The Internet Has Been a Colossal Economic Disappointment

William H. Davidow

March 30, 2015

The Internet is one of humanity s greatest technical advances. Yet compared to

great technological inventions of the past, it is also a colossal economic


I m talking about jobs.

Yes, young programmers are getting jobs straight out of college at salaries in

the six figures. But I m referring to jobs in a deep and sustaining sense

employment well beyond the 1 percent.

For all its economic virtues, the Internet has been long on job displacement

and short on job creation. As a result, it is playing a central role in wage

stagnation and the decline of the middle class.

Sure, the Internet has created new applications and great companies Google,

Facebook, Amazon, Twitter, and the all-important cloud. But many of the largest

Internet companies have for the most part taken revenue from existing companies

without growing the total economy.

The technologies of the past had massive new job creation effects that swamped

displacement effects. The Internet on the other hand has massive displacement

effects that are overwhelming the job creation effects. In the past, new

technological achievements created new industries that not only absorbed the

displaced workers but generated opportunities for many more. The result was a

vibrant middle class.

Consider the integrated circuit, which first appeared on the market in 1961. At

that time, the worldwide electronics market was $29 billion. Today it is on the

order of $1.5 trillion. The integrated circuit made existing products better.

For example, vacuum tube mainframe computers were replaced by computers based

on integrated circuits. The new machines were less expensive, far faster, more

reliable, substantially smaller, and much more energy efficient. As a result

the mainframe computer business expanded rapidly. IBM s revenue increased from

less than $2 billion in 1960 to over $26 billion in 1980. The integrated

circuit also spawned new industries and applications that never existed before

cellular communications, PCs, tablets, and the Internet of Things.

The story of the internal combustion engine is even more dramatic. Not only did

it create the automotive industry, but Henry Ford shocked the industrial world

when he doubled the pay of assembly line workers to $5 a day. Ford reasoned

that a higher paid workforce would be able to buy more cars and thus would grow

his business. Others followed suit. Ford s action helped to create the middle


Automotive companies also created a large demand for other products and

services that employed millions more steel, coal to make the steel, glass,

machine tools, auto dealers and dealerships, gas stations, oil fields,

mechanics, bridges, roads, construction equipment, etc. Automobiles created

suburbia and the home construction boom that followed. They made a new form of

retail distribution possible the shopping center. The workers in new jobs

purchased homes, appliances, and clothes creating still more jobs. During the

20th Century, the industrialized world enjoyed the fruits of what economists

call the virtuous circle.

To date the Internet has been much more effective at eliminating jobs than

creating new ones. Exhibit A: Online retailing has directly replaced many jobs

and indirectly eliminated many more. Amazon s extremely efficient distribution

system replaces retail stores and their employees. Their warehouses use robots

instead of workers.

Those are the direct effects. The indirect effects are the disappearing need

for retail space, along with workers who build the stores and maintain them, as

well as companies that supply retail establishments with furnishings.

The Internet has made shopping more efficient and created more competition that

has driven down consumer prices. But it has had little or no effect on per

capita sales. Monthly retail sales adjusted for both inflation and population

growth are below where they were prior to the 2008 recession $165 versus $168

billion and have increased by less than 10% in the last 15 years or about

0.6% per year. Meanwhile, employment in the retail and wholesale trade has

dropped from about 21.2 million in 2000 to 19.9 million in 2010.

Those highly paid young coders are a select few. They are also a symptom of

something more insidious: The Internet is so efficient that it can create large

income companies with few employees.

The reason Google, Facebook, and Twitter can pay them such large salaries is

that the Internet companies is so efficient they can generate high revenues

with few employees.

In 2013, Google had around 50,000 employees and generated revenues of around

$55 billion in sales or about $1.0 million per employee. The numbers are

similar for Facebook. Amazon was running at an $74 billion revenue rate and had

around 110,000 employees or a little over $670,000 in sales per employee.

In the United States, each non-farm worker adds a little over $120,000 to the

domestic output. That means that highly productive Internet companies must

create five to ten times the dollars in sales to justify hiring an employee as

the average company of the past did.

The prevailing economic wisdom is that new technologies will create new

opportunities that will offset the effects of displacement. We continually use

the experiences of the past to support our hopes about the future. But the

experiences of the past took place in the physical world. Our future will be

increasingly played out in a virtual one.

Given that the Internet isn t turning out to be the job creation engine of the

future we all hoped for, we had better get to work on searching for and

implementing policies that will offset the Internet s displacement effects.

To start with those policies must be implemented with the Internet s efficiency

in mind. Raising the minimum wage, for instance, plays straight into the hands

of the Internet efficiency engine. Raising the minimum wage will just drive

employers to use machines to replace people. An earned income tax credit is a

better approach. Low paid workers get the benefit of transfer payments and

employers who will not pay hirer wages will feel less pressure to automate.

Investing in infrastructure is an excellent way to create jobs but such

infrastructure should be compatible with an increasingly virtual world. Yes we

should fix the roads but as more and more people work from home, as more and

more of what we purchase gets delivered to our doorstep, as more and more of us

go out to the movies in our living rooms, and as highway congestion grows, the

chances are that more and more of us will use our cars less.

Millennials are the harbingers of this new trend. The numbers of cars purchased

by people 18 to 34 years old has fallen by almost 30%. Millennials are opting

to spend their money on high tech things like tablets, smart phones, and high

bandwidth access.

For a millennial, the infrastructure of the future will be higher bandwidth

interconnections and public transportation that will take the place of his car.

Actions like these will chip away at the problem. The challenge will be to find

enough to them to offset the effects of the most powerful efficiency engine the

world has ever known.

A high-technology industry executive and a venture investor for more than 30

years, Bill Davidow continues to act as an active advisor to Mohr Davidow

Ventures, a venture capital firm. Davidow is the author of Marketing High

Technology and a co-author of Total Customer Service and The Virtual
