quick guide to setting up duckling proxy: gemini://tilde.team/~smokey/logs/2022-05-24-duckling-guide.gmi
2 weeks ago 路 馃憤 degrowther2
[1] gemini://tilde.team/~smokey/logs/2022-05-24-duckling-guide.gmi
Thanks @smokey - its linked in now from gemini://gemini.marmaladefoo.com/blog/1-Sep-2020_The_Duckling_Proxy.gmi 路 2 weeks ago
also you can totally link my guide, it would be an honor. 路 2 weeks ago
Hey @mfoo2 I did not know about the option to have image links, for informing me! Appended that information to the guide. Im very happy with how duckling has effected my web browsing habits, the ability to turn any gemini/alt-protocol client into a modern text based web browser is just awesome. Complete game-changer as far as im concerned 路 2 weeks ago
hi both, good to see the guide, I can link it from the home page. if you have any suggested improvements to duckling feel free to send me a pull request. duckling already should have an option to include links to images (certainly my underlying library html2gemini has this) 路 2 weeks ago
@smokey Yeah I think I can definitely do that. I was looking into that earlier, actually.
One thing I'm also doing is using an article extractor (like with Pocket or Safari Reader Mode) to get just the article contents.
Will let you know when I have something to share. 路 2 weeks ago
I know this is somewhat unrealistic but do you think it would be possible to generate links to in line images instead of ommiting them completely? 路 2 weeks ago
@sirwilburthefirst Thanks! I hope you share it once you make progress. 路 2 weeks ago
Glad to see you got everything working. I'm working on a fork of Duckling that will hopefully make viewing sites a bit better. 路 2 weeks ago