Re:A screen grab?

Re:A screen grab?

(Score:5, Informative)

by SuperBanana (662181) on Sunday January 14, @08:49PM (#17608330)

>>How often do people take screen grabs of their posts to a forum? Was their

expectation of it being removed?

Apple routinely deletes posts discussing known defects; it's very well known

among Apple-using techies. Apple has done it in almost every case where there

have been hardware defects of any kind. A classic example would be the iBook

motherboard failures. I would imagine they do it to a)keep other owners from

finding out and demanding fixes as well, b)keeping the press from finding out,

and c)to defend themselves in any lawsuits which can claim "well, people

reported it on your forums, so you must have known about it!" So...yes.

Web forums and mailing lists fuck with a classic PR/customer service move: deny

all knowledge. I had a problem with speakers in my car, which in some cases had

caused smoke or fire in this particular model. We called the car company, and

each member of the forum, over a period of several weeks, was told "we have no

knowledge of any other reports of problems with this model." They lied straight

through their teeth. We later found out that over ten years before, a vehicle

had completely burned to the ground because of the same defect, and company

reps came out, looked at the car, purchased it back off the owner no questions

asked, etc. They knew about the defect for over a decade and a half, and only

after lots of bitching to NHSTA, did we get them to do anything about it. Oh,

and dealing with NHSTA was another barrel of monkeys. Call their 800 number,

and you get an operator who cannot do a single thing except ask for your

address and send you the forms to report a problem. Once you do, they

completely prevent you from speaking to the investigator at NHSTA to

communicate further details et al.