Support This Project

Here is the thing: I'm just one guy building all of this on my own, and I recently found myself out of a job. In the short term this is great for the project as I have nearly unlimited time to work on it, but my savings are not as unlimited.

I am a bit concerned I won't be able to find work that is compatible with putting time on this project and I'm honestly a bit at a loss on what to do next.

Uncertain Future for Marginalia Search


I have a few donation links. Every last bit helps and even a modest contribution is greatly appreciated.

You can also just send me an email at and we can discuss other alternatives.


The cheapest way you can support the search engine is by using it, and talking about it, and telling me when things go wrong. Feedback is invaluable, even if it's just "this-and-that query gives bad results", as I often use exactly such bad queries to figure out how to improve the results. I also just like getting emails. Lots of people have reached out and it's very inspiring.







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