIRST LOG NO DATE DAY REPORT BY SECT AREA NATURE LOCATION COMPLAINT CODE DISPOSITION UNIT 1 UNIT 2 UNIT 3 UNIT 4 OFCR 1 OFCR 2 OFCR 3 OFCR 4 DISPATCH ACTIVITY RECEIVED DISPATCHED ARRIVED CLEARED FIRE DPT HOSPITAL TOW COMPANY OTHER CONTACT ENTER CHOICE (C)hange (N)ext (P)rior (D)elete (H)ardcopy (E)xit 69 �The following screen will be displayed when your choose to CHANGE the dispatch call displayed on the DISPATCH CHANGE SCREEN: DISPATCH CHANGE SCREEN LAST NAME FIRST LOG NO DATE DAY REPORT BY SECT AREA NATURE LOCATION COMPLAINT CODE DISPOSITION UNIT 1 UNIT 2 UNIT 3 UNIT 4 OFCR 1 OFCR 2 OFCR 3 OFCR 4 DISPATCH ACTIVITY RECEIVED DISPATCHED ARRIVED CLEARED FIRE DPT HOSPITAL TOW COMPANY OTHER CONTACT PLEASE ENTER THE CHANGES. 70 �The following screen will be displayed when you choose the Help option from the DISPATCH SCREEN: DISPATCH HELP SCREEN PURPOSE The DISPATCH SCREEN may be used to keep a record of your dispatch calls. The details can be added as the dispatcher is taking the call or later from a written record. As new information is received, the record may be updated. The details of a dispatch record are available by choosing to search for an individual by last name. FUNCTION The DISPATCH SCREEN will allow you to ADD or SEARCH for the dispatch record. When you choose to ADD a record, PRS will prompt you for details about the call. At minimum, the individual's name must be entered. When you choose to SEARCH for a dispatch call, PRS will prompt you for the last name. If the search is unsuccessful, that means a record cannot be found for that individual. Once the search is successful, you will be given the option to CHANGE the record, view the NEXT or PRIOR record, DELETE the record, print a HARDCOPY of the record or EXIT to the MASTER MENU SCREEN. PRESS ANY KEY TO CONTINUE 71 �The following screen will be displayed when you choose the Cross Reference function on the MASTER MENU SCREEN: CROSS REFERENCE SCREEN LAST NAME FIRST NAME DATE AKA ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP PHONE HEIGHT WEIGHT HAIR EYES SEX COMPLEXION RACE DOB POB SCARS FATHER MOTHER MARITAL STATUS SPOUSE CHILDREN EMPLOYER OCCUPATION SSAN LIC NO STATUS MEDICAL HISTORY MEDICINE CONTACT LTC DATE EXP FID DATE PLEASE ENTER YOUR CHOICE (A)dd (S)earch (H)elp (E)xit 72 �The following screen will be displayed when you choose the ADD option on the CROSS REFERENCE SCREEN: CROSS REFERENCE ADD SCREEN LAST NAME FIRST NAME DATE AKA ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP PHONE HEIGHT WEIGHT HAIR EYES SEX COMPLEXION RACE DOB POB SCARS FATHER MOTHER MARITAL STATUS SPOUSE CHILDREN EMPLOYER OCCUPATION SSAN LIC NO STATUS MEDICAL HISTORY MEDICINE CONTACT LTC DATE EXP FID DATE ENTER THE INDIVIDUAL'S NAME OR PRESS THE RETURN KEY TO EXIT. 73 �The following screen will be displayed when you choose the SEARCH option on the CROSS REFERENCE SCREEN: CROSS REFERENCE SEARCH SCREEN LAST NAME FIRST NAME DATE AKA ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP PHONE HEIGHT WEIGHT HAIR EYES SEX COMPLEXION RACE DOB POB SCARS FATHER MOTHER MARITAL STATUS SPOUSE CHILDREN EMPLOYER OCCUPATION SSAN LIC NO STATUS MEDICAL HISTORY MEDICINE CONTACT LTC DATE EXP FID DATE ENTER ALL OR A PORTION OF INDIVIDUAL'S NAME OR PRESS THE RETURN KEY TO EXIT. 74 �The following screen will be displayed when your search for an individual (from the CROSS REFERENCE SEARCH SCREEN) is success- ful. The screen will also contain details about the individual. CROSS REFERENCE SEARCH SCREEN LAST NAME FIRST NAME DATE AKA ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP PHONE HEIGHT WEIGHT HAIR EYES SEX COMPLEXION RACE DOB POB SCARS FATHER MOTHER MARITAL STATUS SPOUSE CHILDREN EMPLOYER OCCUPATION SSAN LIC NO STATUS MEDICAL HISTORY MEDICINE CONTACT LTC DATE EXP FID DATE ENTER CHOICE (C)hange (N)ext (P)rior (D)elete (H)ardcopy (E)xit 75 �The following screen will be displayed when you choose to CHANGE the cross reference record displayed on the CROSS REFERENCE CHANGE SCREEN: CROSS REFERENCE CHANGE SCREEN LAST NAME FIRST NAME DATE AKA ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP PHONE HEIGHT WEIGHT HAIR EYES SEX COMPLEXION RACE DOB POB SCARS FATHER MOTHER MARITAL STATUS SPOUSE CHILDREN EMPLOYER OCCUPATION SSAN LIC NO STATUS MEDICAL HISTORY MEDICINE CONTACT LTC DATE EXP FID DATE PLEASE ENTER THE CHANGES. 