A cool thing I managed to do this week was to install OpenBSD on an external drive and run it on real hardware. Quite a bit nicer experience than running inside a choppy VM.
This was my first time running a real BSD on my PC. I found and fixed a few bugs for Lagrange v1.6.4 with this setup.
The only problem was that鈥攐f course鈥攎y RTX 2080 and 5K monitor were not detected correctly, so I was stuck on a squished 1280x1024. It was striking how quickly your eye's adapt to the aspect ratio... When looking at normal 1:1 text afterwards, everything looked extremely narrow and stretched in the opposite direction.
9 months ago 路 馃憤 martin
@gnuserland Yeah I did find the NVIDIA driver packages, but the part where Xorg is supposed to autodetect everything correctly still didn't work... (My motherboard and CPU are from AMD.)
I'll take a look at GhostBSD at some point, thanks for the tip! 路 9 months ago
Nvidia card should be supported by FreeBSD although is well known that Intel hardware and chipsets provide the best compatibility.
By the way for a desktop purpose I recommend GhostBSD but in this case you lost the FreeBSD way to enable only the services you need, that I found better than having everything activated by default like many Linux distros do.
I would not pronounce on MacOS that much, although I had to work on this environment several times because my job, I bought it once and decided that I would never buy it again. 路 9 months ago
I took a stab at installing FreeBSD today, but it didn't go too well...
There's certainly plenty of appeal in running a simpler and stabler system, and one that is directly descended from the original UNIX OSes. But the price for the simplicity and smallness is lack of wide HW support, and that is what got me this time.
I'm quite happy with macOS on my laptop and XUbuntu on the PC, but a *BSD could be a compelling option for some future server I'll be running. 路 9 months ago
I go through phases of wanting to buy a ThinkPad and switch to Open, but the convenience of macOS just wins me back each time. One day! :) 路 9 months ago