MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.02 Title: Kunde Categories: Main dishes, African, Kenyan, Stews, Vegetarian Yield: 4 servings 1 ea Onion, chopped 6 ea Tomatoes, chopped 1 c Black eyed peas, cooked 1 c Peanuts, ground Oil Salt Heat the oil & cook the onion until it turns golden & transparent. Add the tomatoes & let them cook for 3 minutes. While they are cooking, roughly mash the peas with a fork. Transfer the peas to the pan containing the cooking onion & tomatoes. Cook them for 5 minutes. Stir from time to time. Spoon in the ground peanuts & mix well. Season & continue to cook gently for 10 minutes. Serve with rice. Troth Wells, "The World in Your Kitchen" MMMMM