I've finally created my own gemini server and capsule to host my own files. I highly doubt anyone will see any of what I post here. Maybe one day it might be uncovered in an archeological expidition in the future and the archeolgists will think, "Wow, what an absolute idiot this one is."
Everything's been very shitty so far. Quite possibly the worst summer of my life. My now ex gf got pregnant with the dude she told not worry about. 4 years of my life gone. My entire high school and early college brings back nothing but pain. I just can't believe it ended this way. I literally became a guy from a fucking meme.
You don't need to worry about him, I don't like him romantically.
-- Her
Fucking hell it hurts. I know I'll eventually get over it. I've honestly thought about giving up but I can't put my mom and my other friends through that.
Sometimes I wish it could've worked out and that we would still be together. I know towards the end it wasn't all that great since we were going different places in life but I kept holding onto to the thought that we'd fix things together and work it out like we used to do.
I'm still getting over what's happened and I know it's too early for me to start dating again but I've been thinking about someone else. She's interesting and her great grandfather was literally a top ranking nazi officer with war medals to prove it. But at least she isn't a nazi herself, quite the opposite in fact. She's a med student at the same college I go to. I literally couldn't have picked the worst field for dating, cybersecurity. It's an absolute sausage party. Anyways, back to the person I've been thinking of. I've managed to get her number and I sent her a few memes and we talked about finals and such a while ago. I tried messaging her again last weekend and I sent the snail anatomy anus meme and I think I might've fucked it up since she hasn't responded yet.
I guess I'll just try talking to her this time in a few days rather than sending a meme about how snails shit on their own faces. Maybe she isn't interested in snails.