This is pretty much just a dump of my RSS subscription list, with a couple of other links I tend to check frequently. Most of this isn't on Gemini, and a list of my Gemini subscriptions will possibly come (I hope) sooner rather than later, after I manage to build up enough of them. Nevertheless, all of this is curated and I want to boost all of the fine people behind these links. Not sure whether this needs to be explicitly pointed out, but being linked from here isn't an endorsement of the views held by the author therein, just an implication that it might be interesting to some readers.
In no particular order, comments where I believe worthwhile to add them:
Perhaps widely known from talking about IPv6, also a pundit of other, not necessarily networking-related technology things.
Jepsen's thing is analysis of database systems regarding their safety properties, and Aphyr is the primary proprietor of Jepsen who also appears to be pretty good at intermixing fantasy prose with technical humour, as proven by his "Xing the technical interview" series.
These two are sort of longform changelogs of the both respective projects (and, as far as I can tell, one serves as the inspiration for the other, given that Marcan for a while was also involved with Dolphin, though I can't prove that) and are always a joy to read, not only for the juicy technical details but for the prose itself as well.
Both by the same person, but respectively more official and more casual. In general the topics covered include engineering (mostly software but not exclusively), as well as particular obscure technologies that Hillel advocates for (TLA+ and seldom J.) A great read either way.
By j. b. crawford, an occasional exploration of computers, telephone systems, and the history thereof.
Perhaps the best interactive explainers I've seen, and I feel like most people would agree.
Primarily known for his Architecture of Consoles series, which thoroughly dissects—wait for it—the architecture of video game consoles. Similar to many others in this list, the deep dives are fascinating to read.
The musings of Nikita Prokopov, who's also the proprietor of For the former, mostly in Russian, mostly rant-form, and also available only via the closed Telegram, but I often find myself agreeing with his viewpoints on where software is tended.
Possibly my second biggest influence in joining the smolweb at all.
Most often free software stuff in general or Alpine in particular, among a variety of other topics.
Perhaps most well-known for by now a 10-year old critique of PHP which, at the time, was around 5.3 or 5.4, Eevee often has interesting explainers or other writings on gamedev, technology, and occasionally language design. (Her Twitter feed is good too.)
The "Stages of Denial" post, along with Hillel Wayne, was what got me started on exploring the APL-likes, primarily J.
Insightful deep-dives on various topics.
The supposedly prototypical linkblog that I'd be remiss to not mention as an inspiration for my online presence in general.
Similar in genre to, various dissections of historical facts around computing and, more often than not, networking.
Most of these are updated seldom, but when they do, they're probably worth your while. A fraction of them though have only one or two posts, which themselves were interesting enough for them to be put on my radar, but no promise of future writings, as is ever the case with these endeavours.
Listed here ordered by the author's (or blog's) name.
Chris's Wiki (Chris Siebenmann)
DustyCloud (Chris Lemmer-Webber)
ENOSUCHBLOG (William Woodruff)
Joy of Computing (Recurse Center showcase)
Notes on Software Development (Phil Eaton)
One Foot Tsunami (Paul Kafasis)
Secret Weblog (Martijn Faassen)
Technically a Blog (Nicholas Tietz-Sokolsky)
The Shape of Everything (Gus Mueller)
The Universe of Discourse (Mark Dominus)