# url = https://txt.om.gay/twtxt.txt # url = gemini://om.gay/twtxt.txt # url = gopher://oh.mg/0/twtxt.txt # nick = kevin # avatar = https://cdn.oh.mg/png/5992.png # description = Curator of nonsense online for over twenty years, owner of the domains oh.mg, om.gd, and om.gay because omg <3 # link = Blog https://www.om.gay/redacted/ # link = Main Site https://www.oh.mg/ # follow = twtxt https://buckket.org/twtxt_news.txt # follow = prologic https://twtxt.net/user/prologic/twtxt.txt # follow = mk http://mk.sdf.org/twtxt.txt # follow = benk https://tilde.team/~benk/twtxt.txt # follow = prx https://si3t.ch/twtxt.txt # follow = orbifx https://texts.orbitalfox.eu/orbifx.txt # follow = g1n https://g1n.ttm.sh/twtxt.txt 2021-08-01T20:48:34+00:00 Hello, this is twtxt! 2021-08-01T20:57:04+00:00 @ this is a test 2021-08-02T17:37:44+00:00 I have no idea what I'm doing today 2021-08-02T19:02:37+00:00 I genuinely hate looking at appartments in Paris, nobody ever responds, and everywhere I like is fucking expensive 2021-08-04T21:31:25+00:00 I should really be in bed 2021-08-06T19:35:49+00:00 In my quest to find a nicer HTML layout for my site, I just found bloated JavaScript thigs and shitty Google Fonts 2021-09-08T19:17:30+00:00 It's been a while, but here we are again 2021-09-12T23:17:31+00:00 Changing the BBS name over to OHMGix because I'm a good Christian 2021-10-06T18:51:37+00:00 Pretty nice to have the servers back up again and some real internet 2021-10-29T23:13:17+00:00 I keep on looking at my website wanting to make it better, but then I get tired and nothing happens 2021-11-15T19:13:17+00:00 Back in Paris, how fun. 2021-11-20T17:34:09+00:00 New version of my Journal is over here - https://redacted.id/ 2021-11-24T23:48:13+00:00 I’m Still Awake - more stories from insomnia - https://redacted.id/99234de3 2021-12-04T15:11:39+00:00 New upstairs neighbours, heavy walkers, hashtag cry 2021-12-18T23:51:31+00:00 Finally got around to upgrading MacOS, because it kind of let me on this occasioné 2021-12-18T23:52:03+00:00 Finally got around to upgrading MacOS, because it kind of let me on this occasion 2021-12-23T23:59:53+00:00 Ping? Pong! 2021-12-24T00:02:12+00:00 Oopsies, turns out I've never included my twtxt file on Gemini 2021-12-24T00:08:52+00:00 ... and also Gopher, but I fixe that too 2022-01-01T22:33:42+00:00 Happy New Variant of 2020 2022-01-12T11:51:55+00:00 Trying to make changes to OH.MG | Redacted Identity by OH.MG https://redacted.id/db7bb0c8 2022-01-15T21:36:21+00:00 Well Hello | Be Gay, Do Crime by OHM.GAY https://omg.singles/5169c3c0 2022-01-15T21:49:02+00:00 Almost back to reality | Redacted Identity by OH.MG https://redacted.id/d8f11c1c 2022-01-16T01:21:32+00:00 Here is some asciiart I find hawt - https://omg.singles/553ec583 & https://omg.singles/fd13431d 2022-01-16T01:22:43+00:00 and tkt janette, I got omg.singles for five bux, its not a weirdo junk link. Its replacing gurl.oh.mg as my self hosted URL shortener :D 2022-01-19T20:52:30+00:00 Inexplicably twitter decided to remove my homepage address from my profile. No warning, just happened 2022-01-30T14:34:34+00:00 New year, new capsule https://omg.singles/hZB6g 2022-01-30T14:46:44+00:00 While researching for a page I was publishing (I know I'm extra) I found this article https://omg.singles/1XrOQ 2022-01-31T17:20:01+00:00 The Spam Just Won't Stop | Redacted Identity by OH.MG https://redacted.id/a22b3eef 2022-02-01T15:08:25+00:00 Finance Crime is Annoying | Redacted Identity by OH.MG https://redacted.id/a7a1a8ea 2022-02-01T21:45:40+00:00 I've been running some internal usenet groups for a while, now I'm starting to make more use of them and slap them on the web - https://omg.singles/T7ggI 2022-02-01T21:46:19+00:00 Here is the link that got cut off last post https://omg.singles/T7ggI 2022-02-06T23:28:25+00:00 Merp 2022-02-06T23:29:05+00:00 Merp merp 2022-02-06T23:30:35+00:00 Merp merp merp 2022-02-07T03:27:10+00:00 OH.MG Moves | Redacted Identity by OM.Gay https://redacted.id/ab22764b 2022-02-07T03:29:49+00:00 (#rxjnegq) @ hahaha yeah, they were testing posts to make sure I didn't feck up my server move :D 2022-02-07T14:52:05+00:00 I did a thing to twtxt's post-post actions, here's to hoping it works 2022-02-07T19:25:23+00:00 so I may have farked up twtxt on oh.mg when I started moving docs, if you can see this the new version is at https://txt.om.gay/twtxt.txt 2022-02-07T19:26:26+00:00 also at gemini://om.gay/twtxt.txt and gopher://oh.mg:70/0/twtxt.txt 2022-02-08T03:19:23+00:00 Today I learned the difference between a blocked pipe and piss poor plumbing by dropping two bottles of drain cleaner to discover the latter 2022-02-08T03:19:50+00:00 It’s late, I found a directory “corp” in my source files for the site, so I created a thing. Meatah Corporation - https://omg.singles/4c4VC 