Remy Noulin's glog




2022-05-25 - Encoding videos in AV1 with FFmpeg

2022-05-05 - How to share files with Samba

2022-04-28 - Building harelang

2022-04-22 - How to transfer files between devices

2022-03-16 - How I listen to music

2022-02-24 - My privacy settings in iOS and Android

2022-02-18 - Package registries for popular languages

2022-02-10 - Zfs kernel panic

2022-01-29 - Google Takeout

2021-12-25 - GCC Warning options (and clang)

2021-11-26 - Fixing zfs file errors and degraded pool

2021-11-14 - Early gemini support in w3m

2022-02-06 - How to check block storage and zfs pool health

2021-11-06 - How to find personal pages

2022-01-13 - Newsgroups on Usenet

2021-12-02 - How to use Coredumps when a program crashes

2021-09-06 - Coding in assembly in linux

2021-08-17 - Recovering zfs pools after a system crash

2021-08-17 - Backup server

2021-08-07 - Inclusive language

2021-07-30 - Installing opensnitch in Debian Buster

2021-07-21 - SSH clients in iOS

2021-07-20 - Selected cooking recipes

2021-07-18 - Installing Jitsi Meet on Debian Buster

2021-07-11 - My blog is on Gemini

2021-06-27 - ZFS commands

2021-10-01 - Setting up root on ZFS in Debian Bullseye

2021-06-26 - Root on ZFS in Debian Bullseye

2021-05-24 - Notes on Coverity and other static code analyzers

2021-11-07 - Installing netsurf in Debian Stable Buster

2021-04-10 - Blocking ads with pihole

2021-02-20 - Trying rust

2021-07-05 - About gemini markup and gmnisrv

2022-02-07 - Setting up the linux virtual consoles

2021-07-03 - Element: The Matrix Client

2021-07-15 - Local first

2021-01-05 - Google calendar and Gmail are changing links

2020-12-18 - Good and bad applications

2020-12-01 - Configuring Mumble Murmur server on Debian

2020-11-13 - Apple iPhone 12 Pro Max

2020-10-29 - Small programs

2020-10-20 - About software updates

2020-09-14 - Why use vim?

2022-01-09 - My current devices

2022-01-09 - Why use email?

2021-01-05 - Building GCC, GDB and Clang in Debian

2022-03-16 - Privacy

2021-07-04 - Linux distribution hopping

2021-11-06 - Emulators in Debian Buster and Bullseye

2020-06-28 - Setting up nextcloud on Ubuntu 18.04

2020-06-20 - How to tunnel firefox through ssh?

2022-01-09 - Why use email?

2020-06-10 - Configuring wifi in Debian Buster on Dell XPS 13 9350


About Linux and POSIX systems

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