MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.02 Title: RUSSIAN BLACK BREAD #1 (BREADABM) Categories: Bread, Abm Yield: 1 servings 1 1/3 c Water 1 1/3 tb Vinegar 1 1/3 tb Barley malt syrup 2 2/3 tb Vegetable oil 2/3 ts Sugar 1 ts Salt 2 tb Unsweetened cocoa 1/2 ts Minced dried onion 1 ts Instant coffee granules 2 2/3 ts Caraway seed 1/4 ts Fennel 2/3 c Oat bran 2 c Bread flour 1 1/3 c Rye flour 2 1/2 ts Yeast Bring all ingredients to room temperature and pour into bakery, in order. Set "baking control" at 10 o'clock. Select "white bread" and push Start. In hot & humid weather, use 1/8 c less water. Tested in DAK R2D2. Sylvia's comments: Notes: Eat this wonderful hearty bread with soup and/or salad or serve it as an appetizer with a crab dip. You may substitute dark molasses for the barley malt syrup. Recipe By : From: Date: MMMMM