---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.04 Title: KIELBASA- POLISH SAUSAGE Categories: Cyberealm, Ethnic, Meats Yield: 2 pounds 1 1/2 lb Pork loin or butt 1/2 lb Veal Salt and pepper 1 Bud of garlic 1 ts Whole mustard seed 3 tb Water Remove meat from bones, cut into small pieces and run through a coarse knife of a food grinder. Add 3 tablespoons of water, pound the garlic, and add the seasoning. Mix very thoroughly and stuff the casings. The sausage is then ready for smoking. If you don't have those facilities, you can boil it for 30 minutes in rapidly boiling water, or you can place the sausage in a baking dish, cover with cold water, and bake in a 350F oven until the water is absorbed. Source: Treasured Polish Recipes for Americans Typed for you by Linda Fields Cyberealm BBS Watertown NY 315-786-1120 -----