Where : Sofa Computer : T420 Music : Armenian folk music, from across the street Weather : A very warm October evening
/Edited 2021-11-21 as this got out of date quickly!/
Am pretty sure that at various times I have written I have too many computers, am disposing of computers, or won't procure any new computers. Whoops... back to my old tricks, and I have at least two more recently. I also went back to giving them host names based on what they are... it's easier for my brain which forgets other names.
A new Dell Inspiron 3501. A relatively cheap Windows 11 laptop from the Office Depot. My main computer.
ThinkPad T420, i5-2540M, 12GB RAM, 500GB HDD. From eBay around a year ago for ~$90 with a docking station. Now a Linux/BSD messing around computer with Fedora on it, at present.
Lenovo P700 workstation, 2x Xeon E5-2680v3, 80GB RAM, 5 TB SSD/HDD. My 'dev' machine for work things. From eBay around 18 months ago. Fedora, but mostly runs various VMs
Sun Blade 100, Ultrasparc IIe, 2GB RAM, 120GB SSD. A recent nostalgia purchase. Running Solaris 8.
HP Pavillion, i3-2130, 6GB RAM, 1TB HDD. Recently inherited. Running NetBSD 9.2 and tucked away in a corner for always-on stuff, as though it's pretty old it is very quiet an inconspicuous.
Raspberry Pi 4, 2GB, 500GB SSD. Hosts our music collection with Airsonic, and data on a USB3 SSD drive. Running Raspbian.
Raspberry Pi 3, 1GB, 32GB SD. Used for playing around with electronics stuff occasionaly. Mostly now sits on the kitchen bar, in a tidy enclosure, driving an 8" 720p LCD screen as a digital photo frame when we're around and about. Running Raspbian also.
Well... that's all *my* stuff. Then we have the family Windows PC, my wife's laptop, iPad, phones etc. Also the work MacBook. Yikes! Apparently I don't have the ability to slim things down much.