
📅 2003-05-19

📑 Aphorism

🏷 #cthulhu mythos

🏷 #humour

Imagine, your mailbox overflowing with emails asking to join creepy cults, participate in human sacrifice rituals as human sacrifice, offers to sell you a copy of the Necronomicon, and ‘generic’ powder of Ibn Ghazi advertisements. And with every email you didn’t hit ‘delete’ on in time, your sanity would slowly slip away… :)

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◀️ 2003-05-19: Буржуйство

⬅️ Aphorism: Тень

➡️ Aphorism: Сцена из мысленного ландшафта

▶️ 2003-06-04: Сцена из мысленного ландшафта

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