Autumn is definitely here now. After the Texas summer, where it's unpleasantly warm when you get up and hot when you go to bed, it's refreshing to step outside into slightly chilly air with morning coffee. This is the time of year I enjoy most living in Texas. The weather is good. Lovely temperatures to get out and about, but without so many storms as happen in the spring.
I've cut back on my leisure-time computing a bit recently, on the face of it as I'm a bit tired of the treadmill of the software world, and all the public negativity about tech stuff which occupies the web and other spaces. Maybe it's not really that, though. At this time of year I'm always likely to be spending more time in the garden, taking the children places outdoors, or just riding my bike anyway.
Yesterday evening we had fun as we forked all of the compost from the last year out of one of our compost heaps, so there's space for the onslaught of leaves that will soon start to fall. Lots of digging and bugs to see that entertained the children, and tired them out a little before bed. The Chrysanthemums in planters, which bravely held on to life in the summer heat, have all started to flower again. We also have some roses blooming, and masses of yellow flower on Lantana in the back yard. Time to take a trip to the big nursery that's only a couple of minutes away from us to buy some more things to plant for Autumn / Winter colour.
All of this makes me feel very lucky to have a garden. We've not been going out and about much at all since the Coronavirus stuff started, as we help out extended family who are very vulnerable to it. Without a garden to potter about in, and have the kids run around in, it'd have definitely been harder on our sanity. I sometimes wish that at some point we had lived properly in a city, in an apartment, within a stroll of museums, restaurants, the downtown parks etc. This is definitely not one of those times. I am in awe of the people surviving lockdowns, work from home, remote schooling etc. in small apartments with young children.
I am very lucky indeed that with my fully remote job, and within the bubble of our house and garden, there is little difference vs. the 'before times'.