New book: Defector tells of shopping in Europe for North Korea dictators

By Donald Kirk Donald Kirk Tue Mar 9, 12:55 pm ET

Seoul, South Korea Firsthand expos s about the personal lives of North Korea

s leaders can put the lives of their authors at risk, even if they are far

away.The latest tell-all, published in Austria by two journalists to whom

former Army Col. Kim Jong-ryul told his story, is a case in point.

By his own account, Mr. Kim who describes the dozens of villas and beautiful

furnishings included in the lavish lifestyles of Kim Il-sung and his son Kim

Jong-il says he realizes the danger.

Maybe I ll be shot, killed in the next few days, Kim Jong-ryul, who escaped

North Korea in 1994 and now lives at a secret address, told reporters in Vienna

after the book came out. At least, "now I can die with a clear conscience," he

said. But without [publishing] this book, I didn t want to die.

The book adds to a growing body of evidence of the selfishness of the North's

Kim Il-sung, who ignored the suffering of his people while focusing on his own

comfort and safety. An engineer, Kim Jong-ryul said he was asked to design a

special filtration system for the shelter in which Kim Il-sung and his family

could hide in order to survive a nuclear attack.

The Great Leader, as Kim Il-sung was routinely called, placed special agents in

Europe just to buy the fancy items he wanted. An agent in Romania, for

instance, bought a small Cessna plane for him, as well as hunting rifles. Kim

himself sometimes spent months at a time looking for all the goods, big and

small, on the shopping list.

To go public with such juicy tidbits is enough to invite the death penalty

even for those who manage to flee the country. Activists agree such fear is not

the stuff of paranoia. It s very dangerous to write about North Korea, says

Peter Chung, who runs an organization in Seoul called Justice for North Korea,

which is dedicated to helping defectors.

In the Dictator s Service, written in German by Austrian journalists Ingrid

Steiner-Gashi and Dardan Gashi, reveals the dietary cravings and demands, the

parties and the lovely surroundings, in which Kim Il-sung existed for much of

the 49 years that he ruled North Korea. He died in 1994 after ensuring that his

son, Kim Jong-il, would succeed him.

A crime to have known anything

It may be even more dangerous to write about the man who's known in the North

as the Dear Leader.

The nephew of Song Hye-rim, a woman who became either Kim Jong-il s second wife

or longtime consort, and bore his oldest son, was assassinated in Seoul in 1997

after writing memoirs about the dictator. Lee Han-young had been living in

Seoul since defecting in 1982 until a pair of gunmen killed him outside the

apartment of a friend.

Kim Jong-il s private life is not normal, says Mr. Chung. It is a crime to

speak out about it.

It is even a crime to have known anything about it, according to a book

published here by Kim Young-seung, a schoolgirl friend of Ms. Song.

Ms. Kim, held for nine years in one of North Korea s infamous prison camps for

the worst political offenders, says she never was told the charge against her

but came to know during months of torture that her offense was that she had

been "a friend of the second wife of Kim Jong-il, and I knew about his private


Her closest relatives were imprisoned as well. During her imprisonment, her

parents starved to death, one of her sons drowned, another was shot trying to

escape, and her husband "disappeared.

"Even the beasts would be ashamed to be there," Kim says.

Her story provides remarkable fresh clues into the private life of Kim Jong-il,

who left Song for his third consort, Ko Young-hee, a dancer and mother of sons

No. 2 and 3. The latter is the heir-apparent Kim Jong-un, who is in his 20s.

After being freed from prison around 1989, Kim escaped to China in 2001, a year

before Song died in exile in Moscow, and then to South Korea via Vietnam. Ms.

Ko, who was diagnosed with breast cancer, died two years later.

Kim Young-seung knows she may be at risk but does not feel afraid. This is my

story, she says, smiling slightly and pulling a copy of her book from her


Villas and luxury cars amid poverty Kim Jong-ryul s story provides still more

glimmerings. Kim Il-sung only ate foreign food" and had his chefs study in

Vienna, he said. He had a passion for high-priced foreign cars, ranging from

Mercedes-Benz and Citroens to Cadillacs and Lincolns, made in the lairs of his

worst enemy, the United States.

The leader s shopping lists for Europe included luxury goods ranging from

carpets to gold-plated guns.

The former colonel s account, says Peters, the activist, highlights the

perverse contrast between the lives of the Kim family dynasty and the tens of

millions of beleaguered North Korean peasantry.

Kim Il-sung died just as North Korea was entering a famine in which 2 million

people are estimated to have died.