Midnight Pub

what lurks in the shadows


It stalked across the pavement.
If it had a tail it would be swishing.

“If-it caught-you star-ing…”

Made it.

“For-your death-you would-be wish-ing…”

Face all self-satisfied smile meets six-inches of solid, hand-carved mahogany.


Arms outstretched now, palms feeling, searching.

Why was it so blasted dark?

There had been a light in the pictures, hadn’t there? A sign? A lit sign? Windows? Cracks in the door. A well-lit facade. Something.

Now there was nothing.

It took a literal step or two back.

Oh right. Yes. Well, there you have it.

The hand-carved immovable object was in fact a tree. A hop and a skip to the right - adjacent to a dark alley - was a rather charming, and very well-lit, facade; with, among other things, a door.

“Quick as a pip…”

Confidence returning, arms-a-swinging, here-we-go-a-strol-ling up-to-the-love-ly doo- ZZZzzzzzz

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~tetris wrote:

It's a rabbit, right?

"Caught staring" "if it had a tail" "arms swinging" "quick as a pip" etc.

Couldnt quite place the "strolling" part, but I took the "for-your death you would be wishing" part as a nod to Monty Python

Im either right, or drunk, arent I?