MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.02 Title: Basque Tongue and Sauce. Categories: Basque, Beef, Sauces Yield: 6 servings Basque Sauce: 3 Tb olive oil 1 cl garlic, finely chopped 1 md onion semi finely chopped 1 green pepper, semi finely chopped 2 sm cans of tomato sauce 1 cn whole pimento, chopped 1 ts sugar Wash one large beef tongue or several lamb tongues well. Place the tongue in a kettle and cover with cold water. Add 2 whole buttons of garlic and salt and pepper to taste. Bring the water to a boil and turn the heat down. Cover the kettle with a lid and keep the water boiling until the tongue is tender to fork. This can take three or more hours. When the tongue is tender, run cold water over it and skin it. Be sure to trim the membranes under the tongue. Next slice the tongue to about 1/4 inch slices. (The tongue can be fixed a day or two ahead and then wrapped in saran wrap and refrigerated. Saute the garlic, onion and green pepper until golden brown. Add tomato sauce, pimento and sugar. Simmer slowly for 15 minutes. Add the tongue and continue simmering until the tongue is good and hot. This dish is good hot or cold. The sauce can also be used for tripe, pigs feet or any left over meat. Walt MMMMM