Med-style diet 'can battle blues'

The Mediterranean diet, already thought to protect against heart disease and

cancer, may also help to prevent depression, Spanish researchers say.

They found depression was more than 30% less likely to develop in people who

followed a diet high in vegetables, fruit and cereals, and low in red meat.

They studied 10,094 healthy adults over four years, the Journal of the American

Medical Association reports.

However, the team stressed additional, larger-scale studies were required.

Researchers at the Universities of Las Palmas and Navarra recruited university

graduates to take part.

Dietary patterns

They completed questionnaires and the researchers calculated their adherence to

the Mediterranean dietary pattern (MDP) for an average of four-and-a-half



A high intake of monounsaturated fatty acids like olive oil

A moderate intake of alcohol and dairy products

A low intake of meat

A high intake of legumes, fruit and nuts, cereals, vegetables and fish

Participants who had a strong adherence to the MDP tended to be male,

ex-smokers, married and older individuals.

They were more active physically and showed a higher total energy intake.

The researchers identified 480 new cases of depression during the follow-up

period - 156 in men and 324 in women.

They found that those with the highest adherence to the MDP were more than 30%

less likely to develop depression.

They took into account marital status, the number of children and factors

associated with a healthy lifestyle and found the relationship did not change.

Even taking account of personality traits, such as competitiveness and anxiety,

had no effect on the results.

'More research needed'

Professor Miguel Martinez-Gonzalez, of the University of Navarra, said the

results would have to be confirmed in longer trials with more participants but

they had found a strong inverse association between the Mediterranean diet and


"Thirty per cent is a large reduction in the risk and this could be very

important considering the large burden of disease represented by depression.

"We know how important the Mediterranean diet is in reducing cardiovascular

risk factors and the same inflammatory proteins are also raised in patients

with depression."

He said it was likely that the overall dietary pattern was more important than

the effect of single components and "may exert a fair degree of protection

against depression".

Dr Cecilia D'Felice, a clinical psychologist, said there was mounting evidence

for the importance of diet in treating depression.

She said: "What we do know is that a diet high in olive oil will enhance the

amount of serotonin or brain transmitter available to you.

"Most anti-depression drugs work to keep more serotonin available in the