76 �The following screen will be displayed when you choose the Help option from the CROSS REFERENCE SCREEN: CROSS REFERENCE HELP SCREEN PURPOSE The CROSS REFERENCE SCREEN may be used to keep a record of local residents. Generally, records are kept when a resident calls with a complaint, has a medical problem or has registered firearms. As new information is received, you will be able to update the record. The details of a cross reference record are available by choosing to search for an individual by last name. FUNCTION The CROSS REFERENCE SCREEN will allow you to ADD or SEARCH for the record of a local resident. When you choose to ADD a record, PRS will prompt you for details about the resident. At minimum, the individual's name must be entered. When you choose to SEARCH for a resident, PRS will prompt you for the last name. If the search is unsuccessful, that means a record cannot be found for that individual. Once the search is successful, you will be given the option to CHANGE the record, view the NEXT or PRIOR record, print a HARDCOPY of the record, DELETE the record or EXIT to the MASTER MENU SCREEN. PRESS ANY KEY TO CONTINUE 77 �The following screen will be displayed when you choose the Warrant Records function on the MASTER MENU SCREEN: WARRANT SCREEN LAST NAME FIRST LOG NO ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP STATUS DATE WARRANT NO ISSUED BY OFFENSE ACTION ACTION DATE PLEASE ENTER YOUR CHOICE (A)dd (S)earch (H)elp (E)xit 78 �The following screen will be displayed when you choose the ADD option on the WARRANT SCREEN: WARRANT ADD SCREEN LAST NAME FIRST LOG NO ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP STATUS DATE WARRANT NO ISSUED BY OFFENSE ACTION ACTION DATE ENTER THE INDIVIDUAL'S LAST NAME OR PRESS THE RETURN KEY TO EXIT. 79 �The following screen will be displayed when you choose the SEARCH option on the WARRANT SCREEN: WARRANT SEARCH SCREEN LAST NAME FIRST LOG NO ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP STATUS DATE WARRANT NO ISSUED BY OFFENSE ACTION ACTION DATE ENTER ALL OR A PORTION OF INDIVIDUAL'S NAME OR PRESS THE RETURN KEY TO EXIT. 80 �The following screen will be displayed when your search for an individual (from the WARRANT SEARCH SCREEN) is successful. The screen will also contain details about the individual. WARRANT SEARCH SCREEN LAST NAME FIRST LOG NO ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP STATUS DATE WARRANT NO ISSUED BY OFFENSE ACTION ACTION DATE ENTER CHOICE (C)hange (N)ext (P)rior (D)elete (H)ardcopy (E)xit 81 �The following screen will be displayed when you choose to CHANGE the warrant record displayed on the WARRANT CHANGE SCREEN: WARRANT CHANGE SCREEN LAST NAME FIRST LOG NO ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP STATUS DATE WARRANT NO ISSUED BY OFFENSE ACTION ACTION DATE PLEASE ENTER THE CHANGES. 