Cosmetic surgery industry in UK 'has key weaknesses'

By Nick Triggle Health reporter, BBC News

Face Nearly half of people say they would have cosmetic surgery

There are fundamental weaknesses in the way cosmetic surgery is carried out in

the UK, an official review body says.

The National Confidential Enquiry into Patient Outcome and Death found many

centres were failing to assess and care for patients properly.

In particular, the poll of 361 sites found patients were at risk from a culture

which saw teams "have a go" at operations they rarely performed.

The professional body for cosmetic surgeons accepted there was a problem.

The British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons only has about a third of

the industry as members.

President Nigel Mercer said: "This presents a distressing picture, but one

which is sadly not surprising. Aesthetic surgery needs to be recognised as the

multi-million pound specialty it is."


The National Confidential Enquiry said closer and tougher regulation was the

answer, pointing out that half of the sites it had contacted had failed to

answer its questions - despite rules saying they should.

The researchers from the government-funded safety watchdog looked at all sites

that offered cosmetic surgery privately, including some NHS hospitals that have

private wings.

There are now about 100,000 cosmetic operations carried out each year - a

figure which is rising - with breast enlargements by far the most common.

The researchers found that psychological evaluation was carried out only in

slightly more than a third of centres they assessed.

The two-stage consent process, which is recommended to allow patients time to

reflect on the treatment, was not performed at 32% of sites.

More than half of the operating theatres were not properly equipped and a fifth

had no emergency readmission policy, while monitoring before and after

treatment was not sufficient, the researchers said.

But the authors saved some of their strongest criticisms for the inexperience

of some of the teams.

They said with the exception of breast enlargement operations, the majority of

sites were not carrying out enough procedures to keep their skills up.

It is accepted that sites should be carrying out more than 20 operations a year

to give them enough experience.

But only one in 10 managed this for ear-pinning, a fifth for breast reductions

and a quarter for facelifts. The worst offenders were not named.

Cosmetic surgery patient Denise Wood talks about the problems she experienced

Report author Dr Alex Goodwin said: "Cosmetic surgery is far too dispersed with

too many teams prepared to 'have a go' at procedures that they rarely perform.

And failures in monitoring patients after surgery are a recipe for disaster."

The Department of Health said the findings cast a "long shadow" over the

industry and it expected tougher regulation in the future.

In October, a new system is being introduced in England which will cover the

cosmetic surgery industry. It will allow the Care Quality Commission (CQC) to

fine and prosecute the worst offenders.

Amanda Sherlock, CQC's director operations said: "It is unacceptable that some

cosmetic surgery providers don't have the basic standards of good medical

practice in place."

Peter Walsh, chief executive of Action against Medical Accidents, said the

"shabby treatment" was putting lives at risk.

UK cosmetic surgery

by more than 200% since 2002

growing by nearly a fifth in two years

gone under the knife

cosmetic surgery if they could afford it