Scums and Creeps of IRC

There are only two situations of social interaction between me and other people in the real world or online.

1. A state of abuse - a state where others abuse me mentally or mentally humiliate me mock me curse me threaten me deceive me lie pretend they are friends and care only to get close enough to stab the blade in the back or heart and leave with a devilish evil smile.

2. State of Ignoring - Total Ignoring as if I am transparent Carelessness and lack of consideration as if I do not exist a complete denial that I have feelings or that I need help or compassion or a kind word and use me as an object or tool to achieve something without any caring or remorse and disregard for myself and My needs

This is how it is on IRC or on Discord or on Facebook or in general in the entire internet and the virtual world and also in real life because what happens is that the online world as a whole affects real life in the real world -

In general, in every interaction between me and other people - no one cares about me and they do not care who I really am no one cares. No one bothers to read the book but all they are interested in is how its cover looks…

The more time I spend in chat rooms and channels both on Discord or IRC the more I hate more people and become a misanthrope - no one cares at all about anything - the internet is death to mind and soul and slowly the kind of interaction there with people will fuck your brain and mind…

In recent years most chat room users are moving to Discord and abandoning IRC so let's talk about the scum left in IRC:

1. Neo-Nazis

2. Devil worshipers and members of different sects

3. Hackers

4. sex perverts

5. Trolls

6. Individuals with mental health problems

7. Religious or atheist people

8. Programmers who have no life

9. Drug addicts and drug dealers

These are largely the subgroups that have remained in IRC and are there because they are so fucked up that they have nowhere else to go also the IRC platform is already about 25-30 years old? Something like that? So all the old people over the age of 30 - 40 stayed there while the young gamers go to Discord they think it's better and do not understand that it's the same shit ...

I'll just give one example to show you some shit on IRC

I'm in the mental health support room I opened and only I and two others are there - I know them a little I've been with them for hours in this chat room and other channels on IRC one of them has already told me that he has depression and is diagnosed with mental illness after a suicide attempt and that he was a hacker (!)

So, in short, the same hacker suddenly out of nowhere asks me "Tell me when will you dye your hair?" And I immediately start being paranoid that that same (former?) Hacker broke into my computer out of boredom and now sees me from my webcam - I ask him what the hell is he talking about?

"Oops sorry I made a mistake on the chat channel I meant someone else on another channel" he laughs to himself and types a smiley face laughing

I blocked him and throw him out of the chat room but the paranoia worked overtime and it was too late…


You can not be sure of anything online! nothing! And all those mental health chat rooms or support chat rooms are one big bluff there is no mental support anywhere on the internet! At least not for me.

The internet is one big place of ABUSE!!! Remember that!