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Spool Five Archives

Some of my notes and thoughts:






A collection of some short stories that I like and have made available to read on Gemini.

The Garden of Forking Paths

A famous short piece by Borges. Published in 1941, it is a complex, unique story that has become an image for many things - infinity, co-existing impossible worlds, hypertext, etc. Word-count: ~3988

Jorge-Luis Borges - The Garden of The Branching Paths

Folding Beijing

An ornate, beautiful sci-fi parable about labour and class. First published on a Tsinghua University BBS in 2012. Word-count: ~16123

Hao Jingfang - Folding Beijing

The Burrow

Written in the winter before Kafka's death in 1924. It is the story of a creature who builds a highly-secured burrow, only to succumb to anxiety about an 'invader'. Could almost be a cautionary tale about cybersecurity and the endless quest to build perfect IT systems. Word-count: ~14307

Franz Kafka - The Burrow

Report on The Thing

The story of an encounter with a clock. A meditation on a waiting for a time without time. Word-count: ~2963

Clarice Lispector - Report on The Thing