Released July 4th, 1993 �͵ 4_Drive Utilities v1.0 � Multiple Port Address AT/IDE Drive Inquiry � ����������������Ŀ ����������������Ŀ � Dustbowl Designs, Inc. � 0 MB � � 153 MB � � "Dedicated to enhancing the � �������������� � � �*������������ � � world's personal computers." ������������������ ������������������ � (405) 741-4705 Voice Drive 0 Drive 1 � (405) 741-2721 BBS Port Address: 170 (secondary) �������������������������������������������������������������������������Ŀ � Copyright 1993 by Dustbowl Designs, Inc. All rights reserved. � � 12600 S.E. 38th Street, Choctaw, Oklahoma USA 73020-6107 � ��������������������������������������������������������������������������� You are free to copy this software and distribute it to other users as long as the archive file is distributed in its entirety with this text file included in the archive. ��������������������������������������������������������������������Ŀ ���� Introduction ���������������������������������������������������� ���������������������������������������������������������������������� We've decided to release to the public a handy in-house AT/IDE inquiry utility. What's particularly useful about this rendition is that you may talk to drives that are attached to either the Primary or Secondary Port Addresses. This ability dovetails nicely with our 3_Drives and DiskQwik shareware utilities. Also, we've emphasized the newer Multiple Sectors, DMA and LBA transfer options that are soon to be more generally available on AT/IDE drives. The 4_Drive Utilities is designed to assist in the use of our 3/4_Drives and DiskQwik products by suggesting the command line switches that these programs may use. This utility also serves as a basic AT/IDE Inquiry that can give you the Cylinder, Head, Sectors per Track geometry used by your AT/IDE drive. This inquiry is defined and works on AT/IDE and ESDI interface drives. Plans for 4_Drive Utilities include MBR and Partition Record preparation and analysis, Multiple Sectors transfer rate test and much more. ��������������������������������������������������������������������Ŀ ���� Command Line Switches ������������������������������������������� ���������������������������������������������������������������������� This program will accept three basic command line switches. If no command line switches are placed, then the program will run interactively, asking for which Port and which Drive: [P]rimary or [S]econdary: s Drive [0] or [1]: 1 You can load this info up on the command line as: 4DRVUTIL s 1 Additionally, if you place the m on the command line, all hi-ASCII bytes will be masked out of the hex data dump. This is useful when printing, as these characters can cause unpredictable results. Example: 4DRVUTIL s 1 m >drive2-1.dat (then hit the enter key a few times..) will create an ASCII file of this program's output.... Drive/Controller Model: My Drive MD-123A Serial number: 00123456789000000000, Controller firmware: REV. AA Cylinders: 969, Heads: 9, Sectors: 36 DMA mode: NOT AVAILABLE LBA mode: NOT AVAILABLE Multiple sector mode: 64 sector/interrupt max switches: 3/4_Drives m0+ or m0 (either 64 or 32 sectors per interrupt) DiskQwik b064 rm0 wm0 Buffer size: 128 KBytes (256 sectors) A dual ported multi-sectored buffer capable of simultaneous transfers with a read caching capability. Word Offset Data----------------------------------- ASCII------------------ 0 0000 4A32 C903 0000 0900 9051 4402 2400 100C J2 .. .. .. .Q D. $. .. 8 0010 0B00 0F00 3030 3231 3433 3635 3837 3039 .. .. 00 21 43 65 87 09 16 0020 3030 3030 3030 3030 0300 4000 0400 4552 00 00 00 00 .. @. .. ER 24 0030 2E56 4120 2041 794D 4420 6972 6576 4D20 .V A A yM D ir ev M 32 0040 2D44 3231 4133 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 -D 21 A3 40 0050 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 0100 .. 48 0060 0000 0100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 56 0070 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 64 0080 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. etc.....etc ��������������������������������������������������������������������Ŀ ���� Outline ��������������������������������������������������������� ���������������������������������������������������������������������� The structure of the 256 words (512 bytes) is as follows: 0 General configuration 1 cylinders (default xlat mode) 2 reserved... ESDI: Removables 3 heads (default xlat mode) 4 bytes per track (unformatted) 5 bytes per sector (unformatted) 6 sectors/track (default xlat mode) hi=reserved lo=SPT 7 IDE:vendor unique... ESDI: bytes intersector gap lo=ISG hi=index gap 8 IDE:vendor unique... ESDI: bytes in sync lo=PLO bytes hi=reserved 9 words unique status 10 serial number in ASCII 20 bytes 20 controller or buffer type 21 buffer size in 512 byte blocks 22 ECC bytes transferred in r/w long 23 firmware revision in ASCII 8 bytes 27 model number ID in ASCII 40 bytes 47 number of sectors/interrupt in multiple, 00h = not implemented bits 8-15 are vendor unique 48 double word transfer flag 49 capabilities...LBA and/or DMA 0-7 vendor unique 8 1=DMA supported 9 1=LBA supported 10-15 reserved 50 reserved... 