82 �The following screen will be displayed when you choose the Help option from the WARRANT SCREEN: WARRANT HELP SCREEN PURPOSE The WARRANT SCREEN may be used to keep a record of outstanding warrants. When you receive a warrant, you will want to add a new record. As new details are received, you will be able to update the record. The details of a warrant are available by choosing to search for an individual by last name. FUNCTION The WARRANT SCREEN will allow you to ADD or SEARCH for a warrant. When you choose to ADD a warrant record, PRS will prompt you for details of the warrant. At minimum, the individual's name must be entered. When you choose to SEARCH for a warrant record, PRS will prompt you for the last name. If the search is unsuccess- ful, that means no warrant can be found for that individual. Once the search is successful, you will be given the option to CHANGE the record, view the NEXT or PRIOR record, DELETE the record, print a HARDCOPY of the record or EXIT to the MASTER MENU SCREEN. PRESS ANY KEY TO CONTINUE 83 �The following screen will be displayed when you choose the Arrest Records function on the MASTER MENU SCREEN: ARREST SCREEN LAST NAME FIRST LOG NO DOB AGE SEX OFFICER ARREST DATE TIME COMPLAINT CLASS OFFENSE CHAPTER SECTION COURT DATE CONT DATE DOCKET NO MAIL DATE WARRANT NO PLEASE ENTER YOUR CHOICE (A)dd (S)earch (H)elp (E)xit 84 �The following screen will be displayed when you choose the ADD option on the ARREST SCREEN: ARREST ADD SCREEN LAST NAME FIRST LOG NO DOB AGE SEX OFFICER ARREST DATE TIME COMPLAINT CLASS OFFENSE CHAPTER SECTION COURT DATE CONT DATE DOCKET NO MAIL DATE WARRANT NO ENTER THE INDIVIDUAL'S NAME OR PRESS THE RETURN KEY TO EXIT. 85 �The following screen will be displayed when you choose the SEARCH option on the ARREST SCREEN: ARREST SEARCH SCREEN LAST NAME FIRST LOG NO DOB AGE SEX OFFICER ARREST DATE TIME COMPLAINT CLASS OFFENSE CHAPTER SECTION COURT DATE CONT DATE DOCKET NO MAIL DATE WARRANT NO ENTER ALL OR A PORTION OF THE INDIVIDUAL'S NAME OR PRESS THE RETURN KEY TO EXIT. 86 �The following screen will be displayed when your search for an individual (from the ARREST SEARCH SCREEN) is successful. The screen will also contain details about the individual. ARREST SEARCH SCREEN LAST NAME FIRST LOG NO DOB AGE SEX OFFICER ARREST DATE TIME COMPLAINT CLASS OFFENSE CHAPTER SECTION COURT DATE CONT DATE DOCKET NO MAIL DATE WARRANT NO ENTER CHOICE (C)hange (N)ext (P)rior (D)elete (H)ardcopy (E)xit 87 �The following screen will be displayed when you choose to CHANGE the arrest record displayed on the ARREST CHANGE SCREEN: ARREST CHANGE SCREEN LAST NAME FIRST LOG NO DOB AGE SEX OFFICER ARREST DATE TIME COMPLAINT CLASS OFFENSE CHAPTER SECTION COURT DATE CONT DATE DOCKET NO MAIL DATE WARRANT NO PLEASE ENTER THE CHANGES. 88 �The following screen will be displayed when you choose the Help option from the ARREST SCREEN: ARREST HELP SCREEN PURPOSE The ARREST SCREEN may be used to keep a record of past arrests. When you receive a written arrest record, you will want to add the details to PRS. As new information is received, you will be able to update the record. The details of an arrest are available by choosing to search for an individual by last name. FUNCTION The ARREST SCREEN will allow you to ADD or SEARCH for an arrest. When you choose to ADD an arrest record, PRS will prompt you for details of the arrest. At minimum, the individual's name must be entered. When you choose to SEARCH for an arrest record, PRS will prompt you for the last name. If the search is unsuc- cessful, that means no arrest record can be found for that individual. Once the search is successful, you will be given the option to CHANGE the record, view the NEXT or PRIOR record, print a HARDCOPY of the record, DELETE the record or EXIT to the MASTER MENU SCREEN. PRESS ANY KEY TO CONTINUE 89 �The following screen will be displayed when you choose the Criminal Records function on the MASTER MENU SCREEN: CRIMINAL SCREEN LAST NAME FIRST NAME DOB OFFICER OFFENSE DATE PLEA DISPOSITION PLEASE ENTER YOUR CHOICE (A)dd (S)earch (H)elp (E)xit 90 �The following screen will be displayed when you choose the ADD option on the CRIMINAL SCREEN: CRIMINAL ADD SCREEN LAST NAME FIRST NAME DOB OFFICER OFFENSE DATE PLEA DISPOSITION ENTER THE INDIVIDUAL'S NAME OR PRESS THE RETURN KEY TO EXIT. 91 �The following screen