I hope you're all doing well. I don't personally have much to update anyone on, I think, this time round. Last weekend, I finally tried a Fernet con Coca, and even vaguely remember enjoying it. These past few days I've felt very fatigued, with touches of depression and anxiety. Some of my responsibilities have slipped through the cracks, but I'm not beating myself up about it. (It's not a moral failing on my part—and, even if it were, guilt is a poor stimulus to action.) Sometimes I feel as though reality, the feeling of the world's realness, is like a signal for which I have a spotty and somewhat warped antenna.
I would ask the bartender for...a decaf London Fog. Alcohol is probably bad for the antennae.
How is everyone doing?
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Noswaith dda, ~mellita!
I see we're on the same brainwave as far as post titles goes :)
May your heaviness lift soon! Here are a couple small pieces I wrote a few days ago; hope you enjoy.
a delay does not signify
conscious bad intent
but rather serves to clarify
more precisely what we meant
when saying yes of course
I'll do it -- no prob! --
was it honest or forced
or did time get robbed?
-- and now, a pause to meditate
the scythe has again swung past
made the round, dodged fate --
The year's going fast.
Also, have a dose of the eccentric goddess: