2022-05-21 - The Rise and Triumph of the Modern Self - Carl Trueman


This book is about how the following statement came to make sense to the hoi polloi

I am a woman trapped in a man's body

A revolution in the sense of "self" occurred starting in the Enlightenment, culminating in the sexual revolution. Charles Taylor identified a turning inward so as to find the source of morality and meaning that occurred in the transition. Before the turn, the purpose of life was largely social, after it became expressive individualism.

Basic Concepts:

Pivotal thinkers:

Purpose of the book is to help modern church understand its environment.

Reimagining the Self

The self has become centered as never before on its sexual aspect.

"I think, therefore I am." has evolved into "I think I am a woman,

therefore I am a woman".

"social imaginary": Corresponds to a social theory, but not come to by

reason. "The water we swim in."

The promiscuous have always been present, but with the introduction of

effective technology to support them, they have become politically

assertive and more dominant in the culture.

Two different ways of seeing the world

The locus of control passes from the world to the individual, the shift largely due to changes in technology. "I am a woman trapped in a man's body" goes from being hopeless, to reasonbly fixable.

Philip Rieff's "The Triumph of the Theraputic (1966)" starts with Freud's theory the culture arises from sublimated lust, aka taboo. Traditional culture is formed by institutions that shape the individual. Ancient man was formed largely by his participation in politics. Medieval man by his participation in the religion of his day, e.g. Canterbury Tales. Economic man, whose value arose from making money followed, supplanted now by psychological man whose worth comes out of his pursuit of inward happiness. Economic man's job satisfaction stemmed primarily from being able to support his role as father whereas psychological man's satisfaction is more pegged to the psychic rewards of the job itself. Medieval man took his satisfaction from integration into his community, his priest served as his therapist whose aim was to teach him the rituals and roles of his integration. Starting with Rousseau the community came to be seen as a source of oppression rather than satisfaction. Later thinkers, Marx and Freud, considered society the major source of unhappiness and sought to revolutionize it, in particular with regard to sexual codes. All prior types had man fitting to his institutions. Psychological man ushered in an era in which the institutions were forced to fit their individual members. In former times, the telos of schools was to inform and educate its members. Now they are places for self actualization.

Why is the new "expressive individualism" intolerant of Judeo-Christian sexual morality? Because sexual freedom is integral to political freedom. Faith based taboos inhibit the culture and must be erased. Manifesting outwardly my inward desire is the definition of expressing my authentic self which is now the summum bonum. Yet pedophilia is, for now, still forbidden. So, for now,

some identities are legitimate and their expression is a high good, and some are forbidden as evil.

Identity is a social phenomenon. Our relations with others defines us.

Reimaginging our Culture

Rieff posits three bases of morality in culture

2nd world morality posits a fertilized human egg as a sacred life. 3rd world views it as up for grabs as the natural world is amoral. 3rd world sexual morality bases itself on happiness of the participant. Legitimacy becomes a calculation problem. 3rd world culture becomes rooted in psychological well being, i.e., therapeutics. A 2nd world Southern Baptist and a 3rd world secular humanist will have no common ground to reach an ethical consensus.

Alasdair MacIntyre identified a shift in ethical thinking in the West mirroring the move from a normative cultural tradition to an emotional based culture. After the shift, moral language came to be viewed as a vieled tool that in truth signifies nothing more that taste or preference. Even the Supreme Court came to the conclusion that the opposition to gay marraige by those with traditional marraige views was rooted in animus.

Truman redefines "3rd world" much as the woke redefine "racism" in such a way as to retain its negative connotations while standing immune from rebuke motivated by the intuition those connotations evoke. "Its not personal, its business." With that psychological slight of hand, his rebuke of the post moderns lands solidly. The 3rd world elite are hell bent on destroying the culture of the past, but have nothing, but nihilism to replace it with.

The turn of civilization at the Enlightenment was driven by a 3rd world approach. Appeal to God and the sacred was abandoned in favor of appeal to reason and the self.