MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.02 Title: Pierogi (Peer-o-gee) Categories: Side dishes, Ethnic, Pasta Yield: 8 servings 2 c Flour 2 Egg 1/2 ts Salt 1/3 c Water Savory cheese filling 1 1/2 c Farmer cheese 1 ts Lemon juice 1 ts Sugar 1 Egg 1 Egg yolk 1/4 ts Salt 1. Mound flour on a bread board and make a well in the center. 2. Drop eggs and salt into well. Add water; working from the center to the outside of flour mound, mix flour into liquid in center with one hand and keep flour mounded with the other. Knead until dough is firm. 3. Cover dough with warm bowl 10 min. 4. Divide dough into halves. On floured surface, using half the dough at a time, roll dough as thin as possible. 5. Cut out 3-inch rounds with large biscuit cutter. (Or whatever). 6. Place a small spoonful of filling (see later) a little to one side on each round of dough. Moisten edge with water, fold over and press edges together firmly. Be sure they are well sealed. 7. Drop dumplings into boiling salted water. Cook gently 3 to 5 minutes, or until pierogi float. (1 1/2 to 2 doz) There are all kinds of fillings. I'll give you two. SAUCE PREP: Press cheese through a sieve into a bowl. Add remaining ingredients, mix. MMMMM