erock's blog
something something darkside
Hi I'm Eric Bower.
I'm a maker of things, open source enthusiast, a husband, and father.
- I love writing lists and sharing them with people on the internet, which is why I built I have a passion for open source software and I am constantly thinking of new projects to build in my free time.
- Take a look at some of my lists and hopefully it will inspire you to write some of your own!
Terminal mail clients (20 hours ago)
Bookmark supply chain security (8 days ago)
Bookmark repos (9 days ago)
Open source react codebases (11 days ago)
Mpa frameworks (18 days ago)
Bookmark web (18 days ago)
Bookmark gemini (18 days ago)
Web playgrounds (20 days ago)
Subreddits to submit product (20 days ago)
Plain text spec examples (20 days ago)
Project management software (20 days ago)
Programming blogs (20 days ago)
Linux laptops (20 days ago)
Learn golang (20 days ago)
Knowledge management apps (20 days ago)
Inspiring landing pages (20 days ago)
Duality of software production (20 days ago)
Communities to submit product (20 days ago)
On the browser monopoly (20 days ago)
Bookmark managers (20 days ago)
Blog platforms (20 days ago)
published with