2021-01-17 - WP32 - When you get mad or grumpy, what’s one thing that helps you calm down?

My son is at an age where his learning at home for school often involves practicing writing, with some kind of writing prompt to kick things off. I'm at a loss sometimes for what to write here, so thought hmmm... what if I get a list of children's writing prompts, and use them? Found a list of 52, and I'll work through them in no particular order.

Writing prompt 32

When you get mad or grumpy, what’s one thing that helps you calm down?

Music... listening to it or playing records!

I got back into being a living-room vinyl DJ about a year ago now, having previously been a bedroom DJ in my late teenage years. It has turned out to be a great hobby for relaxing and calming down from work or other annoyances.

I really enjoy listening to music, and concentrating on it rather than having it as just background noise. Mixing between vinyl records on two turntables requires a lot of concentration as well. It's hard to think about anything else while doing that, so annoyances tend to fade away. Playing records for an hour at the end of the day, or on the weekend, while enjoying a cup of tea or beer or rye and ginger is definitely a happy place to be.

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