51 PIO data xfer timing mode lo=vendor unique 52 DMA data xfer timing mode lo=vendor unique 53 translation mode valid for words 54-58, 1-15 is reserved 54 translation cylinders 55 translation heads 56 translation sectors/track 57 number of sectors - low 58 number of sectors - high 59 current multiple setting 0-7 current SPT if multiple valid 8 1=multiple sector valid 9-15 reserved 60 LBA sectors - low 61 LBA sectors - high 62 single word DMA 63 multi word DMA 64 reserved 128 vendor unique data 160 to end= reserved This section will be expanded in the next release! ��������������������������������������������������������������������Ŀ ���� Legal Disclaimer ������������������������������������������������ ���������������������������������������������������������������������� LICENSE AGREEMENT There is no registration requirement for this version of 4_Drive Utilities. 4_Drive Utilities All versions. Dustbowl Designs, Inc. provides the accompanying object code software ("Software") and nonexclusively licenses its use on the following terms and conditions. The Software is copyrighted by Dustbowl Designs, Inc. with all rights reserved. YOU ASSUME FULL RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE SELECTION OF THE SOFTWARE TO ACHIEVE YOUR INTENDED PURPOSES, FOR THE PROPER INSTALLATION AND USE. Dustbowl Designs, Inc. DOES NOT WARRANT THAT THE SOFTWARE WILL MEET YOUR REQUIREMENTS, THAT THE SOFTWARE IS FIT FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR THAT THE USE OF THE SOFTWARE WILL BE ERROR FREE. Dustbowl Designs, Inc. EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, WHETHER ORAL OR WRITTEN, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. IN NO EVENT WILL Dustbowl Designs, Inc. BE LIABLE TO YOU, YOUR CUSTOMERS OR OTHER USERS FOR ANY INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, SPECIAL OR EXEMPLARY DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE SOFTWARE. 3_Drives, 4_Drives and DiskQwik are a trademarks of Dustbowl Designs, Inc. The 4_Drive Utilities software and documentation are Copyright 1993 by Dustbowl Designs with All Rights Reserved. The 3_Drives v3.0, 4_Drives v3.0 and 4_Park v1.1 software programs ARE NOT shareware or freeware and unauthorized redistribution is STRICTLY PROHIBITED. End of License agreement. ***************************************************************** ��������������������������������������������������������������������Ŀ ���� Revision History ������������������������������������������������ ���������������������������������������������������������������������� v1.0 07/93 - public release of Shareware 4_Drive Utilities v1.0. Contents of the 4_Drives Utilities Distribution Set. 4DRVU100.ZIP (4DRVU.ZIP on CompuServe (tm) go IBMHW forum Lib 1) 4DRVUTIL.EXE An AT/IDE Identify Drive inquiry utility that shows which 3_Drive/4_Drive and DiskQwik command line switches work best. Designed to work on both Primary and Secondary Port Addresses. 4DRVUTIL.DOC Auxiliary documentation. DBOWLDEM.EXE Simple demo that gives a look at registered 4_Drives v3.0 and 4_Park v1.1, and our new DiskQwik programs. VENDOR3.DOC Shareware vendor distribution policy All files dated 7-4-93 02:50:00. ======================== �������������������������������������������������Ŀ � 4_Drives and 3_Drives � From the � The Universal device driver that lets you add � makers of: � an additional 16-bit interface to your system. � � Add up to two more MFM, RLL, ESDI, or AT/IDE � � Hard Disk Drives to a Secondary Port Address! � � Fast Disk I/O options registered versions. � � � � DiskQwik � � A utility that maximizes the speed potential � � of AT/IDE hard disk drives. Many newer IDE � � drives often have an untapped feature called � � "Multiple Sectors per Interrupt". By activating � � this, you can increase the data transfer rate � � of your hard drive by up to 50% .... � � State of the Art! � ��������������������������������������������������� Shareware versions of these programs are available at all better BBS's! If you can't find a copy locally, feel free to call our BBS. Dustbowl Designs, Inc. | 12300 S.E. 38th Street | Choctaw, Oklahoma 73020-6107 | U.S.A. | CIS: 71062,2542 phone: (405) 741-4705 ordering, tech support, general information (405) 741-2721 BBS (9600 HST/v.everything) Tech Support, Hard disk drive shareware, drive specs, Online Shareware Registration/Download for VISA or MasterCard orders! -= EOF 4DRVUTIL.DOC =-