Midnight Pub


Ain't no way for me to
Hang my head
I am dead
I am very dead

🍃 🍂

2022-05-20 UK 2022 and Germany 1933

2022-04-21 Wheeler's Participatory Anthropic Principle and Disney's Coco / An inquiry of inquiries

2022-04-04 Housing the World

2022-03-22 The Proper Way to Use a Towel

2022-03-06 The Pull of Altered Reality / Sympathy for the NPC

2022-02-23 Behaviour under duress

2022-01-26 the merits of a bookshelf

2022-01-19 chasing that elusive N900 successor

2021-12-24 Happy Holidays

2021-11-24 Hallelujah

2021-10-04 Kid Angst

2021-09-09 Work, Life, and Love