_    _            _
 _ _ (_)__| |__ ____ __| |_  ___ _ _ ___
| ' \| / _| / /(_-< '_ \ ' \/ -_) '_/ -_)
|_||_|_\__|_\_\/__/ .__/_||_\___|_| \___|

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What's New

If all you want to do is verify commits, you don't need git-signify. You can run the commands below instead. With Git and Signify installed, run:

git cat-file -p <commit-hash> | sed -n '/-----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE-----/,/-----END PGP SIGNATURE-----/p' | sed '1d;$d' | sed 's/ //' > /tmp/sig
git cat-file -p <commit-hash> | sed '/-----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE-----/,/-----END PGP SIGNATURE-----/d' | signify -V -p <signify-public-key> -m - -x /tmp/sig

Future Plans


1: About

2: Git-Signify

Unless otherwise noted, the writing in this journal is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0

Copyright 2019-2022 Nicholas Johnson