Offline Microblog



Script File

(SH, 13.5 KB)

Current version: 0.7

Function and Features

This script creates and manages a Markdown-formatted timeline file. The user calls the script with the path to the timeline file as its only argument. From there the user can compose new posts, read previously-written posts, and perform other functions.


Attachments are stored in a directory called "attachments" in the same location as the timeline file. A directory called "_working" is also created, which is used for internal files as well as storing drafts.

The actual code is a bit of a mess. If you have any suggestions or improvements, feel free to reach out to me!

Requirements, Quirks and Caveats


When I used Twitter (before 280 characters became standard), I had a private secondary account that I used as a "rant" account. If I wanted to vent, spam, ramble, or simply write something inappropriate, I would post it there. No-one followed the account, and the account didn't follow anyone. I got used to writing my thoughts as a stream of conscience, necessitated by the fact that each snippet had to be 140 characters or less. I closed that account in early 2017.

The germ of this script formed in mid-2019. I had recently installed the note-taking app Markor on my smartphone and had just finished converting my personal notes to Markdown. Markor has a button in its toolbar that automatically inserts the current date and time into a note. I began to use this feature to write free-form journal entries, but as time passed, I discovered that I missed the specific micro journaling format I had grown accustomed to on Twitter. I decided to write a script to mimic the timeline properties of Twitter, a script I've been developing ever since.

For my own purposes, I consider this script functionally complete. I intend to eventually make it portable and POSIX compliant, at which point the version will be bumped to 1.0.


For purely legal purposes, this script is distributed under the terms of the simplified (2-clause) BSD license.

License Text

(TXT, 1.23 KB)


Because I had originally written this script for my own use, I didn't keep very many old versions, so this changelog is only partial.

2022-05-06: 0.7

2022-04-21: 0.6.5



2022-01-21: 0.6.4

2022-01-21: 0.6.3

2022-01-21: 0.6.2

2022-01-19: 0.6.1

2022-01-19: 0.6

2022-01-16: 0.5.3


2021-12-06: 0.5.2

2021-11-19: 0.5.1

2021-11-10: 0.5

2021-11-09: 0.4.4

2021-11-03: 0.4.3

2021-10-25: 0.4.2

2021-10-19: 0.4.1





Up One Level


[Last updated: 2022-04-21]