will be displayed when you choose the SEARCH option on the CRIMINAL SCREEN: CRIMINAL SEARCH SCREEN LAST NAME FIRST NAME DOB OFFICER OFFENSE DATE PLEA DISPOSITION ENTER ALL OR A PORTION OF THE NAME OR PRESS THE RETURN KEY TO EXIT. 92 �The following screen will be displayed when your search for an individual (from the CRIMINAL SEARCH SCREEN) is successful. The screen will also contain details about the individual. CRIMINAL SEARCH SCREEN LAST NAME FIRST NAME DOB OFFICER OFFENSE DATE PLEA DISPOSITION ENTER CHOICE (C)hange (N)ext (P)rior (D)elete (H)ardcopy (E)xit 93 �The following screen will be displayed when you choose to CHANGE the criminal record displayed on the CRIMINAL SEARCH SCREEN: CRIMINAL CHANGE SCREEN LAST NAME FIRST NAME DOB OFFICER OFFENSE DATE PLEA DISPOSITION PLEASE ENTER THE CHANGES. 94 �The following screen will be displayed when you choose the Help option from the CRIMINAL SCREEN: CRIMINAL HELP SCREEN PURPOSE The CRIMINAL SCREEN may be used to keep a record of criminal records. When you receive a written criminal record, you will want to add the details to PRS. As new information is received, you will be able to update the record. The details of a criminal record are available by choosing to search for an individual by last name. FUNCTION The CRIMINAL SCREEN will allow you to ADD or SEARCH for a criminal record. When you choose to ADD a record, PRS will prompt you for details of the criminal record. At minimum, the individual's name must be entered. When you choose to SEARCH for a criminal record, PRS will prompt you for the last name. If the search is unsuccessful, that means no criminal record can be found for that individual. Once the search is successful, you will be given the option to CHANGE the record, view the NEXT or PRIOR record, print a HARDCOPY of the record, DELETE the record or EXIT to the MASTER MENU SCREEN. PRESS ANY KEY TO CONTINUE 95 �The following screen will be displayed when you choose the Reports function on the MASTER MENU SCREEN: REPORT MENU SCREEN 1. Uniform Crime Report 2. Dispatch Call Analysis 3. Firearms License Report 4. Firearms Alpha Report 5. Outstanding Warrants 6. REPORT DESCRIPTIONS 7. EXIT PLEASE ENTER CHOICE 96 �The following screen will be displayed when you choose the Uniform Crime Report option on the REPORT MENU SCREEN: UNIFORM CRIME REPORT SCREEN PLEASE ENTER THE MONTH AND YEAR THAT THE REPORT SHOULD COVER OR PRESS RETURN TO EXIT. (After entering the month and year...) PLEASE STAND BY WHILE THE ARREST FILE IS SORTED... (After the ARREST file is sorted...) THANKS FOR WAITING. THE ARREST FILE HAS BEEN SORTED AND THE UNIFORM CRIME REPORT CAN NOW BE PRINTED. PLEASE TURN YOUR PRINTER ON AND MAKE SURE YOUR PAPER IS ALIGNED. IF YOU DECIDE NOT TO PRINT THE REPORT, ENTER 'ABORT'. OTHERWISE, PRESS THE RETURN KEY. 97 �The following screen will be displayed when you choose the Dispatch Call Analysis option on the REPORT MENU SCREEN: DISPATCH CALLS ANALYSIS SCREEN PLEASE ENTER THE MONTH AND YEAR THAT THE REPORT SHOULD COVER OR PRESS RETURN TO EXIT. (After entering the month and year...) WOULD YOU LIKE THE REPORT BY (C)OMPLAINT CODE OR (S)ECTOR/AREA ? (After making your choice...) PLEASE STAND BY WHILE THE DISPATCH FILE IS SORTED... (After the DISPATCH file is sorted...) THANKS FOR WAITING. THE DISPATCH FILE HAS BEEN SORTED AND THE DISPATCH CALLS ANALYSIS REPORT CAN NOW BE PRINTED. PLEASE TURN YOUR PRINTER ON AND MAKE SURE YOUR PAPER IS ALIGNED. IF YOU DECIDE NOT TO PRINT THE REPORT, ENTER 'ABORT'. OTHERWISE, PRESS THE RETURN KEY. 98 �The following screen will be displayed when you choose the Firearms License Report option on the REPORT MENU SCREEN: FIREARMS LICENSE REPORT SCREEN WOULD YOU LIKE THE REPORT SORTED BY (L)ICENSE TO CARRY OR (F)IREARMS IDENTIFICATION ? (After making your choice...) PLEASE STAND BY WHILE THE CROSS REFERENCE FILE