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I share this in the hope that anyone looking to build their own spiritual practice might get some benefit out of it. I don't claim to be a master of ritual technology, and these rituals have absolutely nothing to recommend them except that I thought they might work for me.


To Dispel a Curse of Procrastination

As Durmak of Habdur has taught us, procrastination is caused by a curse which surrounds the activity, making it painful to even think about. We procrastinate to protect ourselves from the curse. Here is a ritual I devised, based on his advice, to break a curse of procrastination.

To Prepare Yourself and a Space for Cleaning

The act of cleaning -- doing the dishes, tidying up, vacuuming, and all related tasks -- is ultimately an exercise in enhancing your physical space. You are dispelling a hostile, chaotic miasma (sometimes literally, if things have begun to smell) and replacing it with an aura of peace and comfort. Cleaning is the act of making a space better suited for life and habitation, and it is therefore sacred. (This is not to say a space must always be pristine; a lived-in space can be thoroughly comfortable! Clean only as much as increases your joy and comfort.)