== Hispagatos - Anarchist hacker collective ==
Hack and Decentralize The System
== Hispagatos - Anarchist Hacker Collective ==
[1] gemini://rek2.hispagatos.org (gemini://rek2.hispagatos.org)
[2] gemini://real-changeling.hispagatos.org (gemini://real-changeling.hispagatos.org)
[3] gemini://harlock.hispagatos.org (gemini://harlock.hispagatos.org)
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Hispagatos is an Anarcho Hacker collective[1] that resolves around the Hacker ethic[2] of Steven levy and Libertarian Socialism ideas.
We work hard to preserve hacker culture, decentralization,security and privacy in cyberspace and also motivate towards an horizontal and non hierarchical techno-anarcho-communist society (TACS) where technology is made by people for the people not by corporate masters to control people. a(A)a
[donate using LiberaPay](https://liberapay.com/Hispagatos/donate)