IS SORTED... (After the CROSS REFERENCE file is sorted...) THANKS FOR WAITING. THE CROSS REFERENCE FILE HAS BEEN SORTED AND THE FIREARMS REPORT CAN NOW BE PRINTED. PLEASE TURN YOUR PRINTER ON AND MAKE SURE YOUR PAPER IS ALIGNED. IF YOU DECIDE NOT TO PRINT THE REPORT, ENTER 'ABORT'. OTHERWISE, PRESS THE RETURN KEY. 99 �The following screen will be displayed when you choose the Firearms Alpha Report option on the REPORT MENU SCREEN: FIREARMS ALPHA REPORT SCREEN THE FIREARMS ALPHA REPORT CAN NOW BE PRINTED. PLEASE TURN YOUR PRINTER ON AND MAKE SURE YOUR PAPER IS ALIGNED. IF YOU DECIDE NOT TO PRINT THE REPORT, ENTER 'ABORT'. OTHERWISE, PRESS THE RETURN KEY. 100 �The following screen will be displayed when you choose the Outstanding Warrants option on the REPORT MENU SCREEN: OUTSTANDING WARRANTS REPORT SCREEN THE OUTSTANDING WARRANTS REPORT CAN NOW BE PRINTED. PLEASE TURN YOUR PRINTER ON AND ALIGN THE PAPER. IF YOU DECIDE NOT TO PRINT THE REPORT, ENTER 'ABORT'. OTHERWISE, PRESS THE RETURN KEY. 101 �The following screen will be displayed when you choose the REPORT DESCRIPTIONS option on the REPORT MENU SCREEN: REPORT DESCRIPTIONS SCREEN The following reports may be chosen from the REPORT MENU: UNIFORM CRIME REPORT - Prints a summary of crime activities for a particular month. The details are separated by complaint class, the sex and age of the individual. DISPATCH CALL ANALYSIS - Prints details of all dispatch calls for a particular month. The details can be displayed in order by complaint code or by sector/area. FIREARMS LICENSE REPORT - Prints details of all firearms records in order by a License To Carry # or by an FID #. FIREARMS ALPHA REPORT - Prints details of all firearms records in order by registered owner name. OUTSTANDING WARRANTS - Prints details of all warrants that have a status of (O)utstanding. PRESS ANY KEY TO CONTINUE 102 �The following screen will be displayed when you choose the HELP option on the MASTER MENU SCREEN: MASTER MENU HELP SCREEN Welcome to your new computerized Police Records System, or 'PRS' for short. PRS provides 6 basic functions which you may find helpful on a day-to-day basis. Briefly, these functions are: - DISPATCH RECORDS where you'll be able to add, view or update details of dispatched calls. - CROSS REFERENCE where the details of local residents are kept. - WARRANT RECORDS where details of outstanding warrants are kept. - ARREST RECORDS where details of prior arrests are kept. - CRIMINAL RECORDS where details of prior criminal records are kept. - REPORTS where you'll be able to ask for and receive reports. The MASTER MENU SCREEN is your directory to all of the functions available within PRS. You'll notice that each function is pre- sented to you with a preceeding number. So, for example, if you want to add a dispatch record or just look at one, you can simply enter a '1'. PRS will immediately present a new screen for adding or finding the dispatch record. PRESS ANY KEY TO CONTINUE 103 �F. PRS USER GROUP When you become a member of the PRS User Group, you will receive: - free telephone support. - Free consultation time to discuss modifications to PRS that you may require. We will then provide a cost estimate and you can decide whether you want us to do the modifications. - Future notices of upgrades. - Upgraded PRS 1.2 with the following, additional features: - Quick Locator - Field Interviews - Protection From Abuse Orders - Traffic Accidents - Parking & Traffic Citations - Lost/Stolen Property - Many additional reports... Please complete the following registration form, enclose a check for $75 and mail to: MICROSERVICES P.O. Box 40 BROOKSVILLE, ME 04617 DEPARTMENT NAME: CONTACT PERSON: ADDRESS: CITY: STATE: ZIP: PHONE: DO YOU NEED THE....HARD DISK VERSION: FLOPPY DISK VERSION: WOULD YOU LIKE INFORMATION ABOUT OUR $25 FLEET MANAGEMENT SYSTEM? 104