2022-04-18 I didn't understand Test Driven Design (and the cost to my career)
2022-02-20 X-Arcade resurrection
2022-02-08 Miscellaneous updates
2022-01-11 Carme Gemini server released
2022-01-06 Happy hacking on my Gemini server
2022-01-03 Returning from the Christmas break
2021-12-22 Writing a new Gemini server
2021-12-21 We value your privacy
2021-12-17 Re: Do You Ever Feel Stuck In A Loop?
2021-12-16 Bought a Kobo Sage eReader
2021-12-15 A fortunate bad dream
2021-12-13 XScreensaver is still a thing
2021-12-03 Blenheim Christmas lights
2021-12-01 Changing desktop environments
2021-11-27 UI programming in Clojure
2021-11-20 In praise of Ansible