maeve's flight log

author: @sprock

2022-06-09 16:00 -0600

I'm bad at giving directions. I almost never pay attention to street names, navigating instead by memory and landmarks. Not good enough landmarks to convey usually, as they are mostly "oh, that one intersection with the A&W and that Chinese restaurant I don't remember the name of".

2022-06-08 19:15 -0600

I think I finally fixed the bug causing runaway CPU usage. It was (of course) the result of a really obvious omission in my code. If this commit doesn't fix it, I don't know what else it could be.

2022-06-07 20:25 -0600

Youtube has decided to change its icon and show a banner for World Tarot Day. While it is a surprising thing for youtube to do a celebration for, it's even more odd when you realize World Tarot Day was a couple of weeks ago and – according to reddit – youtube also did this on that day. I'm not sure why they are doing it now. While I only use youtube occasionally, I have used it in the last two weeks and didn't see the banner / icon.

2022-06-05 13:00 -0600

The runaway CPU usage reöccured and doesn't seem to be due to path normalization as I thought. I had apparently stopped profiling it, so I restarted it with a profiler attached and will be waiting for the problem to reäppear.

2022-06-05 12:50 -0600

Another week without a gemlog post. I feel like I am finally coming out of my slump though, so fingers crossed.

2022-06-02 15:45 -0600

I have tentatively set LetsEncrypt to reuse the key when renewing from now on, which may help some TOFU-only clients. I am still reluctant to fully commit to TOFU, but I understand that is the most common client behaviour. Maybe it would be worth working out and showing how to implement a simple, automatic CA-fallback when there is a new certificate that is not trusted.

2022-05-29 12:00 -0600

As of last night, I have just had my first week (Sun→Sat) without a post on my gemlog. I have some posts in the works, although I don't know which will end up being finished in the near future. I also have still been doing a lot on my capsule, including starting and writing this flight log, so I'm not /too/ concerned about missing my goal of one post per week.

2022-05-28 14:05 -0600

Okay. Apparently I broke something last night in my attempt to add better diagnostics for the triggered infinite loop. Everything should work now.

2022-05-27 18:30 -0600

Something triggered runaway CPU usage in my server process. I've stopped it and restarted it with a profiler attached, but I think it's in my path normalization code, as that is the only loop without blocking file I/O involved. We will see if the problem reöccurs, as it didn't start immediately.

2022-05-27 17:50 -0600

When I made this capsule, I intentionally chose to use a CA-signed certificate (from LetsEncrypt) instead of a self-signed certificate. Mainly, this is because I don't love the usage of TOFU and would ideally like clients to use CAs like Lagrange: accepting certificates on a TOFU basis, but verifying changed certificates with the CA. In recognition of the fact that TLS libraries make this non-trivial, I am considering (but not yet ready to commit to) changing my stance. If LetsEncrypt's short expiration times become bothersome, feel free to let me know.

2022-05-25 13:30 -0600

I've had a rough week (mentally). I hope y'all are doing better than I am.

2022-05-24 13:40 -0600

I've been getting occasional HTTP requests to my capsule ("GET / HTTP/1.1"). I don't know how this happens: to my knowledge, there is not link here from HTTP land, so they must support gemini:// to find the capsule in the first place (and using the default gemini:// port, despite it being absent from URLs). These requests are in my logs with the spaces percent-encoded which baffled me at first, but I think this is a consequence of me parsing the URL before logging it, not the client making the request.

2022-05-22 13:30 -0600

I went skiing yesterday. As predicted, it was colder than I'd have liked but not unbearably so. The one advantage of the storm and the cold weather is that the hill was well-covered in snow, even this late in the season. The one difficulty is the lighting was such that when it was overcast—the whole day except the first hour—it was hard to see the contours and details of the hill, leading me to keep to green and blue runs. It was really good to get back out skiing, as I had not done so since before COVID (spring 2019?).

2022-05-19 12:40 -0600

I didn't sleep so well last night. Sometime after midnight, heavy winds picked up, preventing me from entering a deep sleep. I think a storm is blowing in: the temperature has dropped and the wind isn't letting up.