2022-02-12T02:26:24+00:00 Kaja is in a very bad state right now, the vet did a blood test (and she put a hole in my thumb as he took blood). Diabetes on top of kidney, liver, and pancreatic failure. I’m watching her try to drink water, she’s got the whole bed room to herself now 2022-02-12T02:27:49+00:00 Off the back of my previous post, I've put a bit more details in to this journal entry - https://redacted.id/031e38c5 2022-02-14T00:12:22+00:00 Kaja - Her Current Situation | Redacted Identity by OM.Gay https://redacted.id/505e460f 2022-02-14T00:14:34+00:00 2022 can fuck right off already 2022-02-14T21:14:57+00:00 This morning Kaja's condition deteriorated and by about 6h they weren't able to recussitate her. I already miss the huge personality from such a small creature 2022-02-14T21:17:10+00:00 (#hcb6y6q) @ my cat was admitted to hospital last night before I posted that, she didn't make it 2022-02-16T22:55:23+00:00 Ever since Kaja is gone, I'm struggling to sleep without the lights on 2022-02-18T21:58:20+00:00 I've been doing a lot of cleaning and rearranging today, nothing of Kaja's has moved 2022-02-21T23:30:09+00:00 My obnoxious neighbour seems to be having a little soirée and his asshole friends have no idea it's midnight 2022-02-24T22:55:59+00:00 Who had 'we al gonna die' on 2020 Bingo ? https://omg.singles/mMZSo 2022-02-24T22:56:33+00:00 2022 is so awful I forgot how to spell the word ALL 2022-02-25T22:40:30+00:00 I Should Write | Redacted Identity by OM.Gay https://redacted.id/7412a548 2022-02-27T02:15:00+00:00 .ru rying to wipe .ua off the internet - https://omg.singles/e24kk 2022-02-27T02:16:23+00:00 To quite the article Минулого тижня, 15 лютого, на систему доменних імен домену gov.ua була здійснена DDOS-атака потужністю понад 150 Gbps. 2022-02-27T02:20:12+00:00 also *if* this is true, it's hilarious (from Twatter) https://omg.singles/m8oCd 2022-02-27T02:58:59+00:00 (#3227mga) @ I've got a better translator it seems - https://txt.om.gay/hostmaster-ua.txt 2022-02-27T03:11:24+00:00 (#3227mga) @ if you need to translate Ukrainian Lingvanex appears to be the best https://lingvanex.com/demo/ 2022-03-02T22:32:56+00:00 Playing with geographic load balancing because I can on www.om.gay 2022-03-03T00:39:17+00:00 (#yknv6oa) @ on the cheap, I have 4 web hosting accounts used for various things in the past in places 2022-03-03T00:40:10+00:00 (#yknv6oa) @ basically spread the load, got rclone to spoof out the content, et voilà 2022-03-03T00:59:32+00:00 (#yknv6oa) @ it's already been set-up, depending where you are you'll be connected to Norway, South Africa... 2022-03-03T01:00:12+00:00 (#yknv6oa) @ ... Australia, or The US when visiting www.om.gay 2022-03-03T01:12:43+00:00 Playing with Geographical Load Balancing | Redacted Identity by OM.Gay https://redacted.id/1fa5fdb0 2022-03-03T21:06:08+00:00 (yknv6oa) @mutefall I can't take credit for the CSS on the site, it came from my site generator :D https://kiln.adnano.co 2022-03-07T00:20:56+00:00 Cat Related Entry | Redacted Identity by OM.Gay https://redacted.id/a5987e9d 2022-03-12T22:24:50+00:00 This box is almost a dating profile. https://omg.singles/rQ1qF 2022-03-12T22:25:22+00:00 To Ski or Not to Ski ? That is the direction https://omg.singles/WanXZ 2022-03-12T22:25:41+00:00 Il fait beau https://omg.singles/ANMvg 2022-03-14T23:40:26+00:00 Having some issues uploading to the ZA server for some reason 2022-03-18T20:04:53+00:00 There is a huge influx of spam recently, my mailboxes are all getting hammered at the moment 2022-03-20T00:34:37+00:00 I am really not looking forward to this 7h flight on Monday, 2 night buses to the airport 2022-04-23T17:04+00:00 Hello 2022-04-23T17:05+00:00 I can't get twtxt to work properly on my machine so I hope this works 2022-04-23T17:12:49+00:00 I think I fixed the timestamp 2022-04-23T19:01:16+00:00 So I am at least getting somewhere with this new edition of the site 2022-04-24T00:56:27+00:00 (#pzgvlvq) @prologic moving around servers, managed to break my twtxt client so using literally the first one I could find 2022-04-29T23:26:06+00:00 I have to get my haircut tomorrow and I'm not really feeling it 2022-04-29T23:30:00+00:00 Also totes didn't realise the BBS locked up at some point. It's back now - https://www.federal.tel/telnet.html 2022-05-08T22:35:45+00:00 Brief internet fame, getting that dopamine is harder than it was in the 90s https://omg.singles/O1NEP 2022-05-09T10:45:33+00:00 (#2emlw4q) @marado it looks like Wildcat! has locked up again, I'll reset it. Tends to happen every so often 2022-05-09T10:48:49+00:00 (#2emlw4q) @marado yep, it seems that the timed jobs have crashed and locked. It is reset and working again ! 2022-05-11T20:35:20+00:00 It is Eurovision season again 2022-05-11T23:41:39+00:00 Workin on the old site and I am struggling a bit with ideas