---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.02 Title: CRAB MEAT LION'S HEAD - SHANGHAI Categories: Chinese, Pork, Seafood Yield: 1 servings 3 ts Oil 1 lb Ground pork 6 oz Chopped cooked or canned - crab meat 2 Eggs 2 ts Sherry 1 ts Salt 1 tb Cornstarch Black pepper 2 Scallions 4 sl Minced ginger 1 tb Light soy sauce 1 lb Celery or chinese cabbage 1 tb Cornstarch mixed with 3 tb. - water Cut celery/or chinese cabbage into 2-inch segments. Mix ground pork, crab, eggs, sherry, salt, cornstarch, pepper, scallion, ginger and soy sauce into 5 large meatballs. Heat oil then fry meat balls until brown, approximately 8 minutes. Add broth and cover. Simmer for 15 minutes. Add celery or Chinese cabbage. When cabbage is done but crisp, add water cornstarch mixture to thicken. -----