Insipired by TrechNex's mastodon posts, I decided to sit down this evening and resurrect things I wrote back in 2021 and 2020.
I jumped between gemini, gopher, and the web (with org-mode based publishing) in that period. Needless to say, each time I converted things hastily for a move, I neglected to keep the original format(s). Nothing a couple of hours with Notepad++ couldn't fix...
Anyway, most* of the 2021 and 2020 stuff is back. I have about 13 old posts left to convert. They have a bit more org-mode inline formatting, so it's going to be annoying, and I'm tired.
[*] During the pandemic lockdowns etc. I got quite heavily into FOSS stuff again, as I was 15+ years ago. This was a bit of a mistake. I'm now quite disillusioned with a lot that I saw going on, so I'm not re-posting my thoughts on those topics from that period.